Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 218 Since I am ordered by Luo to inherit, you should always call me Master

Chapter 218 Since I am ordered to inherit the inheritance, you should always call me Master

The remnant soul of the Nascent Soul Realm overhaul in Izumo Prefecture was granted the title of Earth Immortal!

At this moment, on the entire battlefield of Mingluo Mountain, endless sky light shines.

The golden power of heaven and earth, the light of merit does not require money to fall.

Zhang Li's body was bathed in this golden halo, as if he was in the ocean.

The power of soul and merit that he had consumed before was not only fully replenished, but also continuously gathering.

His soul power had to be compressed again, and compressed again.

The surrounding heaven and earth forces pressed down his martial arts golden body, and then quickly condensed.

The power of the martial arts golden body is directly improved, and the layers of golden energy and blood power are transformed into golden red battle armor.

The fourth floor of the martial arts golden body.

Martial arts golden body, the fifth floor!

Ten thousand dharmas do not invade, all things do not break, and there is no leakage of the golden body.


Above the sky, thunder gathered again.

However, the thunder was resisted by the power of the sky thunder on Zhang Li's body, and it slowly disappeared.

"Goodbye, master."

A voice sounded in Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness.

Hu Zhao did not take the initiative to salute Zhang Li under countless gazes, this was Zhang Li's request.

If outsiders knew that he had just consecrated the remnant soul of a Nascent Soul, they would be crazy.

Of course, it would be even crazier if they knew that there was not one, but two remnant souls in the Nascent Soul Realm who had just been conferred.

"Haha, today is really interesting, that poor man will make a move." In the distance, the voice of Wuhen Zhenren sounded.

Zhao Jiyang's body shines with divine light, and he has turned into a guarding earth immortal. Outsiders don't know, how can the real Wuhen not see it?
If it weren't for the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, it would be impossible for Zhao Jiyang to smash Hu Zhao's remnant soul with a single sword.

On the other side, Hu Zhao was clearly granted the imperial seal as well.

In this way, Luo Wuzhou's strength has surpassed that of the opponent.


Mountains shook one after another, and a long whip that pierced the sky emerged.

The long whip was held, and a phantom who was a thousand feet tall raised his hand and threw out the whip.

All the illusory mountains were thrown out, and smashed in the direction of the other two remnant souls in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Zhao Jiyang laughed loudly, and the light of the sword in his hand caused the mighty wind to converge into two long golden dragons, surging endless waves, and rushed towards the two Nascent Soul Realm remnants.

With a complex expression on Hu Zhao's face, he sighed softly, and his figure turned into a breeze, attracting the remnants around him to rush over.

Although he didn't want to take action against the practitioners of Izumo Island, but at this time, he had already turned into a guarding earth immortal, so he could only give up his position.

The three Nascent Soul Realm Overhauls took action and wiped out the strong Izumo Continent over there.

At this time, Lu Zhentao and others have also rushed into the battlefield.

Yu Hui looked at Zhang Li with an excited expression on his face.

In fact, the various secrets passed down by Mu Shanmen are of no great use, they are just for gaining the approval of Wuhen Daoist, and to read a little of the old love of the sect's inheritance.

No secret is as good as the recognition of strength.

Zhang Li's strength at this time was recognized by his seniors, and he came to fight with all his strength.

"Everyone, order the Luoshan battlefield to encircle and kill the Yunzhou practitioners. It's up to you what kind of military exploits you can achieve."

Zhang Li looked around, cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

At this time, the Ming Luoshan battlefield has become a mess, and the suppression overhaul in Izumo Island is attacked at this time, unable to support it, and it is time to reap the merits.

Naturally, Lu Zhentao and the others knew that this was not the time to be polite, so they all clasped their fists together and rushed out.

Zhang Li himself also quickly walked towards the battlefield of the strong Nascent Soul.

He has no interest in participating in the battle under the Nascent Soul.


On the battlefield of Mingluo Mountain, the sound of roaring and cracking resounded.

Outside the entire ancient battlefield, countless clouds rolled over, making all the leaders Jindan's expressions change.

The elite competition this time was simply unexpected.

If it wasn't for the fact that all the names on the list were still there, and there weren't many deaths, these leaders of the Jindan realm would have to find a way to rush into the ancient battlefield.

But even if they rush in, I'm afraid there's nothing they can do.

In the current ancient battlefield, what is happening is the battle in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"It depends on God's will..." Wu Yunzheng shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

He saw that on the list, Zhang Li's points had reached close to one million.

how did you do that?
In the ancient battlefield, the changes in Qi mechanism have been so turbulent that the entire battlefield began to burst out with brilliant divine light.

The strength of the two Nascent Soul Realm Immortals, together with the total of nearly a hundred Royal Immortals, has surpassed the strength of one Earth Immortal Realm.

