Chapter 221 Guarding the World for 300 Years

Ao Ju looked at Zhang Li, his face slowly sank.

Who is he?
He is the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan, in charge of tens of thousands of monster clans.

He is Yuanying Daxiu, one of the strongest existences in the entire Luowuzhou.

Now, Zhang Li wants him to join the firm.

What kind of firm is qualified to let him join such an overhaul?

Moreover, Zhang Li's remuneration is simply a joke.

What spans all continents, what connects the immortal world, and what does not belong to a continent that is given to the monster race.

Is there such a powerful firm in this world?
Even if the Tiantian Sect who was the strongest in Luowuzhou was still there, he didn't have such abilities.


Zhang Li raised his hand, and a pale golden long knife appeared in his hand.

On this long knife, there is also the mark of the Buddhist inheritance of Ming Wangzhou.

"Things from the Earth Immortal Realm..." God Ao Ju thought about it and recognized that it was something from the Earth Immortal Realm.

Zhang Li raised his hand again, and a pile of magic weapons found in the northern region of Luyangzhou fell in front of him.

This is obviously different from Luo Wuzhou's Immortal Dao inheritance refining method.

Ao Ju squinted his eyes and said in a low voice, "It's really a magic weapon other than Luo Wuzhou."

He looked up at Zhang Li and took a deep breath: "Even if your firm has the means to connect with all parties, I don't believe you can come up with an unowned continent."

It is not too difficult to open a void passage, which happens to lead to a certain continent, or even the mortal world or the earth fairy world.

But it is not easy to get a Wuzhu Continent.

Zhang Li chuckled and raised his hand.

In front of him, a light curtain like a starry sky rose.

"Senior Ao Ju, you can take a look, which continent above this light curtain you are interested in, just go."

Continent Star Map!

This is the Continental Star Map of the Connecting Teleportation Array!
The look on Ao Ju's face turned into horror, and he stared at the star map with his eyes fixed.

"This is a real star map, but the star map needs to cooperate with the teleportation array—"

He was shocked and looked at Zhang Li.

"You and Senior Mingluo have opened up the teleportation formations in all continents?"

How many resources does that require?
If all the auras on Luo Wuzhou gather together, they probably won't be able to break through the teleportation array, right?
"Senior, you'll know if you go to Wanfang Hall to see it?" Zhang Li threw the star map forward and said lightly.

Ao Ju didn't hesitate, caught the star map, and rushed towards the direction of Wanfang Hall with a movement of his body.

"If it's true, it's not impossible for me to work for you."

Zhang Li smiled and shook his head.

Some things have to be seen to be believed.

He stood on the cliff, looking into the distance.

In the void, a figure flew towards him.

"The elder Yu Chenglin, the deacon of the Chaoling Sect, came to pay respects to Master Yujue."

The figure came towards the cliff, and the voice came.

Chao Lingzong, the largest sect on Luowuzhou.

Yang Lin, the elder of the Zongmen, is known as the strongest Nascent Soul on Luowuzhou, and he was the one who wounded and captured Ao Ju in the first place.

Fei Luo's figure paused in mid-air, then looked at Zhang Li on the cliff.

"Zhang Li?"

"You are really here."

The deacon of Chao Lingzong named Yu Chenglin showed a slight smile on his face, and raised his hand to pat it.

This palm, with the sound of wind and thunder, instantly aroused the aura of heaven and earth to shine.

Jindan realm.

The sixth floor of Jindan Realm.

With this level of cultivation, he is already ranked among the strongest in the entire Luowuzhou.

With such combat power, he slapped Zhang Li with one blow, without hesitation, it was clear that he wanted to put Zhang Li to death.

"Being number one on the elite list dares to venture into Fengtianya privately. Who gave you the courage?"

The words matched the wind and thunder, and the giant palm slapped Zhang Li on the head.

Zhang Li stood where he was, with a calm expression on his face.

In his hand, a blue long sword suddenly appeared.

Not Zhenyue Sword.

Not Zhenhai Sword.

This is the inheritance treasure of the Zhentian Sect, the Tiantian Sword.

He is not yet familiar with Zhentianzong's practice method.

He is not proficient in the Sky-Suppressing Sword Art that the Sky-Suppressing Sword is equipped with.

But, that's enough.

A small golden core with only six layers.

The long sword was unsheathed, and instantly turned into a thousand-foot sword light.

The sharp sword light seemed to tear apart the sky, and with a flicker, it cut Yu Chenglin's palm print in half.

The sword light kept on hitting Yu Chenglin's body.

Yu Chenglin didn't expect Zhang Li's sword light to be so sharp, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, he clenched his hands into fists and crossed them in front of his chest.


The long sword seemed to slash on a body made of gold and iron, and there was a loud noise.

Yu Chenglin's body was cut ten thousand feet away by a sword, and his breath was in a mess.

Although this sword failed to break through his defense, it also injured his internal organs.

Looking up at Zhang Li, Yu Chenglin's eyes flashed with fear.

No. [-] on the elite list, to be so strong!
A golden core six-level monk was almost injured by this sword!

