Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 220 The Eight Diagrams of Fengtianya, Yunyu and Aoju

Chapter 220 Fengtianya, Yunyu and Aoju's gossip
Pay homage to Master Luo.

Go to Fengtian Cliff.

Obtain the inheritance of Zhentian Zhenhai.

All these major events that could shake the entire Luo Wuzhou world were conveyed in this message that Zhang Li understated.

Wu Yunzheng's expression made Su Ji beside him curious, and his divine sense came out and landed on the aura.


He seemed to have been bitten by a snake, trembling all over, his face flushed.

How can it be!

However, this seems to be the only way to explain why Zhang Li has not returned, and why this ancient battlefield has undergone such a huge change.

Senior Ming Luo did not die.

Only this senior can suppress the remnant soul of the true king and strong man in Yunzhou.

"Brother Daoists, I wonder if it's the message from little friend Zhang Li?" Not far away, a Taoist priest in green robe looked at Su Ji and Wu Yunzheng, and said softly.

He is Mei Changyue, the elder of the Jiuyuan Gate of Dazong on Luowuzhou, with a cultivation base of the seventh level of the Golden Core Realm.

Jiuyuanmen is also an ally of Zhenyuezong. This time on the ancient battlefield, the disciples of the two sides supported each other and had a good relationship.

Wu Yunzheng turned his head, held the aura in his hand, and nodded.

"Nephew Zhang Li..." Speaking of nephew, he suddenly paused. Now that Zhang Li is worshiping under Senior Ming Luo, does he still have the right to call him nephew?

"Ahem, he has already gone to Fengtianya. I'm afraid Fengtianya will hear about what happened on the ancient battlefield."

Fengtianya is the place where the demon clan Daxiu Aoju is imprisoned, and it is also a forbidden place on the entire Luowuzhou.

It is said that in ancient times, Fengtianya was once the residence of a large sect, but it fell into disrepair, and only Fengtianya, which could seal one side of the town, remained.

There is also a Nascent Soul Daxiu on Fengtianya, she is guarding Ao Ju.

Of course, these are legends, who can really know the specifics?
The grievances and entanglements among the great monks are not understood by outsiders at all.

"Go to Fengtianya..." Mei Changyue shook her head with emotion flashing across her face.

I knew that Zhang Li had the background of the barren sea monster clan behind him.

Now Zhang Li is sweeping across the ancient battlefield, surpassing the first place in the elite list, and suppressing the entire elite list with his own strength.

With this power, going to Fengtianya is definitely to save Ao Ju from leaving.

Once Ao Ju leaves Luo Wuzhou and joins forces with the real Yue Teng in the Chaotic Star Sea, it will become another big trend.

In addition, Zhenyuezong is supporting on Luowuzhou, so it is not difficult to become the number one sect on Luowuzhou.

Wu Yunzheng's words were not hidden from anyone, and the other Jindan Realm experts who paid attention to this side have heard clearly.

Many people's eyes flickered.

It is not so easy to judge the pros and cons of such things that change the overall situation of all parties on Luo Wuzhou.

For example, Zhenyuezong and Zhenyuezong's allies are not opposed to this matter.

Only those sects that were not against Zhenyue Sect and were somewhat hostile had to consider the impact of this matter on their own sects.

"Hmph, it's not about achieving the Nascent Soul Great Cultivation, but being number one on the elite list, you dare to challenge the Nascent Soul's prestige." An old man with white beard snorted coldly, moved his body, and fled away.

Others look at each other.

The reason why this elder of the Golden Core Realm of Yu Mingdao said this was because Yu Mingdao had a lot of hatred with Zhen Yuezong.

If Zhenyuezong rises, Yumingzong will have a hard time.

"Challenge Nascent Soul..." In front of the team of Forging Heaven Sect, Yu Gan showed a complex expression on his face.

Doesn't Zhang Li do this kind of thing too often?

At Forging Heaven Sect, this guy directly challenged his master, Yuanying Daxiu Lu Zhan.

On the ancient battlefield and the Mingluo battlefield, Zhang Li also went retrograde and fought against the powerful remnants of the Nascent Soul Realm, and even the True King Realm.

In this person's eyes, there is no fear of the strong at all.

The strong are for challenges.

Turning his head to look at the slowly dissipating but still golden name and credits on it, Yu Gan took a deep breath.

"Elder, go back to the sect. As long as Zhang Li is alive, he can change the situation in Luo Wuzhou."

This is Yu Gan's view on Zhang Li.

A person like Zhang Li should be the kind of person who can change the pattern of a continent by himself.

Yu Gan's voice was not low, it was heard by countless elites and elders in the Golden Core Realm from all sides.

But Yu Gan didn't care, this was not praising Zhang Li, but telling the truth.

Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji looked at each other, chuckled, clasped their hands to the surroundings, then drove the flying boat and left slowly.

Outsiders only know that Zhang Li went to Fengtianya, how do they know that Zhang Li has become a disciple of Senior Ming Luo?
They don't even know that Zhang Li has been inherited by Zhentian and Zhenhai.

