Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 207 Remnants of the ancient battlefield, the younger generation worships with a sword

Chapter 207 Remnants of the ancient battlefield, the younger generation worships with a sword

Zhang Li, here.

In a word, it shook the world and could be heard for hundreds of miles.

The whistling and moving clouds, combined with this voice, were then stirred by the soaring sword intent and turned into a whirlwind of hundreds of miles.

This level of energy directly suppressed the aura of all the practitioners under the golden core, unable to raise their heads.

The young man in his thirties who spoke just now was also pale at this time, and he couldn't stand up in the clouds, so he fell straight down.

The eighth layer of foundation building, that's all.

"Sword intent."

"He is really a swordsman."

"This kind of sword intent can at least fight Jindan."

"With such power and influence, the top [-] on the elite list can be expected."

Countless exclamations and whispers sounded.

Seeing the bright sword light ahead and the blossoming lotus of sword intent, Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji smiled wryly.

Originally, they wanted Zhen Yuezong to keep a low profile.

Now, I can't keep a low profile.

Strength does not allow...

Zhang Li walked forward step by step, attracting streams of light around him, and layers of halos flickered.

An elite figure of a half-step Golden Core emerged.

Pulled by strength and energy, whoever dares to retreat will lose his mind.

But in general, the person who pulls the Qi machine will have to bear the impact of the power of the soul from all sides.

It would be fine if no one had stronger soul power than him, but if someone had stronger soul power than him, he would be directly counterattacked.

Zhang Li walked forward step by step, surrounded by golden light and blue light.

His expression remained unchanged, and his sword was so bright that no one could face it directly.

"What a sharp and invincible swordsman." On a flying boat in the distance, a big man with a bearded face whispered, his eyes were shining brightly.

"The power of one person has attracted so many elites to respond. Such a person is destined to be a leader." An old man with white beard watched this scene and whispered in his mouth.

"There are countless heroes in the world, and the strong are like crucian carp crossing the river, but there are very few who can beat their peers in an era."

"My son, there is a bit of weather."

Every leader who came to participate in the elite competition is at least a half-step golden core.

Even if it is impossible to have two middle-stage Golden Core elders like Zhen Yuezong sitting in the presidency, there must be at least one early-stage Golden Core strongman.

If you can't even produce a half-step golden core, then it doesn't make much sense to participate in this kind of competition.

But such power is not without it.

Isn't this kind of gathering and competition just giving opportunities to many talented people?
Elite status, some people are the icing on the cake, while others are soaring into the sky.


In front of Zhang Li, a long knife appeared.

The light of the knife was like a raging flame, rising and falling, pushing forward layer by layer, smashing through the surrounding clouds, and then hitting towards Zhang Li's manifested sky-supporting long sword.

Someone couldn't hold back and wanted to test Zhang Li.

"It's Huayun Saber Feng Tianlai."

"This kid is already at the Jindan stage, and was ranked No. 20 on the elite list last time."

"Hua Yun Dao has cultivated the sword intent, right? No wonder he dared to make a move."

There were voices all around, some whispering, some shouting.

No matter what others say, the bright sword light firmly hits Zhang Li's sword light.

Zhang Li stood around, Qinglian Zhiguang was pulled by the sword intent, shaking constantly, and seemed to begin to deform.

But he remained motionless, his eyes opened and closed, and a golden light flashed by.

The strength of the mind and the power of artistic conception comprehend the power to fight for the front.

The power of his Zhang Li's soul is already at the peak of Jindan, unless Yuanying Daxiu is in person, if not, who else is he afraid of?

The sword shadow collided with the phantom of the long knife.

The sound of the explosion spread through the air, causing the surroundings to howl.

Zhang Li is fine, but those souls who have not cultivated to the Golden Core will be miserable.

Many people suddenly bled from their seven orifices, their faces flushed.

The cultivation level of the younger generation can reach Jindan, which is due to the accumulation of resources and talent.

But the cultivation base of the soul is not so easy to improve.

Without the blessing of the power of heaven, you can only practice hard step by step.

Among the younger generation, there are very few who can match their spiritual cultivation with their own cultivation realm.

The phantom of the long knife collapsed directly, and then turned back upside down.

A young man in black armor with a resolute face flashed fear in his eyes, gritted his teeth, his whole body was surging with energy and blood, and the golden core flew out from the top of his head.

The golden core intertwined with the power of Qi and blood and turned into a phantom of Zhang Zhang. He raised his hands and held the phantom of the long knife above his head with all his strength.

This is the aggregation of the power of the soul and all the power of one's own cultivation.

Hua Yun Dao Feng Tianlai failed in one blow, almost smashing his Qi mechanism.

Such a force collided and was completely defeated.

There were surprises in the countless eyes around him.

Zhang Li's cultivation and combat strength were even stronger than they imagined.