The aura in this ancient battlefield is quite strong, and there are still remnants of heavenly power from the ancient fairy world.

At this moment, because of the confluence of the power of the Imperial Immortals, the power of heaven in this ancient battlefield seems to be recovering.

The improvement of the power of the heavenly power is to rapidly increase the blessings of those decreed earth immortals.

This rising cycle is almost visible to the naked eye.

Zhao Jiyang slashed out with a sword, and the light of the sword caused the waves to roll. When he struck the second time, the light of the sword was so bright that the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the endless waves rolled away, knocking away the figures blocking in front of him.

A sword is stronger than a sword, and the power gathered in his body also rises rapidly.

This made Zhao Jiyang's expression even more pleasant.


Slashing out with a sword, all the remnant souls on the Ming Luoshan battlefield seemed to be attracted, gathering into a sword light.

The power of guarding the earth immortals is consistent with the power of heaven and earth, and the way of swordsmanship is the way of heaven.

Whether it is the remnant soul of Izumo Island in Nascent Soul Realm, or other Izumo Island practitioners, they can only run away in panic at this time.

Those Izumo Island strongmen who came from other battlefields all turned pale and ran away in a panic.


"Zhenjun Yunyi, you are also a practitioner of Izumo Continent. Do you want to see my practitioners in Izumo Continent be slaughtered and the remnant souls disappear?"

In the distance, the remnant souls of the Izumo Island Nascent Soul Realm that had been chopped into pieces by a sword gathered again, and then let out a low growl.

Your Majesty!

This fate Luoshan battlefield, there is a remnant soul of the real king!

When this call sounded, the faces of all the practitioners on Luowuzhou changed drastically.


A soft sword chant sounded.

Zhang Li looked at the long sword in his hand.

The Zhenyue sword was shaking.

That's the sword being triggered by a powerful sword without feeling it.

Not only the Zhenyue sword in his hand, but all the swords around him began to vibrate.

An extremely powerful sword appeared.

"Boy, I may not be able to block that guy, you guys retreat first." Front, Zhao Jiyang looked solemn, and said in a low voice.

With a wave of his hand, he threw the Zhenhai Sword in front of Zhang Li.

"The inheritance of Zhenhai is here, and I leave it to you."

Zhenhai sword.

Not far away, the mountain whip in the hands of Daoist Wuhen swung across, and a mountain peak blocked all the Luowuzhou elites.

"You go away, if you don't go, you won't be able to go away."

His eyes fell on Yu Hui, and he sighed softly: "You can't control the mountain whip, so take back the inheritance of my wooden mountain gate."

A stream of light landed in front of Yu Hui.

Yu Hui nodded, held Liu Guang, and bowed.

Master Wuhen turned around, looked into the distance, and said indifferently: "I don't want to fight this battle, I just don't want to face Master Yunyi."

"Look now, try to sleep, let's fight."

After his voice fell, he took a step forward, and the long whip in his hand drove hundreds of mountains towards the front.

The mountain peaks are bright and have turned into reality.

Zhao Jiyang didn't speak, and stabbed forward with the sword in his hand.

On the edge of the sword, the whistling sounded like the chant of a dragon.

The two Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses shot, and on the other side, Hu Zhao raised his hand a little timidly, and the remnant soul and mountain stone turned into nine long dragons and rushed out.

Three Nascent Soul Realm, let's fight together!
Challenge a real king.

Lu Zhentao and the others looked up in shock.

It is impossible to see such a scene on Luo Wuzhou.

There are only five Nascent Soul Realms in the entire Luowuzhou, and it is even more impossible for there to be a true monarch.

From ancient times to the present, the world of practice has hardly seen a real king.

It is said that among all the continents, there seems to be rumors about the real king in only a few continents.


A sky-supporting long sword blocked the hundred peaks, and then with a swipe of the sword, all the hundred peaks were chopped into pieces.

With another turn of the sword, the mountain whip was cut into two pieces.

The sword edge didn't stop, and continued to move forward. The body of the real Wuhen couldn't stop it at all, and was directly smashed by the sword edge.

Zhao Jiyang smiled, and the long sword slammed into the blade.

The long dragon roared, and was smashed into pieces before the golden sword edge.

The long sword collided with the edge of the sky-supporting sword, then vibrated continuously and turned into pieces.

The body of Zhao Jiyang who was holding the sword was also shattered inch by inch.

Can't stop!
Hu Zhao sighed softly, and the drawn dragon hit the blade of the sword, and then shattered.

The three Nascent Soul Realm couldn't block a sword.

The sword edge still kept cutting towards the battlefield.

Lu Zhentao and the others turned around and left without hesitation.

If you don't leave, everyone will die here.

The only one who didn't turn around and run away was only one person.

Zhang Li.

It's not that Zhang Li can't leave, it's that he can't.

From the beginning to the end, the sword edge was running towards him.

