Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 191 Elite?I can't even catch a phantom blow

Chapter 191 Elite?I can't even take a phantom blow

Hearing Guanshi Qi's words, Xu Zhaonian stepped forward with a smile on his face, and reached out to hold his arm.

"Staff Qi is the elite of the Chasing Moon Sect, and one of the stewards who control this port. He wants power and power, and he wants to benefit."

"The most important thing is to control this place, which shows that Yue Zong attaches great importance to the steward."

These two sentences are not very loud, but to Guanshi Qi's ears, they are somewhat useful.

He nodded with a smile, and turned his head to look at the piles of wooden boxes.

"Ahem, shopkeeper Xu is a big business man."

"In this way, these goods will be collected—"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Zhaonian had already pressed his palm and said in a low voice, "30 spirit stones."

30 spirit stones?
Qi Guan was taken aback.

To speak nicely to Xu Zhaonian, he was going to reduce the three thousand spirit stones.

Unexpectedly, the other party asked for one hundred thousand spirit stones instead.

This is simply not understandable.

"Guan Qi still counts 20 spirit stones, so the remaining [-] spirit stones will not be included in the account."

Xu Zhaonian continued in a low voice.


Qi Danei was shocked all over, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly.

One hundred thousand spirit stones will not be recorded.

That is to say, he alone has the final say on the hundred thousand spirit stones.

He has been in charge of Lingyun Port for 30 years, and he and the other four managers are in great power.

But for them, the extra money brought to them by this stewardship position is only [-] to [-] spirit stones.

Usually, thousands of spirit stones can be managed in one year, which is already amazing.

After all, there are several elders of the sect who sit in the town to enshrine on their heads.

"Master Xu, this, this is why..."

Qi Danei was a little uncertain.

Where is this way of doing business popular?
"From now on, every time I, Jingyuan Trading Company, come to the port, the manager Qi will give me the best position and the fastest shipping speed."

"We don't account for one hundred thousand spirit stones every year." Xu Zhaonian said directly.

As a shopkeeper trained by Chiyue Tower, Xu Zhaonian was able to take charge of one party on Yunlan Mountain back then, even if Xu Zhaonian was able to deal with one party's large transactions, let alone the steward of a sect at this time.

After a few words, Qi Danei understood.

The purpose of these one hundred thousand spirit stones is to give Jingyuan Trading Company priority privileges in Lingyun Port.

It is not difficult to do this step.

Big deal, he took out a few thousand out of the one hundred thousand spirit stones, no, ten thousand, ten thousand spirit stones to manage the other stewards.

"Don't worry, Manager Qi, you can help us find the guardian elders here, and we will give a few generous gifts to the guardian elders, so there is no need for Manager Qi to take care of anything."

20 spirit stones were recorded in the account, and [-] spirit stones were placed in the storage bag and delivered to Qi Da Nei's cuff.

The whole process is smooth and efficient.

The wooden boxes that went ashore were quickly sent to the nearest and most convenient warehouse.

It wasn't until Xu Zhaonian and the others left with their hands together that Qi Danei showed emotion on his face.

"This is what a big business looks like..."

Turning his head to look at the other merchant ships, Qi Danei suddenly felt that none of them were pleasing to the eye.

The stewards of the fleet sent themselves dozens of spirit stones, just to be taken care of.

What is my identity, so cheap?
"Go, let those merchant ships be lined up, and the warehouses will be empty in three days before going ashore."

He waved his hand, gave an order, turned around and walked towards the small town by the sea.

Several guarding elders are in the city, and today's matter should be reported early.

Otherwise, holding one hundred thousand spirit stones would not be safe.

Half of the people in Jingyuan Trading Company were on duty at the warehouse, and the other half went to the city to find a team of packers who were running wooden boxes.

In this small city called Lingyun City, there are hundreds of caravans, big and small, raising monsters.

The long-distance ones use the tall Qinghe elephants that can carry [-] catties.

