Chapter 214 Excalibur Sword, Izumo Sword Sect

In the world of sword cultivators, do you dare not?
Zhang Li is a cautious person.

If not, he would not have come to guard Fanchen from Yunlan Taoist Sect in Luyangzhou.

But after holding the sword in his hand and taking the way of the sword as his own way of practice, his fighting spirit became more and more surging.

That is not arrogance, but a kind of confidence in one's own strength.

There is a sword in the hand and a sword in the heart.


The one who answered Lu Zhentao was the tremor of the long sword.

The sword is the mind.

Lu Zhentao laughed long, raised the long knife in his hand, and straightened his body, the dazzling sharp edge of the knife pulled out a hundred-foot long rainbow.

The wind howled and turned into a tornado.

This is Feng Juezong's inherited saber technique, with one strike, the wind and thunder move.

Just relying on the inheritance of this sword technique, it has already been able to overwhelm all parties on Luowuzhou.

This is the background of Fang Dazong.

The big sect is like this, from inheritance to resources, from strength to secret transmission, it is powerful in all aspects.

Lu Zhentao's long knife aroused the wind, and shredded all the attacks of the spirit and soul that covered it.

He passed through the shredded spirit net, and with a flying slash of the long knife, he cut the body of a black-robed practitioner from Yunzhou holding a wooden staff in two.

The fan-shaped blade swept across hundreds of feet, making the faces of practitioners scattered in Izumo Island pale.

After a successful blow, Lu Zhentao turned his head and looked behind him.

Zhang Li still stood where he was, holding the long sword in his hand without moving.

This is not dare?

Lu Zhentao's expression remained unchanged, he raised his long knife and let out a long howl.

With a radius of one hundred feet, the wind blew up again.

The wind and the edge of the blade meet, and the raging waves are like the shadow of a dragon on the sky and the earth.

Feng Juezong's heavenly sword technique!
At this moment, Lu Zhentao's body's transcendent power of a practitioner at the Golden Core Realm merged with the blade, and the endless sharpness on the blade swayed.

Even the invisible power of the soul is turbulent under this blade, as if it is about to be torn apart.

It is no accident that Feng Juezong became the top sect power on Luowuzhou.

At least ten Izumo Island practitioners were caught in the gust of wind, trying to break free with frightened faces.

"Hmph, a member of Fengjuezong." With a low hum, a Taoist from Izumo Island, who was wearing a black robe and holding a long wooden stick in his hand, stepped forward with one step.

Jindan realm.

Or at least the third level of Jindan.

A golden streamer flew out from the long wooden staff and turned into a roaring dragon, resisting the wind.

A divine soul spell from a cultivator in Jindan Realm from Yunzhou was able to collide with Lu Zhentao's blade without collapsing.

Taking advantage of the blade tornado being resisted, dozens of Izumo Island soul practitioners surrounded him again, and the power of the soul controlled spells, smashing towards Lu Zhentao's body.

Lu Zhentao showed a hint of impatience on his face, but he could only move his body about ten feet away.

He is not afraid of these soul methods, but these soul methods will affect the speed of his knife.


Just when he was about to strike out again, there was a long sword's tremor from behind, resounding for ten miles.

Zhang Li made a move?
There was a slight smile on Lu Zhentao's face. Although he hesitated and flinched before, it is considered courageous to be able to draw a sword in the besieged space.

He also thought that Zhang Li would choose to escape quietly when he was fighting with the practitioners from Izumo Island.

The sound of the long sword shaking was not long, and even short.

Lu Zhentao didn't look back, but looked up and looked in front of him.

A Jindan three-level Izumo practitioner, plus dozens of foundation-builders, even if they are in the top ten of the elite list, they have to be careful.

The soul technique has always been weird.

But for him, the number one in the elite list, this is not a big deal.

On this ancient battlefield, there is no threat to his existence.

The long knife was raised, and the face of the third-level Jindan cultivator facing him showed fear.

When the edge of his long knife was shining, everyone on the opposite side backed away in panic.

Is it too late to know the fear at this time?

When he raised his long knife, all the cultivators in Izumo Island ran away in panic.

A hint of doubt appeared on Lu Zhentao's face.

He turned his head slightly.

The golden sword light flashed away.

A sword light means a life is harvested.

A total of nine sword lights are connected to form a snare.

One real body and nine phantom bodies.

Whether it is the net of the soul or the wall of the soul, whether it is the spear of the soul or the shield formed by the gathering of the soul.

Nothing can block the golden sword light.

This is not slaughter, this is harvesting.

Swinging the long sword was clearly reaping lives.

Is the sword move magical?
Not magical, just ordinary swordsmanship, picking, stabbing, belting, teasing.

"how is this possible……"

These are Lu Zhentao's words.

This kind of swordsmanship looks simple and easy, but each sword light appeared in the most appropriate position, and with the smallest effort, it pierced the body of a practitioner from Izumo Island, and blood splattered.

