Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 190 Killing all, adding merit to the body

Chapter 190 Killing all, adding merit to the body

Monsters and beasts are rampant in the desolate sea, without sufficient strength, it is impossible to survive.

And those who are strong enough, whether they are doing business on various islands or hunting all kinds of monsters, can live well.

Being a pirate has no future.

"The strength of Qi and blood is not bad, at least two of them are in the late stage of foundation establishment."

Luo Jiachen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "There is no Golden Core Realm, is this intentional?"

Obviously, the opponent has figured out the strength of Zhang Li and the others.

Luan Xinghai and the Jiaolong clan now have Daoist Yue Teng sitting in command, and their strength is tyrannical. It can be called a new big force on Luo Wuzhou.

But Yue Teng couldn't leave Chaotic Star Sea, and his masters were extremely limited.

Neither Jin Yunzi, who was born in the Golden Body Sect, nor Luo Jiachen, who was born in the Wasteland Alliance, are not Yue Teng's direct descendants.

The only one who can be regarded as a direct descendant is Zhang Li.

This is also the reason why Yue Teng had to let Zhang Li go to Luowuzhou Zhenyuezong.

Only when Zhang Li gets the approval of Zhenyuezong, can he bring more support from Zhenyuezong, and more masters come to Luanxinghai, can the strength of Luanxinghai be greatly increased.

At this time, the people who came to block the way and intercept the fleet obviously wanted to challenge Zhang Li.

Without the Golden Core Realm, Luo Jiachen wouldn't and couldn't make a move.

They made it clear that they wanted to test Zhang Li's methods and abilities.

"Since you are welcoming me, then I will naturally follow." Zhang Li looked indifferent, and with a movement of his body, he had already soared into the sky.

In front of him, dozens of figures galloped towards him.

"The caravan is going to Luowuzhou, first hand in one hundred thousand spirit stones." The figure in the lead shouted, holding a long knife with a blue-gray halo shining, the edge of the blade exuded a sinister aura.

Did this knife really kill someone, or was it extremely heavy?

Just the concentration of killing intent on this knife can make people of the same level dare not face it directly.

A cultivator on the sixth floor of the foundation building has this sword in his hand, and his combat power is indeed extraordinary in the foundation building realm.

"Want Lingshi?" Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, and he spoke lightly.

In his hand, a spear appeared.

Above the spear, a clear stream of light flashed away.

The expressions of the people on the opposite side changed.

"Spiritual weapon!"

"Fuck, I was deceived, what kind of fat sheep..."

"How can there be a spirit weapon?"

The first few practitioners in the Foundation Establishment Realm all showed panic on their faces and let out a low voice.

"Kill, or you will die!" The big man with the knife who spoke before shouted, gritted his teeth, and stepped forward with a icy cold wind on his body.

The long knife was raised, and it was slashed towards Zhang Li.

Several other people looked at each other and clenched their weapons tightly.

"This kid is young, and his strength is absolutely impossible to be strong."

"Yes, even if you have a spiritual weapon, you may not be able to use it."

Seeing the long knife cutting towards Zhang Li, several people whispered.

Fighting on the battlefield is not just about strength, it also depends on how much strength you can display.

Some people have been practicing alone and are not good at fighting. Even if their cultivation is not bad, they cannot display their due strength in battle.

At this time, the combat power displayed by the big man's knife is obviously beyond his own cultivation realm.

This is a person who is rolling on the battlefield.

Generally the same level can't block this knife.

Looking at the long knife approaching, Zhang Li looked calm.

Before he knew it, the Foundation Establishment Realm was no longer a threat to him.

Just like this knife, it looks fast but powerful.

However, the strength of the big man with the knife is vain, and the outside is strong and the inside is strong, and the strength is seven points and three points.

What kind of lethality can such a knife have?

Of course, this is the only way to come to such a conclusion after seeing through the knife technique and seeing through the reality of the knife.

Ordinary practitioners in the late stage of foundation establishment couldn't think at all before this slash of evil spirit was slashed wantonly.


The long knife reached three feet in front of Zhang Li's chest, and the big man with the knife had a smile on his face.

A gunman was bullied three feet in front of him, and basically had no chance to resist.

At this time, the strength on the long knife has been accumulated to the extreme, as long as it is pulled along with the trend, Zhang Li's body can be cut in two.

The task I took this time doesn't seem to be difficult?

All the big elites are bragging.

The junior elites who have accumulated resources in the Dazong sect are all softies.

With the blade in front of him, Zhang Li's hand holding the spear suddenly let go.

Release the spear.

give up?

The moment he let go of the spear, Zhang Li clenched his fist and punched out.



With a whistling punch, Gang Sha gathered the front of his fist and struck out suddenly. The void vibrated, and a golden gate appeared directly.

The golden gate is three feet in front of him.

The body of the big man with the knife and Zhang Li faced each other across a golden illusory gate.

The smile on the big man's face was replaced by horror.

