Chapter 182 Only as a source supplier

The caravan stopped, a group of Qi refiners left, and the practitioners from Fengyuan Town who followed behind all became nervous.

The tension is because they know what's going on.

"The front seems to be Buried Wolf Mountain, right? This is, have you encountered robbery?" A businessman in Fengyuan Town looked pale and asked in a low voice.

Beside him, two young men who looked like buddies were trembling even more.

"Too bad, you can't run with an unfamiliar caravan..."

Both of them had despair on their faces.

There has always been no order in the bitter cold of the Northern Territory.

When they meet in the wild, their strength is weak, and life and death are decided by others.

Not far away, the two Tao family disciples got together and discussed in a low voice.

"The Buried Wolf Mountain should be guarded by Mushu Layman and Zhulin Taoist. These two foundation-building seniors generally don't exploit too much caravans."

The younger, thin and tall practitioner was named Tao Zhengji, and the other one was named Tao Zhengyang, who had cultivated to the third level of Qi training. Both of them were specially instructed by Tao Jinlin to establish a good relationship with Jingyuan Trading Company.

They are also direct descendants of the Tao family, different from outsiders.

"But Jingyuan Trading Company is a foreign trading company, the two seniors probably won't give face." Tao Zhengyang frowned, looking forward to Li Zhangli and Jin Yunzi.

The two looked at each other, nodded, and walked forward quickly.

"Foundation realm?"

"Layman Mushu and Taoist Zhulin?"

"Pay the road money?"

Jin Yunzi looked indifferent, shook his head and said: "I, Jingyuan Trading Company, came to the Northern Territory to do business. We can cooperate, but we cannot be exploited."

Give some here, give some there, no matter how big the industry is, it can't handle it.

Besides, the two of them are only in the Foundation Establishment Realm, how could they be eligible for the caravan to send money for the journey?
Jin Yunzi's words made Tao Zhengyang and Tao Zhengji's expressions darken.

This is miserable.


There was a roar ahead.

This bang made the Tao family and the other practitioners who followed tremble all over.

It’s over.


But for a moment, two figures flew in front of him.

"It must be the person who buried Langshan." Several merchants in Fengyuan Town had their true energy surging and wanted to run away.

Burying Wolf Mountain has been dominating this place for hundreds of years, and not everyone can move it.

These foreign firms are unreliable and stubborn, and they don't even want to pay for the road.

But when they saw the coming figure clearly, everyone froze for a moment.

These two were clearly the people who had just rushed to the front of the firm.

"Young master, in front of the Buried Wolf Mountain village, the two village owners, thirty helpers, and a few practitioners who came to help in the fist robbery have all been captured."

The person who reported it had evil spirits on him.

"When fighting, behead the opponent's three foundation-builders."

Kill the three foundation builders!

This sentence made the two disciples of the Tao family standing behind Zhang Li pale.

Zhang Li nodded and turned to look at Jin Yunzi.

"Let's kill as few people as possible."

Jin Yunzi nodded and waved his hand.

The caravan moved on.

Half an hour later, I saw chaos on the mountains ahead.

Rocks, trees, all seemed to have been plowed.

On the side of the avenue, there were several figures lying down.

"Master Musu!"

Someone whispered.

The one whose body was broken and who was already extinct was not the overhaul of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but who was the Layman Muxu who had been entrenched in Buried Wolf Mountain for more than a hundred years?
Not far from Layman Muxu, the one kneeling between the earth and rocks, covered with scars, is the Taoist of Zhulin, right?
The cultivators from Fengyuan Town following the caravan were dumbfounded.

How strong is this caravan?

"The bamboo forest is willing to belong to the master." When Zhang Li walked up to him, Taoist Zhulin hurriedly kowtowed.

Several other practitioners who were detained also kowtowed in panic.

The strong men who made the move said that if the young master of the caravan spared their lives, then they would stay.

If the young master doesn't want to spare their lives, he will kill them directly.

