Chapter 213 Zhentian, Zhenhai, Zhenyue
Golden light burst!

A sword pierces the sky!
Turning around with a sword, Sanzhang Jianguang went against all the attacks of the spirit and soul.

The sword light is like a turbulent wave, with layers of silver spray, one tossing, it will go straight to ten thousand feet!


All soul attacks were directly chopped into pieces by this sword!

Not only was it cut to pieces, but all the Izumo Island practitioners who issued this spirit attack were trembling all over, and their seven orifices were bleeding.


Zhang Li's sword has the power of the soul to bless the body of the sword, this sword is designed to break the soul!

With a sword slashing out, Zhang Li's figure didn't stop, his body joined the sword, spanned three hundred feet, and landed in front of a practitioner from Izumo Island wearing a green robe.

The Izumo Island cultivator showed horror on his face, and the divine light on his body swelled and turned into a light curtain, blocking it in front of him.

The golden light flowed and condensed into a wall with countless golden spirit patterns.

But at this moment, the practitioner of the half-step golden elixir in Izumo Island felt cold in his heart.

This is a wall that can block a blow from the Golden Core Realm, but it is impossible to block a sword.

The defensive formation above the garrison just now, which can block a blow from the third level of Jindan, can't block a sword, how can I resist it now?


The long sword directly penetrated the golden wall, and then hit the cultivator's throat, tearing his neck artery, and then turned the blade, and flew towards the rear with a spray of hot blood.

From the beginning to the end, the life of a half-step golden elixir who has practiced for hundreds of years did not stop the sword.

This is Jian Xiu.

Born to kill, life is just a thin paper against the edge.

At this time, Zhang Li turned into the God of Slaughter, his long sword combined with the power of the golden soul, as long as the sword is drawn, a life will be harvested.

No one can escape.

Neither the speed nor the sharpness of the sword cultivator can be compared to the soul cultivators of Izumo Island.

At this time, the shortcomings of the practitioners in Izumo Island were revealed.

When their spirit means could not cause damage to Zhang Li, and their spirit defense could not stop Zhang Li's sword, they had no power to resist and could only be slaughtered.

The speed is not good, the induction is not good, and the defense is not good.

In the past, the Izumo Continent spirit practitioners who often abused Luo Wuzhou Qi refiners were unable to resist, and now they became pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

In Tao Zhen's eyes, this scene completely overturned his cognition.

It turned out that the practitioners in Izumo Island were so weak.

The arrogance that suppressed Luo Wuzhou cultivators before and couldn't raise their heads was all a joke.

When this kind of thought appeared in his heart, Tao Zhen felt that his soul had solidified a little bit, and his mind, which was injured just now, recovered a lot.


With the rise of the sword light in front, the last light curtain above the station collapsed.

Izumo Island practitioners in twos and threes began to flee.

Zhang Li didn't chase after them either, but just sent out his sword to sweep away those Izumo Island practitioners who were still resisting in the garrison, and smashed the shelters that had been built.

The power of breath on this ancient battlefield can corrode the body. The shelter built here is made of special materials, which are expensive and costly.

Dismantling these shelters here at this time will prevent the practitioners of Izumo Island around this ancient battlefield from living for a long time.

The most important thing is that when the garrison was destroyed, the jade plaque in Zhang Li's hand representing his identity on the ancient battlefield revealed streaks of golden light.

The golden light dyed the jade tablet golden.

This is too much merit, and it has reached the point where it is difficult to resist.

Tao Zhen looked at the scattered practitioners from Izumo Island, his eyes flickered.

With a movement of his body, he had appeared in front of a foundation-building practitioner from Izumo Island who was running away in panic.

"You are—" the pale-faced Izumo Island practitioner raised his hand, and a golden divine light shot out.

But when the golden spirit power hit Tao Zhen, it was unscathed.

As long as one's spirit power is stable and unshakable, he will not be attacked by the opponent!

Tao Zhen chuckled and punched out.


With one punch, the body of the Izumo Island practitioner exploded.

Tao Zhen didn't stop walking, and he had already appeared in front of another practitioner from Izumo Island.

The shadow of the fist flew, and Tao Zhen was immersed in this carefree feeling.

By the time his qi and blood surged like a drum, and the evil energy on his body condensed into a white tiger, roaring upwards, there was no one practitioner from Izumo Island around.

Turning around, Tao Zhen looked at the figures falling behind him.

"Good punch."

"Good combat power."

Those cultivators from Luo Wuzhou spoke with admiration on their faces, and spoke in a deep voice.

"No. 20 on the elite list, Lucheng sect Tao Zhen, from my point of view, Brother Tao's combat power is far more than 27 on the elite list, at least he is also in the top [-]."

It was a young man in silver armor who spoke.

Tao Zhen looked at the young man, his face twitched, and he cupped his fists and said, "Nineteenth on the elite list, the tiger occupies the door Zhou Chen?"

He glanced over and saw that the people who came were all from Hujumen.

