Chapter 183 Dealer

A favor owed to Chiyuelou?
There are not many people in this world who are qualified to owe favors to Chiyuelou.

This young master of Jingyuan Trading Company is not from Chiyuelou, but he may be a disciple of the great sect in Luyangzhou!
At least one person who can get involved with Chiyuelou.

At this time, although Zhang Li's cultivation of immortality was at the seventh level of foundation building, Zhang Yu and Zhu Yunshen couldn't see through his soul power.

In this case, either the cultivation base of the soul is so deep that it has surpassed the two of them's Golden Core Great Cultivation, or it is covered by treasures.

From Zhu Yunshen and Zhang Yu's point of view, the young master of Jingyuan Trading Company must possess a rare treasure that can conceal his spirit and cultivation.

It is normal for elite disciples of big sects or big forces to have such treasures on their bodies.

This treasure can protect the soul from being probed and influenced by outsiders.

Zhang Li's cultivation was at the Foundation Establishment Stage, but Jin Yunzi beside him was not.

This is a real Golden Core Realm, and an existence beyond the third level of Golden Core.

Otherwise, Zhu Yunshen and Zhang Yu would not treat her so seriously at this time.

What kind of small caravan is this? It's clearly a dragon crossing the river!
Zhang Yu and Zhu Yunshen looked at each other, then coughed lightly.

"Since Master Shao is doing business, we also know that Jingyuan Commercial Bank has a lot of treasures."

"It's just that I don't know if there are any treasures that can help us practice in the Golden Core Realm?"

Treasures that are helpful to the Golden Core Realm are truly good things.

For things like spirit stones, in the eyes of low-level practitioners, they still need to work hard to earn them, but above foundation building, ordinary low-grade spirit stones are no longer valued.

This is the difference between realm and vision.

It is also a difference in the level of practice.

"Treasures of the Golden Core Realm, of course there are." Jin Yunzi nodded and looked at Zhang Li beside him.

Zhang Li looked indifferent, raised his hand, and several jade bottles fell on the table.

"Nursing God Pill, Stabilizing Yuan Pill, and these kinds of pills are all helpful to the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm."

There are not many pills.

The treasures needed for the Golden Core Realm cannot be found anywhere.

Even in Zhang Li's hands, there are very few such treasures.

The elixir needed for the Golden Core Realm brought this time is still in stock.

Qingyuzi has a little bit, the Flood Dragon Clan, Luan Xinghai, and Qingmu Island all have a small amount.

At present, the alchemy strength of the disciples of Qingdan Daomen is not enough, and the elixir refined is not up to the level of Jindan.

This is also the reason why Zhang Li wants to expand his business.

There are alchemy experts in Luyangzhou, and there are alchemy experts in Luowuzhou.

As long as he can get in touch with these strong men, he is sure to get the elixir they made.

Although there are not many pills, in the eyes of Zhang Yu and Zhu Yunshen, they are already rare treasures.

The northern region is bitterly cold, and there are many resources, but there are few alchemy masters.

In addition, there are few elixir here, and it is impossible to refine a good elixir.

"Nursing God Pill..." Zhu Yunshen's eyes fell on a bottle of pill, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Nursing God Pill, warming and nourishing the soul, can shake the stagnant sea of ​​consciousness."

"This pill," Zhang Li glanced at Zhu Yunshen, and said softly, "The price is 50 spirit stones."

50 spirit stones and one pill!
Is it expensive?



But this is the elixir needed for the Golden Core Realm, and it is a treasure that cannot be exchanged with spirit stones!
It is not as simple as 50 yuan to change hands for this kind of elixir, at least a [-]-[-]% increase in price will be snatched away.

But for Jindan practitioners, whoever resells such treasures would be a waste of money.

But all the treasures that can be used in practice need to be preserved as one's own cultivation foundation.

If you need it that day, such treasures are not something you can get just by wanting.

Every treasure of this level is a chance.

"50 spirit stones..." Zhu Yunshen rubbed his fingers slightly, nodded and said, "The price of Master Shao is indeed fair."

If you try to bargain for this price, you will lose your status as a major repairer of the Golden Core Realm.

"Well, I will discuss it with Brother Zhang and City Lord Xu Jin."

"Young shopkeepers, you come from afar, and rest in the city lord's mansion, and taste the delicious food and wine in my Fengming city."

One elixir is worth 50 spirit stones, and even if he is the lord of Fengming City, he can't just take it as he wants.

This is the world of practice, not the world of immortality where spirit stones are everywhere.

The meaning of Zhu Yunshen's words needs to be discussed with the two deputy city lords.

Zhang Li and Jin Yunzi stood up, and led by the two servants, they went to rest in the wing room.

"Pingtian Demon King Zhangli, Jingyuan Commercial Bank's young shopkeeper Zhangli, these two Zhangli, I'm afraid they will set off boundless waves in the Northern Territory..."

