Chapter 192 Elite list, famous
Yang Mingzhen and others admired Zhang Li's methods and knew that his combat power must be good.

But from their point of view, Zhuyue Sect is also a great sect, not much worse than Zhenyue Sect.

As the number one elite disciple of the Moon Chasing Sect, Xu Lin is not unqualified to challenge Zhang Li, the direct descendant of the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator.

"The Iron Body Sect doesn't dare to face the True Yue Sect directly, so it's good to provoke the younger generation." Yang Mingzhen clearly knew that today's incident was caused by the Iron Body Sect, so he spoke out directly.

Lu Zheng blushed and bowed his head in silence.

Although it was the iron body sect who provoked him, why didn't he himself have the idea of ​​wanting to challenge?
It's just that the gap is too big.

Ahead, the caravan continued on its way.

Zhang Li sat cross-legged in the frame, the energy and blood in his body slowly gathered.

His cultivation is not only the immortal way, but also the golden body of martial arts, and the power of the soul.

This method of both internal and external cultivation made him have no shortcomings.

Although there are many methods of cultivation, it will inevitably consume a lot of resources and time, but he doesn't care.

He has neither resources nor time.


In the distance, between the mountains and forests, there was a whistling sound.

Zhang Li frowned slightly, and slowly raised his hand.

The long sword appeared in his hand.

"Zhuyue Zong Xu Lin is here to visit, and I hope Brother Han will give me some advice—"

A long howl sounded from the forest.

A figure, from far to near, has a majestic figure, like a calf, holding a large tripod ten feet high in his hand, with a step of ten feet, galloping faster than a fast horse.

Every step is a vibration and roar.

gather potential.


Running from afar, holding a giant cauldron in his hand, who would dare to face such a gathering of majestic power?

Luo Jiachen snorted coldly, and was about to get up when he suddenly stopped.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the frame beside him.

In the frame, a phantom flashed out.


This is a clone holding a long sword.

The avatar of Yunze Bagua Mirror has [-]% of the combat power of the main body.


The long sword was unsheathed, and the light of the sword was like a cloud, piercing towards the figure holding the huge tripod.

In mid-air, Jian Guang had condensed into a blue lotus flower.

The lotus swelled from three inches to three feet in an instant, and fell in midair.

Xu Lin, who was holding the huge tripod, gave a loud cry, and threw the huge tripod in his hand towards the lotus.


Qinglian collided with the huge cauldron, and Zhang Xu's golden cauldron exploded.

The broken tripod and the messy lotus petals intertwined and wrapped towards Xu Lin.

Xu Lin let out a low cry, layers of golden light shone from his body, and a phantom of a three-foot-high gold-armored general emerged from behind, and he punched the sword light in front of him.


Xu Lin's expression changed when he hit the broken petals of the green lotus with his fist.

His body receded uncontrollably, and all the momentum he had gathered before collapsed.

"Sword Intent—"

It wasn't until this moment that he discovered that the sword light that Zhang Li condensed turned out to be the legendary sword intent.

In the entire Luowuzhou, how many practitioners can condense sword intent?

Which one of them has not been famous for a long time, and is not famous throughout Luo Wuzhou?
The guy in front of him is just a lucky kid, how could he have sword intent?


The shattered green lotus hit Xu Lin's body, knocking him hundreds of feet away, and fell on the branch of a tree, unable to get up.

The figure of the clone holding the long sword slowly dissipated.

The convoy moved on.

After a while, Xu Lin, who finally got up, fell off the branch, and then looked around, his face flushed.

"Grandma, who said this guy has no real skills?"

Muttering in his mouth, he raised his head and saw Yang Mingzhen and Lu Zhengfei falling in front of him.

"Elder Yang..." Xu Lin wished he could get into the cracks in the ground.

"Fortunately, he didn't kill him, so the injury is not serious." Yang Mingzhen looked at Xu Lin and said calmly.

These words made Xu Lin's face even hotter.

He is the number one elite disciple of the Moon Chasing Sect, but he can't stop his sword.

"Sword Intent, how do I know this guy has comprehended Sword Intent." Xu Lin murmured as he stretched out his hand to touch his chest.

If he had known that Zhang Li had comprehended sword intent, he would have been foolish to challenge.

"Zhenyuezong, a remarkable person has emerged..."

Yang Mingzhen whispered, shook her head, turned around and left.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and looked into the distance.


A bright sword light cut out.

On the other side, a cyan streamer burst.

The sword light is hundreds of feet, tearing the sky.

The blue light dyed half of the sky azure, and the clouds trembled.

This is the overhaul of the golden core, and the power of heaven and earth is aroused.

"Luo Jiachen of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and this sword, are the true strength of that young treasurer."

"A golden core below the third level cannot block this sword."

Yang Mingzhen's expression changed, and she lowered her voice: "Is this Liwei, or..."

There was a flash of divine light on his body, and the divine sense was retracted after protruding out.

In such a situation, it is not a good choice to probe out the soul.

But he was really curious.

"A member of the Iron Body Sect."