This is the way of swordsmanship that has been cultivated to perfection, and has returned to basics.

Each sword seems simple, but it has a sharp edge that makes people feel ups and downs.

Can't dodge.

There is no way to hide.

Lu Zhentao couldn't help trembling when he saw the phantom body stabbing out with a sword.

In the distance, those Izumo Island practitioners who were fleeing also roared, "Impossible, this is impossible..."

Soul defense is invisible force disintegrating tangible force.

Even if a mountain falls, the seemingly fragile light curtain can withstand it.

But this kind of spirit technique, before the golden long sword, is like waste paper.

On the other hand, the impact of the divine and soul technique enveloped those phantom bodies, but it had no effect at all.

It's just a phantom body, invisible and ruthless, and the power of the soul doesn't know where to hurt it if it wants to hurt it.

In fact, it is very easy to defeat the phantom body with the power of the soul, as long as the practitioner's mind that controls the phantom body is suppressed or crushed.

But how?

Zhang Li's spirit level is already at the ninth level of Jindan.

If he wanted to crush his divine soul, it would take at least half a step to the Nascent Soul Realm.

This kind of powerhouse, whether in Luowuzhou or Izumozhou, is at the top level, how could it be possible to appear in the ancient battlefield.


Totally unstoppable.

Zhang Li had nine bodies alone, strutting in the garden, phantom body and real body shot, and the practitioners in Izumo Island around him had completely collapsed.

Can't move, can't stop.

Can only helplessly be pushed horizontally.

When Zhang Li walked to Lu Zhentao's side, he turned his head and took a look.

Lu Zhentao trembled slightly.

This look, what kind of look?


Like a god overlooking all living beings.

freezing cold.


Like a king returning from slaughter.

The despair that was crushed and shocked rose from the bottom of my heart.

As the No. [-] elite of Feng Jue Sect and the No. [-] powerhouse in the elite list, Lu Zhentao has never felt this way.


With a roar, Lu Zhentao flew up and slashed at Zhang Li's head.

He didn't believe it.

He wants to cut through the fear in his heart.


A phantom appeared in front of him, and the long sword blocked him.

The long sword trembled, and then was cut to pieces by the light of the sword.

The second phantom body reappeared, blocked the knife light, and then stepped back.

Another phantom flew out, the long sword was raised forward, and the light of the sword was raised three inches.

A difference of three inches is a thousand miles.

Lu Zhentao flew down to the position, ten feet away from Zhang Li.

In front of Zhang Li, the shattered phantom slowly condensed.

One person with nine bodies, walked forward step by step, and continued to kill the practitioners who came out of Yunzhou.

It wasn't until Zhang Li disappeared into the mist ahead that Lu Zhentao came back to his senses.

Surprise appeared on his face, and the palm holding the long knife trembled slightly.

Just now, my mind was actually crushed by the other party, so that my mood was in a mess, and I threw out the knife brazenly.

How strong is it to have such a means?
Looking at the fog ahead, Lu Zhentao's eyes showed a hint of fear.

I can't even match the strength of the opponent's three phantom bodies. If I really fight head-on, how long can I last in front of him?
"Brother Lu, it really is you!"

Not far away, a surprise call sounded.

A burly young man in shining silver armor walked quickly.

"Brother Lu is really powerful, so many practitioners in Izumo Island have been killed."

The young man looked at the scattered figures around him with a look of admiration on his face.

Lu Zhentao's face froze slightly, and before he could answer, the young man said again: "I was still wondering who the hell dared to announce his travel route."

"Go straight to Ming Luoshan, Brother Lu, Zhen Dashu admires you."

Zhen Dashu, the third in the elite list, is the young suzerain of Mu Tiezong.

"Route? Order Luoshan?" Lu Zhentao's eyes shone brightly.

"You are going to kill Luo Shan..."

Looking into the distance, Lu Zhentao clenched his fists.

"Then go and order Luo Shan."

Zhen Dashu next to him didn't understand the meaning of his words, his face showed admiration: "Brother Lu, I wonder if I might go with you?"


Lu Zhentao nodded and took a deep breath: "Where is the next place?"

Zhen Dashu grinned, raised his hand and a light curtain appeared: "Brother Lu, according to your route arrangement, it should refer to Yueshan Mountain."

Zhang Li was already hundreds of miles ahead of them.

Around him, there are at least a hundred figures surrounding him.

Five golden pills.

Everyone's face is dignified, and the power of the soul is surging and shining.

This way was hunted down by Zhang Li, and then the Izumo Island practitioners who were hiding everywhere gathered together. At this time, Zhang Li was finally surrounded.

"The elites of Luo Wuzhou, with this combat power, are definitely the first and second figures on the elite list."

"Besiege and kill this person, in exchange for more than [-] meritorious deeds."

The golden scepter in Jindanjing's hand shone with golden light.