Zhu Yunshen watched Zhang Li and Jin Yunzi walk out of the hall, and whispered softly.

Zhang Yu's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice: "City Lord, no matter how the two Zhang Li are, this time may be our chance."

His words made Zhu Yunshen smile and nodded slightly.

"Yes, let's go to Xu Jin and see how his refining is doing. Xu Jin also needs the elixir that Jingyuan Trading Company provided."

Few outsiders know that Xu Jin, the deputy city lord of Fengming City, is not only a practitioner of the Golden Core Realm, but also a very powerful craftsman.

Feng Mingcheng claimed that he was retreating, but he was actually refining weapons.

Zhang Li and Jin Yunzi didn't stay in the wing room arranged in the city for long, they left the city lord's mansion after a while, and asked Du Yue and Taoist Wuyuan to spread out the caravan goods.

The City Lord's Mansion mainly needs high-level treasures, and the opportunity to buy other inferior treasures is naturally distributed to other people in the city.

For many people, this is an opportunity.

"That's the blood fruit!"

"Look, the burning blood pill, which is said to be [-] spirit stones, is really [-] spirit stones."

"That is, Lingxue Jinjing, the high-quality spiritual material used to make the magic weapon. The price is one hundred spirit stones per catty, which is really fucking cheap!"

All the cultivators who had been waiting by the side of the square started talking excitedly.

For them, even if they don't have any spirit stones to buy, they can brag for half their lives watching this scene.

But after a while, an old man in a brocade robe walked up to the shelf with a smile, said a few words, took out a few spirit stones, and exchanged a jade box.

"That's the Patriarch of the Zhou family. He exchanged a hundred spirit wind fruits."

"Hey, the Zhou family has also spent a lot of money this week. Ten thousand spirit stones can buy a high-grade magic weapon."

The price of the top-grade magic weapon is very transparent, starting with a minimum of [-] spirit stones.

However, for the Northern Territory, which is rich in mineral resources but has few refiners, [-] spirit stones can be exchanged for several middle-grade magical artifacts, but not high-grade magical artifacts.

Low-level instruments are worthless in the Northern Territory, while high-level ones are valuable.

"Ahem, my Zhou family is willing to give out ten spirit wind fruits as a reward to recruit a few guards and deacons who are above the fifth level of Qi training."

"Friends who are interested can come to my Zhou family mansion."

The head of the Zhou family smiled and bowed his hands to the surroundings, then turned and left.

Jingyuan Trading Company sells pills and spirit fruits starting with [-] spirit stones, which makes many people who want to buy them only look up.

But it just so happens that these forces like them have a chance to make a fortune.

Whether it is resold or used as a condition, it is a big profit.

Of course, these forces also saw that Jingyuan Trading Co., Ltd. wanted to show their favor, so they did this.

If not, these elixir and spirit fruits can not only be sold at retail, but the price can even be raised.

Looking at it now, Jingyuan Trading Company is trying to burn money to gain a reputation.

The effect is not bad.

At least after the Patriarch of the Zhou family, several family forces in Fengming City came over, and they all bought several kinds of elixir and spiritual fruit with a smile.

Not only did such forces come to buy them, but some Foundation Establishment cultivators borrowed from each other and took several bottles of pills and spiritual fruits.

These foundation-building realms gathered [-] spirit stones, bought the spirit fruits, and then sold them scattered and retailed.

This change of hands is a lot of money.

The business of Jingyuan Commercial Bank was booming, and those merchants who followed them also made money.

Outsiders don't know that they have nothing to do with Jingyuan Trading Co., even if they know, they are willing to buy their things because they are okay and the prices are cheap.

Normally these merchants would have to set up stalls for a long time to sell out the spirit materials, but it took only one day in Fengming City to sell them out.

This made those merchants who followed Jingyuan Commercial Bank all the way to smile.

A day later, Zhang Lihao and Jin Yunzi were invited to the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, there were three figures standing in the hall.

In addition to Zhu Yunshen and Zhang Yu, there was also a tall and thin Golden Core cultivator with a fiery red complexion.

Xu Jin, one of the deputy city lords of Fengming City.

"Shopkeeper Young, we want Jade Bone Pill, Yangshen Pill, and a White Sparrow Pill."

Zhu Yunshen put a jade box on the table, then looked at Zhang Li: "This is 30 spirit stones."

"For the rest, we are willing to pay with spiritual materials and instruments."

All kinds of ore and spiritual materials were carried up, all of which were full of aura.

The Frost Gold Crystal, a specialty of the Northern Territory, can be used to refine the Five Ice Jade, which contains the power of ice cold, and some high-quality gold crushed stones.

These spiritual materials are worth 80 spiritual stones.

Zhang Li made a plan, whether it is sent to the hinterland of Luyangzhou or to Luowuzhou, these spiritual materials can be doubled.

If it is forged, it will be worth at least five times more.

"These are magic weapons forged by City Lord Xu Jin."

