Chapter 206 Challenge, Nascent Soul Realm!

Fight again.

Just now Zhang Li's sword was too fast, too hasty, and Yu Gan lost too much.

In fact, it doesn't count if you say injustice. After all, when the strong fight against each other, it's always about winning or losing.

But standing in this small courtyard now, there is no reason to speak.

Nascent Soul Daxiu how to say how to calculate.

"Jade Lin Sword..." Yu Gan whispered softly with a trace of longing on his face.

He looked at Zhang Li in front of him and held the hilt of his sword.

"Brother Zhang, I'm sorry, for the Yulin Sword—"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Li turned his head to look at Lu Zhan, and said: "Senior, shouldn't there be some rewards for trying the sword as a junior?"

That's all for the battle just now, and now I need to make a sword-testing stone for your disciple.

Your disciple is a Nascent Soul disciple, but I am not?

Zhang Li's words made Yu Gan's face stiff, showing a tinge of redness.


Lu Zhan nodded with a calm expression: "What do you want?"

I will give you whatever you want.

As a senior, you should have this kind of tolerance.

As the patriarch of Forging Heaven Clan, Lu Zhan also has the capital to say such things.

Magic weapon?


Some incomparably precious secrets for Golden Core and Foundation Establishment Realm?

Both Lu Zhan and Yu Gan looked at Zhang Li.

What kind of demands will this young elite with rich wealth, powerful strength and equally profound background make?
Yu Gan's eyes were even more curious.

Zhang Li was the guy who sold a pot of common wine for millions of spirit stones.

This guy is used to talking like a lion.

"If I lose, I will give this Zhenyue Sword to Brother Yu."

Zhang Li raised his hand, and the black long sword flew to the side.

These words startled Yu Gan and made Lu Zhan's eyes shine.

Originally, there was no need to place any bets in this competition.

But now he not only took it, but also the incomparably precious Zhenyue Sword.

So what does he want in exchange?
"If I win," Zhang Li cast his eyes on Lu Zhan, with a faint fighting spirit on his body, "I would like to ask senior Lu Zhan to enlighten me."

Challenge Lu Zhan!

Challenge a Nascent Soul Overhaul!
The young junior in front of him, who has not yet reached the Golden Core, challenges Lu Zhan, one of the five Nascent Souls on Luowuzhou, the patriarch of the Tiantianmen!

Yu Gan widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Li in disbelief.

He was a little bewildered.

Has the person in front of him never regarded himself as an opponent?

How does this young practitioner in front of him have the courage to challenge his master, the Patriarch of the Nascent Soul Realm?

"Okay." Lu Zhan nodded, put his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "You are brave."

As the voice fell, a sword intent soaring to the sky burst out from Zhang Li's body.

The sword intent turned into a long dragon, and the sound of the sky-shaking dragon resounded.

For a moment, the sky and the earth moved, and all the swords in the entire Forging Heaven Sect echoed it.

With one strike, Wan Jianming!


In front of Zhang Li, a blue sword lotus gathered.

He took a step forward, and a blue lotus flower appeared under his feet.

Go forward seven steps, and there are seven green lotuses under your feet.

When he took seven steps and landed seven feet away from Yu Gan, the green lotus in front of him had already bloomed.

"The sword of Daomen, is there really a way to other continents in Chaotic Star Sea..."

Lu Zhan's eyes flickered, and his lips murmured.

But at this time, Zhang Li and Yu Gan were all focused on their bodies, and no one cared what Lu Zhan said.

"The sword blossoms into a green lotus, blooms every step of the way, it's easy to practice—"

Yu Gan let out a low shout, and unsheathed the long sword at his waist.

Cyan sword edge, clear sword light.

This sword did not have the brilliance and splendor of Zhang Li's swordsmanship, but more of a sharp sword spirit and an indomitable move forward.

The sword pointed forward, the sword light flashed, and the sword broke the sword.

The cyan blade collided with the cyan sword lotus.

Sword against sword.

Nothing fancy.

The confrontation of this blow has nothing to do with sword moves, and has nothing to do with cultivation.

It is only better than sword intent comprehension.