Zhang Li glanced over, and saw a total of thirteen practitioners, among which the three with the highest cultivation were at the Foundation Establishment Stage, all of whom were at the Foundation Establishment Level [-].

Others practice Qi from the second level to the seventh level.

"Those who are above the fifth level of Qi training can be taken away."

Zhang Li's words made the five practitioners kneeling on the ground tremble and raised their heads in panic.

Their cultivation bases are all below the fifth level of Qi training.

Only the fifth level of Qi training is required, and the qualifications to follow the caravan are not even qualified below the fifth level of Qi training!

The merchants and several guides in Fengyuan Town all blushed.

It turned out that he was not qualified to follow the caravan at all.

Zhang Li waved his hand: "Those who are below the fifth level of Qi training, let them go."

"Cultivation is not easy, and Jingyuan Trading Company regards peace as the most important thing."

Without a foundation and without resources, these practitioners below the fifth level of refining can't build a foundation in their lifetime.

Such a cultivator has no value to use, and has no interest in killing him.

Although Zhang Li's soul avatar is a magic weapon, he himself is not.

It is best to kill less.

When the caravan moved forward, there were eight more practitioners.

The eight gathered practitioners could only cautiously follow behind the caravan.

Even the Bamboo Forest Taoist in the Foundation Establishment Realm just arranged a mission to explore the way.

The caravan traveled hundreds of miles on this day, and then stationed in a mountain depression.

Jin Yunzi and the others took out the tents one by one, and set up various arrays.

There are hundreds of spirit stones needed for the layout of these arrays alone.

This scene left the following practitioners dumbfounded.

Which caravan has such a pomp?
"I guess this Jingyuan Trading Company must be a big sect in the hinterland of Luyangzhou. Otherwise, it would be impossible to hide it so extravagantly."

A merchant in Fengyuan Town lowered his voice and whispered softly.

Bitterness flashed across the face of Taoist Zhu Lin sitting cross-legged not far away.

"Fellow Taoist Zhulin, forget it, it's useless to think too much." A black-robed Taoist beside him shook his head, "Happiness on Burial Wolf Mountain is a thing of the past."

No, in the future there will be no Zhailang Zhaizhu, only Zhulin, the little steward of the caravan.

"Hey, admit it..."

Taoist Zhulin whispered, and looked in the direction of the row of tents, his eyes flickered.

"Perhaps, this is still a chance?"


The caravan came out with no more than 20 people, so they defeated all of them and destroyed them.

And it can be seen that they absolutely did not exert their full strength.

Perhaps it is not a bad thing for such a caravan to incorporate itself?

Three days later, the caravan traveled [-] miles and arrived at a city called Linshicheng.

The city covers an area of ​​ten miles, and there are thousands of practitioners from all walks of life, and nearly ten thousand other mortals.

The northern region is bitterly cold, without any cultivation base, it is really impossible to survive.

Jingyuan Commercial Company arrived, and after a short rest, they set up shelves on the square in the city.

All merchants are like this.

All kinds of spiritual fruits, various elixirs, and some good quality spiritual materials attracted many people to watch as soon as they were displayed.

"Not retail?"

"This pill needs a thousand spirit stones?"

"The energy and blood in this spirit fruit is enough. You only need one hundred spirit stones, and you can earn money if you buy it."

They are all practitioners, and it is not difficult to sense the medicinal power of spiritual fruits and elixirs.

Zhang Li and the others did not deliberately cover up.

For a moment, besides the shelves everywhere, there were three layers of inside and outside.

It's just that the price is not low, and it's not retail, which discourages most people.

There are really not many people in the city who can eat these goods.

"Blood-burning fruit?" An elderly man in his fifties wearing a brocade robe looked at the spiritual fruit on the shelf with a gleam in his eyes.

"But the burning blood fruit sold by the Tao family in Yuzheng City?"

The old man made a sound, attracting the attention of the surrounding onlookers.

