Chapter 176
If it was in ancient times, Zhang Li's actions would definitely make outsiders laugh.

In the world of practice, who is short of this spiritual stone?
Even in the later era of the fall of the fairy world, when the aura becomes thinner and everyone in the practice world competes for resources, no one will be bought by these spirit stones.

Practitioners always ask for a word in everything they do.

Compete for resources and opportunities.

For someone who dares to take out so many spirit stones, what awaits him is bound to be endlessly chased and robbed.

But now is not the ancient era, nor is it the era after the fall of the immortal world where the strong are everywhere.

This is an era of scarcity of supplies, few strong men, or an ordinary place.

Here, with spirit stones and cultivation, one can really do whatever one wants.

It is really possible to recruit strong people and drive practitioners.

"Dongzhou, practitioners in the foundation building and Qi training realm in the practice world can indeed be recruited."

Looking at Zhang Li, Zhu Yuanzhenjun showed a trace of complexity on his face.

"Do you know what I admire most about you?"

Appreciate yourself?

Zhang Li shook his head.

Everything you say is boastful.

It's better for your old man to speak up.

Sure enough, a smile appeared on Zhu Yuanzhenjun's face, and he said softly, "Be flexible."

"From the moment you sit in Jingyuan Temple, you don't stick to any rules, and you can be flexible at any time."

Whether it's a confrontation and alliance with Ying Wuya, control of Qingxun and Yuan Wutang, or a deal with Zhu Yunshan.

Including mastering those warriors who transform demons, and cultivating confidantes in Jingyuan Temple.

Also, directly intervened in the replacement of Jixia Academy's position of sacrificial wine.

Everything is to ensure the operation of the Dao in the mundane world, and to keep one's own practice from being affected.

work around.

It is better to say that it is selfish.

But as a practitioner, if you can't even benefit yourself, do you really expect to benefit others and have the world in your heart?

There are practitioners like this, and they all died long ago.

"Is this senior's affirmation of me?" Zhang Li smiled wryly.

Where is this a compliment?

Hearing his words, Zhu Yuanzhen Jun looked solemn, nodded and said: "A real practitioner is one who lives for a long time and keeps improving his cultivation."

"Practitioners who compete with others for a short time will eventually die."

Zhang Li stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you senior, the junior has been taught."

Anyway, this is a message from a senior true monarch.

This Senior True Monarch lived for countless years and survived countless opponents.

You have to believe what he said.

According to what Zhang Li said, he will issue a recruitment call and quietly lure the powerful from all parties to Mingwang Prefecture.

Don't expect these powerhouses to really stand up in Ming Wangzhou, but only ten years is enough.

It only takes ten years for the first batch of martial arts masters to grow up, and they will almost be able to break into Mingwang Prefecture.

Zhang Li didn't hide anything, and outlined his plan.

This also requires some help from Zhenjun Zhu Yuan.

For example, at a critical moment, ask this real monarch to take action and carry out necessary deterrence.

Although Zhang Li himself can show the combat strength of the Golden Core Realm of Martial Arts and can basically suppress all parties, it does not mean that he has no stabs.

He can't do it all by himself.

The best way is to ask Zhenjun Zhu Yuan to intimidate him with an extremely strong realm, so that people dare not show any disrespect.

"Hehe, it's easy to do like this." Hearing Zhang Li's words, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan nodded with a smile.

"But you are paid for asking others to make a move. I, an old bone, can't be empty-handed, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhen Jun said half-jokingly.

There is really nothing to look up to a strong man like him.

It's just that he has always regarded practice as a struggle, and never thought of resolving disputes in the form of treating guests to dinner.

This is a life-and-death battle for the avenue.

He is willing to stand up for Zhang Li, and he also wants to see if there is really a chance for such a method.

"The junior has nothing to show for it."

Zhang Li nodded, and looked at Zhenjun Zhu Yuan with a solemn expression.

"Senior, how about three fire spirit beads at a time?"

In his palm, three fiery red beads appeared.

Fire Orb!
Zhu Yuanzhenjun's originally relaxed expression slowly turned into a serious one.

He looked at the beads in Zhang Li's hand, and then at Zhang Li.

"Do you know the value of this Fire Spirit Orb?"

A fire spirit bead contains about the amount of spiritual energy equivalent to 10 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

The main reason is that the power of this fire spirit bead is vigorous and vigorous, and it is also blessed with flame power, which is much purer than ordinary chalcedony beads.

Seeing Zhang Li's expression, Zhu Yuanzhenjun shook his head: "The Fire Spirit Orb is the combination of the essence of fire power and the attribute of spiritual energy, pure and surging."

"This kind of power can burn the impurities in the meridians, warm and nourish the soul, and it has a great effect on the maintenance of the Nascent Soul."

"This bead was a common treasure above the Nascent Soul Realm in ancient times."

"You should know that when you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, ordinary spirit stones are useless. Only spirit crystals and chalcedony beads are useful for cultivation."

