Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 216 Destiny Luoshan, Dao Fengxian Talisman Scattered

Chapter 216 Fate Luoshan, Hundreds of Immortal Sealing Talismans Fall

If you want to achieve the Golden Core Realm, you need to go through the Golden Core Tribulation.

Generally speaking, Golden Core Tribulation can be Fenghuo, Thunderbolt, or Heart Demon.

Since the collapse of the ancient fairy world, there have been very few heavenly thunder calamities.

There are not many Jindan realms who can withstand the ancient thunder calamity.

Eight out of ten of the Golden Core Realms on Luowuzhou are in the big sects, and some of the sects have ways to help their disciples overcome the golden core disaster.

According to what the elders in the sect said, you have caught up. If the fairyland has not collapsed and the way of heaven is still alive, you will count as one, and you will not be able to survive the thunder disaster.

"Crossing the calamity in the ancient battlefield and triggering the thunder calamity, who is this?"

Outside the ancient battlefield, there was an uproar.

In the ancient battlefield, there are remnants of the ancient power of heaven, and the thunder calamity triggered naturally also carries the power of heaven.

The power contained in this kind of heavenly power is more than ten times that of other people who have crossed the Golden Core Tribulation.

Coupled with the chaotic power of the ancient battlefield, if you want to survive the calamity in it, you are looking for death.

At this time, at the bottom of the thunder, golden light surged in Zhang Li's eyes.

He didn't expect that he would attract thunder.

His soul power has reached the peak of the ninth level of Jindan, but he has not rushed to the level of Nascent Soul, and will not attract Thunder Tribulation.

His Martial Dao Golden Body has just entered the third level of Golden Core, and it is far from attracting Thunder Tribulation.

The way of the sword is a means of protecting the way, and it will not trigger thunder.

As for the cultivation base of Immortal Dao, he was originally at the half-step Golden Core, the peak of Foundation Establishment, but after he merged his power again, he has stabilized at the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment, and he will not trigger Thunder Tribulation.

Just now, because he had fed back too much power of heaven and earth, and the power of merit was too strong, he had nothing to do for a while, so he combined the power of merit with the way of thunder he controlled.

He had already mastered the cloud and thunder, and he had a little understanding of the power of the sky thunder. At this time, when he merged, the remaining heaven was sensed, and the sky thunder fell.

It is a real thunder.

Maybe it's the remaining heavenly way here, and I feel offended?
The Jindan team leaders outside didn't know that the thunder that descended at this time was a thunder that would frighten even the Nascent Soul.

A thunderbolt fell, although Zhang Li resisted it with his golden body, but his blood surged, and he almost lost his breath.

This kind of thunder, he can't stop much at all.

But in the current situation, the thunder is surging above the head, and if you can't stop it, you have to stop it.

Taking a deep breath, he looked ahead.

Lifting the long sword in his hand, the light of the sword turned into a shooting star.

fly away.

Not to escape.

In this fog, sensing the passageway and the location of the practitioners in Izumo Island, they rushed over without hesitation.


The originally gathered Thunder chased after Zhang Li without hesitation.

However, Jianxiu's Yujian flying speed is not much slower than Lei Ting.

After resisting two thunderbolts, Zhang Li had already reached the sky above a place where practitioners from Izumo Island were stationed.


"court death!"

Several voices sounded, carrying the powerful aura of a practitioner in the Golden Core Realm.

The golden defensive light curtain rose and blocked Zhang Li.

Without hesitation, Zhang Li slashed down with the sword of the soul.

The golden sword light collided with the defensive light curtain, like a red-hot wooden stick dipping into boiling water, a dense gray mist rose directly, and a crack appeared.

With a movement of Zhang Li's body, he plunged into the light curtain.


The golden thunder that followed tore apart the light curtain, and then exploded throughout the garrison.

At this moment, Lei Ting was like an irritated child, wantonly swaying over the garrison.

The bodies of those cultivators in Izumo Island were surrounded by thunder, their bodies trembled, and their bodies were scorched black.

Regardless of whether it is the Foundation Establishment Realm or the Golden Core Realm, before this thunder light, they cannot resist.

Zhang Li's figure didn't stop, and in a flash, he had already left the station, leaving only a piece of ruins, and there were three or five remaining Izumo Island practitioners lying on the ground, twitching and trembling.

This is the real lucky one.

However, those remnant souls who were originally scattered in fear have quietly surrounded them, so I don't know if these lucky ones will be lucky to the end.

Lei Ting caught up with Zhang Li again.

At this time, Zhang Li breathed a sigh of relief and drew his blood power to the extreme, and the golden dragon elephant was in front of Thunder.

With a thunderbolt, the dragon elephant shattered.

By this moment, Zhang Li had already fled ten miles away.

Carrying three more thunderbolts, in front of him is a passage to Izumo Island.

Three practitioners from Izumo Island above the sixth level of Golden Core are already waiting in full force.

It's just that Zhang Li didn't hesitate at all, and rushed over with a sword.

