Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 170 Yunlong is in the sky, the treasure of the fairy court!

Chapter 170 Yunlong is in the sky, the treasure of the fairy court!
Looking at Zhang Li in front of him, Jin Yunzi trembled all over.

Zhang Li said that he had played against him in the air, which is not bad.

Because Zhang Li shot above the sea area before, and the flames burned the sea with one blow, burning through the world for hundreds of miles.

The flame landed on Jinhua Island, and Jin Yunzi tried to extinguish it.

It's a pity that even Jindan Realm Daxiu took action, but he couldn't extinguish it. He had to let the flame mixed with the power of heaven burn for three days before it was extinguished.

This can be regarded as a fight in the air.

It's just that for Jin Yunzi, he has a guess about the strength of Zhang Li, or Ao Jin, the young master of the Jiaolong clan.

At least it is above the fifth floor of the Golden Core Realm.

This level of combat power is definitely not something he can resist.

Perhaps, only Zhenyuezong Yueteng, who is in the eighth level of Jindan, can resist it.

But now Yue Teng was lured away.


Sure enough, as Yue Teng said, what is terrible about Ao Jin is not his cultivation, but his schemes.

In today's situation, with the five Jindan realms in front, he, Jin Yunzi, has no chance of escaping.

Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, he looked at Zhang Li in front of him.

"Young Master Ao Jin, are you really going to be our enemy?"

"You should know that the current Jiaolong clan no longer has the strength to compete with our Luowuzhou human clan."

His words made the faces of the surrounding Flood Dragon clan powerhouses change, some were angry, some sighed.

What Jin Yunzi said was the truth.

"Jin Yunzi, I'm not giving you a choice." The flames in Zhang Li's hands converged into a golden fire dragon, and his smiling face slowly turned into calm.

"I'm just telling you, today, you have no choice."

Jin Yunzi was taken aback.

He knew he couldn't escape today.

What he said just now was just to win a bargaining chip for himself later.

It's just that he didn't expect that this young master Ao Jin could directly see through his own mind.

There was a flash of inspiration in his eyes, Jin Yunzi nodded.

"Okay, I'll surrender."

It is true that he is an elder of the Golden Body Sect, but he also needs to have a life.

If he returned to Luowuzhou and Zongmen without leaving his life, he would be nothing.

"I think Young Master Ao Jin spared the lives of Daoist Luo and me, not only because he wants us to surrender, but also because he wants us to fight together to break the seal of Yunlongzhu on the big ship, right?"

With curiosity on his face, Jin Yunzi looked at Zhang Li in front of him: "Young Master Ao Jin, are you so sure that Elder Yue Teng can't resist the boundless water demon in the sea of ​​chaotic stars?"

The other gold elixirs of the Jiaolong tribe also looked at Zhang Li.

Although they received Ao Shuangyue's summons and came here to intercept and kill under the guidance of Ao Qingyun, they were not sure at all.

They don't know what exists in the sea of ​​chaotic stars and what kind of existence it is.

The only person who knows the power in the Chaotic Star Sea is their patriarch Ao Ju.

Unfortunately, Ao Ju is now imprisoned in Fengtianya, Luowuzhou.

Zhang Li raised his hand, and the fire dragon flew out of his hand, locking Jin Yunzi.

Jin Yunzi didn't move.

Ao Qingyun stepped forward, a blue light fell from his hand, pierced into Jin Yunzi's body, and sealed him up.

Since he surrendered, he would naturally be at the mercy of the other party.

It's just that Jin Yunzi knew that he was still useful, and the other party would not try to kill him now.

As long as he doesn't die now, he will naturally show his value later.

What he was curious about was how Ao Jin was sure that Elder Yue Teng was not the opponent of that big monster.

Could it be true that Ao Ju, the patriarch of the Flood Dragon Clan, suffered a lot in the chaotic sea of ​​stars?

Seeing that Jin Yunzi was locked, Zhang Li moved and flew away in the direction of the five-masted ship.

Several other Golden Core Realm looked at each other, and also flew to follow.

After flying away for only a moment, the light of the knife can already be seen raging ahead.

One after another golden halos shone, clashing in the dark demonic aura.

After all, it is the overhaul of the Eighth Level of Golden Core. With this level of combat power, neither Zhang Li nor the few Golden Cores of the Flood Dragon Clan behind him are opponents.

Zhang Li also only possessed the power of the soul of the eighth and ninth levels of the golden core, and he couldn't really fight against an eighth level of the golden core.

"Boundless monster, you want to be an enemy of my true Yuezong?"

"If you dare to hurt my disciple of Zhenyuezong today, my Zhenyuezong will definitely take action in the future to level your chaotic star sea."

There was anger in Yue Teng's voice, and every blow of the long knife shattered the surrounding void.

But this is of no great use to the tentacles.