Looking at the Fire Spirit Bead in Zhang Li's hand, Zhu Yuanzhen Jun sighed softly, "I haven't used the Fire Spirit Bead to warm my meridians for thousands of years."

Zhang Li understood.

According to this True Monarch, the Fire Lingzhu is a treasure.

For the true king's power, the Fire Spirit Orb is useful.

Moreover, this person has not used the Fire Spirit Orb for thousands of years.

"Senior, these three fire spirit beads are my gift to senior."

"In the future, if you make a move, you will still be rewarded with three Fire Spirit Orbs."

Zhang Li held the three fire spirit beads and sent them to Zhenjun Zhu Yuan.

In fact, I only have more than 1000 fire spirit beads in my hand, otherwise Zhang Li would not mind giving one more.

A gleam of light flashed in Zhu Yuanzhenjun's eyes.

He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't accepted gifts from others.

After attaining the Nascent Soul Realm, basically no one will give him gifts, right?

It was he who sent it to someone else.

After receiving the three fire spirit beads, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan sat in a daze.

The fiery bead contained surging power, which made him unable to resist drawing the power of the fire veins within it to impact into his body.

A light golden streamer wrapped his body.

Zhang Li chuckled and cupped his hands, quietly exiting the hall.

Standing on the stone steps, looking at the surrounding scenery somewhat similar to Yunlan Daozong, Zhang Li's face flashed with emotion.

Practice in the world is really not easy.

He walked slowly through Qingshi Square and walked down the mountain.

When he reached the gate of the mountain, a figure chased after him.

He is a Taoist with green beard and hair.

"The patriarch ordered me to give you these books, saying that it might be helpful to your practice."

The Taoist handed over the book in his hand, and then said: "The Patriarch said, he will help you twice."

"After two times, it is considered a transaction."

Zhang Li took the book and nodded with a smile.

This Zhenjun Zhu Yuan didn't want to take advantage of him.

In fact, the Taoist in front of him is just a remnant soul who has no thoughts of his own, and is controlled by Zhu Yuanzheng's soul.

It's just that Zhenjun can't directly say the word "transaction" to himself, so he let the phantom of the remnant soul tell himself.

Zhenjun, you also want to save face...

Zhang Li bowed slightly towards the main hall on the mountain in the distance, and then exited the fourth basement floor of the Town Demon Tower.

In the main hall, Zhu Yuanzhen Jun, who was sitting cross-legged, smiled and said softly: "This kid can really surprise me..."

He spread his hands, the streamer lights on the three Fire Spirit Orbs in his palms were still bright.

In his eyes, the original smile slowly subsided, and there was a trace of dignified killing intent on his body.

"With this Fire Spirit Orb, I can go to Muyao State to suppress it again."

"I hope this kid grows up quickly, and in the future, he can help me suppress the Mu Yao State."


Zhang Li came back from the Demon Town Tower and went directly to the small courtyard.

Walking into the quiet room and raising the defensive formation, he just opened the book that Zhu Yuanzhenjun gave him.

Surprise appeared on his face.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan was really generous this time, and all the books he gave were the secret books handed down by Yuantai Daozong.

"Yuanxuan true solution."

"Ningtai Dao Code."

"Tianlei 32 Zhenglu."

"Mingyuan Immortal Dao Shuji."


The chapter facade is full of smiles.

These books, each of which is recorded, is either a practice method that can lead directly to the Dao, at least entering the Nascent Soul Realm, or a real thunder method that triggers the heaven and earth thunder calamity.

What's more, there are even some orthodox laws that have been circulated in the fairy world in ancient times.

These things, even the major sects in the world of practice, are almost cut off.

After spending ten days reading these books carefully, Zhang Li walked out of the quiet room, raised his hand and waved a golden light.

After a while, Zhu Yunshan, who was dressed in a uniform and covered in incense, walked into the side hall.

"It's rare, you still remember to call me for tea."

Seeing that there was no talisman or talisman paper in front of Zhang Li, only a small tea stove, Zhu Yunshan grinned.

Zhang Li handed over the teacup, then reached out and tapped the book in front of him.

Zhu Yunshan took the teacup unceremoniously, and then stretched his head to look at the book, his originally casual eyes froze instantly.


Throwing away the teacup in his hand, Zhu Yunshan rubbed his hands carefully, and then picked up the book.

"Thirty-two Heavenly Thunders, is this the legendary 32 Heavenly Thunders?"

"Didn't it mean that there is only Thunder in the Heart of the Cultivation World, and the inheritance of Heaven's Dao and Righteous Thunder has been destroyed?"

Zhu Yunshan murmured in his mouth, his palms trembling slightly, and he carefully opened the pages of the book.

The handwriting and runes with a faint golden streamer in his eyes made his eyes shine.

"Introduce the power of heaven and earth into the runes, thunder and fire from heaven and earth, and everything grows, yes, yes, that's it..."