Zhang Li raised the long sword in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

"Junior Brother Zhang Li, who dares to break into my Fengtian Cliff?" A voice sounded behind Zhang Li.

Yunyu's figure appeared beside Zhang Li.

Yu Chenglin trembled all over, his eyes widened.

Junior Brother!

Just now, Master Yujue called Zhang Li to be his junior!
His complexion changed, he didn't stay any longer, his figure flickered, and he ran away.

He wants to pass this news back to Zongmen.

"By the way, tell Yang Lin to order Senior Luo to stay in Fengtianya in the future, so that he can come and see him in person."

Master Luo!

Yu Chenglin, who was running away, trembled all over, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The general situation on Luowuzhou is about to change!

Ten days later, the elders of Zhenyue Sect came quietly under the leadership of the suzerain.

Three days later, an old man in Taoist robe quietly came to Fengtianya.

Three days later, several Qi refiners from the eighth and ninth floors of the Golden Core Realm came to Fengtianya.


Three months later, Xu Zhaonian, who came in a hurry from Chaotic Star Sea, was taken by Zhang Li and recommended to see Ao Ju.

"Shopkeeper Xu, from now on, this will be Jingyuan Commercial Bank's big foreign affairs shopkeeper, the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan, and senior Ao Ju."

The manager of foreign affairs is very simple.

Open up business routes and protect caravans.

The Jiaolong clan, as well as the monster clan on the barren sea, will all be hired as the guards of Jingyuan Trading Company.

Xu Zhaonian had a trace of confusion on his face.

He is now the internal treasurer of Jingyuan Commercial Bank, the big treasurer in charge of all transactions in the entire commercial bank.

He just needs to be responsible to Zhang Li, the owner of Jingyuan Commercial Bank directly under him.

After learning about all the transactions in Luyangzhou, the ordinary world, Luowuzhou, and the earth fairy world, he was already frightened by Zhang Li's huge business group empire.

This is arguably the strongest "smuggling" gang in the world, spanning the immortal world, the earthly immortal world and the practice world.

The forces of several parties communicate with each other.

Buy low and sell high, don't even look at goods that don't have ten times the profit.

Spiritual materials from the Earth Immortal World, spirit stones, Luyangzhou magic tools, elixir, elixir scattered on Luowuzhou, all kinds of spiritual fruits, and the market for magic tools with huge demand...

Not only sell goods, but also sell people.

A large number of practitioners are required to garrison the Earth Immortal Realm.

The Sea of ​​Chaos Stars, the Sea of ​​Desolation, and those cultivators from the northern region of Luyang Continent, including casual cultivators in the wasteland of Luo Wu Continent, were all attracted by the high price and went to the Earth Immortal Realm to fight.

The high price in the eyes of these people is just the commission left after [-]% of them are drawn by the commercial firm.

For the earth fairy world where spirit stones are everywhere, the price of the spirit stones offered is a hundred times that of the rewards received by all parties in the practice world.

Just like this, countless practitioners have flocked to it.

I understand that Zhang Li is doing big business.

But until now, Xu Zhaonian didn't know that Zhang Li's business was so big that even Yuanying Daxiu had to work for him.

"Shopkeeper Ao, please give me more advice in the future." Xu Zhaonian carefully cupped his hands towards Ao Ju.

Ao Ju nodded. All the arrogance of Yuanying Daxiu made him unwilling to talk to Xu Zhaonian, a small foundation-building cultivator.

Zhang Li didn't expect them to communicate more.

Anyway, Ao Ju takes money to work.

A mission that requires dispatch from the Nascent Soul Realm, a Fire Spirit Orb.

As for the other monster and dragon clans, they will be settled according to the spirit stone chalcedony beads.

This kind of handwriting, no outsider can show it.

When Ao Ju and Xu Zhaonian met, Zhang Li took Xu Zhaonian directly to Ming Luoshan to transmit the formation.

"More than three hundred continents need to be connected and explored everywhere."

"Whether there are strong men in each continent, and if there are any treasures worth trading, we must find out."

"Also, recruit enough masters to stabilize the power of the Immortal Realm."

Zhang Li asked one sentence at a time.

Xu Zhaonian was in a daze the whole time.

Until he returned to Fengtianya, met Ming Luo, was encouraged by Ming Luo, and then sent away, he was completely dazed.

This trip, he has seen what a real monk is.


Jindan is not worthy of carrying shoes.

Nascent Soul?

Nascent Soul is a small character.

No. 1 on the entire Luowuzhou, there is a strong person who suppresses the entire continent.

The future is promising!
Xu Zhaonian, who originally worked as a shopkeeper on Yunlan Mountain and felt that Yunlan Mountain was the sky, has changed unknowingly.

Luyangzhou Northern Territory?
That's not heaven and earth.

Luo Wuzhou?
Nor is it.

The Three Hundred Continents of the Cultivation World, the Mortal World, and the Earth Immortal Realm, these are the ones!

With the resources of all parties in hand, even the Nascent Soul Realm has to bow its head.

What a joy this is!

Xu Zhaonian left Fengtianya, while Zhang Li continued to practice in Fengtianya.

But he didn't stay in Fengtianya for too long.

