Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 205 Awakening to the Power of the World

Chapter 205 Awakening to the Power of the World

This tea is really good.

One sentence from Zhang Li made Yu Gan who was standing behind laugh out loud.

Lu Zhan, who was sitting still, raised his head and snorted coldly.

Yu Gan turned his head hastily and tensed his face.

"You don't like the old man's tea." Lu Zhan slowly lowered his head, looked at Zhang Li, and narrowed his eyes: "Then tell me, what kind of tea is good tea."

As the words fell, there was a surge of water vapor on the long table in front of Zhang Li.

This water vapor is the interweaving of the power of heaven and earth controlled by Lu Zhan, the Nascent Soul Daxiu himself.

Zhang Li's evaluation of the tea just now did not really annoy this Nascent Soul Daxiu, but it still made him feel a little angry.

This anger was not sent by Lu Zhan himself, but he showed it through his own influence on the world.

Rejected by heaven and earth?

Yuanying Daxiu has already been able to change a trace of the power of heaven with his own power.

This kind of cultivator is supposed to constantly comprehend the world.

Why are there so few Nascent Souls in the practice world?
It is because of the collapse of the way of heaven that there is too little power of the way of heaven that can make people realize.

Zhang Li was willing to return to Xiniuzhou because he wanted to see the heaven and earth avenue, and feel the melting pot of the avenue when the world was promoted.

Feeling the power of the Great Dao pressing against him, Zhang Li slowly closed his eyes.

If they were fighting with each other based on their cultivation, ten or a hundred other Zhang Li would not be able to compare with Lu Zhan in front of them.

But if he is more comprehensible than Dao Dao, and the heaven and earth are in control, he, Zhang Li, would dare to fight Zhu Yuanzheng face to face!
He Zhangli has seen and realized the promotion of heaven and earth several times.

His chapters stand and gather in several heaven and earth avenues for gifts.

He stands tall and possesses unparalleled merits and virtues in the world!

Zhang stood around, and the same turbulent force surged.

When this power appeared, Lu Zhan stood up suddenly.

"The Way of Heaven and Earth—"

Lu Zhan stared closely at Zhang Lishenzhou's turbulent halo.

Unfortunately, this halo disappeared in a flash.

This is not Zhang Li's strength.

This is the power of heaven and earth that he perceives by himself, simulating the momentary turmoil when the world is promoted.

That level of power drumming.

This kind of level reveals the brilliance that is fascinating.

But if you don't have enough strength, you can't even face this kind of turmoil.

Standing behind Zhang Li, Yu Gan was shaken all over, his footsteps backed up unconsciously, his complexion turned from pale to flushed several times.

"Cultivation in the world is natural. Senior, you have achieved the Nascent Soul Realm with your bright energy, but now you insist on suppressing your own strength, to understand the way of heaven, and to make some tea."

Zhang Li slowly opened his eyes and whispered in his mouth.

There is no way of heaven in Luo Wuzhou, so he insists on influencing the world with his own way, which is more difficult than Zhu Yuanzheng's cultivating the way of heaven in the mortal world.

"If it were me, I would not drink tea, but brew wine."

Zhang Li raised his hand, and a flagon fell on the long table.

Setting sun blood.

Ordinary wine.

This wine can invigorate the blood.

But for a Daxiu who has achieved Nascent Soul with Qi and blood, such agitation is like ants shaking a tree.

However, Zhang Li didn't take out the wine to let Lu Zhan use it to stimulate his blood.

This wine is just an introduction.

Lu Zhan's eyes fell on the jug, he pondered for a moment, and reached out to hold the jug.

"I once promised an old friend that I would never drink alcohol in my life."

"Woman?" Zhang Li's words sounded.

Yu Gan looked at Zhang Li sitting there with a look of admiration on his face.

He felt that if he was sitting there and saying these words, his bones might have been broken.

Lu Zhan didn't speak.

If you don't speak, it is the default.

"A woman doesn't let a man drink, it sounds like it's for his own good." Zhang Li said lightly.