"Hehe, Brother Tao, I really didn't expect that you could kill so many practitioners from Izumo Island by yourself," Zhou Chen, who had been shouted out of identity, smiled and cupped his hands. ally."


Tao Zhen was taken aback.

Seeing Tao Zhen's expression, Zhou Chen laughed, took out his identity badge and said, "Brother Tao, didn't you send your route to our allies?"

Post your own itinerary?
Tao Zhen's heart skipped a beat.

How confident is it to send out your own route?
Only those who are truly not afraid of any dangers dare to do this, right?
If you don't dare, it doesn't mean that others can't.

Turning his head slowly, Tao Zhen looked at the collapsed Izumo Island practitioners' residence.

"I understand." He whispered, then shook his head: "Brother Zhou, I want to be your ally."

He stretched his finger forward: "The one just now destroyed the residence of the practitioners in Izumo Island by himself. I was just doing some corner work outside."

Destroy the Izumo Island Practitioner Station by one person!
Zhou Chen and all of them changed their expressions drastically.

When they came, they saw Tao Zhen attacking and killing many Izumo Island practitioners, but they did not expect that the ruins over there were the residences of Izumo Island practitioners.

How could it be possible to single out the residence of Yunzhou practitioners?

Among the various secret records, there are many places where it is impossible or recommended not to go. The location of the practitioners in Izumo Island is one of the more dangerous places, and it is recommended to detour.

It's just that except for a few large resident residences of practitioners in Izumozhou, most of the other locations are not recorded.

"One person chooses a station, is it Lu Zhentao or Du Jue?"

"No, I know that Lu Zhentao's Feng Juezong and my Hujumen are not in an alliance. Du Jue once said that it's a pity that Jin Zhengzong and my Hujumen are not in an alliance..."

Zhou Chen looked at the collapsed garrison ahead, with doubts on his face: "Is it Zhen Dashu?"

Lu Zhentao, No. [-] in the elite list, with a three-level golden core cultivation base, and a sword with unparalleled combat power.

Put an end to it, Jin Zhengzong's disciple, second in the elite list, Jindan second-level cultivation base, the spear in his hand has reached the realm of transformation.

As for the Zhen Dashu mentioned by Zhou Chen, it is Mu Tiezong's young suzerain, who has a second-level golden core cultivation and ranks third in the elite list.

Only the top three on the elite list can be qualified to choose a place for practitioners in Izumo Island by themselves.

Even if it is a small station.

"Hehe, I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the three of them." Tao Zhen shook his head, and then said, "Brother Zhou, if you follow that path, I will walk with you."

"If it wasn't for this person who rescued me before, I would have already followed the way of the practitioners in Izumo Island, and I'm afraid I would have been turned into a puppet at this time."

Go with your own sect?
A hint of surprise appeared on Zhou Chen's face.

This person's combat power is by no means inferior to his own.

Two powerhouses of the same level teamed up to double their combat power.

If this is the case, then their achievements on the ancient battlefield are different.

"Okay, let's follow the route given by that person."

"I'm also curious as to who he is."

On the ancient battlefield, it was not easy to reveal other people's identities hastily, and it was normal for Tao Zhen not to say so.

In case Zhou Zhouchen and Hujumen had any grudges with Zhang Li, Tao Zhen would be a villain in it.

But following along all the way, there will be a time to meet each other, and then he doesn't have to worry about it.

After finishing up, Zhou Chen and others helped Tao Zhen gather up some of the scattered spoils, and then they continued on their way.

At this time, Zhang Li was already hundreds of miles away, and took a golden seal of immortality in his hand.

In front of him, the figure of a young man holding a broken sword flickered and finally solidified.

"Wu Situ has met the master."

Looking at the long sword on Zhang Li's back, Wu Situ's face flashed with nostalgia.

"This is the Zhenyue Sword. Back then, I Zhentianzong had three Zhenzong treasures, Zhentian, Zhenhai, and Zhenyue."

Zhen Tianzong?
Zhang Li had never heard of this name.

Seeing Zhang Li's expression, Wu Situ shook his head and said regretfully, "It's been so many years, the Zhentian Sect should have split long ago, right?"

"Actually, there were signs of disintegration in Tiantian Sect back then, and the dispute between bright energy and empty energy will eventually lead to the disintegration of Tiantian Sect."

The battle between bright strength and weak strength involves the ancient sect that suppresses Tianzong?
Seeing that Zhang Li seemed more interested in these things, Wu Situ began to talk in a low voice.

On Luowuzhou in the ancient times, Zhentianzong was regarded as one of the top sects.

Inherited in the door, there are three ways of Zhentian, Zhenhai, and Zhenyue.

Among them, Zhentian inheritance is the ancient immortal way, which is the strongest, but because the aura on Luowuzhou is getting thinner, Zhentian inheritance is getting weaker and weaker.

Zhenhai is mainly based on empty energy, because several top methods in the inherited exercises are a combination of empty and real, overwhelming.