Those tentacles were soft to say the least, but when they really collided with the blade, there was a sound of gold and iron.

What kind of powerful demon body is this?
"Back then, it was said that the patriarch fought this great monster in the sea of ​​chaotic stars. I am afraid it is true."

Ao Qingyun who was standing behind Zhang Li whispered.

"Really." Zhang Li nodded, with a weird smile on his face.

"Back then, he was almost sucked dry."

Zhang Li's words stunned the surrounding people.

What do you mean?
Naturally Zhang Li couldn't tell, Ao Jin told him how Ao Ju fought a banshee for [-] rounds in the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

After all, the habits of the Jiaolong clan are close to those of real dragons.

Really dragon nature, um, a little bit of that.

Anyway, since then, Ao Jin has had one more aunt.

It's just that this guy doesn't know what is stationed in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, and usually doesn't leave at all.

Ao Ju wanted to find an evenly matched opponent, so he would come to Luan Xinghai, and then leave with a sore waist and weak legs.

According to Ao Jin, this one is indeed no worse than Ao Ju in terms of strength.

It just seems to be inconvenient to go all out.

As for whether this person is easy to get along with, it can be seen from Zhang Li asking Ao Shuangyue to send a letter and asking him to move his hands, that this person still has affection for Ao Ju.


A tentacle hit the big ship, shattering the light curtain on it.

Those human cultivators in the light curtain were all smashed into powder by this blow.

There was no intention of showing any mercy.

This blow made all the practitioners on the big boat run away in panic.

Without the support of the garrisoned practitioners, the light curtain collapsed directly.

Yue Tengfei landed on the deck with an extremely gloomy expression.

He underestimated the opponent's strength. Is it true that even Ao Ju can't do anything to this big monster in the sea of ​​chaotic stars?

Another dark cyan long shot smashed down.

Yue Teng blocked it with a saber, and stepped back, his true vitality and blood shaking.

The big boat behind him also swayed.

The power of this blow was extremely strong.

In Yue Teng's memory, the only person with such a powerful method is Ao Ju, the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan.

He had personally seen Ao Ju fight against the Digital Yuanying Realm.

In such a scene, he, the original Jindan seventh-level powerhouse, was not even qualified to participate.

Today, the strength of the person in front of him also made him feel like a landslide.

He didn't know how many attacks he could take.


He didn't wait any longer, the true energy and qi and blood on his body combined with the big boat behind him, triggering the aura on the big boat to shine, and all five sails were raised.

The entire five-masted ship was lit up, endless streamers intertwined like light cocoons.

The power on the big ship is driven to the extreme.

This is a treasure comparable to a high-grade spiritual weapon. The power in it is fully stimulated, and the power it can display is so powerful that it surpasses Yue Teng himself.

This is the power of the human race.

The human race has never relied entirely on their own strength. They can be proficient in refining weapons, laying out formations, and borrowing strength.

This is why the human race can quietly become the master of this side of the world.

Su San is strong enough for the Yaozu, and it's just his own power.


The big ship shook.

Standing in the distance, Zhang Li's eyes showed a gleam of inspiration, and he stepped out suddenly.

In his hand, a golden light shone on the spear.


A Fire Spirit Orb shattered.

With the power of this fire spirit bead, the flames rose from the battle gun in his hand.

In the next moment, the Yaodan in his dantian lit up.


Behind him, a pair of wings spread out.

The moment his wings spread, the spear in his hand stabbed out.

Streaming light and flames converged, roaring and walking, like a black dragon from the ancient times.

Canglong smashed through the light curtain on the big ship, then passed through the three sails, and ignited them.


When the sail was ignited by the flames, the entire fire dragon also collapsed.

The defense of this five-masted ship is extremely strong.

The scattered flames flew down on the sea water, turning the surrounding space into red.

Boil the sea dragon.

This is probably the origin of Zhang Lide's title.

This attack, not to mention the ordinary flood dragon, is difficult for even the top powerhouses in the immortal way to use it.

Because this blow was controlled by the power of the immortal fire, the Fire Spirit Orb worth [-] spirit stones burst, a good spirit weapon was activated, and the power of a demon pill burst out.

This blow, at least, can only be obtained by the seventh-level golden core among immortal practitioners.

The originally lighted five-masted ship suddenly lost its speed and strength because the three sails were burnt through by the fire dragon.

The surrounding flames also enveloped the big boat, making the practitioners on it all sweaty.

"Elder, what should I do?"

Seeing another cyan tentacle smashing down above his head, the Foundation Establishment who was beside Yue Teng spoke in panic.

Yue Teng's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to give up the big ship."

The big ship has been locked, and the big monster is so powerful, they can't resist it at all.

The disciples of Zhen Yuezong who followed Yue Teng nodded.

Yue Teng flew up, a blade of light blocked the falling tentacles, and then moved into the cabin below.

