Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 177 Re-enter Mingwang State and Win the Boundless Challenge

Chapter 177 Re-enter Mingwang State and Win the Boundless Challenge

Recruiting Dongzhou cultivators?
Does this work too?
"Uncle, there are many strong people in Dongzhou, and there are heavenly gates blocking it. Only eighteen sword immortals and you, uncle, can have stability for the past five years. If they are brought in, I'm afraid..." Taoist Yuanhe whispered.

"Brother said, if the first thing they do when they enter Xiniuzhou is not to help us resist the demon cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demon State, but to attack us, how can this be solved?" Taoist Qing Xun also frowned, looking at Zhang stand.

For them, Jingyuan Temple has guarded the mundane for countless years, and this mundane is the root.

Even if he saw the danger in Ming Wangzhou, he would feel that he would rather have an accident there than ordinary troubles.

"But if there are practitioners who come to Xiniuzhou, I will naturally make them submissive."

Zhang Li's face was indifferent, and a trace of cohesive strength flashed from his body.

There was a trace of sword power surging in this power, and at this moment, the three people standing respectfully in front of them trembled all over, and almost fell to the ground.

This is deterrence.

In five years, everyone is improving.

The strength of Jingyuanguan is already very strong now, and it is a big force in the mortal world.

Even if Taoist Yuanqing and the others had no idea, many disciples might have forgotten that there was Zhang Li, the real powerhouse behind Jing Yuanguan.

The sword intent swept across, and the cold mood made the three of them dare not speak again.

Taoist Yuan Qing took the paper and led Qing Xun and the others out of the courtyard.

It wasn't until outside the courtyard that the three breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Master's cultivation." Daoist Yuan Qing looked at the mountains and the long hall in the distance, shaking his head, "Unfathomable."

Back then, he said the same thing.

After five years, his own cultivation base has improved, and Jing Yuanguan's strength has improved, but he still said the same thing.

"Sword Immortal." Taoist Qing Xun said with a complex expression on his face, "Back then, my uncle cut out that sword three hundred miles away, and the power and artistic conception conveyed in it couldn't compare to his fleeting breath today. .”

Back then Zhang Li went out with his sword in the Zhenyao Pagoda, borrowing the power of Luoshui to transform the sword, cut three hundred miles away to win Wuya, forced Tiandao to make a move, and was finally promoted.

In Qing Xun Taoist's induction, the sword that shattered the world like that at the beginning was not as good as the aura emanating from Zhang Li at this time.

How strong is Zhang Li today?

"Guarding Tianmen for five years, uncle, is it uncle?" Taoist Yuan He shook his head, smiled wryly, and stretched out his hand: "Monastery Lord, let me go to Tianmen."

"I'm also curious about what kind of methods the uncle guards the Tianmen."

Although Jing Yuanguan has also participated in the transaction these years, he has never been close to Tianmen.

It's not just them, it's difficult for everyone to get close to the position guarded by Zhang Li's spirit weapon incarnation and eighteen sword cultivators.

It was this time that Zhang Li's real body returned, and he cut Dongzhou's Jindan realm with a single sword, and it was not spread after Tianmen.

If Jing Yuanguan knew that Zhang Li had such achievements outside Tianmen, he would not doubt it today.

"Okay, since Master Uncle wants to recruit Dongzhou Qi Refiners, let's do it." Taoist Yuan Qing was also straightforward, and handed the paper to Yuan He.

"My Jingyuanguan disciples must do a good job of maintaining order. At critical times, we must stabilize the general trend of my mortal world at all costs."

Taoist Yuan Qing looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice.

He is not a person without opinions, nor is he only obedient to Zhang Liyan.

The view of Jingyuan also needs to have its own standpoint.

Taoist Qing Xun and Taoist Yuanhe nodded slightly.

Even if the matter of recruiting Qi refiners from Dongzhou is done, it will not be accomplished immediately.

Zhang Li stayed in Jingyuan Temple for a few days, then quietly went to Qingdan Town under Panlong Ridge.

