Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 217 Imperial Conferment of Nascent Soul, Great Changes in the Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 217 Imperial Conferment of Nascent Soul, Great Changes in the Ancient Battlefield

Not just for not dying!

Zhang Li's words made the kendo overhaul remnant soul on the opposite side show a trace of bewilderment, slightly dazed.

Then, the middle-aged kendo senior who was wearing a tattered robe and a messy beard looked up to the sky and laughed.


Sword lights flashed on his body, and Lingyun soared into the sky.

"I, Zhao Jiyang, have been here for tens of thousands of years, and I have also met several amazingly talented people."

"Among the descendants of my Tianzong Sect, I have never seen anyone who can compare with those people."

"Today, let me see if you can surprise me a bit."


Is it difficult to surprise a Nascent Soul Realm overhaul?
Zhang Li didn't speak.

As a sword cultivator, why do you need to speak at this time?
The sword in your hand is your own mind!

The Zhenyue sword was unsheathed, and the eighteen sword intents directly gathered on it, turning into eighteen bright stars.

Eighteen stars fell, and on the sword body, they condensed into a ridge of eighteen mountain peaks.

"Okay!" The remnant soul swordsman named Zhao Jiyang let out a long shout, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Two Dacheng sword intents, sixteen sword intents formed, you are the first junior I have seen in Mingluo Mountain with this level of swordsmanship."

In Luo Wuzhou, there were very few masters of swordsmanship, let alone the disciples of the younger generation, who could cultivate swordsmanship to this level.

The convergence of Zhang Li's sword intent gave Zhao Jiyang an incomparable surprise.


Zhang Li's sword intent made the remnant soul of the Izumo Island Nascent Soul named Hu Zhao furious.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, the power of the soul began to surge like a tide.

A series of remnant souls lost their self-awareness and rushed towards Zhang Li's direction.


Zhang Li let out a low shout, sticking out the long sword in his hand.

Eighteen mountain peaks divided, directly suppressing the sky.

The remnant souls gathered in a radius of hundreds of miles were suppressed by this mountain and could not move a single bit.


This is not only the supernatural power carried in the sword, but also the power of Zhang Li's sword intent.

With the power of a sword, all the remnants of a hundred miles are suppressed.

At this moment, those Luo Wuzhou elites standing in the distance were already dumbfounded.

The strength displayed by Zhang Li is completely what they look up to.

That's not at all what they can have.

Not to mention them, even the elders of the sect cannot have such combat power!

"His swordsmanship is already the top existence on Luowuzhou..." Zhen Dashu said with a hint of loneliness.

I thought my opponent was Lu Zhentao, and it was Eli.

But at this time he realized that no matter whether it was Lu Zhentao or Du Jue, in terms of strength, they were much worse than Zhang Li.

Facing the sword that suppressed Baili, he didn't even have the slightest desire to challenge.

"Huh..." Lu Zhentao breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a lot more relaxed.

He is number one on the elite list in everyone's mind.

When he first met Zhang Li, he also wanted to fight.

But now, he knew that there was no need for him to challenge.

The person in front of him is not on the same level as himself at all.

There was light in his eyes, Lu Zhentao looked at Zhang Li who suppressed Baili Remnant Soul with a sword.

Zhang Li's target is not them, but Nascent Soul!
Outside the light curtain of the ancient battlefield, although they couldn't see what happened in the ancient battlefield, everyone could feel the turbulent power in it.

"The power in the Nascent Soul Realm is surging, what are they doing?" an old man at the eighth level of the Golden Core asked in a low voice with a solemn expression.

In the past, although this ancient battlefield would attract the attention of the Nascent Soul Realm, it was just a confrontation of strength and no real struggle.

Basically, when Luo Wuzhou elites took action to wipe out the Yunzhou garrison, or when the town was closed, the remnant souls of the Nascent Soul Realm seniors in Luo Wuzhou confronted the conscious power of the Izumo Continent Nascent Soul remnant souls.