"Before life and death, there is only one sword." Whispering in his mouth, Zhang Li raised the sword in his hand.

This time, he didn't draw the sword directly, but slowly let go of the hilt in his hand.

The long sword was suspended, and the power of the soul surged on it, matching the edge of the sword.

In an instant, Zhang Lishen and Zhou Qiandao's sword light emerged.

Soul Sword.

Now his strongest is his own soul power, so naturally he has to use the strongest sword method.

The moment the Soul Sword appeared, the long sword that was cutting towards him paused slightly, and then continued to move forward.

Thousands of sword lights gathered, Zhang Li raised his hand and pointed forward.


A bright sword appeared, and then slammed into the severed long sword.

The sword light whizzed forward without hesitation.

Now that the sword is out, there is no need to regret it.

All the power gathered on Zhang Li's body, and the golden energy and blood power caught up with the rushing sword and wrapped it around the sword.

Ten thousand dharmas will not be invaded, and ten thousand ways will not be damaged.


The two long swords collided, bursting out with a dazzling look.

The sky and the earth trembled, and endless streamers shone.

Zhang Li's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he retreated backward.

The sword of the soul he cut shattered, and his soul was also subjected to endless turmoil.

The opponent's sword turned into an illusory appearance, a flicker, and it had already cut directly into the sea of ​​consciousness from the top of his head.

This is a treasured sword that cuts the soul!
This is the treasure that the practitioners of Izumo Island want to find, and it can directly kill people's souls!
The moment the long sword cut into Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness, all the power of merit in his sea of ​​consciousness was attracted, turned into a golden seal, and collided with it.

The power of countless merits wrapped the long sword and turned it into a chain.



At this moment, this precious long sword that has been rampant since ancient times was actually suppressed.

Zhang Li's complexion kept changing, and he stood in the same place, his body trembling.

A figure appeared thousands of feet away, and in a flash, it had already arrived in front of him.

"It's ironic that there are people full of meritorious deeds on Luo Wuzhou."

"A Qi refiner who doesn't cultivate merit is actually full of merit."

Wearing a blue-black robe, the old man with white hair like silver and golden halos in his eyes walked forward step by step with his hands behind his back.

The surrounding space oscillates, within ten thousand feet, no force can rush in.

Even the reunited Zhao Jiyang and Wuhen Daoist who was holding a broken whip were repelled ten thousand feet away.

"With these merits, and with the power of the Excalibur Sword, I can reshape my body." The old man walked three feet in front of Zhang Li, slowly raised his hand, and pressed it on the top of Zhang Li's head.

For a true king, killing Zhang Li, who has not even reached the Nascent Soul, is like crushing an ant.

It's just that the pressed palm was blocked above Zhang Li's head.

Zhang Li raised his hand and held the opponent's arm.

A painful smile appeared on his face, and then he looked up at the sky.

The old man whose arm was blocked was stunned for a moment, but also raised his head.

At some point, above the sky, a deep purple thunder lingered and surged.



Zhang stood around, and thousands of thunder beads exploded.

Thunder Pearl.

As these thunder beads exploded, the thunder above the sky was also attracted down.

All the thunders enveloped the body of the old man in front of him.

Zhang Li grinned slightly as he watched the lightning twine around the body, shuttling inside and outside.

It's really refreshing to calculate a real monarch.

The purpose of hiding Tianlei until now is to plot against a true king.


In front of him, all the thunder light dissipated, and what dissipated was the body.

The old man's face was full of astonishment, and his body slowly faded away.

But in the next moment, the old man's already illusory body suddenly shook, dissipating into a flash of spiritual light, and in a flash, it appeared in Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness, attached to the long sword.

"Hehe, you didn't expect that, the real gentleman has already refined the Zhanshen Sword into the treasure of his life."

"You can use the thunder to destroy the remnant soul of this true king, just to allow this true king to fuse with the God-killing sword."

"From now on, I will be a tool spirit."

The old man's voice sounded, and with the movement of the long sword, all the merit chains were chopped into pieces and rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

There was a hint of disappointment on the facade of Zhang standing in the same place, and he shook his head slightly, but it still failed.

When the sword left, it was time to chop up his own body.

After all, it is sloppy.

Is it the real king, or the most precious sword weapon...


Above the sky, the long sword vibrated.

Zhang Li looked up, with a hint of confusion on his face.

The long sword was held in the hand of a Taoist in a white robe, and then slowly pressed down.

The long sword was pressed on the top of Zhang Li's head again, and then pressed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Taoist's gentle palm pressed on the top of Zhang Li's head.

"The fairy caresses my head, and my hair is tied for longevity..." Zhang Li whispered.

In that warm palm, countless messages were pressed into Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness, turning into golden pillars of light.

The Taoist laughed long upon hearing Zhang Li's words.

"Since I have been ordered to inherit it, you should always call me Master."

(End of this chapter)

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