"It's Senior Zheng Yang!"

"Patriarch of the Zheng family, this is a strong man with a seventh-level foundation."

"The Zheng family also has their own firm, and they actually recognize this fruit."

Hearing the discussions around, Du Yue walked forward slowly with a smile on his face.

He first explained the history of his own firm, and then explained how the Tao family's Burning Blood Fruit came about.

The Tao family's burning blood fruit was also bought from Jingyuan Trading Company.

"Tao's burning blood fruit costs 250 spirit stones." Zheng Yang hesitated.

These spirit fruits cost at least a hundred spirit stones each, and the Zheng family couldn't produce so many spirit stones.

"My Zheng family has a good magic weapon. I wonder if your firm is willing to accept it?" Zheng Yang looked at Du Yue in front of him and said in a low voice.

Magic weapon?

Du Yue nodded and said: "As long as the quality is indeed sufficient, my firm is of course willing to accept it."

The purpose of coming to the Northern Territory is to exchange for resources. This magic weapon is also a good thing, why not?
In Linshi City, the caravan sold a total of [-] Mingxue fruits bought by the Zheng family.

The caravan left Linshi City, and then transferred to another small city.

Behind the caravan, there are hundreds more practitioners.

It took nearly a hundred days for Jingyuan Trading Company to visit all the cities and towns within a radius of [-] li.

The name of the firm is also remembered by all parties.

The most important point is that this firm is clearly here to give money.

A spiritual fruit worth one hundred spirit stones can be sold for three hundred spirit stones.

The cities where the caravan's route was found have already raised spirit stones and resources, and are waiting ahead.

In a hundred days, the caravan sold tens of thousands of various spiritual fruits and thousands of pills in exchange for various spiritual materials and magic tools.

The price of these spiritual materials and magic tools can be doubled if taken to Luowuzhou or to the hinterland of Luyangzhou.

The reputation of Jingyuan Trading Company has also been completely opened up.

Even Zhang Li, the young master of the firm who has the same name as King Pingtian, but is not the owner of the village or the shopkeeper, has been talked about by many people.

Many people are guessing which master Zhang Shao's shopkeeper is a junior elite of the big sect.

When Jingyuan Commercial Bank turned to Fengming City, the biggest city in [-] miles, where there were [-] immortal cultivators and three Jindan Daxiu masters, everyone in the city was looking forward to it.

"That is Fengming City."

Standing on the avenue, the white-bearded Taoist next to Zhang Li pointed his finger at the magnificent city ahead.

The Taoist's name is Wuyuan Taoist, he was in the Seventh Stage of Foundation Establishment, he got acquainted with a caravan in a small city, and then he was willing to accept employment to become the deacon of Jingyuan Trading Company.

Along the way, the caravan has recruited more than 200 deacons and guards through various means.

Among them, the one with the highest cultivation level is the Wuyuan Taoist.

After cultivating to the late stage of foundation establishment, one can already become the principal of a small force, and is rarely willing to become a vassal of others.

Taoist Wuyuan encountered a bottleneck in his own cultivation and needed a lot of elixir, or high-quality elixirs to break through.

Although it is stable among small forces, it is impossible to get enough resources.

Wuyuan Daoist's attachment to Jingyuan Trading Company is betting that Jingyuan Trading Company can gain a foothold in the Northern Territory.

"The three city lords of Fengming City are all at the Golden Core level, and the big city lord, Zhu Yunshen, is at the second level of the Golden Core level. A single person can suppress the surrounding land for thousands of miles."

"The two deputy city lords are also overhauling the golden core realm, and the three of them joined forces to run amok."

There was emotion in Wuyuan Taoist's words.

For a powerful city like Fengming City, if there are strong people to suppress it, it is a real big force.

In the entire Northern Territory, Fengming City can also be called a name.

Zhang Li nodded, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The three cities in the Golden Core Realm are also qualified to cooperate with the firm.

Looking at Liu Guang flying in front of him, a smile appeared on his face.

