Chapter 222 Three Years, Nascent Soul Peak
In the 300 years of the world, the changes are far beyond comparison.

In the Earth Immortal Realm, Mingwang Prefecture not only conquered the lost territory of the Five Demon City, but also began to counterattack the Ten Thousand Demon State because of the continuous mercenary army.

Wan Mozhou organized resistance several times, but found that the number of enemies in front of him was unknown.

Can't stop it at all.

In 300 years, Wanmo State has lost hundreds of cities and millions of miles of land.

This made the Ten Thousand Demon State's general situation slump, and the way of heaven declined.

As for Huaxian Prefecture, it also quietly devoured tens of thousands of miles of land around it, and has its own foundation.

It's just because the invasion of the immortal world of Dongzhou has become more and more violent, and all parties in the immortal world of Xiniuzhou have also sensed that it is slowly becoming peaceful now.

Except for the Earth Immortal Realm, although the spiritual recovery in the mortal world is not as good as the cultivation world, let alone the Earth Immortal Realm, it can also allow people to cultivate half a step to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Moreover, there is a practice method passed down from Jingyuan Temple, the martial arts golden body is compatible with the cultivation of immortality, and its strength can directly crush the ordinary foundation-building realm.

The only shortcoming is that there is still a lack of aura among the common people, and the inheritance of skills is scarce, and most of the cultivation is supplemented by immortals and martial arts.

In today's mortal world of Xiniuzhou, the eighth floor of the Martial Dao Grandmaster Realm is equivalent to the peak combat power of the foundation, and it is the peak power.

There are at least dozens of great masters of martial arts with this level of combat power, and strong practitioners of immortal martial arts.

This doesn't include Zhao Guo Luojing, who has countless strong men, and Jing Yuanguan, who doesn't know how deep he is.

You know, for 300 years, there are still many first-generation Taoists in Jingyuan Temple.

Yuan He, Yuan Qing and other masters of the "Yuan" generation are still there, and most of the "Zhuo" generation are also there.

Among them, Taoist Zhuo Yun, who has the highest level of cultivation, is said to have reached the Golden Core Realm 200 years ago.

That is not the realm of cultivation that can be found in the mortal world.

There is also Shen Yuan, a swordsman who practiced in Jingyuan Temple, who is a disciple of Immortal Master Lei Ting. His swordsmanship is as high as the sky.

It was because Shen Yuan was sitting in Wuhuang City that Huang Xianyu left calmly.

However, these powerhouses have long since stopped making moves, leaving only the legendary fame and deeds.

In today's Dongzhou and Xiniuzhou, there are many strong men among the younger generation, and their strengths are not inferior to those old strong men.

Ordinary world is wonderful, but the practice world is in turmoil.

Of course, this turmoil is also good.

Since more than 200 years ago, Luoshan Teleportation Formation was launched, and Jingyuan Commercial Bank has traveled to more than 300 continents.

Contacts and exchanges between various continents continue.

For more than 200 years, thanks to intercontinental exchanges and Jingyuan Trading Company's transactions, all kinds of treasures have continued, and the cultivation levels of all continents have improved a lot.

On Luowuzhou, there are at least twenty Nascent Soul Realm.

Even Lu Yangzhou, who is lower than Luo Wuzhou's practice level, now has three Nascent Soul Realm.

Lin Xu, the grand elder of the Yunlan Dao Sect, successfully stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm with the help of a fire spirit bead in the Chiyue Tower more than 200 years ago.

Also stepping into the Nascent Soul Realm is the owner of the Chiyue Tower, and the number one enshrined in the Heavenly Demon Palace, the number one sect of the Luyang Continent Demon Dao.

Zhao country.

View of Jing Yuan.

"Uncle Master, there has been a message from the practice world that this year's guardian deacon sect is Tianmo Temple." A voice sounded in Zhang Li's small courtyard.

Zhuo Yun, who was wearing a blue Taoist robe, now looked in his early forties, with a bit of calmness and majesty.

He is now the master of Jingyuan Temple, and he has been in charge of Jingyuan Temple for more than 100 years.