As long as the three inheritances are united, Zhentianzong will reappear in Luowuzhou.

Such a thing, of course, will be sent back to Zhenyuezong as soon as possible, so what are you waiting for?
One after another, the airships left the ancient battlefield, and this space became illusory again, making it impossible for outsiders to enter.

It takes at least 300 years to enter.



The picture in front of Zhang Li turned from illusion to reality.

This is not the first time he has traveled through space.

But it was his first time walking through the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is completely different from traveling through space cracks.

Only after passing through the teleportation array did he realize that space cracks are dangerous. He doesn't know when they will collapse, and when there will appear a space beast that is so powerful that it can be shredded directly in the Nascent Soul Realm.

The teleportation array is stable, just like passing through a sliding door from the living room to the balcony, and then pushing open the window.

The scenery in front of me remains the same, but the space has changed.

"This is Fengtianya." Zhang Li looked around and said in a low voice.

The mottled hall reveals simplicity.

The beam of light in the main hall still has a sense of space.

"Well, back then, the Zhentianzong Zhentian branch was in Fengtianya." Ming Luo looked around, with a hint of nostalgia on his face.

"Actually, if she hadn't thought of leaving at the beginning, the Tiantian Sect wouldn't have collapsed."

Zhang Li knew that what Ming Luo was talking about was the Great Elder of Zhentianzong, the senior who went against the small fairy world and finally fell.

The fall of this senior directly led to the split of Zhentianzong.

In fact, the split of Tiantian Sect was not the reason why this senior left.

The inheritance of the immortal way can no longer be sustained, and the line of Zhenhai is running on empty energy. Even if Zhentianzong is still there, it will eventually collapse.

Ming Luo waved his hand, and the dust in the mottled hall dissipated, revealing a series of spirit patterns.

With a slight push, the closed door opened.

The moment the door opened, a bell rang.


The sound is melodious and can be heard from thousands of miles away.

A figure flashed away from a distance, and had already landed outside the gate of the main hall.

A long jade white dress, with black silk and high pull-ups, with a surprised face.

A faint majesty spread, it was the divine soul coercion inherent in Daxiu at the Nascent Soul Realm, and it was not at all comparable to the divine soul power at the Golden Core Realm.

"You are--"

The nun looked at Mingluo, her eyes widened.

Ming Luo's gaze fell on the nun's face, her lips trembling slightly.

"Like, really like..."

The female cultivator froze for a moment, the light in her eyes flashed, and she suddenly trembled all over.

She looked at Zhang Li, and then whispered: "You guys, are you from the ancient battlefield?"

Zhang Li nodded.

The female shaving complexion appeared on her face, and she bowed slightly to Ming Luo.

Looking at the bowing female cultivator, Ming Luo pondered for a moment, and said softly: "When your mother left, what did you say?"


The female cultivator was silent for a while, but she nodded in the end: "Mother once said that if there is any change in the Zhentian sect, you can go to Ming Luo Mountain to find it, and Ming Luo senior."

Speaking of this, she paused, with a trace of regret on her face: "It's a pity that my mother passed away, and you, senior..."

Ming Luo was trapped in Ming Luo Mountain, fighting against the strong in Izumo Island, where would he have time to take care of other things?

Ming Luo looked up into the distance, nodded, and sighed.

The female cultivator seemed to have just remembered her purpose for coming here, and looked at the hall that was completely new and shining with spiritual light.

"The Wanfang Palace has restarted?"

"Senior, this is a large formation connecting all continents..."

There was surprise in her eyes.

The teleportation arrays on all continents were abandoned a long time ago because they were too expensive.

The communication between the various continents is also almost cut off.

What does it mean that the big array restarts at this time?
"I respect Linluo Wuzhou, so of course this teleportation array must be activated." Ming Luo smiled, and his eyes flashed with loneliness that people couldn't look directly at.

Return to Luowuzhou!
Mingluo's words made the female cultivator's eyes widen.

"Zhang Li, she is Yunyu, the daughter of Yunxi, the great elder of the Zhentian Sect. Since you inherit the Tiantian Sword, you are considered Yunxi's disciple."

Ming Luo turned his head to look at Zhang Li, and said, "I've seen your senior sister."

senior sister.

A senior sister in Nascent Soul Realm.

Zhang Li hurriedly bowed and cupped his hands: "Zhang Li has met Senior Sister Yunyu."

"Suppressing Heaven Sword..." A trace of complexity flashed across Yunyu's face, and she nodded.

"My public name is, Yujue Daoist."

"Yu'er, what's going on?" A voice suddenly sounded, a tall man in his forties wearing a light blue robe flew directly to the stone steps, beside Yunyu.

When he saw Zhang Li and Ming Luo, his eyes swept over the golden aura on the hall, and his face sank.

"The teleportation array of Wanfang Palace? Outland invasion?" A thick stream of energy and blood on his body directly turned into a column of smoke, soaring into the sky.

Nascent Soul Realm.

"No, this is—" Before Yunyu finished speaking, Ming Luo, who was standing in front of her, snorted coldly and waved her sleeves.