Zhu Yunshen raised his hand again, and placed the magical artifacts on the hall.

Fifty middle-grade ritual artifacts and fifteen top-grade artifacts.

"City Master Xu Jin is a craftsman?" Zhang Li saw those magic weapons, and a glint of light flashed in his eyes.

There is never too much of this kind of thing.

Whether it's Dongzhou or Luowuzhou, or those earth and fairy worlds, there are no shortages?

Xu Jin, whose face was red, nodded.

Zhang Li stepped forward and reached out to hold a long gun.

He poured real energy into his palm, and then stabbed out with a spear.

"Good gun!"

"Good marksmanship!"

What Zhang Li said was a good gun.

Zhu Yunshen was talking about good marksmanship.

That spear light flashed away, and the piercing howling wind shook, instantly tearing apart a gray gap in the surrounding void.

Of course, this is just an appearance.

But even so, it can be seen that Zhang Li's marksmanship has reached the peak.

Zhu Yunshen and the three of them looked at each other.

I really didn't expect that this young shopkeeper who was a self-made businessman could have such marksmanship.

The use of these magic tools in the practice world is mainly to stimulate the sealed spells in them, using these magic tools as a medium, and very few of them really use them as weapons.

Among practitioners, very few have such energy to slowly practice combat skills.

Practicing spells is enough.

But it is undeniable that such combat skills can greatly increase the odds of winning in a practitioner's fight.

If it is a fighting method, the combat skill increases by [-]% of the combat power, and the close combat is even more unimaginable.

The sword cultivator in the practice world is known as an existence that is invincible at the same level.

"I really didn't expect that the young shopkeeper is still a master of spear skills." Xu Jin looked at Zhang Li in front of him, with a gleam in his eyes, and whispered softly.

Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, he put the spear back, and then reached out to hold a high-grade magic weapon-level long sword.

Sword in hand.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly changed.

Whether it was Zhu Yunshen, Xu Jin, Zhang Yu, or Jin Yunzi beside him, they all felt a chill all over their bodies, and the aura of a strong person in the Golden Core Realm was aroused.

This is the sense of self-protection only when encountering a life-or-death crisis.

Strong swordsman!
The kendo of the person in front of him is unimaginably strong!

The sword in Zhang Li's hand lightly held a sword flower, and the blade of the sword had an icy streamer, shining like a blue lotus flower.

"Sword intent..."

"Qinglian, this, this is the Taoist—"

Zhu Yunshen and Zhang Yu whispered, their expressions were full of surprise and solemnity.

Luyangzhou Taoism is the only one.

A kendo practitioner with unparalleled sword intent and invincible at the same level.

The young shopkeeper in front of him, who looks young, has both of them!

What is the background of Jingyuan Commercial Bank?
Is this young swordsman in front of him really the shopkeeper of the firm?
Who let such a genius be a treasurer?

Even Yunlan Daozong wouldn't be so extravagant, would he?

Countless questions were in his mind, and when he looked again, Zhang Li had put the long sword back, with a calm expression on his face.

"City Master Xu Jin's crafting skills are extremely high, and I, Jingyuan Trading Company, are interested in cooperating with the City Master."

When Zhang Li opened his mouth, the three Fengming city lords were slightly taken aback.

"City Master Xu Jin, would you like to be my Jingyuan Trading Company's refining offering?" Zhang Li looked at Xu Jin.

Refining offerings.

It is specially made for Jingyuan Trading Company.

Xu Jin turned his head to look at Zhu Yunshen and Zhang Yu beside him.

If it was before, if any firm said that he would let his majestic Fengming City Vice City Lord specialize in refining weapons, he might have shot it with a single stick.

But now, he needs to seriously consider it.

The wealth and treasures of Jingyuan Commercial Bank made their hearts flutter.

In addition, Jingyuan Commercial Bank or Zhang Li himself displayed methods and suspected backgrounds, which made them treat them extremely seriously.

This person is likely to be the direct descendant of one of the great clans in Lu Yangzhou!

"Master Young Master, City Master Xu Jin—" Before Zhu Yunshen could finish speaking, Zhang Li had already raised his hand.

In his palm, two beads reflect each other.

One is a jade-colored chalcedony bead.

The other one is a fiery red bead.

Worth [-] spirit stones, there is a price but no market, and it is a fire spirit bead that is good for the cultivation of true kings and strong men.

"The remuneration will be settled with chalcedony beads. In addition, I can give you the distribution rights of Fengming City."

"The so-called distribution rights mean that in the future, I will not sell any commercial goods within a radius of [-] li, and all commercial goods will be handed over to Fengming City for resale."

If considering the background of Zhang Li and the firm, it is a big mountain, then the chalcedony beads, even if they are paid, are a bargaining chip that is more important than Wanjun.

As for the distribution rights, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Half a day later, when Zhang Li and Jin Yunzi walked out of the hall, they held a golden contract document in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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