Nowadays, the surrounding area of ​​Qingdan town is very popular.

This expanded Qing Yuzi's god domain a bit, and his own strength was also raised to the peak of foundation establishment.

It's just that for these practitioners in Qingdan Town, cultivation doesn't matter, the most important thing is to have the opportunity to make alchemy.

Qingdan Town is only so big, and there are very few elixir in the mundane world.

The alchemy practitioners of Qingdan Daomen dare not open the furnace every day, and it takes seven or eight days to refine a furnace.

Zhang Li went over, Qing Yuzi and others were a little bit embarrassed when they saw him.

Zhang Li took out a few spiritual fruits refined by the green fox clan.

"The fruit is a good fruit." The Taoist next to Qing Yuzi commented.

"For the medicinal properties of this fruit, this kind of refining is very suitable." Qing Yuzi said softly with a smile on his face.

Another black-bearded old man squeezed the fruit, rubbed it, and shook his head: "If it is used for alchemy, the monarch and assistant will match, the medicinal power will be thicker, and the elixir will be saved."

Hearing a few people talking, Zhang Li smiled lightly.

What these people said was euphemistic.

The inheritance of the Qinghu family is not bad, and the cultivation of these spiritual fruits is also good.

It's just that compared with alchemy methods, the inheritance of the Yaozu is still much worse.

These fruits, spirit grass, can exert the greatest value in the hands of Qingdan Daomen.

"If these spirit fruits and spirit herbs are handed over to you, can you make good pills?" Zhang Li tapped his fingers on the table and said lightly.

His words made the eyes of several people in the hall brighten.

To say anything else, Qingdan Daomen dare not agree.

But when it comes to alchemy, is there anything they dare not promise?
Qing Yuzi agreed to arrange for the disciples in the sect to go together when Zhang Li went to practice the world's barren sea again.

There are a lot of elixir on Qingmu Island, and more on Luowuzhou, because of the inheritance of Qi refiners, the practitioners in Luowuzhou are not proficient in alchemy.

They prefer the easy-to-refined spiritual fruit of the Green Fox Clan, and they like to use their own blood to refine complex medicinal power.

This is also good for the refinement of the flesh.

But what Zhang Li needs is elixir, a elixir that can purify the potency, increase the potency, and save the elixir.

These alchemy cultivators in Qingdan Town go to Qingmu Island to refine elixir with all their strength.

For Danxiu, there is nothing happier than this endless spiritual grass.

As for the refined elixir, it was naturally handed over to Zhang Li.

He will bring some of them back to the ordinary world, and then sell some of them in Luo Wuzhou.

After leaving Qingdan Town, Zhang Li went to Huaxian Prefecture.

Shen Yuan organized powerful people from all sides in the blessed land outside the Huaxian Altar, preparing to re-enter Ming Wangzhou.

This time there are at least ten grand masters, and more than 30 grand masters together.

Including the Qi Condensation Realm warriors from all parties, a total of more than 500 martial arts experts can enter Ming Wangzhou.

They trained and practiced in the blessed land outside the altar of Huaxian, and followed the battle drills compiled by Zhang Chu and the others, emphasizing orders and prohibitions.

There is no advantage for warriors to enter Ming Wangzhou, and if they fight against Moxiu, they will not be able to stop the opponent if they do not have enough battle strength.

When Zhang Li entered the altar, a gust of wind rushed towards him.

He raised his hand and thrust out the long sword in his hand.


The sword edge shook, and the figure on the opposite side fell.

"Sword Intent!"

"This guy actually cultivated sword intent so quickly!"

Ao Huateng, who was flying down, had surprise on his face, and looked at Zhang Li with incredible eyes.

Unwillingly, he raised his hand again, and was knocked back by Zhang Li's cyan lotus sword light.

The phantom fell back to the altar of Huaxian, and Ao Huateng stared at Zhang Li: "You, have you met the real king?"

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan.