There was a smile on his face, and he said in a low voice: "Elder Wu En of the Iron Body Sect, a practitioner of the first level of Jindan, it's over."

A Daxiu at the Golden Core Realm was besieged by a Golden Core Fifth Level and a Sword Cultivator who could cut the Golden Core at the same time, the result can be imagined.

When Yang Mingzhen and the others went to see, only Wu En was lying on the ground, unconscious.

"The golden core is broken, and the muscles, bones and meridians are also broken."

"In this life, it is impossible to step into the Foundation Establishment Realm again."

Yang Mingzhen's face twitched: "Shoot, how cruel..."


The Golden Core Realm of Iron Body Sect was intercepted and killed by Zhang Li, who shattered the Golden Core and abolished his cultivation.

The cruelty of these methods is worse than direct killing.

When the news came out, the speed was much faster than the convoy walking.

For a while, those forces that originally wanted to test Zhang Li quietly retreated.

Such tyrannical methods are clearly intended to let everyone know that this disciple of Nascent Soul Daxiu is not easy to mess with.

When the convoy moves forward, it must stop at Fangshi or other sects.

Ignoring Zhang Li's background, the treasures they brought are really good.

Not to mention all kinds of elixir, the most important thing is those magic tools.

Lu Yangzhou's practice ability is much worse than Luo Wuzhou's, but because of the unique inheritance of Taoism, his attainments in refining weapons are much stronger.

The magic weapons collected in the Northern Territory are extremely sought-after treasures on Luowuzhou.

Connecting the three sects, more than 500 pieces of those magical artifacts were sold.

This is still sold by Zhang Li, otherwise there will be a lot more.

Ten days later, the convoy stopped in front of a tall gate.

Outside the gate, dozens of people in martial robes were already waiting.

"Young Master Zhang."

"Young Master Zhang can come to my Golden Body Sect, it really is full of glory."

"I, the elder of the Golden Body Sect, Jin Yunzi, is entrusting himself to the sea of ​​chaotic stars. From now on, Mr. Zhang will be a member of my Golden Body Sect." The old man who spoke had a smile on his face.

Here is the Jinshen sect that Jin Yunzi came from.

The person who spoke was named Chu Xiong, the suzerain of the Golden Body Sect, a strong man in the sixth level of the Golden Core.

The strength of the Jinshen sect is not weak, there are nearly twenty Jindan realm masters in the sect.

Originally, Jin Yunzi and Luo Jiachen were coerced into joining the Chaotic Star Sea.

But now Luan Xinghai is guarded by Yuanying Dixian, and it has become a big force on Luo Wuzhou. Whether it is the Loose Cultivator Alliance behind Luo Jiachen, or the Golden Body Sect behind Jin Yunzi, they all want to curry favor.

Zhang Li came here because of Jin Yunzi's request.

"Zhang promised Elder Jin Yunzi that he must come to the Golden Body Sect."

"Sect Master Chu, don't worry, the treasures brought by the trading firm this time will be sold at a low price as long as the Jinshenzong is interested in them."

Zhang Li smiled and spoke very boldly.

This kind of style immediately made everyone in the Jinshen sect happy.

All forces in the practice world are pursuing a strong alliance.

Chaotic Star Sea is now the number one force on the barren sea, controlling various resources on the barren sea.

If the Golden Body Sect can form an alliance with such forces, it will definitely gain more benefits.

"Young Master Zhang is refreshing, please—" Chu Xiong smiled and invited Zhang Li and others to enter the Golden Body Sect.

Zhang Li doesn't care about the business of the caravan, it's all handed over to Xu Zhaonian.

Chu Xiong and others accompanied him to the banquet.

"I heard that Mr. Zhang defeated Xu Lin of the Chasing Moon Sect, and together with Elder Luo, he killed the villains who blocked the way and defeated the Golden Core Realm."

With a smile on his face, Chu Xiong held up his wine glass and said, "Mr. Zhang is now ranked in the elite list of Luo Wuzhou, but he has already entered the top [-]."

Luo Wuzhou Elite List.

This is the ranking among Luo Wuzhou's senior disciples.

Those who can enter the top [-] are all talented and powerful.

It is said that the top [-] on the elite list, each of them is in the Golden Core Realm.

Those who can enter the top ten are those who may step into the Nascent Soul Realm in the future.

Back then, Ao Ju of the Flood Dragon Clan used a pseudonym to travel on Luo Wuzhou, and then swept the younger generation, becoming the top three existences on the elite list.

"Bai Chen, Mr. Zhang is here today, you can fight with Mr. Zhang."

Chu Xiong looked down at the banquet, and his eyes fell on the tall young man sitting there.

Zhang Li also turned his head to look over.

Bai Chen, this name is also on the elite list, and it is in the 89th place.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, the most important thing for you young people is to become famous."

"If you can beat Bai Chen, my Jinshenzong will publicize this matter and let you directly enter the top [-] of the elite list."

"Even if we cannot win, this battle will not be known to outsiders."

Chu Xiong looked at Zhang Li with a smile on his face.

This is really not treating Zhang Li as an outsider, so he arranged for the top elites in his own family to compete.

