Chapter 169


On top of the five-masted ship, Yue Teng, the major repairer of the Jindan Realm, shouted loudly.

As his words fell, the practitioners scattered on the bow of the deck and the accompanying disciples in the cabin all rushed out, and then stood in their respective positions.


A stream of golden light rose up, and then converged into a golden light curtain, blocking the sky above the entire ship.

This light curtain condensed into black and white, turned into eyes of yin and yang, intertwined and intertwined with each other.

The yin and yang eyes were formed, and countless silver light spots could be seen falling in the void, like thousands of stars flying away.



The star fell on the light curtain, causing the entire yin and yang eyes to collide and turmoil.

The thin light curtain seemed to be smashed, and cracks appeared on it.

This scene made many people on the boat turn pale.

They all know what kind of power this light curtain can resist.

At least a full-strength blow from the Jindan third-layer realm.

At this time, the light curtain is about to be smashed, doesn't it mean that the attack from outside has reached the golden core level, and it is still continuous?
Where is this, who is attacking himself?
On the bow of the boat, Yue Teng's face was gloomy, and the other two Jindan Daxiu were also on the side.

Jin Yunzi was bewildered, while Luo Jiachen frowned.

Just now Yue Teng had already told the story of the sea-going ship sailing here.

Jin Yunzi denied that he had given the chart.

Luo Jiachen also said that he would not do this.

But the chart in that disciple's hand is indeed to go from here, and then make the journey a little longer, and take an extra three days.

Not only that, but also a thousand spirit stones.

That disciple did this after collecting a thousand spirit stones.

In fact, for a cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment, he would not take a fancy to this thousand spirit stones.

The main reason is to speculate on what Jin Yunzi and the others mean, and to sell the favor of a Jindan Daxiu.

"Someone counted us all in, so the chart was changed."

Yue Teng did not punish that disciple, nor did he reprimand Jin Yunzi and the others.

Everyone has selfishness.

It is normal to do some things that are not too excessive for the sake of practice.

Practitioners are never saints.

"Is it the Jiaolong family?" Luo Jiachen lowered his voice and pondered for a while.

Only the Jiaolong clan would do this.

As far as the people on Jinhua Island are concerned, they don't have the guts, and they don't have the need.

"Maybe it's really from the Jiaolong clan, but all along, no one from the Jiaolong clan has such a strategy." Yue Teng narrowed his eyes, looked ahead, and said lightly.

Human heart.

In this game, people's hearts were calculated.

What is calculated is the selfishness among practitioners.

Only real practitioners, people who know practitioners very well, can grasp this point and lead them to this sea of ​​chaotic stars.

"Ao Jin."

There was a gloomy aura condensed on Jin Yunzi's body, and he said in a low voice.

There was a golden light in his eyes, and he said, "The sky fire on Jinhua Island is a pure method of immortality."

"The return of this young patriarch, who is said to have left the Flood Dragon Clan hundreds of years ago, where he did not know where to practice, may bring twists and turns to the war against the Flood Dragon Clan."

Ao Jin.

Only Ao Jin, who is not in the plans of the human race, is a strong dragon clan, who can do these unexpected things.

"Does he really think that with this method, he can keep me trapped by the power of the monsters in the chaotic star sea?"

"After all, I still have a little knowledge."

Luo Jiachen said, taking out a jade plate in his hand.

The stars flickered on the jade plate.

He raised his hand a little, and drank in a low voice: "Wanhua stars, heaven and earth are united, gathering and dispersing, tangible—"

After the words fell, the starlight on the jade plate condensed and turned into an arrow of light.

"call out--"

The arrow of light shot out from the jade plate and pierced towards the void ahead.

With a movement of Luo Jiachen's figure, he had already flew away, with a long sword in his hand, which was shining with a reddish golden light.

With a five-level cultivation base of Jindan, he is already a top figure among all forces.