But this time, it was obviously different.

It is true that there is a Nascent Soul Realm shot.


When Zhang Li suppressed the Baili remnant soul with a sword, the remnant soul in the Nascent Soul Realm of Izumo Island named Hu Zhao sneered, and raised the wooden stick in his hand again.

The surging clouds combined with the broken weapons on the battlefield, turned into a decayed armored dragon, and rushed towards Zhang Li.

Zhao Jiyang narrowed his eyes and put his hands on the hilt of his sword.

Zhang Li had already surprised him.

In fact, no matter what Zhang Li's sword is, he will not ignore it.

After all, Zhang Li is the one with the most profound swordsmanship among the juniors that Hu Jiyang has seen so far.

However, before Hu Jiyang drew his sword, Zhang Li had already stepped forward again.

The sword light on his body condensed and became one.

The sword light of the real Dacheng realm turned into a hundred-foot sword light.

The power of the martial arts golden body surged, and a surge of qi and blood turned into a torrent, reflecting that the surrounding ten miles of heaven and earth turned into blood.

The evil spirit of blood.

In the battlefield, the power of countless remnant souls combined with the power of the blood demon, the body of the long dragon attracted by Hu Zhao shook, and countless broken armor shook.

On the battlefield, there is never a lack of blood and evil spirits.

It is the remnant soul, which is also gathered by the evil spirit of blood.


Zhang Li let out a low drink.


In the endless void, the entire Ming Luoshan battlefield seemed to be full of shouts of killing.

Zhang Li took a step forward, pointed forward with the long sword in his hand, and then the power of merit in the sea of ​​consciousness shook, motivating all the Jindan realm guarding earth immortals and countless remnant soul powers behind him.


At this moment, the entire battlefield of Ming Luoshan shook, and the picture flowed, as if all the remnants of the souls had reappeared as before.

A group of Luo Wuzhou practitioners dressed in armor and lined up in a battle formation rushed forward.

So what if he died?
Rush again!

Endless roars vibrated in the void.

At this moment, the entire ancient battlefield began to vibrate. On the light curtain outside the ancient battlefield, it seemed that water waves were impacting, causing the clouds and mist covering the ancient battlefield to explode.

"Ancient Battlefield, what happened..." A Jindan team leader whispered with a pale face.

If so many elites from Luo Wuzhou were lost in the ancient battlefield, it would be a catastrophe for Luo Wuzhou.

"I can't control it anymore." Another Golden Core Realm leader shook his head.

I really can't control it.

Even if they can rush into the ancient battlefield, they can't quell these forces.



Countless armors charged, and the armored dragon drawn by Hu Zhao, the overhaul of the Nascent Soul Realm in Izumo Prefecture, collided with all the army formations of the remnants.

The impact of the remnant soul force smashed the long dragon, and then rushed towards Hu Zhao like a tide.

Attack a Nascent Soul Realm!

A golden core realm, challenge against the sky!

At this moment, the Luo Wuzhou elites standing outside the Ming Luoshan battlefield all looked nervous and clenched their fists excitedly.

"Is this the sword cultivator..."

"When I practice, I should be so sharp and go forward!"

These people are the elite.

For elites, they already have arrogance in their hearts.

At this time, watching Zhang Li, who is also an elite of the younger generation, challenge a remnant soul in the Nascent Soul Realm, the pride in their hearts was aroused to the extreme.

In their eyes, Zhang Li is their representative.


The rushing battle formation was hit by the long stick in Hu Zhao's hand, and it collapsed directly.

But the meritorious power of Zhang Li's body had already shrouded, and those shattered bodies gathered together again, and his body became more solid, with a layer of golden light shining through.

Not dead.

This is the undead battle formation!
Hu Zhao narrowed his eyes and clenched his long wooden staff tightly.

Behind him, the body of a ten-foot-tall blue-gray wild wolf gathered together.