The sword light exploded, like a surging cloud. This sword is not the swordsmanship of Luo Wuzhou, but the swordsmanship of the mortal world.

The simplest, but the most indomitable.

The momentum of a desperate fight was surging like a drum.

Sword repair.

A desperate swordsman.

The three Jindan sixth-level powerhouses raised their hands, and the golden light curtain and chaotic stones blocked the sword's edge.


With the melodious sound of impact, Zhang Li's figure shattered and turned into nothingness.

It's just an avatar!

Zhang Li, who appeared on the other side, stabbed out with a sword, and the sword light tore through the barriers, and then rushed into the passage.

Before the three Jindan Realm could react, the Void Passage, as well as them, were surrounded by lightning.

The magnificent thunder light is like an ocean bathing.

This time, Zhang Li can make a good repair.

The three Golden Cores lasted for about half an hour in the late stage before being killed by Thunder.

Then Thunder rushed into the passage.

Zhang Li didn't stay any longer, the golden light on his body shone, the power of the subduing dragon and elephant vibrated, withstood the thunder, and walked away with the sword again.

The re-gathered demon dragon elephants staggered across their bodies with some thunderous power.

This dragon elephant is more solid and thick than before.

It turns out that being struck by lightning is not without benefits.

At least at this time, Zhang Li not only has stronger dragon and elephant power, but also has stronger control over Tianlei.

For example, to resist the sky thunder at this time, he would turn the sky thunder into thunder beads and collide with the sky thunder above his head.

As a result, the thunder that originally descended from one thunder has now become three.

It is estimated that the surviving Heavenly Dao of this ancient battlefield feels insulted.

Chased by Thunder, Zhang Li had no choice but to let go of his hands and feet, quickly passed through the ancient battlefields, and then rushed into the Izumo Island practitioners' camps.

Entering the ancient battlefield, those remnant souls all scattered and fled, no matter whether they were at the Foundation Establishment Realm or the Golden Core Realm, even those who had been Nascent Soul's mighty ones didn't dare to stretch their heads at this time.

Those three thunderbolts were hovering in the air, who would dare to stick their heads out?

Zhang Li rushed into the ancient battlefield, threw out a golden talisman, and left without looking back.

Fengxian Talisman.

When he left with Thunder, countless remnants of the ancient battlefield began to collide and fight.

Whoever can get the Immortal Sealing Talisman will become the master of the ancient battlefield.

When Lu Zhentao and the others who followed Zhang Li's route arrived, what they saw was an ancient battlefield of endless fighting.

Those red-eyed remnants rushed towards them without hesitation.

Even if Lu Zhentao ranks first in the elite list, he can only turn around and leave before such a scene.

In the distance, thunderbolts could already be seen descending.

"Brother Lu, who the hell is this..." Zhen Da was at a loss in his writing.

Against the raging thunder, who in the world can do this?
Zhen Dashu didn't know who it was, but he was already crazy outside the ancient battlefield.

At this time, Zhang Li's points had reached more than 40!

More than 40 points, which was never achieved by the top [-] elites in the previous competition.

The power of one person can reach the top [-] elites.

Is that human being?
"Zhang Li, this man is an unparalleled genius..." A Jindan team leader whispered with emotion on his face.

Although the other Golden Core Realm didn't speak, they already had affirmative expressions on their faces.

This kind of genius will appear in a certain era in the practice world, and then overwhelm the world.

In ancient times, there were people who cut through the fairy world with a single sword, causing the fairy garden to fall.

As long as this kind of genius does not want to fall, it is absolutely impossible for him to fall.

Because no one can make them fall.

No one is qualified to be their enemy!
Their enemy is themselves.


The golden thunder light exploded, and another void passage was surrounded by thunder.

Zhang Li raised his head and looked at the slowly dissipating thunder, with a trace of relief and a trace of loss on his face.

He is also planning to lead the thunder to Mingluo Mountain.

But even though the sky thunder faded away, he could still feel a thunderbolt watching him quietly above his head.

That was the thunder that could be attracted at any time.

As long as he uses his own sky thunder to guide, the thunder from the sky can come down.

Without leaving immediately, Zhang Li looked at the golden dragon elephant behind him.

At this time, the dragon elephant had already solidified, with thunder patterns all over his body, golden spirit patterns interlaced, and golden light between his eyes opening and closing.

A vigorous and suffocating force surged towards the surroundings.

Martial Dao Golden Body has three layers, ten thousand dharma can not be invaded.

Slowly raising his hand, on the long sword in his hand, the golden soul power blended with the sword intent, and there were layers of thunder light flowing like spring water.

Swordsmanship is not about superimposed strength, the more the better.

Zhang Li knew that swordsmanship should be pure.

But now his cultivation base has not yet reached that level of purity, so the more complex, the stronger the power.

When it needs to be refined and tempered, then refine it again.

Concentrating all his strength, he walked up to the mountain in front of him, and Zhang Li looked into the distance.

There is Ming Luoshan.

Ming Luo was the name of a top expert on Luo Wuzhou in ancient times.