His fingers moved unconsciously, and his eyes were full of spirits.

"A thunderstorm shocked the world, and Yunlong chanted to the nine heavens, good, what a shocking thunder!"

At this time, Zhu Yunshan no longer saw the slightest bit of laziness and decadence before.

His appearance reverted to that of the lunatic Fu on Yunlan Mountain back then.

Zhang Li sat opposite Zhu Yunshan, chuckled and shook his head.

This day's method of thunder is even higher than that of cloud thunder.

He himself understands it now, but he hasn't really mastered it yet.

From the thunder in the palm to the cloud thunder, and then to the sky thunder, he has surpassed countless thunder masters in the world of practice in the practice of thunder.

It's just that in his opinion, it's a pity not to give Zhu Yunshan a look at this Lei Dao Secret Record, which contains many thunder talismans.

Zhu Yunshan stared at the first rune for half an hour before slowly closing the book.

"Why don't you look at the back?" Zhang Li asked curiously.

Hearing his words, Zhu Yunshan smiled wryly and shook his head: "You can't watch it, it will mess up your mind."

"Do you know how precious these Heavenly Dao Thunder Talismans are?"


That is naturally precious.

But how precious it is, Zhang Li can't tell.

"After the collapse of the fairy world, there is no Heavenly Dao Thunder Law in the practice world."

"Because the Heavenly Dao Thunder Law needs to borrow the power of the Heavenly Dao."

A smile appeared on Zhu Yunshan's face.

"Do you know how useful this kind of Lei Fa can be in the hands of us guarding earth immortals?"

Earth Immortal!

Isn't guarding the immortals the ones who can borrow the power of heaven?
They are in harmony with the way of heaven.

Zhang Li's eyes lit up.

"It's not as simple as you think. Drawing this talisman is extremely difficult."

Zhu Yunshan seemed to see what he was thinking and shook his head.

This kind of talisman is not only difficult to draw, but also requires a lot of power.

Moreover, only Earth Immortals with sufficient cultivation of the divine way can activate this thunder talisman.

Fortunately, if the thunder talisman is integrated into the body, it can become one of the protective means to guard the earth immortal in the future, and it will not be used up at once like ordinary talismans.

"One Thunder Talisman can be activated at least a hundred times."

Zhu Yunshan spread his hands and said with a smile.

To draw this talisman, even Zhu Yunshan had to study it carefully.

Also, this kind of talisman also needs high-quality talisman paper, and only the kind of talisman paper used to draw immortal sealing talismans can be used.

"Don't tell me, this secret record was brought back from the practice world."

Zhu Yunshan looked at Zhang Li.

Zhang Li shook his head.

"It was a gift from Zhenjun Zhu Yuan."

His words made Zhu Yunshan's eyes widen.

Beyond the power of Nascent Soul, the real master of this mortal world.

This legendary true monarch really exists!
Not only does it exist, but it also bestows treasures.

When Zhang Li mentioned the title of the book that Zhu Yuanzhenjun gave him, Zhu Yunshan looked even more confused.

"No, haven't these inheritances from the ancient times been cut off long ago?"

"Yuantai Daozong? I haven't heard of it..."


Zhu Yunshan was a little absent-minded when he left.

What Zhang Li said had too much impact on him.

This world is farther than he imagined.

For these, Zhang Li is very calm.

With the various inheritance classics sent by Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, there is no need to worry about his immortal cultivation.

In the future, for martial arts practice, if you have time, go to Luowuzhou to find evidence of Qi practitioners' exercises.

A few days later, Ming Wangzhou Zhongying Wuya sent a handwriting, to the effect that he asked Zhang Li for help.

The Five Devils City in Mingwang State and the Ten Thousand Devils State army gathered together, showing signs of massive invasion.

"Uncle, with the strength of the Ten Thousand Demon State, it may be impossible for the Jingyue Temple to survive for ten years."

Taoist Yuan Qing stood in front of Zhang Li and spoke in a deep voice.

"I have already ordered the disciples of Jingyuan Temple to assemble, and they will all enter the Mingwang State only after the master's uncle gives orders."

"My Jingyuan Temple must keep the Jingyue Temple intact. Otherwise, the army of the Ten Thousand Demon State will be involved in the mortal world from the boundary of the Jingyue Temple, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhang Li looked at Taoist Yuanqing in front of him.

Although Jing Yuanguan had quite a few disciples, with his current strength, entering Mingwang State would be a drop in the bucket.

If you want to resist the army of Wanmo State, these Jingyuanguan disciples can't stop it.

Zhang Li shook his head, reached out and took out a scroll.

"Send it outside the Tianmen, and say that I, Xiniuzhou, will conquer the Earth Immortal Realm and recruit [-] practitioners who are above the fifth level of Qi training in Dongzhou."

Zhang Li's words stunned Taoist Yuan Qing, Qing Xun and the others in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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