According to Ming Luo, the most important thing for Zhang Li now is to slowly integrate his way.


martial arts.

The Way of Thunder.

"You have accumulated enough, so thick that outsiders can't imagine."

"But your comprehension is not enough, this requires an extremely long process."

Ming Luo looked at Zhang Li and said softly.

Whether it's one's own Dao, or the God Slashing Sword in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the three swords of Zhentian, Zhenhai, and Zhenyue, they all need to be mastered slowly.

Now Zhang Li has enough resources in his hands, so he needs to calm down and practice hard.

A year later, he quietly left Fengtianya.

On Luo Wuzhou, he was never seen again.


Mortal world.

Zhao country.


View of Jing Yuan.

It is still the small courtyard where Zhang Li lives, but now it has been renovated and it is a little fresher.

Zhu Yunshan's aura is much more dignified, and his body can no longer be seen to be transformed by the gods guarding the earth.

"Aren't you leaving this time?" Looking at Zhang Li who was sitting in front of the long desk, Zhu Yunshan asked curiously.

Zhang Li came back from a long journey and said that he would live in Jingyuan Temple permanently.

This made Zhu Yunshan curious.

With Zhang Li's temperament, can he endure loneliness in this mortal world?

"If you have nothing to do, you really don't want to leave."

Zhang Li smiled and nodded.

What he needs now is precipitation.

"I'm going to study the talismans and formations well, and I just need brother Zhu's advice."

Looking at Zhu Yunshan, Zhang Li said.

All the Fengxian Talismans he needed now were drawn by Zhu Yunshan.

Now that I have time to meditate, I can just study the way of talismans by myself.

He also has a secret record of the ancient thunder way in his hand, which happens to be able to slowly comprehend it.

"It's easy to talk about," Zhu Yunshan held the wine pot in front of him and said with a grin, "As long as there are spirit stones and incense."

In fact, for the current Zhu Yunshan, no matter whether it is spirit stones or incense, they are not really lacking.

But since it is pointing, how can we work for nothing?

"Okay, of course I can't let Brother Zhu Bai Gan work." Zhang Li nodded.

Zhu Yunshan laughed, and turned the wine jug in his hand back, and his figure disappeared in the same place.

This wine is spiritual wine.

Seeing that Zhu Yunshan disappeared, Zhang Li put down his pen and turned to look in the direction of Zhenyao Pagoda.

"That's right, the spirit is solid, the sword intent is solid, and this level of combat strength is already beyond the fifth level of the golden core." A voice sounded, and Zhu Yuanzheng, who was wearing a green robe, appeared.

Zhang Li stood up and bowed his hands to salute.

"Senior, a senior asked me to bring you a message." Taking out a jade slip, Zhang Li said.

"He said, he can be regarded as your old friend."

old friend?

Zhu Yuanzheng was slightly taken aback, and took the jade slip.

"Fate Luo!"

He let out a low cry, his eyes shining brightly.

"That guy didn't go to Little Fairyland?"

Zhu Yuanzhenjun's expression kept changing with each message in the jade slips.

"The Little Immortal Realm retaliates and wants to annex the world of practice?"

"The parties in the practice world have not been in contact for too long, and countless practice inheritances have been cut off."

"The teleportation array restarts..."

After a long silence, Zhu Yuanzhenjun nodded and put away the jade slip in his hand.

He turned to look at Zhang Li with a look of emotion on his face.

"I didn't expect you to get Ming Luo's approval and his inheritance."

"That guy has always been proud."

The formation Tao mastered by Ming Luo is indeed as profound as the sea.

Zhang Li knew that if he hadn't ordered Luo to fight to the death with the powerful enemy from the Little Immortal Realm, he would definitely not have passed on the inheritance to him.

Of course, Zhang Li's talent was later recognized by Ming Luo.

"I can't take care of the affairs of the little fairy world, and I can just sit in charge of the mortal affairs."

Zhu Yuanzheng's eyes fell on Zhang Li, and he smiled lightly: "These things, there is no reason for you, a junior, to charge forward."

Looking up at the sky in the distance, there was a hint of majesty on his body.

"We old guys are not dead yet."


time flies.

Suddenly it is 300 years.

The memory of the mortal world is the shortest.

Zhao Ji, the emperor of Zhao Kingdom, died of illness in the imperial city after reigning for one year.

Zhao Guowu King Zhao Cheng also died of exhaustion of life energy more than a hundred years ago.

Some people disappeared, and some people got chances. Although they didn't live forever, they lived a long life.

300 years ago, the great master Dongfang Jing, his family was in the world of earth and fairy, and they were at ease.

Huang Xianyu, the Great Master of Wuhuang City 300 years ago, had already left the mortal world and went to the world of practice. It is said that he is still highly valued among the sects in the world of practice.

In 300 years, many people and many things have become stories.

The only thing that remains unchanged is Jingyuan View.

Zhao Guojing Yuanguan is still the most noble and mysterious existence in the mortal world.

It is said that Immortal Master Thunder 300 years ago has always been in Jingyuan Temple.

Guarding the world, 300 years.

(End of this chapter)

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