For those within ten thousand miles, use the cloud treading horse that can travel three thousand miles a day.

Of course, if you want to be fast, there are flying boats, skylarks, etc. that can fly away, and there are also flying methods that can travel eight thousand miles in a day.

Comprehensive is comprehensive, even the price is also different.

That kind of flying boat that travels [-] miles a day is not something that ordinary commercial firms can afford to rent.

Zhang Li didn't go out in the inn, and Xu Zhaonian went to do all the business.

In order to make him feel at ease, Luo Jiachen and other great monks at the fifth level of Jindan were sent to guard Xu Zhaonian.

"With Elder Luo at your side, the guarding elders are very straightforward."

Standing in front of Zhang Li, Xu Zhaonian was holding a record book in his hand, and reported back the things he had arranged in the past few days.

80 spirit stones directly took down all the elders of the Chasing Moon Sect who were in Lingyun City.

From now on, the firm will take out 80 spirit stones every year, and Lingyun City will be responsible for receiving them and arranging the caravan.

In addition to the 80 spirit stones, Xu Zhaonian also gave the distribution rights to the elder Yang Mingzhen's family who was sitting here.

The Yang family is considered a top clan in a city three thousand miles away. Yang Mingzhen herself is not only the elder of the Chasing Moon Sect, but also a great monk at the third level of Jindan, and also the patriarch of the Yang family.

The material distribution rights of no less than 50 spirit stones per year made Elder Yang Mingzhen reach out and pat Xu Zhaonian on the shoulder to call his brother.

Before leaving, Elder Yang patted his chest and promised that he would arrange everything for the firm in Lingyun City.

The other town elders are less powerful, and they don't have such big family power behind them, so they can only helplessly envy them.

It's useless to get the distribution rights.

Just like what Xu Zhaonian said, with Luo Jiachen and other great monks of the fifth level of the Golden Core present, the elders of the Moon Chasing Sect spoke politely.

Before leaving, several elders still smiled and sent Xu Zhaonian out.

"If this Jingyuan Trading Company can really grow big on Luowuzhou, the distribution rights might not be worth tens of thousands of gold?" An old man with white beard turned his head to look at the others, with a flash of emotion on his face.

"This shopkeeper Xu has an extraordinary demeanor and conversation, and he doesn't show any flinching in his words and deeds when dealing with us." Yang Mingzhen's eyes flickered.

"I don't know if it was cultivated in Chaotic Star Sea, or the person Zhang Lishao is in charge of himself."

"This young shopkeeper is really powerful. He knew that it was not easy for him to come forward to deal with us, but he actually delegated full authority to Xu Zhaonian, which shows his courage."

A shopkeeper can negotiate an annual transaction of tens of millions, and the business of tens of millions of spirit stones alone, this young shopkeeper is really trustworthy.

"Perhaps, there will be another turmoil among the younger generation on Luowuzhou."

"It's just that I, the Chasing Moon Sect, don't seem to have any elites from the younger generation who can do it. Just relying on this style alone, I'm far behind Zhang Li."

The old man who spoke shook his head with regret and melancholy on his face.

The others looked at each other and stopped talking.


A day later, a huge caravan passed through Lingyun City and headed for the hinterland of Luowuzhou.

The caravan consisted of thirty Qinghe elephants, fifty cloud-riding steeds, and two flying skylarks.

Such large-scale caravans only existed in Lingyun City many years ago when various families carve up the barren sea.

"Hmph, it depends on how far you can go."

"Even if it doesn't kill you this time, it can still cost our caravan a battle."

On the top of Lingyun City, Wu En of the Iron Body Sect had a stern look on his face, and whispered softly.

The disciples of the Iron Body Sect behind him all had evil spirits in their eyes.

But at this time, Zhang Li sat cross-legged in the carriage dragged by two cloud-riding steeds in front of the caravan, kneeling in front of Song Qian with a pale expression.