Standing in front of the cabin, his expression was extremely gloomy.

Originally, this large formation was to protect Yunlongzhu.

But now, it blocks him.

Taking a deep breath, he gritted his teeth and growled, "Pause the formation!"

Suspend the formation.

Once the formation stops, the defensive means on the entire ship will disappear.

In this way, I am afraid that it will be crushed by the boundless water monster immediately.

But if he doesn't stop the formation, he won't be able to get the Cloud Dragon Ball.

How could he be willing to not take Yunlongzhu away?


In an instant, the formation stopped.

On the cabin in front of him, the powerful force that was originally blessed stopped.

Yue Teng slashed down.


The golden saber energy broke open the space in front of it, making the surrounding world seem to be torn apart.

This blow was his strongest strike.

The sword light that was about to converge into a sword intent tore through the space in front of it.

A blue-gray bead flew up, broke through the surrounding decks, and flew directly out of the hull.

Cloud Dragon Ball!
With this bead, more than a hundred of Yue Teng and the others fell in the secret realm of the Yaozu, one in the Golden Core realm and three in the Foundation Establishment realm were killed or injured.

This is not counting the siege on Jinhua Island.

In order to snatch this bead, the Yaozu suffered a huge loss.

There is not only one Cloud Dragon Ball in the world.

The Flood Dragon Clan had one back then.

That one created a senior who was supported by the Jiaolong clan for 3000 years.

Later, it wasn't until Ao Ju rose up and became the overhaul of the Nascent Soul Realm that the senior sat down peacefully.

Now, it's time for the Jiaolong clan to borrow the power of Yunlongzhu again.

The moment the cyan beads flew out of the cabin, the several Jiaolong clan standing behind Zhang Li couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out.

The only one who didn't move was Zhang Li.

Because he knew that he didn't need to make a move.


A cyan hundred-foot tentacle protruded from the water and smashed down towards the cloud dragon bead.

But before the tentacles, a long knife blocked it.


The long knife collided with the tentacle, and then was smashed to the deck by the tentacle.

Behind the pale-faced Yue Teng, a phantom condensed with qi, blood and true essence emerged.

A pale golden golden elixir was suspended above his head.

The golden core is revealed, a decisive blow.

The high-raised tentacles seemed to be hesitant.

The Golden Core Realm of the four Flood Dragons also froze in stature.

Whoever makes a move at this time will attract Yue Teng's fatal blow.

A strong man at the eighth level of the golden core can't block much with this knife.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the cyan bead flying into the air.

This is not the demon pill he imagined, nor is it a treasure like a shark bead.

Instead, it was a bead like a light cloud, in which there seemed to be a faint phantom of a dragon emerging, interlacing continuously.

Really Yunlong's name is well-deserved.

Looking at this bead, the power of merit in Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly.

It seems that this bead has something to do with the power of merit.

Not only the power of merit, but also the golden celestial talisman above his sea of ​​consciousness began to float.

What do you mean?
Squinting his eyes slightly, Zhang Li looked at the cloud dragon ball.

Is this thing also related to Shinto?
will not.

It's not Shinto, that is, Immortal Dao?

Not immortal!

He was shocked, and suddenly realized.

Whether it's the seal of immortality or the cultivation of merit, or the bead in front of you, it's not the way of immortality, it's not the way of gods, but it's related to the collapse of the fairy garden that year!

Immortal Court!

Immortal Treasure!

It was the Immortal World back then. After the collapse, all the treasures were scattered.

This bead is the treasure in the sea area back then.

After thinking this through, he instantly understood one thing.

Chaotic Xinghai, why does the great monster here stay here and won't leave.

It must also be related to the fairy world back then.

"Today, I, Ao Shizhong, risked my life to take this Yunlongzhu away."

"Remember, the inheritance of my Jiaolong clan is above everything else."

In front of him, an old man of the Flood Dragon clan who was at the fifth level of Golden Core let out a low shout, turned his head to look at Zhang Li standing there, and then rushed forward.

He wanted to hit Yue Teng head-on, and then let others grab that cloud dragon ball.

Not to mention his cultivation of the fifth level of the golden core, even the seventh level of the golden core, he is very likely to die under Yue Teng's knife at this time.

He is desperate to die, to earn a chance for the continuation of the Jiaolong clan.

As long as Yunlongzhu is brought back to the group, a new strong man may be created.


Yue Teng raised the long knife in his hand without hesitation.

Ao Qingyun and the others showed sadness on their faces.

No one can stop this knife.

Not far away, a thirty-year-old woman in a blue dress with her hair rolled up showed her slim figure, frowning slightly.

But she didn't make a move either, as if she had some concerns.

At this moment, Zhang Li suddenly raised his hand.

In his palm, a golden halo emerged.

The power of merit.

(End of this chapter)

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