This strong man who surpassed the Nascent Soul level was stationed at Mingluo Mountain and guarded the passage between the two continents. He alone resisted the practitioners from Yunzhou for 3000 years.

Later, the strong men of Izumo Continent attacked and killed Luo, and all parties on Luo Wu Continent supported, setting off a protracted war.

In the end, the Ming Luoshan channel was destroyed and turned into scattered space cracks. Ming Luo left behind twelve Nascent Soul Realm and Nascent Soul Realm superpowers from the opponent at the cost of his own life, making Yunzhou dare not have any Nascent Soul Realm set foot on Luo Wuzhou.

It is also fun to have such power and influence in the practice of the world.

Standing on the mountain, you can see a thousand miles around, a piece of dilapidated ruins, and countless illusory remnant souls scattered.

Turning his head, Zhang Li looked into the distance.

Over there, dozens of figures of Luo Wuzhou qi refiners can be seen, running with the power of qi and blood.

Standing on the mountain, Zhang Li raised his hand with a smile on his face, and hundreds of golden talismans flew down.

One hundred sealing talismans!
A total of one hundred sealing talismans!
When a hundred Fengxian Talismans flew towards the ruins of the battlefield below, the Mingluoshan battlefield in the entire thousand-mile land boiled.

A series of powerful remnant souls awakened, like the awakening of strange beasts in the ancient times, with a dignified and vast atmosphere.

A huge figure emerged, it was the phantom reflected by the power of the soul.

At least five remnant souls who have surpassed the Golden Core Realm!
This is Ming Luoshan!

The entire Luowuzhou is just five Nascent Souls.

Looking at the boiling Ming Luoshan battlefield, Zhang Li walked forward slowly.

When Lu Zhentao climbed the mountain, what he saw were five pillars of spiritual smoke soaring to the sky in front of him, and a figure wearing a green robe and carrying a long sword, walking slowly.

Among the countless gray phantoms, the walking figure appeared extremely clear.


Lu Zhentao whispered slowly, only feeling trembling all over.

Zhen Dashu, who was beside him, was full of fear at this moment: "He, is he courting death?"

Not far away, a figure with a long gun stood upright, and the light in his eyes seemed to burst.

On the other side, Yu Gan, the number one elite of the Forging Heaven Sect, was holding a long sword with a layer of light clouds on his clothes, his face was full of despair.

"This guy, is he really a human being..."

"Yes, it's Mr. Zhang Li." Yu Hui from the Mushan Gate stood alone on the cliff with a tattered body and scars all over his body, with an excited expression on his face.

"Brother, he, he is Zhang Li..." Hua Yuchen from Zhengyangmen spoke in a low voice with a trembling voice.

A group of Luo Wuzhou elites slowly gathered outside the battlefield of Mingluo Mountain.

At this time, no one dared to step forward.

The remnant souls on the entire Ming Luoshan battlefield have gone crazy.

There are no practitioners from Izumo Island here, only the remnant soul of Ming Luoshan.

The remnant souls here are so powerful that if they leave the ancient battlefield, they might be able to sweep the entire Luo Wuzhou.

Fortunately, these remnant souls all have obsessions, and they all stay in the Ming Luoshan battlefield to wander around.

Zhang Li didn't care what others thought, he walked slowly with the Zhenyue sword on his back.

The thunder light outside made the remnant souls all give way.

No remnant soul is willing to come closer to him.


When Zhang Li walked ten miles, a young man in pale golden armor gathered in front of him, and then he bowed.

"Lu Zheng, meet the master."

The first Jindan Stage Immortal who grabbed the Immortal Sealing Talisman appeared.

After five miles, the second phantom flew down.

Ten miles further, Zhang Li's body has already gathered eighteen phantoms.

Each one is the strength of the golden core, guarding the earth immortal, immortal.

At this time, Zhang Li had also arrived in front of a smoke column of remnant souls soaring into the sky.

"Do you think this little imperial talisman will make the deity surrender?" A figure stepped out of the pillar of smoke.

He wore a black robe, and held a long staff in his hand. At the top of the staff was a dark golden gemstone, with an enchanting halo.

The overhaul of the soul in Izumozhou, the remnant soul in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Hu Zhao, you want to embarrass me, Luo Wuzhou's junior?" A voice sounded from a column of smoke of remnant souls in the distance, and then a young man with a sword stepped out.

The long sword in the young man's hand was rippling with water.

"Zhenhai." Zhang Li whispered, and the Zhenyue sword was unsheathed behind his back.

The moment the long sword was unsheathed, the remnant soul of the Nascent Soul Realm Daxiu holding the sword on the opposite side also sensed it, and laughed.

"Zhenyue, I never thought I would see Zhenyue again."

"Good boy, just because you can get here, I will protect you from death today!"

Hearing his words, Zhang Li shook his head, raised the Zhenyue sword in his hand, and pointed at the remnant soul of Nascent Soul Daxiu in Izumo Continent.

"Senior, I am not here just to not die."

(End of this chapter)

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