"But Zhang Shao, the shopkeeper of Jingyuan Commercial Bank, is here?"

In the flying light, someone shouted.

The person who made the sound was wearing a green robe, with a thin complexion, and he looked quite majestic with a childlike face and white hair.

"It's the deacon elder Sun Pu of Fengming City." Taoist Wuyuan introduced in a low voice standing beside Zhang Li.

"Elder Sun is a master at the eighth level of foundation building."

The foundation-building eighth-level realm, except for a few golden core realms and those foundation-building ninth-level half-step golden pills in the entire northern region, is already the person in charge of one party.

This level of cultivation can be talked about anywhere.

"It turned out that Elder Sun came to pick him up in person. I, Jingyuan Firm, are very fortunate." Jin Yunzi stepped forward with a smile on his face, and then stretched out his hand, "This is Zhang Li, the young master of my firm."

Sun Pu looked at Zhang Li and nodded with a smile.

He could see that Zhang Li was hiding his cultivation, but he didn't hide his appearance and aura.

It is indeed not the Pingtian King who is rampant in the Northern Territory.

"Master Zhang, my city lord invites you all to Fengming City."

Sun Pu smiled and raised his hand to signal.

In recent days, the itinerary of Jingyuan Commercial Bank has attracted the attention of all parties, and Fengming City is naturally watching.

The three city lords all ordered that as soon as the caravan arrives, please come to the city lord's mansion.

Jingyuan Trading Company is doing big business, and they can make a lot of money by changing hands.

This made the three city lords of the Golden Core Realm interested.

"Our young master also wants to pay a visit to the three city masters." Jin Yunzi nodded.

The caravans are wandering around these days, spreading their reputation, in order to gain the attention of various forces and quickly accumulate reputation.

According to Zhang Li's plan, it was time for the caravan to find a truly capable dealer.

Only wholesale, not retail.

Do big business, how much can you earn from retail sales?
At this time, the caravan has three or four hundred people, plus the merchants and practitioners following behind, there may not be a small thousand people.

With so many caravans entering the city, the practitioners in the city have long been a sensation.

Unfortunately, they watched the caravan being led to the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

"This is Jingyuan Trading Company, right?"

"Hey, Deacon Sun Pu received him personally. It looks like he wants to see the city lord."

"This is the real big business."

The onlookers did not disperse, and some powerful business houses and families in the city sent people to watch.

As long as Jingyuan Commercial Bank opens for business, they will make a move as soon as possible.

Make a deal.

Everyone knows that Jingyuan Trading Company has a lot of treasures.

At this time, Zhang Li and Jin Yunzi were already in the City Lord's Mansion.

Sitting opposite Zhang Li was an old man wearing a blue Taoist robe with a ruddy complexion and energetic eyes.

The next one is a middle-aged man in military uniform.

"City Master Xu Jin is retreating today, and the old man and City Master Zhang Yu are receiving two distinguished guests. You won't be surprised by the young shopkeeper?" The old man on the opposite side chuckled.

He is Zhu Yunshen, the lord of Fengming City.

A strong man of the second level of Jindan.

Zhang Li looked indifferent, and cupped his hands and said: "Zhang is a businessman, it is a great honor to have the two seniors meet in person."

What he said caused a glint of light to flash in Zhang Yu's eyes below.

"Young shopkeeper and this elder Jin are both Golden Core Realm businessmen in the Northern Territory, but there are very few of them..."

Looking at Zhang Li, Zhang Yu asked curiously, "Could it be that the young shopkeeper is the young master of Chiyuelou who was said to come to the Northern Territory to develop?"

Chiyue Tower?
There was a bit of a smile on Zhang Li's face.

Back then, he gathered a lot of wool in Chiyue Tower.

"Chiyue Tower has also come to the Northern Territory?"

"Speaking of which, I still owe them a favor."

Zhang Li shook his head and spoke softly.

(End of this chapter)

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