At this moment, Zhao Jiyang didn't hesitate any longer, he laughed loudly, and drew his sword out of its sheath.


The trembling sound of the long sword unsheathed resounded through the heaven and earth, and a dazzling sword light was like waves surging from the distant sky.

The waves moved from far to near, but in an instant, they surged into huge waves that covered the sky and the sun.

"Zhenhai." Zhang Li whispered softly.

That sword is a replica of Zhenhai Sword, a spiritual weapon.

That swordsmanship is Zhenhai swordsmanship.

With the power to suppress the endless sea, a single wave will destroy the world.

Seeing the waves approaching head on, Hu Zhao looked dignified, directed all the wilderness waves, and rushed towards the waves.


The waves submerged the wild waves, then rolled back and pressed down, rushing towards Hu Zhao.

Hu Zhao stepped back, and the wooden stick in his hand lit a golden light curtain to block the waves.

"Hu Zhao, if you can block my Zhao Jiyang's Zhenhai sword, then I will be called Zhenhai real person in vain!" Zhao Jiyang shouted loudly, and the long sword was drawn, and the sword light exploded.

The exploding sword light pierced through the sea waves, and the light curtain was torn apart with one blow, and then the violent waves rushed in front of Hu Zhao.

Hu Zhao gritted his teeth, and stabbed the long staff hard on the ground in front of him. The wooden staff turned into a huge stone pillar, blocking the waves.

From Zhang Li's attack to Zhao Jiyang's sword at this time, Hu Zhao was obviously being suppressed and beaten.

This is sword repair, once the sword is drawn, it is the gathering of sharpness in the world.


On the huge stone pillar, the sound of horns sounded.

Zhao Jiyang laughed even harder: "The offal in Izumo Island knows how to shake people if they can't beat them."

"Even if you all come from Izumo Island, I, Zhao Jiyang, will not be afraid!"

As soon as the sword light was drawn, the cascading waves rushed towards the surroundings, causing the clouds to surge.

Every surging wave is a sword light.

Endless sword light!
Zhang Li stood aside, looking at the sword light with a hint of surprise on his face.

This Zhenhai swordsmanship and his Zhenyue swordsmanship have a complementary effect.

Zhenhai and Zhenyue can be combined completely, the mountains make up the sea, and the waves invade the sky and the earth.

In the end, mountains and seas become the sky!


Zhang Li pressed down with a sword.

The mountain fell into the sea of ​​sword light, stirring up waves of sword light that soared into the sky.

The mountains help the water potential, and the mountains borrow the water potential.

The stone pillar erected by Hu Zhao was hit by overlapping waves, and cracks appeared on it.


On the stone pillar, a section collapsed directly.

Hu Zhao's complexion was pale, and he gritted his teeth and roared: "All Izumo Continent fellow Taoists, if I lose Hu Zhao, you will find it difficult to gain a foothold in Ming Luoshan!"

As his voice vibrated, the surrounding world was overwhelmed by layers of spiritual power.

Of the five remnant souls who surpassed the Golden Core Realm on the Ming Luoshan battlefield, three of them were from Izumo Island.

The other two remnants of soul power came together and joined Hu Zhao's power to form a tripartite confrontation, resisting both the waves and the mountains.

Although Zhao Jiyang was tyrannical, he couldn't hold back the strength of the three of his peers, and the wave was suppressed.

"Brother Wuhen, do you want to stay out of the matter?" Zhao Jiyang gave a long shout, and the sword in his hand made waves.

No trace real person.

Senior Mu Shanmen.

Zhang Li turned around and looked into the distance.

There was a golden beam of light over there, showing a gleam of light, but it remained motionless.

"Brother Wuhen, if you don't want to make a move, you can lend me the mountain whip." Zhao Jiyang spoke again.

"Hehe, Zhao Jiyang, I can't help you with this matter." A voice sounded in the distance, and a Taoist figure in a green robe appeared.