Zhang Li nodded.

A look of loneliness flashed across Ao Huateng's face: "I knew that you would naturally be valued by him with your talent in cultivation."

Speaking of this, he shook his head, with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand: "Remuneration."

"Over the years, you owe me a lot of chalcedony beads."

For warriors to enter the Huaxian State from the Huaxian Altar, it will naturally cost Ao Huateng to start the teleportation.

Zhang Li also had an agreement with him before, and he needs to pay every time.

Zhang Li has been in charge of Tianmen these years, and he only sent someone to send back his reward once, and he owes everything else.

Hearing Ao Huateng's words, Zhang Li nodded and took out two fire spirit beads.

"Fire Spirit Orb!"

Ao Huateng stared wide-eyed, looking at Zhang Li like a monster.

"You guy, are you the reincarnation of the ancient God of Wealth?"


No matter how you say it, Ao Huateng is also an ancient monster with extraordinary knowledge.

Zhang Li narrated some of what he and Ao Jin had seen and heard after they were in Muyun Prefecture, and some of his encounters when he went to the world of practice.

Ao Huateng was also a little emotional, he didn't expect the monster clan in the barren sea to have declined like this.

"Dinghaizhu, it was a treasure in the sea area surveyed by the Immortal Realm back then."

"It is said that the Dinghai Pearl is a treasure to suppress the 24 seas. There are 24 in total. In fact, there are at least a hundred times the number."

"Of course, among the Dinghai Pearls, there should be only 24 that are truly powerful, and they can form ancient treasures."

"It was refined from the dragon balls of the ancient blue dragon."

Ao Huateng really knows something about Dinghaizhu.

Not only Ding Haizhu, he also knew some inheritance of the Yaozu, and the blood power of the Yaozu also helped Zhang Li analyze it.

For example, the Huoyuan bull clan, the green fox clan, and the respective advantages of other clans.

Zhang Li understood his thoughts.

A useful group has the value of rescue.

If Zhang Li was not allowed to see the value of these ethnic groups, Zhang Li would not rescue Luo Wuzhou.

"There is the former site of the Yaozong's sect in the northern region of Luyangzhou. If you go to find Ao Jin, go there." Ao Huateng pointed out a golden light and landed in front of Zhang Li.

Zhang Li heard from Ao Jin that there might be a powerful monster treasure hidden there.

After chatting with Ao Huateng at the altar for half a day, Zhang Li got a lot of information before he stepped into Huaxian Prefecture.

As soon as he entered Huaxianzhou, Zhang Li felt that the way of heaven was with him instantly.

Tang County in Huaxian Prefecture is controlled by Tang Jin, but it is also controlled by Zhang Li.

The power of the heavenly way here has been compatible with Zhang Li when he arrives.


A surge of sword intent condensed into the sky.

With the power of heaven, Zhang Li's sword power can kill immortals and Buddhas!
In this land of Tang County, even the peak of Jindan could not resist his sword.

Throughout the hundred miles of Tang County, the aura gathered ups and downs.

A phantom appeared in front of Zhang Li and bowed to salute.

"Tang Jin has met the Lord."

Zhang Li lowered his head, and the spiritual light transformed by a sword intent in his eyes seemed to explode.

Tang Jin trembled all over, not daring to raise his head.

At this moment, he felt the fear from the bottom of his heart.

This fear is not only because Zhang Li controls the connection between Tang County and the power of heaven, and is the real master of Tang County, but also because he feels the powerful power that can kill him from Zhang Li's sword intent.

It was the first time in five years that the master of my family was so strong!

Zhang Li's eyes turned, and with a flash of divine thought, Tang County within a hundred miles was completely investigated.

"You have managed well in County Down these years."

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Zhang Li spoke softly.

There was a trace of relief on Tang Jin's face.

To be able to win the affirmation of the last sentence, for him, it is considered a pass.

Zhang Li raised his hand, and three incense sticks flew out.

Tang Jin bowed and took it.