With such strength, is it possible that he can enter the top [-] of the elite list?
On the flying boat behind, both Su Ji and Wu Yunzheng were surprised.

No wonder Zhang Li dared to challenge directly, and was driven by Qi.

A truly capable person is not afraid of challenges!

Not far away, the originally suppressed power of several figures vibrated slightly.

Those are the real powerhouses in this elite competition, and they are the ones who have always been ranked high on the elite list.

Zhang Li's strength made them interested.

But before they could make a move, Zhang Li had already moved.

The light of the saber flying down from Feng Tianlai's head was not yet stable, Zhang Li's voice sounded: "It's not indecent to come and go, it depends on my sword."

A sword.

Just now Zhang Li took Feng Tianlai's long sword back with the sword of Shenhun Yujian as his defense.

Now that he is about to unleash his sword, how could Feng Tianlai resist it?
The expressions of the two sect elders who came with Feng Tianlai changed.

But they can't make a move at this time.

Unless Feng Tianlai is in danger of his life.

This is the rule.

Coming here is the stage for these young people to compete.

Zhang Li's words also made the eyes of countless people shine.

Everyone stared at the sword light above Zhang Li's head.

They want to see what kind of means this sword repairer has.

Zhang Li raised his right hand.

He held his palm empty, and there was a golden light shining in his eyes.

At this moment, the breath on his body became illusory.

The moment this illusory aura appeared, all the elders of the sect leaders' complexions darkened.

This breath power surpassed their senses!

A long sword trembled.

This is the illusory sword held in Zhang Li's palm resounding.

The next moment, countless trembling sounds resounded between the surrounding heaven and earth.

The next moment, the ancient battlefield filled with mist in the distance, countless rumbling sounds sounded.

"Zong Zhangli of Zhenyue came here to worship the heroic spirits who have fallen in the ancient battlefield for countless years with his sword."

"The junior's sword is here."

Zhang Li's voice sounded.

A phantom of a huge sword supporting the sky appeared.

This is a golden long sword with countless spirit patterns.

On the blade of the sword, there is a golden halo that makes people unable to look directly at it, covering up the spirit patterns on it with unknown functions.

The long sword condensed and slammed towards the ancient battlefield ahead.

The sword's edge was bright, and a sword fell, directly breaking through the clouds and mist, revealing a mottled city wall and countless broken armor.

On the scattered battlefield, there are phantom figures, all looking up, their dark eyes falling on the long sword.

Countless broken long swords flew out from the ground and the soil.

The remnant sword turned into a stream of light, showing decay, and with a trace of remaining sharpness, it slammed towards Zhang Li's illusory long sword.

The cloud and mist were turbulent, covering all sword lights.

No one knows what the result of the collision of swords on the ancient battlefield was like.

After Zhang Li slashed out the sword, he retreated quietly, landed on his flying boat, stepped into the cabin, and practiced with his eyes closed.

Around him, there seemed to be countless phantoms of broken swords, rushing towards him, and then shattered by the golden halo.

Other than the flying boat, everyone looked at the flying boat slowly landing with complicated eyes.

"With the strength of one person, dare to challenge the entire ancient battlefield, the elites of the younger generations, should be like this..."

From nowhere, a voice came slowly.

Challenge the ancient battlefield.

Those surviving heroic souls on the ancient battlefield have actually lost their nature, without good or evil.

They all follow their instincts.

Zhang Li's sword challenge is the respect of the younger generation for the older generation, but it is also a provocation.

When Zhang Li stepped into the ancient battlefield, he would definitely attract countless remnant souls in the ancient battlefield to hunt him down.

What kind of strength is needed to escape from the pursuit of countless remnants?

At this time, the one with the most complicated mood was Hua Yundao Feng Tianlai.

He thought Zhang Li was throwing a sword at him.

But only then did he realize that people didn't even bother to draw swords at him.

But he cannot be angry.

It was impossible for him to catch that sword.

"Interesting." In the distance, a young man in a black robe whispered softly with a trace of fighting intent on his face.

"Yanlong's hand Huang Kun, No. 11 in the elite list, even you think he is worthy of being an opponent?" There was a voice beside the young man with a hint of teasing.

"Hu Jin, I don't believe that you, No.15 in the elite list, will not feel threatened." Huang Kun turned his head with a solemn expression.

In the distance, several breaths flickered and then dissipated.

When Zhenyuezong came, Zhang Li faced all the elites, and challenged the heroic spirits in the ancient battlefield with his sword.

This scene quickly spread around thousands of miles around.

Countless people paid attention to Zhen Yuezong.

For such attention, He Kun and the others could only bear it nervously.

Su Ji and Wu Yunzheng could only smile wryly.

If it was before, Zhenyuezong could receive such attention, which in itself is the recognition of Zhenyuezong.

But now, what they want is to quietly rise in the ancient battlefield, not to be the focus now.