If Bai Chen loses, Jinshenzong will use his own reputation to make Zhang Li famous.

If Bai Chen won, let's pretend it never happened.

The gift of the Jinshenzong is not unreasonable.

As Chu Xiong said, young people most need tempering and fame.

Jinshenzong came up with this idea knowing that Zhang Li had no shortage of treasures.

Naturally, what they cared about was not only Zhang Li alone, but also the satisfaction of Daoist Yue Teng who was far away in the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

Only the Jinshen Sect and other sects allied with Chaos Xinghai would be so willing.

"Bai Chen asked Brother Zhang for advice." Bai Chen stood up and cupped his hands towards Zhang Li.

On him, the strength of the peak foundation was displayed.

A pale golden aura lingered around him.

"it is good."

Zhang Li opened his mouth lightly, but his body didn't move, and a phantom appeared around him.


"Spirit weapon incarnation can have [-]% to [-]% of its own combat power."

Most of the halls are in the Golden Core state, and the strength of this avatar can be seen at a glance.

What Zhang Li showed was the seven-level cultivation of the foundation, and at this time the avatar revealed the peak state of the five-level foundation.

Such a level of cultivation is not enough to look at in front of Bai Chen.

However, everyone in the hall knew that Zhang Li was a swordsman. It was said that his swordsmanship was extremely strong, and Xu Lin was defeated by his sword.

Someone once asked Xu Lin about Zhangli's swordsmanship, but Xu Lin didn't say anything.

This makes outsiders even more curious about what level Zhang Li's sword practice has reached.


As soon as the avatar moved, it suddenly flew down in front of Bai Chen, and a sword light had pierced out.

The sword light shone, revealing a jade-colored brilliance.

Bai Chen's eyes froze, not daring to take the sword forcefully, he stepped back and left the hall in one step.

Jian Guang followed closely behind without stopping.

"What a fast sword."

"It's really rare to be able to control the clone with such swordsmanship, and the combat power of the body."

In the main hall, all the elders of the Golden Body Sect looked at Zhang Li who was sitting upright, all with expressions of surprise on their faces.

The strength Zhang Li showed was beyond their imagination.


Jian Guang caught up with Bai Chen and pointed at his shoulder.

Bai Chen's complexion changed slightly, he simply stood still, and with a low shout, the evil spirit outside him turned into a golden circle of light.

The secret method of the Golden Body Sect, the golden body does not break the circle.

When Zhang Li was exchanging ideas with Jin Yunzi, he saw Jin Yunzi perform it.

This golden body does not break the ring is similar to Zhang Li's martial arts golden body, but it is not as flexible as the martial arts golden body.

Moreover, the martial arts golden body is the embodiment of the overall practice, and the golden body does not break the ring is just a practice of combat skills.


The long sword hit the golden ring with a crisp sound.

Zhang Li's avatar took a step back and stood with a sword in hand.

A trace of relief appeared on Bai Chen's face.

The elders of the Golden Body Sect in the main hall also breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that Mr. Zhang's combat strength was already so strong, but he could seriously injure Bai Chen with one blow.

Wouldn't that mean ranking in the top fifty on the elite list?

At this time, if Zhang Li's sword can't break the golden body or the ring, it means that Bai Chen is invincible.

In other words, at least with his avatar, Zhang Li would not be Bai Chen's opponent.


Looking at Zhang Li standing in front of him, Bai Chen shouted loudly and punched out.

The golden body didn't break the ring and was turbulent, it matched the shadow of the fist, and smashed towards Zhang Li with golden light.

Seeing this punch, Zhang Li suddenly put away the sword in his hand.

Instead of retreating, he stepped forward, clenched his right hand into a fist, and bumped into Bai Chen's fist.


The two fists intersected, Zhang Li didn't take a step back, Bai Chen backed out three steps "Chong Ceng Ceng", his face flushed.

This scene made everyone in the hall stand up.

How can it be?

They thought that Zhang Li could defeat Bai Chen with his swordsmanship, and they thought that Zhang Li could entangle Bai Chen with his body skills.

But they never thought that Zhang Li could repel Bai Chen with his fist power.

The Golden Body Sect claims that the golden body is indestructible and powerful.

"What kind of method is this..." Chu Xiong looked at Zhang Li beside him and whispered in his mouth.

"Could it be that this is the method that comes with the spiritual weapon?" Another elder of the Golden Body Sect also whispered.

On the square ahead, Zhang Li shot again.

His boxing looks simple and clumsy, but each punch is powerful.

In front of Zhang Li, Bai Chen had only the strength to resist.

An elite powerhouse known for strength and defense, beaten at what he does best.

At this moment, a tyrannical aura rose from Bai Chen's body.

"Pick me up!"

With a low shout, he raised his hand and punched out.

This punch roared through the wind, like a dragon chant.

Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, his figure was straight, and behind him, a golden dragon elephant phantom emerged.

"Great boxing!"

"This is Qi and blood coagulation, how can there be such means..."

In the hall, everyone looked at Zhang Li like a monster.


Bai Chen's body was knocked out.


  Try your best to code, try to keep updating

(End of this chapter)

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