The long knife he cut was blocked by the gate, and he could no longer move forward.

Then, the huge gate pushed his body, not only retreating.

Unfortunately, his retreating speed was not as fast as the golden gate pressed by the fist shadow.

The gate hit the big man's chest, smashing his sternum directly.

The gate pushed the big man's body, and he fell hundreds of feet away before dissipating.

The sternum, all the muscles and bones of the big man were broken, and the long knife fell from the hand of the big man, and the whole person also fell down from the mid-air of a hundred feet.

Below, several figures stepped out, followed the big man and the long knife, and threw them on the deck.

Zhang Li reached out and grabbed the spear that was about to fall just now.

From punching to closing the gun, it was only a moment.

This is the power of martial arts.

Martial arts tactics, when in close quarters, are faster than any other tactics.

Fist, body, where is it not a weapon?

Although Luo Wuzhou inherits body training techniques, many of the combat skills practiced have close-quarters means, but compared with ordinary martial arts that specialize in close-quarters combat, they are still quite inferior.

Zhang Li felt more and more that if he had practiced ordinary martial arts well, he would have a huge advantage in fighting people in the world of practice.


The spear vibrated, and Zhang Li pointed forward.

"One hundred thousand spirit stones."

Those cultivators standing in front looked at each other, all of them pale.

"My lord misunderstood, we are fishermen on this coast, seeing your magnificent fleet, we want to come here to ask for a meal."

"Yes, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, the hundred thousand spirit stones are all a joke."

Several people spoke quickly.

"I mean, take one hundred thousand spirit stones and let you go." Zhang Li's voice was calm, but there was a palpitating indifference in the calm.

This kind of indifference to life is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

This is only possible after countless killings.

Unknowingly, Zhang Li has grown from a mortal who has just stepped into the world of practice to a real practitioner who disregards life and death.

Take out one hundred thousand spirit stones?

Buy your life?

These words stunned the practitioners present.

They looked at each other, dazed.

Are there a lot of [-] spirit stones?


Not everyone has the backing of a big sect, not everyone is an elite of the sect, and there is no shortage of spirit stones.

If there is really a big sect backing him, who will take on this task?
"One hundred thousand spirit stones, even if you kill me."

"Hmph, if I had a hundred thousand spirit stones, I would still use them to make this..."

"Young master, you have such a big caravan, do you have any interest in embarrassing us?"

There were more than 30 practitioners gathered together, and the highest cultivation level was the old man in gray robe who stood shoulder to shoulder with the big knife-wielding man.

There are about seven or eight other people in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

This level of strength is already extremely rare.

On Luyang Continent, this is enough to form a medium sect.

Several people looked at each other and raised their weapons.

There are so many of them, what are they afraid of?
"Okay, if there is no spirit stone, then let's keep your life."

When Zhang Li's voice sounded, the spear in his hand had already been thrust out.

A shot stabs out, followed by wind and thunder!

The three golden thunder beads exploded in front of the spear's edge, and the cold spear light above the spear's edge also exploded, turning into countless crescent moons, enveloping the edge of the thunder light.

The sharp blade shrouded thousands of feet ahead, and those cultivators who blocked the way were already torn to pieces by the sharp blade before they could make a move.

The old man who was holding the chain spear was about to attack, but before the weapon in his hand touched the crescent whirling blade, he was hit by the escaping lightning, and his body stiffened.

The sharp blade flashed past, tearing the body apart.


All the sharp blades slowly turned into blood-colored streamers and disappeared after being struck thousands of feet away.

In the midair, the bodies of all the practitioners fell incompletely.

None of them survived.

Zhang Li was holding a spear, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

At this moment, he felt a strange force between heaven and earth pressing towards him.

Is this because of the rejection of Heaven's will caused by the power of killing?

There is no way of heaven in the world of practice, and this kind of rejection belongs to instinct.

Zhang Li's eyes flickered, and the surging power of merit emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The golden power of virtue vibrated, revealing the top of his head.

The power of the Ding Haizhu was aroused, and the water surface with a radius of a hundred miles was gently rippling.


The originally depressing power disappeared in an instant, and turned into soothing and refreshing water vapor, which penetrated into Zhang Li's body.

Use merit to attract the power of heaven and earth, and turn the repulsion of heaven and earth into harmony!

Such methods are really only those with meritorious deeds who dare to do them.

As long as the merit is a little less, not enough to attract the power of heaven and earth, then it will be backlashed by the power of heaven and earth in the end.

The lightest is also the broken soul.

One after another evil spirit was squeezed out from the surrounding space.

These practitioners who were killed by Zhang Li with one blow were all those who had a lot of lives in their hands and killed a lot.

They are not real pirates, but they kill people and slaughter creatures, but they are not ambiguous.

A well-deserved death.

The evil spirit was dispersed by the power of heaven and earth, and then turned into golden merits to feed back Zhangli.

You can earn money by killing people.