This is a battle of pure sword repair.

Whoever has a profound sword intent will win directly.


The sword's edge touched Qinglian.

In an instant, the green lotus bloomed, and countless petals turned into blades and scattered.

After Yu Gan's sword energy resisted for three breaths, he was rolled back by the blasted sword intent blade, pushing him three feet away, and bumped into the edge of the thatched hut that he fell before.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Yu Gan's face, then he stood up, with a calm expression, and cupped his hands to Zhang Li: "I lost."

He turned around and looked at Lu Zhan: "Master, this disciple is incompetent and cannot catch this sword."

Lu Zhan waved his hand and threw out a long sword.

"You are not wronged to lose, he has already achieved great sword intent, and you are still far behind."

"The Yulin Sword is temporarily entrusted to you. If the sword intent cannot be achieved within ten years, I will take this sword back."

Dacheng sword intent.

Yu Gan, who was holding the Yulin sword, looked at Zhang Li in surprise.

Just now, he thought that Zhang Li had already done his best.

However, no.

"You go out first." Lu Zhan waved his hand.

Don't let yourself stay in the courtyard?

Yu Gan was taken aback.

He also wanted to see Zhang Li challenge Lu Zhan.

"Are you really not afraid of hurting your Dao heart?" Lu Zhan glared at him and said lightly.

Dao Xin.

When Zhang Li fights with Lu Zhan, he will naturally go all out.

If Zhang Li's cultivation is too strong, the level of the two of them fighting far exceeds Yu Gan's own cultivation and understanding, it will definitely be a blow to him.

It is light to damage the mind of Dao.

Maybe when I see Zhang Li again in the future, I will feel that I am invincible, and my heart will be blocked.

With a bit of unwillingness to mutter, Yu Gan glanced at Zhang Li who was calm and silent, and walked out of the small courtyard with his sword in his hand.

The moment he walked out of the small courtyard, the courtyard door closed.

Behind him, a majestic stream of light rose up and turned into a bright light curtain, covering the surrounding world.

Isolate the power from escaping, and isolate the exploration of divine sense.

The corner of Yu Gan's mouth twitched, and he stood still in front of the courtyard.

At this time, in the small courtyard, the endless energy and blood in front of Zhang Li seemed to be surging like waves.

The surrounding world is like a quagmire, trying to pull him into the depths of the ground.



The body and soul are crushed at the same time.

This is the scene when Yuanying Daxiu made a move, and it was all-round suppression before he knew it.

As long as the opponent has a slight flaw in his soul and practice, he will be crushed by this kind of soul and power, and he will not even have a chance to fight back.

Patriarch Lu Zhan didn't hold back.

It's not that real Yue Teng is fighting with Zhang Li, Lu Zhan can't hold back Zhang Li.

Make sure you don't seriously injure him.

To challenge a Nascent Soul Daxiu, you have to bear any consequences.


Behind Zhang Li, a golden statue of a crouching dragon emerged.

The body of the dragon elephant shook, and then condensed into a golden robe for protection.

The golden body of martial arts is invincible.

Behind Zhang Li, a phantom of a tree of swordsmanship appeared.

Three prongs, nine tops and eighteen branches, each branch is a flower of sword intent.

The moment the tree of sword intent appeared, the intertwined sword intent spread out, protecting Zhang Li's body, and he remained motionless despite the surging waves of Qi and blood around him.

Body refining golden body.

The sword will become a tree.

Zhang Li's method caused a strange look on Lu Zhandu's face.

This level of cultivation is something that a junior can have?

Even the elders of the fourth and fifth levels of the Golden Core in the Forging Heaven Sect dare not say that they have this level of cultivation and combat power.

Such strength, top five, even top three in the elite list!
Narrowing his eyes, Lu Zhan slowly raised his hand.

The clouds surge, the wind rises.

Gangsha turned into a cloud dragon, roared, and gathered in front of Lu Zhan's fist shadow.

"You're right. The old man is a martial artist. Drinking tea is worse than drinking alcohol."

Lu Zhan's voice was indifferent, and a chilling bloody aura pressed down on Zhang Li.