Song Qian didn't have any restraints on his body, but his whole body was crushed by Zhang Li's punch, and now he can't use his cultivation base at all.

"My lord, the villain has already told me everything I know, and I really didn't hide anything."

Song Qian kowtowed while whispering.

He literally said everything.

Who recruited them to intercept the caravan, where are their casual cultivators' strongholds, and who are their masters...

He just wants to live.

It is better to die than to live.

Even without cultivation base.

Zhang Li didn't open his mouth to agree, but there was a trace of depth in his eyes, and his eyes were cast forward.

Only a hundred miles out of the city, the caravan has already encountered a group of practitioners blocking the way.

Wearing green armor, holding a spear, and neatly dressed.

"Lu Zheng, the inspector of Zhuyuezong, is here, and the caravan stopped for inspection."

A tall and straight man stepped forward and stood in front of the convoy.

"Inspector Lu, we are a caravan from Lingyun City, don't we need to check?"

"That's right, Inspector Lu, didn't you just visit various businesses yesterday?"

The one who spoke was the person in the caravan driving those Qinghe Elephants and Cloud-Treading Horses.

These are originally the merchants of Lingyun City, and their business is to be responsible for the operation of all parties.

Several people recognized Lu Zheng.


Lu Zheng raised the spear in his hand, and a blue light burst, making everyone take a step back and shut their mouths.

"The inspector said that if you want to check, you will check."

"Someone reported that your caravan is secretly hiding wanted criminals."

The long gun pointed at the frame where Zhang Li was, and the shining gun light on it seemed to penetrate the hundred-foot space directly.

Luo Jiachen snorted coldly, moved his body, and flew before the caravan.

Xue Lin, the deacon of Zhenyuezong with a big sword in his hand, also flew out and stood in front of the caravan.

"If it's in Lingyun City, you can do whatever you want." Xue Lin said with a solemn expression, "This is not Lingyun City."

Hearing his words, Lu Zheng laughed, and looked at the frame where Zhang Li was.

"What if I insist on checking?"

In the frame, Zhang Li's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand and threw Song Qian who was flung there.

"It's him you're looking for."

"Thirty thousand spirit stones."

Zhang Li's voice sounded.

A reward of [-] spirit stones.

Song Qian, whose muscles and bones were broken, was thrown to the ground, vomiting blood from his mouth.

Zhang Li didn't show any mercy.

There is no need to be pitiful for such evil people who are full of evil spirits, and they deserve to die.

Lu Zheng's eyes fell on Song Qian, then turned his head and looked at the frame again.

"I heard that the disciple of Daoist Yue Teng set foot on Luo Wuzhou in secret under the name of a business firm. I didn't expect him to be so timid."

"The direct lineage of the Nascent Soul Earth Immortal, don't you even have the courage to come out and see it?"

direct provocation.

This is not to inspect at all, but to provoke Zhang Li.

Xue Lin frowned, and his body surged with real energy.

To provoke Zhang Li is to provoke Zhen Yuezong.

"People from the Iron Body Sect told you." Zhang Li stood up from the frame, stepped out, and stood on the shaft.

"You may not understand," Zhang Li looked at Lu Zheng, and said lightly, "You don't even have the qualifications to test me."

No qualifications for temptation!

As soon as these words fell, the true vitality and qi and blood on Lu Zheng's body suddenly rose.

How much did you look down on Lu Zheng to say such a thing?

He, Lu Zheng, is also an elite disciple in the Moon Chasing Sect, and he is also full of arrogance.

How can you bear such humiliation today?
"court death--"

With an angry shout, Lu Zheng raised the spear in his hand, and rushed towards the frame with one step.

Seeing Lu Zheng stepping towards him, Zhang Li shook his head.

Just a fool.


Xue Lin raised his hand and slashed out with a sword, holding the spear in Lu Zheng's hand and knocking it back to its original place.

Lu Zheng's strength is not bad, and he is even said to be the best among the younger generation.

