Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 224 With the power of one person, challenge 1 top monsters

Chapter 224 With the power of one person, challenge two top monsters

With the power of a sword, seal the world!

The seal seal symbol is to enshrine heaven and earth, and enshrine immortals on behalf of heaven and earth.

The Heaven Suppressing Sword suppresses one side of the world, directly locking the power of the world.

For an earth immortal, without the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, how much power would he still have?

In front of Zhao Shiming, Zhang Li's slashed sword had not been suppressed, but the power of heaven and earth on his body began to fluctuate.

This is how the power of heaven and earth began to be reduced after being smashed by the Heaven Suppressing Sword.

Jian Guang pressed again.

Zhang Li's expression was calm, and the bright light on the sword in his hand continued to gather.

I don't know what kind of treasure the Heaven-Suppressing Sword is made of. This sword can carry unimaginable and thick power of heaven and earth.

He asked Zhu Yunshan to see the divine pattern carved on the sword body, and Zhu Yunshan guessed that it might be the most core means of sealing the town in the ancient fairy court.

This is the same power as the Zhenhai Pearl in his hand.

Zhentian, Zhenhai, and Zhenyue do have the same origin.


In a radius of thousands of miles, the power of heaven and earth is drawn.

The power of heaven and earth in Zhao Shiming's body was constantly turbulent, and the power of the Nascent Soul Realm on his body began to become thinner visible to the naked eye.

"Young Master Zhang, you have something to say." Zhao Shiming said in a low voice with a paler look on his face.

So what if he is a strong swordsman?

He is also afraid of such matters involving fundamental strength.

Opening his mouth at this time was clearly begging for mercy.

The sword in Zhang Li's hand trembled, and then three long swords appeared around him, slowly converging into a faint sword light, and finally dissipated.

He has already discovered that the three long swords can be combined into one, but his cultivation base and combat power are not enough, so he can't make the three long swords into one for the time being.

"Senior Zhao's saber skills are unparalleled, and this junior admires him." Putting away his long sword, Zhang Li cupped his hands towards Zhao Shiming.


You almost broke my foundation, okay?

Zhao Shiming showed a hint of emotion and helplessness on his face, shook his head, raised his hand and said, "Young Master Zhang is the top genius among the younger generation I have seen."

Even if Zhang Li's combat strength and cultivation base have far surpassed Zhao Shiming, but in Zhao Shiming's eyes, this is clearly a junior who has only practiced for hundreds of years.

That's what's scary.

Such a person will become a strong person leading an era in each era.

The flowing light and strong wind in a radius of thousands of miles slowly dissipated, and the coercion that originally made countless souls palpitate gradually disappeared into nothingness.

Ao Ju raised his head with a trace of complexity on his face and sighed softly.

His combat power is strong enough, and he dare say he can overwhelm Zhao Shiming.

But no matter what, it is impossible for him to win against Zhao Shiming so easily.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Li didn't spend much effort at all.

"It's good to have thighs to hug, there are such treasures..." Ao Ju whispered.

Zhentian Sword, Zhenhai Sword, such treasures in his hands, can also exert a lot of combat power, right?

"Why didn't you hold your thighs well in Fengtianya? If you hold your thighs tightly, I can save a few years of struggle." Ao Jin said angrily.

Ao Ju glared at him.

Can the thigh be hugged?

After the war ended, Zhao Shiming's attitude was excellent, and he warmly invited Zhang Li and the others to visit his temple.

If it was Ao Ju alone, he might not dare to directly enter the temple of a guarding great demon.

But now there is Zhang Li, and the powerful strength shown in the battle just now, everyone entered the temple calmly.

All kinds of spiritual fruits were brought up, and beautiful banshees came up to sing and dance.

Compared with Ming Wangzhou's seriousness, uprightness, and ethos in Shepherd Yaozhou, Zhang Li thinks that Zhu Yunshan is very suitable.

"Young Master Zhang wants to do business in my Yuncheng County? Don't worry, you can come wherever you like." Zhao Shiming waved his hand and spoke casually.

Strength lies there.

Among practitioners, in the final analysis, strength still speaks.

Don't expect others to look up to you if you don't have the strength.

"Business is of course necessary." Zhang Li glanced around, and there was a flash of inspiration in his eyes.

"Does Senior Zhao feel that it's time for a change in the Monster Shepherd State?"

Zhao Shiming was taken aback.

How has Mu Yao State changed?
His heart moved.

It is said that there is a fairy sealing talisman in this Jingyuan firm.

Could it be that Jingyuan Trading Company wants to use the power of the Immortal Sealing Talisman to divide the Muyao State and gain a place in it?
If this is the case, it will be necessary to cut the flesh of the earth immortals guarding all parties in the entire Muyao State.

"Change, I'm afraid it won't be that easy." Zhao Shiming pondered for a while, and said an ambiguous sentence.

"I will visit the senior guards in Muyao State one by one." Zhang Li spoke again, confirming Zhao Shiming's thoughts.

Sure enough, this Jingyuan Trading Company wanted to occupy a side in the Muyao State.