Which Nascent Soul Daxiu was not killed?
Which Nascent Soul Daxiu didn't gather his own Nascent Soul by stepping on the bones of countless strong men?
The moment Lu Zhan's voice fell, Yunlong Gangsha directly reached out to Zhang Li.

This blow is not only a huge force at the level of strength, but also the blessing of the power of the soul, and it is impossible to even resist within the third level of the Golden Core.

Zhang Li stood where he was, and raised the long sword transformed from the Yunze Eight Diagrams Mirror in his hand.

For him, it doesn't matter whether he uses the Zhenyue Sword or the Yunze Mirror.

The blessing of the sword weapon to him is very limited when confronting the Nascent Soul Realm.


The sword pointed forward, and the power of the golden body condensed into a golden lotus, which fell on the long sword.

Taking a step forward, Zhang Li faced Yunlong who was probing his claws, and stabbed forward with his long sword.

Whether it is the way of swordsmanship, martial arts, or other practices, in the final analysis, it is all for self-improvement and stepping into the supreme road.

The same goes for the law of protection.

The end of the Tao is extremely simple and extremely heavy.

The long sword stabbed forward was in front of Yunlong, and the golden lotus flowers bloomed layer by layer on the blade.

Yunlong roared, and dragon elephant shouted angrily.

The sword's edge vibrated, and the layered halo of swordsmanship on Zhang Li's body was turbulent, like a misty drizzle, wrapping his body layer by layer.

Every layer of cloud and mist, every drop of rain and mist is the sharpest sword intent in the world.

The ultimate sharpness is the ultimate gentleness.

Looking at Zhang Li whose sword edge was shaking but not retreating at all, Lu Zhan's eyes flickered like turbulent waves.

On Luo Wuzhou, among the younger generation, those who can receive his blow are only one palm.

Humming softly, Lu Zhan turned his palm over.

Tanzhao Yunlong's body exploded, turning into a bluestone war drum that soared towards the clouds, and pressed down on Zhang Li.

"The old man comprehended the battle drum stone Yijiazi left in the ancient fairy world on Yunji Mountain, and created a set of stone drum shaking the sky. Let's see how many moves you can take."

There was indifference in Lu Zhan's voice, like a mighty general going out to fight.

The stone drum slammed down, as if with the sound of gold and iron.

This time, Zhang Li didn't use his sword to stab.

Fighting against the illusory cloud dragon, you can stab the sword, and collide with the thick stone drum. If the sword hits this point, the sword edge must break.

The long sword was turned upside down and held upside down with one hand, Zhang Li's figure directly turned into a phantom.

People follow the sword.

The stone drum was magnificent, and when it fell, it blasted out a mess of rubble in a radius of one foot.

But Zhang Li's figure is no longer where he was.

The figure is like the wind.

The swordsmanship on Luo Wuzhou may be done with strength and cleverness, and there are many openings and closings, but Zhang Li's swordsmanship is much rounder.

Whether it is breaking ten thousand spells with one sword or breaking ten thousand spells with one force, it is inseparable from one's own control of the power of the sword.

Only by mastering the way of swordsmanship and returning to the basics can we achieve priorities and send and receive freely.

Let the stone drum swing the ravine, smashing a radius of three zhang into ruins, the dust and smoke rose, but Zhang Li could not be touched at all.

"Can you stop my stone drum shaking the sky just with your body skills?" Lu Zhan shouted coldly, spreading his hands.

The stone drum suddenly turned into two statues.

The space with a radius of three feet was directly filled by two stone drums.

There is only a square inch left for Zhang Li to move around.

The figure paused, Zhang Li took a deep breath, and his eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

Body skills are just one type of sword skills.

Since Lu Zhan wants to force him to fight recklessly, let's just fight.


With a shake of the long sword in his hand, Zhang Li took a step forward.


Five feet ahead is Lu Zhan.

Yuan Ying overhauled Lu Zhan.

The long sword pointed forward, going forward without hesitation.

Lu Zhan laughed loudly, stretched out his hand to lead, and a stone drum flew towards Zhang Li.