"Actually, it's because this man is not strong enough."

"If this man can wake up and take over the power of the world, and lie drunk on the lap of a beauty, everything in the world will be under his control."

Zhang Li raised his head and looked at Lu Zhan: "Senior Lu, you are not strong enough."

A Nascent Soul Daxiu was said to be not strong enough.

Yu Gan clenched his hands tightly, and his eyes showed horror.

He didn't know how the person in front of him dared to speak like that.

Wake up and take control of the world, drunk on the knees of beautiful women.

Such a carefree picture is intoxicating just thinking about it.

But directly saying that a Nascent Soul Daxiu is not strong enough, is this courting death?
He doesn't know how strong Zhang Li's cultivation base and combat power are, but he admires his courage.

Originally, he wanted to challenge Zhang Li, so teach him a lesson.

Now he felt that if Zhang Li could walk out of this small courtyard today, he would have a drink with Zhang Li.

Just based on what I heard today, I am so happy.

"I'm not strong enough..." Lu Zhan slowly clenched the jug in front of him.

"Hehe, how am I worse than that Jiaolong?"

"Feng Tianya, hehe, I, Lu Zhan, don't even have the chance to live here for a day, but that guy Ao Ju has been able to live here for so many years."

Bringing the jug to his mouth, Lu Zhan raised his head and poured the blood-red wine into his mouth.

The blood-colored wine was pungent and fiery.

Not spirit wine.

But this ardor comes from the bottom of my heart.

After drinking the wine in the jug in one gulp, Lu Zhan raised his hand and smashed the jug into pieces.


He stared at Zhang Li in front of him: "Is there any more wine?"

"Yes." Zhang Li replied.

"How to sell?" Lu Zhan asked again.

"A pot of a million spirit stones." Zhang Li replied.

Millions of spirit stones, one pot.

In the mortal world, although this setting sun blood is precious and unique to the imperial court of Qin, it is not impossible to obtain it.

If it is converted into spirit stones, at most one spirit stone can be exchanged for a pot.

Zhang Li's price has directly increased by a million times.

This price makes Yu Gan click his tongue.

What wine can be so expensive?

Lu Zhan's eyes narrowed slowly.

There was a suppressive force slowly gathering in him.

The price Zhang Li said was teasing him.

He can pay [-] spirit stones, but it is impossible to pay a million spirit stones.

"Yuanying Daxiu, the top figure on Luowu Continent, does not dare to overwhelm a continent by one person in terms of combat power, and hesitates even a million spirit stones in terms of wealth."

Zhang Li didn't seem to feel the power surging from Lu Zhan's body, so he spoke lightly.

"Vision determines realm, Senior Lu, your vision has already been limited."

"My wine, millions of spirit stones, what sells you is vision."

After Zhang Li finished speaking, he stood up, bowed his hands to Lu Zhan, turned around and left.

He moved slowly, and when he walked in front of Yu Gan, he took out a bottle of setting sun blood.

"Would you like a bottle?"

His words made Yu Gan tremble.

This wine is really expensive.

Zhang Li shook his head, handed the jug to Yu Gan, and strode away.

It wasn't until Zhang Li left that Yu Gan raised his head and looked at Lu Zhan in front of him in confusion.

"Hmph, what are you looking at me for?" Lu Zhan snorted angrily.

"The majestic Young Master of Forging Heaven Sect, the disciple of Yuanying Daxiu, dare not drink wine with a million spirit stones, is this the way you are?"

Didn't you dare to ask for it?
Yu Gan bowed his head and didn't speak.

"This wine is not the wine of the cultivation world."

After a long time, Lu Zhan's voice sounded again.

Yu Gan suddenly raised his head.

What do you mean?
If it's not the world of practice, where could it be?
"Don't you understand?" Lu Zhan glared bitterly, "Vision, that kid took out this wine and told me to have vision."

"This wine is implicated in another world."

"If not, how can you say that wine is so expensive?"

Lu Zhan bared his teeth, and threw a storage bag into Yu Gan's arms.