Jin Yunzi snorted coldly, and said flatly: "Although Fellow Daoist Luo came from a casual cultivator, he has quite a few methods at hand."

Seeing Luo Jiachen's attack, Yue Teng's face looked better, and he looked up at the starlight that was still falling.

At this time, everyone on the boat had already seen that these were not stars, but long-nose silver fishes three feet long.

The silver long fish's sharp beak hit the light curtain, cracking the light curtain, and its body was shattered due to the huge impact force.

On the other hand, the long kiss was unscathed, not a single scar could be seen.

"It's the Silverwing Flying Fish."

"This is a rare swarming flying fish in the Chaotic Star Sea and the Desolate Sea. It is extremely powerful, and the long kiss is extremely sharp."

"When the Jiaolong clan ruled the barren sea, they hunted and killed many of these silver-winged flying fish every year, and then took off their long snouts to use as arrows."

"This long kiss has the ability to break armor."

As the elder of Zhenyue Sect, Yue Teng has a thorough research on the monster race.

Back then, he also led Luo Wuzhou to the coalition army to fight against the monster army led by the Jiaolong clan.

The monster clan's many strange methods have caused heavy losses to the human army.

If it weren't for the strong people of the human race to join forces and take Ao Jusuo of the dragon race, it would not be easy to defeat the monster race.

Without the collapse of the Yaozu, there would not be the current prosperity of all parties on Luowuzhou.

With the help of many treasures and resources obtained from the Yaozu, as well as so many captured Yaozu groups, the strength of many sects on Luowuzhou has improved a lot.

"Elder, this silver-winged armor-piercing arrow was also precious back then. It is said that the Flood Dragon Clan used secret methods to capture silver-winged flying fish and then made it."

The one who spoke was one of the three disciples who controlled the ship, who was at the peak of the seventh floor of Foundation Establishment, and was wearing black armor.

He is a disciple of the True Yue Sect, and can be regarded as Yue Teng's direct descendant.

Hearing his words, the others were taken aback.

"what do you mean--"

Jin Yunzi whispered.

"Search." Yue Teng shouted, raised his hand, and a golden light rose from the bow of the boat.

The scattered disciples all turned around and rushed into the cabin.

The golden light was like a living thing, permeating the ship.

In every cabin, it is like the tide is overflowing.


In front of a cabin, a golden light curtain vibrated.

Several disciples rushed in and found a black palm-sized tortoise shell.

"It's a tortoise shell with the mark of the demon clan. This tortoise shell can pass our location to the demon clan."

Holding the tortoise shell, the leading disciple on the fifth floor of Foundation Establishment shouted.

At this time, the owner of the cabin, a disciple of Zhenyue Sect who practiced Qi at the eighth level, was frightened, and said repeatedly: "Master, I bought this tortoise shell on Jinhua Island, because it can be used for refining weapons, so I just bought it." With thirty spirit stones..."

Before the disciple could finish speaking, the disciple at the Foundation Establishment Realm had already slapped him.


The true energy and blood energy in this palm turned into a spirit python, piercing the disciple's body.

"A piece of demon armor, at least five hundred spirit stones, is it possible to buy it so cheap?"

Holding the black armor in his palm, the Foundation Establishment practitioner snorted coldly.

Attracting the demon clan, this disciple's death is not a pity.


In a cabin not far away, there was another sound of golden light shaking.

This made everyone stunned.

"The monster clan's methods are not bad, how could it be just this piece of monster armor?" The foundation-building fifth-floor practitioner shouted and walked out quickly.

The others looked at each other with a hint of fear on their faces.

Who will be the next to be unlucky?
To be honest, who didn't get some good treasures in this mission?
Who hasn't found a few worthless things on Jinhua Island, but brought them to Luowuzhou at least tenfold?

Looking at it now, I am afraid that this is the trick of the monster clan?
The foundation-building fifth-floor cultivator just walked out of the cabin, and the sound of several golden lights made his complexion change.