This is completely different from the present situation.

Because the power of heaven and earth in the earth fairy world is different from that in the mortal world, most of the people in Jingyuan Trading Company will not stay in the Muyao State for more than a year, and they will leave soon.

This is because the power of heaven and earth in the mortal world is stronger, so that practitioners can stay in the earth fairy world for a year, which was about a month before.

"Hehe, as long as the other guarding earth immortals have no objections, Zhao will not object to what Mr. Zhang does." Zhao Shiming said lightly.

Since some things are powerless to stop, then accept it calmly.

It will be uncomfortable at first, just bear with it.

Zhang Li didn't stay with Zhao Shiming for too long, and after a brief exchange, he took Ao Ju and the others away.

"Mu Yao State, I'm afraid there will be a big change..."

Watching Feizhou leave, Zhao Shiming's expression was complicated, and he whispered softly.

After that, news from various parties continued to come in.

Zhang Li made a move in the next county, one man and one sword defeated the guarding Earth Immortal and the big demon Lu Ren, and then traveled millions of miles to defeat the guarding big demon Lu Renjia.

Along the way, Zhang Li, the guarding big demon in the entire Demon Shepherd State, challenged them one by one.

No one can stop his steps.

In three months, the flying boat has crossed more than half of the Monster Shepherd State.

On the deck of the flying boat, Ao Ju's originally relaxed expression showed a trace of solemnity.

"That is Yunxi Mountain, where Wuyunge is stationed."

The big demon, Wuyunge, is the top guarding earth immortal in the Shepherd Yao State, his cultivation has reached the peak of Yuanying, and his combat power is overwhelming.

He is a golden horned rhinoceros enlightened, with rough skin and thick flesh. The long staff made of golden horns has the power to move mountains and fill seas.

Ao Ju challenged Wuyunge and Meisheng once in Muyao State.

He himself knew that he was not these two opponents.

"The little guy from Jingyuan Commercial Bank is finally here." In the distance, a long laugh came, and a tall and strong man with a long staff in his hand had a wild smile on his face.

Around him, there are golden glares shining.

"The little snake next to you came and wandered outside my territory for a few days, but it just didn't come in, which made me very depressed."

The big man glanced at Ao Ju, then looked at Zhang Li and grinned: "Today, don't let me down."

Ao Ju's face darkened.

Hit people without slapping their faces, and curse people without revealing shortcomings.

If he was strong enough, Ao Ju would definitely go up and beat this guy up.

And he dare not.

This is the big demon Wuyunge, whose combat strength is already at the top of Muyun Prefecture.

Zhang Li stepped forward with one step, without holding a sword in his hand.

He was in mid-air, and a phantom of a dragon elephant supporting the sky appeared behind him.

"hold head high--"

Shouting and roaring, the world was shaken thousands of miles away!
Subduing the Demon Dragon Elephant, the golden body and the Dharma appearance.

After the martial arts golden body is ninefold, it will evolve into a martial arts figure.

The power of the golden body is invincible.

With the power of Dharma, the Dao goes with you.

The instant the Demonic Dragon Elephant Appeared, even Wu Yunge, who was arrogant before, showed a trace of solemnity on his face.

The body of the dragon elephant changes, and finally condenses into a magical figure with six arms and three heads wearing a golden elephant armor.

The power of the Dharma is swayed, the golden light shines, and the energy and blood of all living beings within ten thousand miles are aroused, surging uncontrollably.

The power of the peak blood!

Wuyunge opened his mouth, and he felt that the power of his blood seemed to be surging.

This is the feeling when being pulled by a powerful force of Qi and blood.

How long has it been since I felt this way?
Last time, or last time, right?


Zhang Li shouted loudly and punched out.

As soon as the fist shadow came out, it had already turned into a dragon shadow with the roar of the dragon and the roar of the tiger.

Dragon and Tiger Fight Heaven Fist.

This is Zhang Li's final condensed fist technique after he has cultivated martial arts to Yuanying level and integrated thousands of ordinary martial arts combat skills.

This boxing method has no other means, it is to draw the power to the extreme.

The shadow of the fist turned into a golden blue dragon, howling and rushing directly towards Wuyunge.

Wu Yunge's face was solemn, and he smashed out the long stick in his hand.

A golden mountain peak appeared, blocking Canglong.


When the blue dragon collided with the mountain peak, the sky and the earth were shaken, and it was like a wind blowing within ten thousand miles.

At this moment, all the creatures within the entire [-] li world could only turn their heads to look at the sky, their faces pale.

This is the scene of the battle between the big monks.


Wuyunge didn't dare to be careless. After blocking the punch, he moved the long stick in his hand again, and the three giant mountains slammed towards Zhang Li.

The ultimate power in the world.

Move mountains and fill seas.

"Hiss, this kind of warfare is so fucking unreasonable." Standing on the bow deck, Ao Ju grinned.

He knew this would happen, so he didn't come to challenge Wuyunge at the beginning.