Yuan He and the others had already retired. They were either cultivating in Jingyuan Temple, or hanging out in the fairyland, and most of them were holding positions in Jingyuan Commercial Bank, traveling with the caravan to all continents in the practice world.

Their strength may be mediocre, but they are the direct descendants of Zhang Li, the owner of the firm.

They followed the caravan, and they carried the task of supervising work, and no one dared to offend them.

"The Temple of Heavenly Demon actually overwhelmed the Yunlan Taoist Sect?" In the small courtyard, a somewhat ethereal voice came out.

Zhang Li in a white robe walked out slowly.

At this time, his hair was pure white, but his face was still in his early 20s.

"Didn't it be said that Yunlan Daozong had the Chiyuelou Master Alliance when we left the customs last time, and the strength in Luyangzhou has improved rapidly?"

Zhang Li looked at Zhuo Yun in front of him.

Zhuo Yun showed a wry smile: "Master Uncle, the last time you left the customs was a year ago."

"Later, Yutaozhou attacked Luyangzhou with the help of Izumozhou. If Senior Luo hadn't been ordered to come forward, Luyangzhou might have already been captured."

"Izumo Island, Yutao Island..." Zhang Li nodded.

The northern region of Luyangzhou has long been controlled by Xuezheng City.

Jin Yunzi and Luo Jiachen, who sit in Xuezheng City, are all enshrined in Jingyuan Commercial Bank.

"The Heavenly Demon Palace is the Heavenly Demon Palace. They are going to the Yuanmo Mountain. Does the current Yuanmo Mountain have any inheritance?"

Zhang Li looked up into the distance, with a hint of emotion on his face.

"300 years, it's really like the years are passing, and the time is passing..."

Before he knew it, he had guarded the mundane world for 300 years.

Those guardians who came to guard the mortal world all those years ago, except for Zhu Yunshan who turned into a guarding earth immortal, everyone else has fallen.

Even if Zhang Li wants to help, these guardians are all of low qualifications, and their lifespan is exhausted, so they can't set foot on the Foundation Establishment Realm and increase their lifespan.

Zhang Li could only confer the title of Earth Immortal on those guardians who took refuge in Jingyuan Temple.

In today's Zhao Kingdom, at least a dozen Earth Immortals are entrusted in all directions.

"Forget it, it's time for this mortal to be promoted." Zhang Li whispered softly, and disappeared into the small courtyard with a movement of his body.

Zhuo Yun's face moved, his face was full of joy.

Zhang Li just said that he was promoted to the mortal world.

He and several seniors in Jingyuan Temple, as well as people of the same generation, are all excellent in aptitude, but due to the limitation of the power of heaven and earth, their cultivation is stuck, and they have to upgrade to the world of practice and the world of immortals.

Returning to the mortal world, the advancement of cultivation is slow again.

If it wasn't for Jing Yuan Guan being his foundation, Zhuo Yun would have wanted to leave this mortal world a long time ago.

He now understands why so many seniors did not protect the mortal world in the end, but left absolutely.

Outsiders cannot understand the pain of not being able to improve one's cultivation due to the limitation of the power of heaven and earth.


Zhang Li appeared at the head of Luojing city.

At this time, Luojing has expanded several times, but the head of Nancheng City is still facing Luoshui, and there are mottled spots on it.

As early as 200 years ago, this was the forbidden area designated by the Zhao royal family.

This section of the city wall is now not allowed to approach any common people.

However, under the top of the city, countless incense candles were lingering in smoke.

"The Immortal Master!"

Zhang Li appeared at the top of the city, and an exclamation sounded.

Wearing a Taoist robe, Liu Yue, whose face didn't change much, was surprised.

Liu Yue is Zhu Yunshan's Taoist companion, and now she is also at the eighth level of foundation building.

For so many years, since the eldest princess left with Helian Jishu, Liu Yue has practiced in Nancheng and rarely left.

"Hey, you haven't left the customs for a year. How about it, this is the Nascent Soul Dacheng, and you are about to step into the realm of the true monarch?"

There was a hint of envy in Zhu Yunshan's voice.