A phantom of a golden-gray blue dragon crashed out directly, roaring upwards, and with a roar, rushed towards the big man.

The Canglong's long tail rolled back, and it swept off the pillar of smoke from the big man's body, and then slapped it down with one claw.

The big man raised his hand and punched out, colliding with the long claws of the Canglong.


Canglong was shocked, and his body turned into smoke.

The big man retracted his arms and stepped back down the stone steps without stopping.

His complexion was ugly, and there was a golden streamer in his eyes.

"True Monarch."

Behind him, a golden dragon phantom emerged.

"Senior Ao Ju, my name is Zhang Li, and I come from the barren sea." Zhang Li took a step forward and suddenly said.

His words stunned the big man.


In Zhang Li's hand, a faint phantom of the dragon's blood emerged.

The power of the contract signed with Ao Jin.

"Ao Jin..." Ao Ju looked at Zhang Li, his eyes narrowed: "Equal contract, can you convince that kid?"

"Ao Ju, this is Junior Brother Zhang Li." Only then did Yun Yu have time to speak out: "That is Ming Luo, senior."

"Ming Luo?" Ao Ju was startled, his neck shrank, "That's not your father—"

His words were stopped by Yunyu's stare.

The phantom of the flood dragon on his body, the column of qi and blood smoke also dissipated.

Looking up at Ming Luo again, the guy's eyes suddenly drifted, as if he had done something wrong.

"Ahem, Ao Ju greets Senior Ming Luo."

"Hmph, you are far from Ao Zhentian." Ming Luo snorted coldly.

Ao Zhentian, the head of the Jiaolong clan back then.

Ao Ju frowned, and was about to speak, when he saw Yunyu staring at him, he couldn't help grinning: "You're right."


Fengtian Cliff is not a cliff.

Under Fengtianya, there are continuous mountain peaks.

Ming Luo's arrival did not disturb others, only Yun Yu and Ao Ju knew about it.

However, the news that Zhang Li came to Fengtianya was not concealed from anyone, but within a few days, there were many messages sent to Fengtianya.

Most of them asked Zhang Li why he came here.

There are also a few big forces, expressing their concerns about the detention of Ao Ju, and asking if they want to increase the guards here.

"Since Senior Ao Ju has not been imprisoned, why don't you go back to the Sea of ​​Desolation?" Standing in front of the cliff where the mountain wind was blowing, Zhang Li looked at Ao Ju who was standing beside him.

Ao Ju showed a complex look on his face, and shook his head: "Yu'er let me stay because of Fengtianya's guarantee. If I leave, Fengtianya will definitely attract the siege of the upper sect of Luowuzhou."

"What's more, even if I go back to the sea of ​​desolation, I can't change the general trend of the demon clan's decline."

At the beginning, because the resources on Luowuzhou were getting less and less, all parties of the human race joined forces to capture the barren sea.

Ao Ju was defeated in the first battle and was imprisoned in Fengtianya.

It was Yunyu who came forward to save his life.

This is the general trend in Luo Wuzhou, and it is the human race and the monster race competing for cultivation resources.

Even if Ao Ju returns, it cannot change the general situation.

For 300 years, the human race on Luowuzhou borrowed resources from the barren sea. Although they failed to revive against the trend, they still maintained their inheritance to some extent.

"Are you really reluctant to part with Senior Sister Yunyu?" Zhang Li turned his head.

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense." Ao Ju blushed.

Zhang Li didn't talk about these gossips with him, and looked forward with a calm expression: "Senior, now the teleportation array between Luo Wuzhou and various continents is opened, and I ordered Senior Luo to return. I don't know, what are your plans?"


Ao Ju's expression turned serious.

Before Luo Wuzhou used the resources of the barren sea to consolidate his strength, the comparison between the strength of the monster race and the human race had been infinitely expanded.

This time, if the inheritance of practice on Luowuzhou is revived, then the monster race may really have no chance.

It's just that the general situation is current, and the Yaozu really have a chance?

"If it really doesn't work, I'll lead the Yaozu out of Luowuzhou." Ao Ju sighed softly and shook his head, "My Yaozu will never be enslaved again."

It would be easy if he surrendered to Luo Wuzhou.

But in Ao Ju's view, the Yaozu must not succumb to Luo Wuzhou.

In the current situation, the Yaozu is already in a difficult situation. If they surrender again, the inheritance of the Yaozu may collapse and be cut off.

If this is the case, Ao Ju is a sinner of the Desolate Sea-Monster Clan.

"Senior Ao Ju, have you ever thought about joining Jingyuan Trading Company?" Zhang Li looked at Ao Ju and asked softly.

"Business firm?"

"What business?"

Ao Ju was taken aback.

Zhang Li's expression was indifferent, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Jingyuan Trading Company is a trading company that can cross all continents of the practice world, go to the mortal world, and trade in the world of immortality."

"I promise, as long as senior joins the firm, I can find an uninhabited continent for you, specially for the monster race in the barren sea to move there."

(End of this chapter)

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