Zhang Li held the sword horizontally in his hand, with the spine of the sword protruding forward, touching the stone drum.

People decide.

Drums stop.

So what if it is extremely heavy?

Not retreating an inch.

Holding the stone drum with his long sword, Zhang Li let out a low shout, and pushed the stone drum one step further.

He turned his long sword over, and the spine of the sword lifted the stone drum slowly.

This stone drum is as heavy as a mountain, but on the sword ridge, it is like the first sun rising slowly.

"It's as light as it is heavy." Lu Zhan whispered softly, and with a wave of his hand, another stone drum hit him.

Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, and he pointed out with his empty left hand, and a cyan sword energy intertwined and turned into a sword net.

The snare is gentle, blocking the stone drum, unable to move forward at all.

"It's as important as it is light." Lu Zhan's eyes were full of light.

"Hold lightly as if it is heavy, lift heavy as lightly, the way is natural, your swordsmanship has already reached the realm of perfection."

With a split of both hands, the stone drum dispersed, and Lu Zhan said in a low voice, "Let me see your sword."

As his voice fell, Zhang Li flew up.

Fifty feet of space, one step across.

The sword in his hand stabbed out.

Go forward.

This sword, with a sharpness that people can't look directly at, and a wind that can tear the sky and the earth, pierces out with a sword.

The sword in your hand is nothing more than a stab!

Whether there is a mountain in front of you, or a fairy god in front of you, with the sword in hand, you can stab without regret.

This sword is the gathering of Zhang Li's mind and physical strength.

This sword is the combination of his martial arts and kendo power.

This sword is all the energy of a sword repairer.


The long sword pierced Lu Zhan's palm.

Lu Zhan's palm was in front of him, and a cyan halo shook in his palm.

Zhang Li was startled, took three steps back holding the sword, then bowed to Lu Zhan, turned around and left.

Learn from each other, so far.

Seeing Zhang Li walking out of the small courtyard, Lu Zhan looked calm, lowered his head, and looked at his palm.

On his palm, there was a shallow sword mark.

How many years has it been since he stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm? No one can leave even the most faint and obvious scar on his body?
"Luo Wuzhou's junior, you should be number one."

Lu Zhan slowly clenched his palms with a smile on his face.

"Mortal dust brews wine, I will go with you to see what the setting sun is like in the bloody world..."


No one knows the outcome of the battle between Zhang Li and Lu Zhan.

It is this matter that no one in the Forging Heaven Sect knows.

No one even knew that Zhang Li and the others came to Forging Heaven Gate and left quietly.

The matter of forming an alliance is a secret.

The flying boat left quietly and went straight to the ancient battlefield.

After Zhang Licong fought with Lu Zhan, he felt that he was in a mysterious state, and his spirit was a little trance. He was secluded in the cabin, constantly feeling his own strength.

In front of Yuanying Daxiu, all his strengths seemed to be inferior.

That is the gap in power level.

You can't hurt the opponent even if you use your sword with all your strength.

Perhaps, only when one's cultivation base of Immortal Dao enters the Golden Core, and then one's spirit, energy and spirit become one, can one really fight against the Nascent Soul Realm Daxiu.

Not urgent.

"Nephew Zhang, the ancient battlefield is ahead." A voice sounded from outside the cabin.

Zhang Li walked out of the cabin and came to the deck.

Ahead, there was a cloud of mist, and faint mountains and continuous broken walls could be seen.

Broken walls and ruins, mountains and rivers left.

An air of confusion permeated the air.

"Zhen Yuezong?"

"It is said that Zhang Li, an elite disciple of Zhenyue Sect, is here, do you dare to meet him?"

In the distance, there was a voice with contempt.

Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji turned their heads to look at Zhang Li.

"Nephew Zhang, don't bother with such temptations. Every time an elite meeting occurs, someone will always—"

Before Wu Yunzheng finished speaking, his eyes widened.

From Zhang Li's body, a sword light soared into the sky.

Stepping out with one step, thousands of green lotuses are accompanied by endless golden light.

Step by step lotus.

"Zhang Li, here."

 Sorry for the lateness.

  The college entrance examination.

(End of this chapter)

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