"Give this million spirit stones to that kid, and the old man will drink his wine for nothing."

Million Lingshi.

Just this jug of wine.

Yu Gan held the storage bag, and his eyes fell on the flagon in his hand.

"Well, Master, I want to give him a million spirit stones?"

"Look at how promising you are." Lu Zhan flicked his sleeves, and his figure disappeared in place.

Yu Gan raised his head, confusion flashed across his face.


Don't you know how many spirit stones your apprentice has?

Promise, you have to be able to get it out, right?

That's a million spirit stones, not a hundred spirit stones.

Looking down at the jug in his hand, Yu Gan's eyes flashed, and he turned and left.

Stepping out of the small courtyard, he didn't go after Zhang Li, but headed towards the main hall of the Zongmen.

His father, the master of Duantianmen is now in the main hall.

"That's the point..." Lu Zhan's voice sounded leisurely in the small courtyard.

"I'm still not strong enough, otherwise, I'll beat Can Aoju..."

The sound gradually became inaudible.

When Zhang Li returned to the small courtyard, Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji both came to see him.

It's just that Zhang Li said that he didn't mention the alliance, which disappointed the two of them.

But disappointment is disappointment, no matter what, it is always a good thing for Zhang Li to meet Lu Zhan, the patriarch of Duan Tianmen.

At least if it gets out, Zhang Li's reputation can be improved by a level.

"From now on, we will say that Nephew Zhang is a younger generation that even Patriarch Lu Zhan valued." Su Ji chuckled.

"A fire spirit bead, this friendship still needs to be exchanged."

Carrying people in a sedan chair, that's it.

Just like the Jinshenzong made Zhang Li famous, Zhang Li gave the ancestor of Duan Tianmen a Fire Spirit Orb, and such a treasure would naturally be exchanged for enough benefits.

As long as Zhang Li didn't do too much, Duan Tianmen would not pursue it for Huo Lingzhu's sake.

Zhang Li smiled and said nothing.

Naturally, he couldn't say that he met Patriarch Lu Zhan, drank some tea, and even gave him a good beating.

This kind of thing rots in the stomach.

Back in the quiet room, raising the protective formation, Zhang Li's eyes flickered.

Around him, countless lights flickered, turning into stars, sun and moon.

Evolution of heaven.

In Lu Zhan's small courtyard, he confronted Lu Zhan with the power of heaven, and he could not say that he won completely, but he also defeated Lu Zhan, the Nascent Soul Daxiu.

But this is not his Zhang Li's ability.

This is the way of evolution displayed by the power of the mundane heavenly way, which is far stronger than the method of Lu Zhan, the overhaul of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Not to mention Yuanying, even if it is above Yuanying, it is impossible to comprehend the way of heaven and earth more profound than the real world.

From the collision just now, Lu Zhan naturally gained something, and Zhang Li gained even more.

With the help of the collision of forces, his understanding of the Dao was further deepened.

Now, the evolution of the world around the body is the appearance after understanding the nature.

The heaven, earth and stars can manifest, let alone wind, thunder, water and fire?
In the future, Zhang Li's practice of Taoism will definitely come naturally.


The stars around him exploded, causing Zhang Li's robe to surge.

He opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a deep starry sky in his eyes.

From the evolution of the stars to the explosion, there are only three breaths in total.

This is already the limit that his mental strength can support.

Of course, if he didn't have enough comprehension, even a Nascent Soul Daxiu would not be able to manifest half a breath, not even a hundred breaths.

Standing up and walking out of the quiet room, the starlight in Zhang Li's eyes disappeared.

"Hey, Nephew Zhang, what benefits did you get from Patriarch Lu Zhan?" Seeing Zhang Li, Wu Yun said in a low voice.

"Yeah, why do you feel that your cultivation base is more stable and your aura is more distant?" Su Ji beside him was also curious.

They are all major repairs in the middle stage of Jindan, and they are extremely sensitive to changes in Zhang Li.