With a chuckle, feeling the vibration of the surrounding heaven and earth, his figure flew down to the bow of the ship.

"Young Master, I asked clearly. This person's name is Song Qian, and he is a casual cultivator on Luowuzhou." On the bow of the boat, Xue Lin, the deacon of the eighth floor of the Foundation Establishment Realm, said.

"I've heard about Song Qian. He once slaughtered half a village in order to practice his skills. He was wanted by several sects and offered a reward of [-] spirit stones."

A reward of [-] spirit stones?

That is to say, this guy's life is worth [-] spirit stones?
Zhang Li lowered his head to see that Song Qian's muscles and bones were broken, and he passed out on the bow of the boat.

Life is worth 1, and the knife in his hand is worth more than [-] spirit stones.

At the bow, the fleet guards returned from the water, and put storage bags, weapons, and scattered spirit stones and spiritual materials on the bow.

This is what Zhang Li killed with one blow just now.

"If you do the math, don't you have a hundred thousand spirit stones?"

Looking at the scattered objects, Zhang Li shook his head and said, "You guys divide it up."

Things worth [-] spirit stones are divided directly.

Everyone on the bow showed surprise and bowed to Zhang Li: "Thank you, young master."

People make money and birds die for food. Those who blocked the way didn't get the spirit stones, and even lost their wealth and lives here.

The fleet continued to move forward, and the water vapor in a radius of a hundred miles dissipated quietly.

If it wasn't for the blood scattered on the water and the fish churning in the water, no one would have known that there had been a killing here.

On the island hundreds of miles away, more than a dozen figures stood side by side.

On the cyan light curtain in front of them, the fleet meanders away.

"Look clearly, this kid has extraordinary combat prowess, the key is to attack fiercely." The person who spoke was an old man in green robes, wearing a jade crown, with a simple and ruddy face, with a bit of fairy air.

He has a strong figure and is obviously an inheritance from Luo Wuzhou.

"If it wasn't for killing and resolute, how could we take both Qingmu Island and Fire Spirit Island of my Iron Body Sect?"

"It's hateful, this kid actually flattered the real Yue Teng, and now I, the Iron Body Sect, can't directly find trouble with him."

The two tall and strong men in half armor shouted and gritted their teeth.

Iron body sect.

Occupying Huoling Island and Qingmu Island, enslaving the Huoyuan Buffalo and Qinghu Clan, the sect that is on the verge of extinction.

The first thing Zhang Li did when he came to the barren sea was to cut off their influence on Huoling Island.

"If you can't face it directly, find a way." The long-bearded old man snorted coldly, "If the sect doesn't report the death of a disciple of my Wu En sect, I will do it myself."

The old man raised his head and looked forward, squinting his eyes: "It's just right for this son to attack fiercely, and I have already attracted several elites from the Moon Sect."

"As long as there is a conflict between the two parties, there will be little overlap between the Zhuyue Sect and the Zhenyue Sect, and it will definitely not make this child feel better."

"Let's take another shot..."

He didn't continue his words, raised his hand to put away the light curtain in front of him, then moved his body and walked away on the waves.

The others looked at each other and quickly followed.


The fleet of Jingyuan Commercial Bank docked at Lingyun Port.

Lingyun Port is the largest port close to the barren sea.

The Chasing Moon Sect that controls this port is the number one sect in Linhai. There are more than ten Jindan Realm disciples in the sect, and tens of thousands of disciples.

Most of the sects with industries have a lot of resources and a deep foundation.

By virtue of controlling the seaside port, Zhuyuezong obtained sufficient benefits from the transactions of all parties.

"Jingyuan Trading Company?" Many people at the port looked at this large fleet.

The fleet docked, and the large boxes were carried to the port by the guards.

Wooden boxes the size of one party piled up into mountains.

"Haven't you heard of the name of Jingyuan Trading Company? It is said that it is an industry in Chaotic Star Sea."

"I know, I know, the person in charge of the firm is Zhang Li, a disciple of Master Yue Teng, the master of Luan Xinghai. He is really a lucky guy."

"The business on the Desolate Sea is said to be occupied by this firm, and it will make a lot of money in the future."

Many people around were watching and whispering.

Many people have envy in their eyes.

Who wouldn't want to monopolize this kind of business?
"Jingyuan Trading Company, this time there are quite a lot of goods, let's charge 20 spirit stones." A middle-aged man in a black robe came with an account book in his hand.

On the lapel of the middle-aged man, there is an identity mark of a disciple of the Moon Chasing Sect.

Zhang Li didn't speak, but turned to look at Xu Zhaonian who was at the side.

Xu Zhaonian nodded, coughed lightly, and stepped forward.

"It's Manager Qi. I'm Xu Zhaonian from Jingyuan Commercial Bank. I've heard of Brother Qi's name a long time ago."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, with a dazed look on his face.

"I'm Qi Da Nei, am I famous?"

(End of this chapter)

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