Although the Guardian Earth Immortal lives forever, his cultivation can only be in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Even if Zhu Yunshan is already at the Nascent Soul Realm, he can't compare to Zhang Li.

More than a hundred years ago, Zhang Li survived the thunder tribulation and condensed an immortal martial soul.

After so many years, Zhang Liqing couldn't cultivate, and his cultivation level must be greatly improved.

Zhu Yunshan knew that Zhang Li had no shortage of resources, inheritance, or treasures.

"It's not that easy to get out of the body, and I haven't arrived yet." Zhang Li shook his head and spoke softly.

It was because he was stuck in the step of getting out of his body that he would leave the level.

A real person in the Nascent Soul Realm, a real monarch in the Out-of-Aperture Realm.

The Nascent Soul leaves the body, and the soul travels far away, that is the real means of immortals and gods.

"Brother Zhu, how is your training on the 32-day Lei Zhenglu?" Zhang Li turned to look at Zhu Yunshan and asked.

When Zhang Li obtained the Heavenly Thunder Orthodox Scroll from Zhu Yuanzhenjun, he shared it with Zhu Yunshan.

For lunatics like Zhu Yunshan, this is the real treasure.

For so many years, the Zhenglu drawn by Zhu Yunshan is always invincible in the battle of the earth and immortal world.

Those guarding earth immortals have the Heavenly Thunder Orthodox Talisman in their hands, which can completely restrain the demon way.

"I can already draw twelve pictures." Zhu Yunshan shook his head and said with emotion: "Even if you spend your whole life working on such thunder methods, you cannot fully master them."

This is the essence gathered by countless strong men who have practiced the inheritance of Thunder Dao for countless years in ancient times. I wish Yunshan can comprehend twelve pieces in 300 years, and he is already the top genius in the world.

His emotion was just a gesture for Zhang Li to see.

"Twelve pieces?" Zhang Li nodded, "That's really not many. This time I retreated and comprehended the thunder method, and I can comprehend most of the 32 orthodox talismans."

Zhu Yunshan opened his mouth.

Is that all your fault?
You have a good master!

Inheritance of Ming Luo, the power of the formation is magnificent.

The inheritance of Zhu Yuan Zhenhun belongs to the orthodoxy of Taoism.

The combination of the two, complementing Zhang Li's Dao of Thunder, Sword Dao and Martial Arts, has allowed Zhang Li to continuously improve his cultivation and understanding over the years.

Otherwise, how can there be a 300-year out-of-body experience in the world?

Liu Yue at the side brought the spirit fruit, and also the teacup and cup.

Tea is good tea.

The fruit is good.

Zhu Yunshan has now been able to open up a divine domain, specializing in the cultivation of these spiritual fruits and spiritual teas.

"Brother Zhu, have you ever thought about it," Zhang Li looked up after taking a sip of spiritual tea, "Going one step further."

Go one step further.

Zhu Yunshan was shocked.

He fixed his eyes and looked at Zhang Li.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Li waved his hand, then dipped his hand in some tea, and wrote a word on the table.


Until Zhang Li left, Zhu Yunshan was still at a loss.

He turned his head and looked at Liu Yue who was beside him.

Liu Yue reached out and took his hand.

"Husband, whatever you want to do, I will support you."


The bottom floor of the Demon Town Tower.

Zhu Yuanzhenjun sat opposite Zhang Li.

"One Jiazi practiced, your cultivation has indeed reached the bottleneck." Looking at Zhang Li, Zhu Yuanzhenjun spoke softly.

As a true king and strong man, he could see that Zhang Li's cultivation was stuck at the peak of Nascent Soul.

"However," Zhu Yuanzhenjun shook his head, with a look of exclamation on his face: "The 300-year-old Nascent Soul peak is one of the few in the world since ancient times..."

After only 300 years of practice, one can step into the Nascent Soul Realm. This level of progress is indeed rare in the world.

Zhang Li looked calm.

He has the golden finger to fuse all things, as well as endless treasures, all kinds of resource inheritance are there, so piled up like this, no matter how he can pile up a peak Nascent Soul Realm.