"Talking with Nascent Soul Daxiu will naturally yield benefits." Zhang Li nodded.

It is a good way to give all the credit to Lu Zhan.

His words made Su Ji and Wu Yun look envious.

It's just a pity that they couldn't come up with a Fire Spirit Orb.

Even if he had, he was reluctant to give the Fire Lingzhu to Lu Zhan.

"Martial nephew Zhang, Yu Gan, the young sect master of Duantianmen, came over just now, and gave you a gift, and said that if you are free, I will invite you to drink."

Shaking his head, Su Ji handed Zhang Li a small jade box.

He and Wu Yunzheng also wondered how Zhang Li knew Yu Gan, and how he got a gift from him.

Zhang Li took the jade box and opened it with his hand.

Inside the jade box is a folded paper page.

"Covenant!" Su Ji exclaimed, and stretched out his hand to take out the scroll and spread it out.

On the scroll, there is a piece of cloud.

This is the sign of the covenant.

Su Ji was full of surprise, and handed the scroll to Wu Yunzheng.

"It's really a covenant. As long as we mark our Yunlu, this covenant will be made."

Sensing the cloud in front of him carefully, Wu Yun exclaimed and whispered.

The two elders of the Golden Core Realm did not expect that the alliance with the Forging Heaven Sect that they had imagined before would really come true.

How did this happen?

"Nephew Zhang, what, what's going on?" Wu Yun was looking at Zhang Li, and murmured.

"Probably, it cost a million spirit stones." Zhang Li shook his head.

A million spirit stones?

The alliance with Forging Heaven Sect can be achieved by turning Lingshi?

If Millions of Spirit Stones can form an alliance with Duan Tianmen, countless sects in the entire Luowu Continent will line up with spirit stones in their hands.

"Two elders, don't you conclude this covenant, and then discuss the specific alliance matters with Kuiantianmen?" Zhang Li looked at the two and changed the topic.

These words made the faces of both of them change, and they laughed out loud.

"Go here, go here..."


Three days later, Duantianmen and Zhenyuezong quietly signed a covenant.

The master of Duantianmen came to meet the two elders of Zhenyuezong in person, and naturally also met Zhang Li.

It's just that Zhang Li didn't participate in the following ceremony, but came to Lu Zhan's small courtyard again.

In front of him stood Yu Gan with a long sword hanging from his waist.

"If you can survive a hundred moves under my sword, I will give you a chance when you go to the ancient battlefield."

Holding the sword hilt in his hand, Yu Gan looked at Zhang Li calmly.

"I heard that you showed your sword intent when you fought Qin Zhen."

"If you cultivated the sword intent by yourself, then you are still qualified to fight with me."

"If your sword intent is borrowed from a spiritual weapon or blessed by an elder, then forget it."

When Yu Gan spoke, there was a surge of fighting intent in his body.

A faint cyan sword light emerged from his body.

This is a sign of the beginning of the sword.

Zhang Li nodded, his eyes fell on Yu Gan.

"Brother Yu, do you really want to fight me?"

He looked at Yu Gan's face and whispered softly, "If you are being coerced, just blink."

Yu Gan was stunned for a moment, blinking his eyes unconsciously.

At this moment, Zhang Li in front of him moved.

With a stab of a sword, the clouds gather and disperse!

Mobilize his mind, eliminate his fighting spirit, and then break his edge with the sword.

Yu Gan didn't even have a chance to draw his sword to resist this sword attack, he was already repelled by the sword, and flew into the grass behind, knocking down half of the grass.

Lu Zhan, whose hair was covered with weeds, walked out of the thatched cottage with a cold face.

"It's really embarrassing to me that I can't even catch someone's sword."

"You still want the Yulin sword in my hand?"

"You said, did the old man coerce you to fight him?"

"Didn't it be you who coveted the spiritual weapon in the old man's hand and shot it?"

With a wave of his hand, Yu Gan's figure flew down in front of Zhang Li.

"Fight one more time, if you lose, don't even think about Yulin Sword for the rest of your life."

(End of this chapter)

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