It's just that compared with the strong deacons of big sects like Xue Lin, they are still a bit short of fire.

Knocked back by the blow, Lu Zheng gritted his teeth and shouted: "Zhang Li, you don't even have the courage to fight me?"

Across Xue Lin and Luo Jiachen, he pointed his spear at Zhang Li.

Xue Lin frowned, revealing a trace of killing intent.

Luo Jiachen's face was cold, and he kept his hands behind his back and said nothing.

If Zhang Li is willing to accept the challenge, they will make way.

From their point of view, Zhang Li, who can fight against real Yue Teng face to face, is not at the level of Foundation Establishment Realm at all.

They didn't regard Zhang Li as a foundation establishment at all.

But at this time Zhang Li didn't say that he wanted to fight Lu Zheng, so they had to stand in front.

"Really want to challenge me?" Zhang Li narrowed his eyes slightly, his smile restrained.

In his hand, a long sword emerged.

Around him, eight phantoms quietly floated.

"If you can catch this sword, I will give you a chance to challenge me."

As soon as the words fell, one of the eight phantoms around him rushed out.

This is the phantom phantom of the Eight Paths created by Yunze Eight Trigrams Mirror. Its strength is only [-]% of Zhang Li's body, the power of soul and blood, and even less than one-tenth of the swordsmanship.

Such a phantom attack is simply a game for Zhang Li.

But this figure rushed out, swinging the long sword in his hand at will, and with a single strike, there was a sword mark of ten feet.


The void oscillated, and the blue-gray sword light shone, and it slashed towards Lu Zheng.

In Lu Zheng's view, this sword was extremely fast.

Moreover, the blue-gray sword light shrouded on the sword body was not something he could resist at all.

This Zhang Li actually has such means!

He gave a low shout, not daring to hold back the slightest, the spear in his hand turned into a golden dragon, and rushed towards the sword light.


The golden dragon collided with the sword light and turned into a brilliant firework.

The gray sword light also shattered into countless pieces, which swirled and scattered around.

Lu Zheng, who was panting heavily, showed a look of rejoicing on his face.

so close.


In the next moment, his eyes turned to the scattered sword lights that were spinning around and flying around him.

Although these sword lights are broken, the power contained in them is even stronger!
This sword was not really blocked at all!

The speed of Jianmang is extremely fast, each piece seems to tear the surrounding world into pieces.

Holding the pistol in his hand, Lu Zheng, who was standing there, didn't know how to resist at all.


When all the blades passed across Lu Zheng's body, a golden mask fell and covered Lu Zheng's body.

Yang Mingzhen with a gloomy face flew down and stood in front of Lu Zheng.

"Lu Zheng, a disciple of the Chasing Moon Sect, was defiant and challenged the young shopkeeper without authorization. Yang apologized on his behalf."

Yang Mingzhen's eyes fell on the remaining seven phantoms around Zhang Li's body, and she slightly cupped her hands.

Zhang Li nodded with a chuckle, waved his hand, and sat back on the carriage.

The eight phantoms dissipated.

After a while, the convoy moved forward slowly.

"You bastard, you can't even take a blow from someone's phantom body, and you have the courage to challenge." Yang Mingzhen turned to look at Lu Zheng, who was in a daze beside him, and shouted.

Lu Zheng was ashamed, bowed his head and said: "I know that I am definitely not as good as this Zhang Li, but I didn't expect him to be so strong."

Speaking of this, he was slightly shocked, and said in a low voice: "Elder, there is still Senior Brother Xu Lin blocking the way to challenge him."

"Xu Lin?" Yang Mingzhen squinted his eyes, snorted and said, "Just because he is the head disciple, he dares to act recklessly, and it would be good to let him suffer."

"I also want to see how many tricks Xu Lin, who is known as the number one elite of the Chasing Moon Sect, can go through in the hands of this young shopkeeper."

(End of this chapter)

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