If it wasn't for the sake of security, he has been focusing on mental training, he might not be able to forcibly break out of the body.

Out of the body, is the real king.

"Senior, are you ready?" Zhang Li looked at Zhenjun Zhu Yuan.

Zhu Yuanzhenjun's expression slowly turned into solemnity, and he nodded.

"What Brother Dao Luo said, I have thought it over."

"To fight against the Small Immortal Realm, the only way is to fuse the power of the Earth Immortal Realm."

"However, the Earth Immortal Realm has different strengths, and the Earth Immortals are the main ones, so they cannot be directly integrated."

There was light in his eyes, and he looked at the illusory vibration in front of him.

Over there, the clouds and mists are pushed away, and a vast wilderness can be seen.

Under the Town Demon Tower, Shepherd Demon State.

This is a large state of monster clans, among which there are countless big monsters.

If Zhenjun Zhu Yuan hadn't been in town and suppressed by such treasures as the Demon Suppressing Tower, I'm afraid the big monsters from the Monster Shepherd State would rush out and sweep the mortal world.

"So, a transition is needed." Zhang Li whispered.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan turned to look at him.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"The avenues are in harmony, if you succeed, you can expect immortality, if you fail..."

After pondering for a while, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan said calmly: "The soul flies away, the ashes fly into smoke, and the body dies and the way disappears."

Zhang Li nodded with a calm expression.

"Hehe, since that's the case, you just do it."

"Other things, my old bones can still be suppressed."

Zhu Yuanzhenjun's eyes were shining brightly, and he spoke with a long smile.

Zhang Li stood up, cupped his hands towards Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, and then moved into the Demon Shepherd State.

"Good boy, the Dao of a world, I really dare to think about it..."

Zhu Yuanzhenjun whispered softly with a trace of appreciation on his face.

Zhang Li entered the Monster Shepherd State, surrounded by monster aura.

"Young Master." Those who spoke were two Flood Dragons wearing black armor.

Zhang Li nodded and walked forward quickly.

But after a while, I saw a square. On the square, countless monster races were queuing up, all carrying big baskets in their hands.

The baskets are full of various spiritual materials and medicines.

"Line in line, don't worry, Jingyuan Trading Company has opened up to collect elixir, we will take as much as you have."

"Jingyuan Commercial Bank does not lower prices, and guarantees that everyone, no, Yaoyao can get the pills and spiritual fruits."

On the high platform ahead, an old man in a brocade robe shouted at the top of his voice.

"It's over, it's over, as soon as the buddies of Jingyuan Commercial Company shouted, it means that they won't accept spiritual materials." A monster with a pig's head and a long mouth was carrying a basket, and he opened his mouth nervously, and his body squeezed forward unconsciously.

"That's right, they don't lower the price, but they don't pay all the spiritual fruits at once. The IOUs in my hand have been open for 50 years." Another big man with a bull head muttered.

Complaints are nothing but complaints, these demons still lined up peacefully, sending the spiritual materials and medicines in their hands to a long table.

"The year is less than thirty elixir plants."

"The tattered demon blood stone is 11 yuan."

"Three and a half catties of shriveled man-eating flowers and fruits."


A bunch of guys sorted out all kinds of spiritual materials and packed them up, and then issued a note.

Those monsters hold the notes in their hands and exchange them for various pills and spiritual fruits.

Zhang Li walked across the square, and saw Ao Jin, who was shining in golden light, walking quickly, with an ugly expression on his face.

"Why, was your father taught you again?" Zhang Li asked with a chuckle.

Ao Jin gritted his teeth: "If it wasn't for seeing him as my father, I would have beaten him all over the floor looking for teeth. Is he really afraid of him when he is in the Nascent Soul Realm?"

"At the Nascent Soul Realm in the Monster Shepherd State, you only need three hundred Blood Congealing Pills for one shot. I will invite ten Nascent Souls at a time, and let him hit ten!"

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Zhang Li, with a happy expression on his face again.

"Brother Zhang, you're out of customs, but what's the big thing to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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