With a movement of his body, the long staff flew out, turned into a moon-white tiger, and swooped down on Zhang Li.

The tiger's figure was illusory, but the rocks that smashed on the way flew everywhere.

The change between virtual and real is something that can only be achieved when the power of the soul is cultivated to an extremely high level.

Seeing the white tiger charging towards him, Zhang Li raised his hands behind his back.

A beam of sword light rises and condenses into a golden long sword.

Soul Sword.

Control the sword of the soul by the method of controlling the imperial envoy's soul golden needle.

This is Zhang Li's comprehension from the various divine powers he found before.

For him, it is not a difficult task to use the soul to condense the long sword, or to control the sword with the soul.

He himself has long been familiar with this kind of flying sword method.

With a flash of the golden long sword, it had already reached the top of the white tiger's head.

The sword light slashed down, cutting the white tiger's body in half from the middle.

The expression of the cultivator at the Golden Core Realm in Izumo Island who had thrown out his staff changed drastically, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"This, this is the Soul Sword Technique!"

"How is it possible, isn't the Izumo Sword Sect already besieged and killed, and even the inheritance has been cut off?"

The other two Gold Core Realm exclaimed, their expressions changed drastically.

The other Izumo Island practitioners scattered around suddenly retreated.

This sword frightened their courage.

The soul is the sword, everything can be cut.

No one would dare to disobey the motto of the number one sword sect in Izumozhou back then.

Such a sect has suppressed Izumo Continent for countless years, and then by chance, the sects united to destroy this sect that is good at soul swordsmanship.

But unexpectedly, in this ancient battlefield of Luowuzhou, there would be someone who would use the soul as a sword.

"He must be going to order Luo Shan to look for the Excalibur Sword from back then!"

A Jindan realm turned around and left, yelling in his mouth: "If the Zhan Shenjian is in his hands, I will be in great trouble when I leave Yunzhou!"

The other practitioners of Izumo Island also ran away in panic and didn't stay any longer.

Zhang Li raised his hand, and the Soul Sword flew back and stood in front of him.

"Excalibur, it turns out that the treasure is called Excalibur."

"No wonder."

Although his own soul sword is powerful, but because it is pure soul power, its sharpness is much less.

When practicing this method, he was guessing, if there is a sword that can fully absorb the power of the soul, and then have endless sharpness and be driven, it will be invincible.

Unfortunately, neither Zhenyue Sword nor Yunze Mirror could do it.

The kind of sword that matches the power of the soul is a special existence even among spiritual weapons.

"Ming Luoshan, it seems that he is really going."

Whispering in his mouth, Zhang Li raised his hand to scatter the long sword in front of him, and then a golden fairy sealing talisman flew out.

Not far away, a golden light shone on the body of a sword repair soul holding a broken sword.

But after a while, dozens of guarding family members gathered behind Zhang Li, and there was also a guarding earth immortal who was half a step into the golden core state.

"Shao Ming pays his respects to the master."

Zhang Li nodded and began to ask about the surrounding situation.

His next goal is Yueshan.

"It's not referring to the Yueshan battlefield, but the space passage of Izumo practitioners in Zhiyueshan."

This channel is the information that Zhang Li pieced together from those jade slips, but he doesn't know the exact location.

"Thirty miles away is Zhiyue Mountain. There is a space crack at the northern foot of it. Many practitioners from Izumo Island step into this place from there."

The guardian Earth Immortal named Shao Ming bowed and explained the surrounding situation to Zhang Li.

The space channel of Zhiyue Mountain is Zhang Li's goal this time.

What he wants to do is to close this passage.

The merit of this kind of closed passage is not ordinary.

However, the space channel must be guarded by a strong person, and it is very difficult to close it.

Walking forward slowly, golden talismans appeared one by one in his hand.

Instead of directly setting foot on Zhiyue Mountain, he walked around Zhiyue Mountain.

A total of ten Guardian Earth Immortals were sealed, all of whom were sword cultivators with half-step golden elixirs. With the blessing of combat power, golden elixirs could fight.

Together with Shao Ming, Zhang Lishenzhou actually has eleven half-step golden elixir sword masters.

These are existences that have been fighting in the ancient battlefield for countless years and have an extremely rich fighting consciousness.


Before the mountains in front, the sound of roaring and cracking sounded.

An Earth Immortal guarding the Divine Realm right here raised his hand, and a light curtain in front of him revealed the scene in front of him.

Two figures struck out on an ancient battlefield, the sword light raged, and the shadows of fists flew.

"Lu Zhentao, Zhen Dashu."

Zhang Li chuckled, shook his head, turned around and stepped towards the northern foot of the mountain.

"call out--"

The scream brought by the long sword resounded throughout the world.

Both Lu Zhentao and Zhen Dashu who were fighting turned their heads subconsciously.


The sharp edge of the sword light shattering the heavens and the earth is like thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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