With an ugly expression on his face, he kicked open a cabin door.

But for a moment, a dozen or so objects with the mark of the monster clan were scattered on the ground.

Some are golden scales with the mouth of a bowl, some are a section of dark blue jade bone, and there are some very peculiar looking shells.

On these things, there are more or less marks of the demon clan.

The dozen or so disciples stood in front, all trembling.

The cultivators on the fifth floor of the foundation building looked livid, but there was nothing they could do.

He can kill one person, but not ten.

What's more, these objects are only in the hands of ordinary disciples who do not have storage equipment, and those practitioners who have storage bags may have more in their hands.

As long as those things take out the storage bag, the Yaozu can sense it.

"Hmph, if you're so careless, if you return to the Luowuzhou sect, none of you will be able to escape punishment."

The foundation-building practitioner put all the items into the storage bag, and then snorted coldly: "I hope Elder Yue Teng won't pursue it."

"I also hope that nothing serious will happen on this trip—"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ship suddenly shook.


There was a loud noise in the cabin below.

"Enemy attack!"

someone exclaimed.

In the cabin, a puff of water vapor filled the air.

Someone smashed the boat!

Someone at the bottom of the boat will make a move!
All eyes widened.

On the bow, Yue Teng also looked gloomy.

They all forgot that the sea ship is now parked at sea, instead of flying away.

At the speed of a five-masted ship, flying away, nothing can catch up, and there is no way to cling to and destroy the hull at this speed.

But if the big ship stops here, it will be different.

Jin Yunzi looked around and said in a low voice, "I'm going into the water."

With that said, he was going to go under the boat.

"Wait a moment."

Yue Teng made a sound.

"Where's Cloud Dragon Ball?"

Cloud Dragon Ball.

This is Yue Teng's biggest gain this time.

"In the cabin of Fellow Daoist Luo Jiachen, there is a large formation connected to the hull for protection." After Jin Yunzi finished speaking, he flew into the water.

There is a big formation to protect it, that's fine.

The five-masted ship's formation is no weaker than the ordinary small sect's mountain gate formation.

None of the three layers of Jindan could break through the core formation.

In order to break through that kind of formation, one must have at least the fourth level of Golden Core and be proficient in formation techniques.

Or familiar with that formation.

Among the Jiaolong clan, it is impossible to have such a person.

Yue Teng looked forward, narrowed his eyes, and showed a gloomy killing intent on his body.

The Jiaolong family dared to plot against him.

This is courting death!

There was a roar in the distance, and it was obvious that this was Luo Jiachen fighting someone.

The ones who can fight Luo Jiachen are at least the big monsters of the third level of Jindan.

It seems that the Jiaolong clan is really determined to grab this cloud dragon ball.


Below, the hull vibrated slightly.

Someone in the sea fought against Jin Yunzi.

Jin Yunzi's cultivation is not too high, he was invited here because he has the ability to fight in the water.

The water vein technique he cultivated is no worse than that of Yaozu.


The water seemed to be boiling.

The roaring sound resounded in the distance.

Yue Teng turned around, and a few flashes flew into the cabin, landing in front of Luo Jiachen's cabin.

A streak of golden light condensed and blocked in front of him.

This is the formation among the five-masted ships, and it is the core strength of the entire ship.

Among them are Luo Jiachen, Jin Yunzi, and even the blessing of his own power.

This formation requires the three of them to act together to untie it.

Protecting the Cloud Dragon Ball cannot be overemphasized.

Taking a closer look at the situation in front of him, Yue Teng just turned around and rushed into the water with one ups and downs.

As soon as it entered the sea, countless swimming fish rushed towards the bottom of the boat.

There was already a crack in the bottom of the boat.

Jin Yunzi was surrounded by several figures, although he could suppress the opponent, he couldn't withdraw his hand at all.

Seeing this scene, Yue Teng snorted coldly, raised his hand, and a long knife appeared in his palm.