"You want to stand up for the disciples of the younger generation, why should I, Wuhen, get in the way?"

Zhang Li is a descendant of Zhao Jiyang's sect, not a descendant of Zhenren Wuhen.

Zhao Jiyang snorted coldly.

"Patriarch Wuhen, Yu Hui, a disciple of Mushanmen's younger generation, pays a visit to Patriarch—"

On the distant mountains, a loud cry came.

Daoist Wuhen was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, and his eyes fell on Yu Hui who was covered in scars.

His complexion changed, he frowned slightly, and then smiled again.

"I know that the Mushan Sect is in decline, but it's gratifying to see the disciples of the younger generation have the courage to order Luoshan."

Ming Luoshan didn't come whenever he wanted.

Yu Hui and the others fought all the way, and he was the only one left alive among the three.

"Patriarch, if it wasn't for Mr. Zhang Lizhang who came to rescue him, the disciple couldn't come to Ming Luoshan."

Yu Hui knelt on the cliff and shouted loudly.

With that said, he jumped off the cliff.rushed forward.

"Master Zhang, Yu Hui is here to help you!"

Not far away, other people looked at each other.

"Haha, Lu Zhentao is here!" Lu Zhentao let out a long laugh, raised the long knife in his hand, and rushed down the cliff.

Zhen Dashu flew up after him.

A group of figures gathered towards the Ming Luoshan battlefield.

These Luo Wuzhou elites who were already enthusiastic did not hesitate at this time.

Even those sect elites who were not against Zhang Li before, are rushing down now.

"Haha, it looks like an elite." Zhao Jiyang laughed, and the originally shaking sword light suddenly burst.

"Boy, do you still have the Immortal Sealing Talisman?" Zhao Jiyang's voice sounded in Zhang Li's ear with emotion.

Sealing Talisman!
Zhao Jiyang wants to seal the immortal talisman.

He wants to use the power of the Immortal Seal Talisman to transform his strength, increase his combat power, and fight to the death.

Zhang Li hesitated, the power in the sea of ​​consciousness fluctuated.

Taking a deep breath, he waved his hand, the endless golden light condensed, and a golden talisman flashed.

Outside the talisman, a golden seal appeared, pressing down heavily.

The power of spiritual merit turned into a torrent, enveloping Zhao Jiyang's body.

Zhao Jiyang smiled and accepted the imperial seal calmly.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the long sword in Zhao Jiyang's hand, and with a flip of his palm, Zhenhaizhu appeared.

This is the suppressing treasure of the ancient fairy court, suppressing the world.

This thing is compatible with the Zhenhai Sword.

Raising his hand, the power in the Zhenhai Pearl rushed towards the Zhenhai Sword.


At this moment, the sky above the entire ancient battlefield was filled with a golden and sea-blue divine light.

In Zhao Jiyang's body, the power of the Nascent Soul Realm increased like a surging wave.

Zhang Li's massive meritorious power poured into him, making his whole body covered with golden light.

"Boy, have you saved the world before? How can you have such a strong merit..." Zhao Jiyang stood there with a set of golden gown on his body, whispering softly.

He looked at the long sword in his hand, and a trace of complexity flashed across his face: "Zhenhai, I can still see the power of Zhenhai."

"Isn't that what Zhenhai Sword was like back then?"

Holding the long sword, endless waves appeared on his body.

At this moment, all the fog outside the ancient battlefield dissipated.

In everyone's eyes, they saw a long sword supporting the sky, and then slashed down.


The stone pillar in front of the long sword shattered directly, and Hu Zhao's remnant soul was chopped into pieces by the sword.

With a movement of Zhang Li's body, he took a step forward, and took a picture of a golden fairy sealing talisman in his hand.

In front of him, Hu Zhao's faint remnant soul had a complex expression, and after struggling a few times, he finally bowed his head.


Royal seal, Earth Immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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