Before this strongest power, all his combat skills and methods of inheritance will be useless.


There was a deep light in Zhang Li's eyes, and he clenched his fists.

Before the mountain fell, he had already rushed up.



With each punch, the shadows of his fists are full of shadows of dragons and tigers, and with each punch, there will be a turbulent wave.

Moreover, with each punch, the power seems to be superimposed, and it is three points stronger.

Ten punches.

Hundred punches.

There were hundreds of dragon shadows around him, and he smashed all the mountain peaks into pieces.

Those dragon shadows stayed together and rushed towards Wuyunge together.

Wuyunge clenched the long staff tightly in his hand, roared wildly, and his body turned into a golden rhinoceros.

The golden horns on the top of the head shone with golden light, and a black dragon was smashed into pieces when it hit it head-on.

But the next moment, the remaining blue dragons had already flown down, like golden cloud patterns, attached to the body of the mighty rhinoceros.

The cloud pattern is like a chain, locking the body of the rhinoceros.

Ren Rhino roared wildly, the cloud patterns were covered with golden light, and it was firmly suppressed.

Zhang Lifei rushed over, opened the palm of his left hand, and all the cloud patterns were held by him and condensed into one strand.

His right hand clenched into a fist, and he punched it down.


The body of the golden rhino who couldn't dodge was punched hard, and his whole body trembled.

Behind him, the corner of Ao Ju's mouth twitched.

If this punch hit him, that bone would definitely be broken.


Zhang Li punched down again, then tightened the chain with his left hand, and slowly lifted the body of the mighty rhinoceros.

"He, he's really not human..." Ao Ju whispered, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

The three Gold Core Realm behind him were already dumbfounded at this moment, they just nodded.

Ao Jin's blood boiled with excitement, and he clenched his fists.

This kind of punching to the flesh, the fighting style of a man is the fighting style of a man.

This is refreshing.

"Don't get excited, without that strength, you can't even touch it." Ao Ju saw that Ao Jin's heart was surging, and poured cold water on him loudly.

"Mei Sheng, I'm going to be beaten to death if you don't fucking shoot me—" In the distance, the huge rhinoceros lifted by Zhang Li with one hand spoke, with a hint of panic in his voice.

He originally thought that with physical strength, no one in the world could beat him.

Only then did he realize that he really couldn't break free when he was locked by Zhang Li.

"Okay." A voice sounded in the void.

With just this one sound, it was like a cold wind blowing, within ten thousand li, a piece of snow was white.

Sword Intent!

There is such a sword intent in just one sentence.

Zhang Li turned his head and looked at the figure in the black robe in the void.

Eight feet tall, with a sword hanging lightly from his waist, his brows are clean and peaceful, but the aura exuding from his body carries an extremely aloof power.

Mei Sheng.

The number one sword cultivator in the Muyao State is also the number one expert in the Muyao State.

No one can block his plum blossom sword.

In the entire Monster Shepherd State, only he and Wuyun Genei can come and go freely in the Monster Shepherd State with the power of their bodies.

Once the other guarding earth immortals leave their own domain, their combat power will drop too much.

Both Wuyunge and Mei Sheng mastered their own bodies, as long as they hid the guarding divine power in their bodies, they would be able to walk in the entire Monster Shepherd State without much decline in strength.

"Plum blossoms fall three times, and the heaven and the earth are mourning together. This junior has long wanted to experience this kind of swordsmanship." Zhang Li let out a long laugh, and a sharp and bright sword intent appeared in the original blood of his body.

This sword intent collided with the surrounding snowflakes, turning into a wind, and the mist rose straight to the sky.

Mei Sheng's eyes fell on the body of the rhino held in Zhang Li's hands.

"Are you going to seal Wuyunge with one hand and compete with me with the other?"

Whether it's Wuyunge or Mei Sheng, they are the top powerhouses in the entire Demon Shepherd State.

It took a lot of power to seal Wuyunge, and he had to compete with Mei Sheng, how could this be possible?

"He, he won't really go crazy like this..." Ao Ju murmured.

Even a True Monarch would not dare to make such a move in the Earth Immortal Realm.

He stared at Zhang Li.

Zhang Li's expression was originally calm, but now it slowly turned into an arrogance that people couldn't look directly at.

His left hand was grasped tightly, supporting the huge rhinoceros, and his right hand was slowly raised.

A clear long sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

"I, Zhang Li, can crush the Wanjun monster with one hand and hold a sword in the other. Who in the world can fight against me?"

Until this moment, the madness and arrogance that Zhang Li had been hiding in his heart was fully revealed!

He wants to use his strength alone to overwhelm the two strongest guardian monsters in the Muyao State!

"Crazy..." Ao Ju's mouth trembled.

Ao Jin clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and did not speak.

"Kill." Mei Sheng didn't hesitate.

Just one word.

The sword in your hand is your own mind.

A blood-colored streamer scattered and turned into hundreds of millions of red blood plums, strangling directly towards Zhang Li.

"As soon as the plum blossoms fall, people will be heartbroken."

(End of this chapter)

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