The blade was bright, and when it was cut with one blow, it was a golden streamer that tore the sea water into pieces.

The figures surrounding Jin Yunzi were cut off before they could turn around and run away.

Blood instantly filled the sea area.

"Fellow Daoist Yue Teng, this is the Boundless Water Demon!"

Jin Yunzi's divine sense transmitted a low cry.

This made Yue Teng startled.

Boundless water monsters, monsters in the water, live in groups.

The characteristic of this monster is extremely vengeful.

The most important point is that the overlord of the chaotic sea of ​​stars is the boundless water demon.

It is said that in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, there is a boundless water demon whose strength is not inferior to Ao Ju, the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan back then.

This water demon occupies the Chaotic Star Sea, and even Ao Ju can't expel it.


The water shakes.

A blue-gray tentacle came from nowhere, and rolled directly towards Yue Teng.

Yue Teng moved his body and stepped aside.

But at this moment, another tentacle appeared, wrapped the five-masted ship, and dragged it away.

This speed is extremely fast.

Take the big ship!

The murderous intent gathered on Yue Teng's body, and he slashed down with the long knife in his hand.

But this knife was blocked by another gray tentacle.

There was Yunlongzhu on the big boat, how could he let it be dragged away?

Yue Tengfei got up, rushed out of the water, and flew away with the big ship.

From the surface of the water, a tentacle chased out and smashed towards him.

The expression on the face of Jin Yunzi who rushed out of the water after him changed.

He didn't know what the result would be if he rushed into the depths of the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

Although the human race is considered to be the overlord in Luowuzhou and the barren sea, it doesn't mean that they can really run amok.

There are still many places where they cannot trample on them wantonly.

The depths of this sea of ​​chaotic stars is one of them.

Just like the depths of the barren sea, it is also because of many taboos that it became the last residence of the Jiaolong clan.


In front, the golden sword qi slashed down and collided with the tentacles.

The overhaul of the eighth level of the Golden Core struck with all his strength, the blazing light of the sword shone, and the clouds in a radius of a hundred miles were all gathered.

Jin Yunzi hovered quietly in the same place, hesitating for a while, at a loss.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly trembled and turned his head to look not far away.

Over there, the roar of Luo Jiachen fighting with others has dissipated.

A figure flew towards this side.

Jin Yunzi heaved a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to make a sound, his eyes widened suddenly.

The flying figure turned from one to two.

From two ways to three ways, four ways.

Luo Jiachen, covered in blood, was carried by a big man in black armor, followed by a thin young man and two white-haired old men.

In the back, there is a young man with his hands behind his back, giving Shi Shi.

Except for the young man who arrived at the end, everyone else was in the Golden Core Realm.

The Gold Core Realm of the Flood Dragon Clan.

What's more, one can imagine the power of Luo Jiachen who was able to defeat the fifth level of Jindan and capture him alive.

Don't say that the five locked themselves in at this time, even if one of them came, I'm afraid they were not opponents.

It's just that the other party spent such a big battle just to lock himself?

The Jindan powerhouses that flew down were like falling meteors, and landed around Jin Yunzi's side, surrounding him.

With his hands behind his back, Zhang Li walked slowly forward, standing in the void with a smile on his face.

"Jin Yunzi?"

"Come and sit with my Flood Dragon Clan?"

Jin Yunzi stared at Zhang Li solemnly: "Who are you?"

Zhang Li shook his head lightly at his words.

"A few days ago, we fought against each other in the air. It seems that the seniors have forgotten."

Zhang stood in the palm of his hand, and a ball of flame rose.

"Yeah, boiled sea dragon Aojin!" Jin Yunzi exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"Boiled Sea Flood Dragon?" Zhang Li chuckled, "That's a good name."

The flames in his palm rose and slowly gathered into a fire dragon.

"Senior, do you want me to invite you, or do you come by yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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