But they can't blame Zhang Li.

For an elite like Zhang Li, it is also a kind of practice to show one's own vigor in a confrontation.

Dao Xin is often more important than the cultivation of qi, blood and true essence.

Countless strong men were unable to advance an inch in their lives because of the frustration of their Dao heart.

Zhang Li in the cabin didn't care about the movement outside.

He was immersed in the phantom shadows of broken swords around him.

Each of these phantoms represents a former kendo practitioner, a kind of kendo inheritance, and the will of a swordsman.

Every sword light staggered, revealing traces of his fascination.

As a sword cultivator, he could feel that every ray of sword light was speaking to him.

Say what?

Say that holding a sword in this life will never regret a hundred deaths?

Or is it better to be a mortal if there is an afterlife?

Does it mean that there is a sword in my heart and I have already broken the sword before I can stab it, and I am endlessly unwilling?
Or is it that the sword in your hand can't support your wish in this life after all?
The afterglow of countless broken swords reveals an endless sense of difficulty.

The sword intent on Zhang Li's body was continuously solidified by the impact of these sword lights.

It seems that those kendo seniors gathered their regrets on Zhang Li's long sword.

Let this sharp sword live instead of them, and look at the prosperity of the world instead of them.

This fusion of kendo transcends time and space.

Before he knew it, Zhang Li's practice of swordsmanship became more profound.

Not only his sword practice, but also his perception of the power of heaven and earth, and his control over his own power have all improved.

If he hadn't been trying his best to suppress his cultivation realm, he would be able to directly raise one level in the immortal way and martial way now.


Outside the cabin, a bell rang.

Zhang Lifei stepped out of the cabin and saw several figures floating in the void.

Each of these people has a cultivation base above the seventh level of the golden core, they can't fall in the sky, and they have the power of heaven and earth added to their bodies.

"The gathering of elites from various sects in Luo Wuzhou has always been to show the vigor of the younger generation."

"There are the legacy of the predecessors on the ancient battlefield, the ancient heroic spirits, the remnant power of Izumo Continent, and the passages of those Izumo Continent."

"This competition is a temper for you, but it is also a test of life and death."

"My generation's practice damages the spirit of the heaven and the earth. To live, we need to protect the heaven and the earth. To die is to feed back the way of heaven."

The voice in the void was calm.

The life and death of practitioners are all bearish, and everything is their own choice.

"The ancient battlefield is open, and it will be closed after a hundred days. Do not enter or leave the Yunzhou passage, otherwise we will not be able to rescue."

The sound in the void vibrated, and then the clouds and mist on the entire ancient battlefield slowly dispersed, turning into a curtain of light.

On this light curtain, the scene of the ancient battlefield is magnified.

Through this light curtain, you can see the performance of all the elites participating in the trial competition on the ancient battlefield.

There is life and death.


A gate of light appeared.

The gate of light opened slowly, and illusory figures of remnant souls rushed out of the gate of light.

There are also several figures wearing blue-gray Taoist robes.

A practitioner of Izumozhou.

The remnant soul and figure rushed out of the light gate, looking at the countless Luo Wuzhou practitioners in front of them.


A low shout came from nowhere.

Tens of thousands of elite figures flew down and rushed into the light gate.

The figures and remnants that had just rushed out were naturally also shattered into pieces by the impact.


Zhang Li led the disciples of Zhenyue Sect behind him, and rushed into the Guangmen along with the flow of people.

As soon as he entered the gate of light, that decadent and boundless atmosphere came over him.

The desolation and tragedy here reveal the loneliness from ancient times to later generations.

32 figures fell on a battlefield densely covered with broken armor and soldiers. All the disciples of Zhenyue Sect were shocked by such a tragic scene, and their complexions turned pale.

Zhang Li turned his head to look around, and then looked up to the top of his head.

The illusory light curtain was invisible, but he knew that there must be countless eyes staring at him.

But he was not in a hurry, the light curtain was only reflected on the outer layer of the ancient battlefield, and it could only last for thirty days.

Thirty days later, the center of the ancient battlefield will be the real elite battle.

"Let's go." With a soft voice, he unsheathed his long sword and led the disciples of Zhenyue Sect behind him forward.


There was a long cry, and a long gray arrow shot towards him.

Zhang Li shattered the arrow with a twist of his long sword.

"Yu Qiu is leading people to explore the way."

"He Kun is dead."

"Wu Yutao, respond to the battlefield and search for treasures."

Zhang Li's voice sounded.

The 32 disciples of Zhenyuezong moved in response and formed three teams, moving in an orderly manner.

"Hey, it's really good to have a real elite sitting in town and prohibiting orders."

Outside the light curtain, an Elder Jindan who was leading the team shook his head and whispered enviously.

He looked at his own sect, and the three elite leaders had already fought on their own, leading their disciples to disperse.

(End of this chapter)

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