As for Zhenyue, it is a solid inheritance of Ming Jin, a fierce one.

"Suppressing Heaven Divine Sword is beyond the existence of magic weapon, and it can break through the barriers of heaven and earth with the power of immortality."

"The Zhenhai sword is a half-step magic weapon, it is a treasure that can suppress one side and allow mountains and seas to be surveyed."

"Zhenyue," Wu Situ looked at the long sword on Zhang Li's back, and said softly, "One line of bright strength, great accomplishment in cultivation, breaking mountains and breaking mountains, with unparalleled strength."

Zhang Li had practiced Zhenyue's swordsmanship before, although he hadn't achieved great success, he also knew that his fighting power was strong enough, and he used strength to overcome cleverness.

But Zhenhai and Zhentian are not inherited in Zhenyue Sect.

"Today's Zhenyue Sect, there is no legend of Zhenhai and Zhentian, and the legend of Xujin has not been circulated on Luowuzhou for a long time."

Zhang Li's words made Wu Situ look sad.

The battle between bright strength and weak strength, the current situation of Luo Wuzhou.

Zhang Li told what he knew.

"Xu Jin does consume spirit stones and resources, but compared to the inheritance of the immortal way, it is actually much worse."

"The Zhenhai inheritance that I have cultivated is empty strength."

Wu Situ shook his head and whispered.

Wu Situ is the inheritance of Zhenhai.

"By the way, my senior brother from Zhenhai's lineage brought the re-enacted sword of Zhenhai Sword. Although it is not a half-step magic weapon, it has the inheritance of Zhenhai's lineage."

Wu Situ looked at Zhang Li and said in a low voice, "If you want the inheritance, master, you can go find the sword."

According to what Wu Situ said, when the strong men on Luowuzhou intercepted the practitioners from Yunzhou, a great battle broke out and many great powers fell.

Life Luoshan battlefield.

"Izumo Prefecture wants to use heavy treasures to fix the transmission channel, and then attract powerful people to come."

"If that's the case, Luo Wuzhou will definitely be occupied."

"In that battle, everyone desperately blocked the transmission channel and sealed the treasure."

Wu Situ whispered, and said with emotion: "That battle should be the last time that Xu Jin and Ming Jin teamed up in Immortal Dao."

When Zhang Li left here, Wu Situ copied the exercises he practiced and gave them to him.

However, if a practitioner wants to comprehend this kind of re-enactment technique, it will take a long time to achieve it.

Only by inheriting the jade slips that the predecessors worked so hard to carve can ensure that the inheritance will not be refuted.

The difference is a thousand miles away, Zhang Li brought out so many low-level practice books from the sect, and he was very touched by this matter.

After he left, he walked all the way, while comprehending his own practice, and at the same time seeing the practice method sent by Wu Situ.

Zhenhai inheritance is different from Zhenyue.

Zhenyue's pursuit of strength is strong, and the power of one blow is to collapse the mountain and Zhenyue.

What Zhenhai Kungfu emphasizes is that it is endless, layered and progressive, and eventually the mountains and seas collapse.

According to the records of Wu Situ's exercises, if he cultivated to the highest point, he can support the sea of ​​thousands of miles with one palm.

In the end, it is still Luo Wuzhou's practice method of the qi masters, who are so simple in terms of constant strength.

"Zhang Li?"

After traveling five hundred miles, a voice sounded from the ancient battlefield ahead.

A Luo Wuzhou Qi Refiner with a long knife flew down and looked at him.

Intense sword light, soaring fighting spirit.

On the ancient battlefield, there were scattered remnants of souls, and many Izumo Island practitioners fled in panic.

Such a sword technique, such a fighting spirit.

Feng Juezong, Lu Zhentao.

No. [-] on the elite list.

"That day you challenged the Quartet with your sword intent outside the ancient battlefield, and I made a move intentionally."

"It's just that the elder leader said that your True Yuezong is now considered a great sect, not much different from my Fengjuezong. If I make a move, outsiders will think that my Fengjuezong is suppressing your True Yuezong."

Pointing forward with the long knife, Lu Zhentao's face was full of fighting spirit.

"It's just right here now."

"Let me see how strong your sword intent is."

On the long knife, the cyan light of the knife vibrated.

Aroused by the vibration of the sword light, the Zhenyue sword behind Zhang Li released a sword cry.

This is an air traction collision.

Zhang Li shook his head.

Lu Zhentao frowned.

"If you dare not fight, I will give you three moves."

There was disdain in his words.

Zhang Li still shook his head, and then said lightly: "This place is already surrounded by practitioners from Izumo Island, you should consider how to deal with it."

Surrounded by practitioners from Izumozhou?
Lu Zhentao was taken aback.

In the distance, streaks of golden spirit power charged.

Really surrounded.

Lu Zhentao squinted his eyes, shook his long knife, and said in a low voice: "That's not easy, kill them and fight again."


(End of this chapter)

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