In the past five years, Tang Jin guarded Tang County and helped the ordinary world train tens of thousands of warriors.

Martial arts also spread in Tang County.

Now Tang County, because of the emergence of more and more martial arts masters, its strength has crushed the surrounding states and counties.

If he didn't abide by the rules set by Zhang Li, Tang Jin would be ready to attack other counties.

Zhang Li inspected Tang County and saw the situation of the martial arts practitioners in it.

It is similar to what he calculated, whether it is the native warriors of Tang County or those warriors who entered it to practice, if they want to become grand masters in large numbers, they need at least ten years to grow.

No matter what kind of practice, it needs talent.

The accumulation of resources can only raise the average line, but it cannot really create a large number of strong people.

Elites cannot be accumulated by relying on resources alone.

Fortunately, in Zhang Li's view, grand masters and even grand masters are not considered elites.

With aura, skills, tempering, and elixir, it is not difficult to become a great master.

As for breaking through the Grand Master Realm later on, talent and luck are needed.

"My lord, foreign enemies have already invaded Huaxian Prefecture, and all the counties are currently accumulating strength."

"Several land guardians sent people to ask me if County Tang could help them defend their territory."

Tang Jin sent several letters to Zhang Li and spoke in a low voice.

Huaxian Prefecture was originally [-] miles away, but now it only has a radius of [-] miles.

Every time there are disputes and battles between the earth and immortal worlds, Huaxian Prefecture is always the loser.

This time the battle is about to begin, and Tang County's combat strength has improved a lot, and it is very hopeful to keep the territory of Huaxian Prefecture.

But this requires Tang County to take the initiative.

"it is good."

"At that time, I will arrange strong people to help Hua Xianzhou regain its territory."

Zhang Li read the letter, handed it back, and then spoke.

Whether looking for experts from Ming Wangzhou, or from Luowuzhou or Dongzhou, Zhang Li can recruit strong people.

Helping Huaxian State is not a problem.

Huaxianzhou has a lot of spiritual energy, and Zhang Li took another [-] million spiritual stones before leaving.

The recent expenses are not small.

As for why he only brought [-] million, it was because he could bring more when he went to Ming Wang Prefecture.

Quietly leaving Huaxian State, Shen Yuan and the others are ready.

A group of people hurriedly left Zhao country and went straight to the magic division of Qin country.

For Zhang Li's arrival, Luo Ning, the head of Zhenma Division, was extremely happy.

He was stationed in the Zhenmag Division, and of course he was aware of the predicament in Ming Wangzhou.

Without enough experts, it would be difficult for Ying Wuya to guard Jingyue Temple.

If it weren't for the more than one hundred guarding land fairy talismans sent by Zhang Li back then, Jingyue Temple would have been breached long ago.

Gathering with the army waiting at the Zhenmag Division, a group of [-] masters entered Mingwang Prefecture.

Shen Yuan and the others entered Mingwang State directly, while Zhang Li stood at the bottom of Zhenmasi, with a golden light flashing in front of him.

A figure in a black robe flew down in front of him.

A big golden clock whirled.

Swing the clock.

Artifact clone.

His eyes fell on the golden magic-swinging clock, Zhang Li pondered for a moment, stretched out his hand, blended the weapon spirit avatar into his own shadow, and then stepped into Ming Wangzhou.

Even if Zhang Li's cultivation base has been improved, treasures such as the Demon Swinging Clock are still powerless to refine them.

Instead of wasting time and energy, it would be better to hand over the Demon Swinging Clock to the Qi Ling avatar to slowly warm and refine it.

Anyway, with the help of the weapon spirit avatar, he can also control the magic clock.

At this time, it is better to let nature take its course.

The moment he stepped into Mingwang State, a golden light shone in front of him.

Buddha light.

Is this a welcome for him?
A smile appeared on Zhang Li's face.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you have made great progress in the way of swordsmanship, and Ying Wuya's skills are so itchy, I'm here to ask for advice—"

(End of this chapter)

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