Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 225 Nine Mysterious Sword Lord's Soul Phantom

Chapter 225 Nine Profound Sword Master's Phantom Soul

As soon as the plum blossoms fall, people are heartbroken.

The endless petals turned into sharp edges, piercing straight towards Zhang Li.

Every petal is a sharp edge, a sword intent.

The power of sword intent is invincible.

This is the ultimate embodiment of sharp power in the world.

This is the method of the great demon Mei Sheng.

Plum blossoms fall three times, the first fall, heartbroken.

This sword made Ao Ju and others in the distance feel chills all over.

They couldn't resist such sharpness.

Zhang Li lifted the rhinoceros with one hand, and pointed forward the long sword in his hand, a golden streamer emerged from his body.

The power of martial arts is condensed.




The continuous sharp blades collided with the power of martial arts.

Standing outside Zhang was blood red.

The body of the rhino resting on his palm was also surrounded by blood-colored petals.

The bright red petals meet the pale golden blood.

"Mei Sheng, I'm fucking your grandma, you're going to kill me—" Wuyunge's voice was miserable.

Mei Sheng squinted his eyes and fixed on Zhang Li.

Martial Dao Dharma, this has never appeared in the world.

Such means, the defense is strong, beyond Mei Sheng's imagination.

Once the plum blossoms fall, Zhang Li's defense cannot be broken.

"Good defense, already comparable to the body of a demon god." Mei Sheng whispered, and raised the plum blossom sword in his hand again.

The sword light shone, blood filled the air, and turned into a dark red illusory blood light.

"Two plum blossoms fall, breaking the soul."

The Sword of Broken Soul, two plum blossoms fall.

An illusory blood glow flickered, appearing directly above Zhang Li's head, and then pierced into Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's broken, this is the sword that cuts the soul!" Ao Ju whispered.He hurriedly turned his head to look at Ao Jin beside him.

Ao Jin beside him looked calm.

Ao Ju opened his mouth and did not speak again.

Ao Jin and Zhang Li signed a contract.

If Zhang Li's soul was injured or even beheaded, Ao Jin's first reaction would be to shatter the soul.

At this time Ao Jin is fine, so naturally Zhang Li is fine.

The plum blossoms fell for the second time, and the sword of the soul was not damaged.

Mei Sheng was a little surprised, and looked at Zhang Li who was still wrapped in bloody plum blossom petals.

"Mei Sheng, can you do it?" Wuyunge's roar came.

The power of the chains on him was getting heavier and heavier.

Mei Sheng took a deep breath, and slowly raised the sword in his hand.

There was a golden light in his eyes, and behind him, a swaying red plum trembled like a flame.

"Plum blossoms fall three times, and the world collapses."

When Mei Sheng's voice came out, all the power in the world was frozen.

A phantom holding a long sword emerged.

Zhang Li, who had been unmoved all this time, finally raised his head at this moment.


"This is not your power."

There was a deep divine light in Zhang Li's eyes.

The phantom was so thin that it seemed invisible, but the power of the sword that surged above this phantom was magnificent and brilliant to the extreme.

This kind of power completely surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm.

"I was originally a snow-falling red plum tree. Back then, there was a sword cultivator who had enlightened himself under the tree and practiced Taoism for 300 years. I became enlightened by watching its shadow."

"When that sword cultivator left, he left behind a phantom of his soul."

"This sword is indeed not a sword technique that I can control."

Mei Sheng's voice came.

This sword is the phantom left by an extremely powerful Kendo senior.

Qingpao, long sword.

With a stab of a sword, the clouds are calm and the wind is light.

Just stabbing a sword.

But such a sword, in Zhang Li's view, is extremely dangerous.

This is not the sword of the world at all, nor the sword of the practice world!

This sword is only available in the fairy world.

Immortal Sword!

"I know who he is!" Zhang Li shouted loudly, and threw out the body of the rhinoceros he was holding with his left hand, and three long swords appeared behind him.

Zhentian, Zhenhai, Zhenyue.

The three swords merged into one in an instant, turning into a thousand-foot light and shadow, and slashed out with one sword.


This sword, with Wuzhu's suppressive power, blocked the sword light pierced by the phantom.

The space with a radius of [-] li is frozen at this moment.



When the power frozen in the space of a hundred thousand miles collided with the sword of phantom, the world shook for a hundred thousand miles.

The whole space seems to have something broken.

Zhang Li's long sword shattered and turned into three long swords and flew back backwards.

Even the strongest method of Zhentianzong, the treasures beyond the level of magic weapons can defeat it!

This phantom is already extremely strong!

The fighting spirit in Zhang Li's eyes could no longer be suppressed, he let out a low shout, and charged towards the long sword.

In front of him, a light gray long sword appeared, and he raised his hand a little, and the long sword flew out.

Control the sword with God!

The treasure of the Izumo Sword Sect in Izumo Prefecture.

A sword that kills souls.

The moment the sword appeared, Mei Sheng was shocked.

No wonder his sword slaying the soul had no effect.

Zhang Li, who possesses such a slashing sword, what kind of spiritual means can hurt him?


This time, Zhan Shenjian blocked in front of the phantom.

The power of the soul on the sword's edge vibrated, and endless golden divine patterns shone.

The phantom slowed down.

But in the eyes of everyone, the Excalibur is retreating.

Even this extremely powerful Sword of Soul can't stop that phantom figure.

This is a power beyond what the world can bear.

Zhan Shenjian let out a mournful cry, and retreated.

At this moment, all living beings in a radius of ten thousand miles felt their souls in turmoil.

In Zhang Li's hand, there was no sword at this time.

He still has a sword, but no sword is stronger than the God-killing Sword or the Immortal-Suppressing Sword.

In his hand, an illusory sword energy emerged.

There is no turning back.

Eight phantoms stepped out from around him.

It's just a phantom.

A slash came out obliquely, a sword edge lifted lightly, a flying body stabbed long, and a sword edge became invisible...

Every phantom is a kind of swordsmanship.

The phantom that was originally rushing towards Zhang Li paused, stood in place, raised the sword horizontally in his hand, and pierced one phantom directly, and then cut another phantom in the area, and then turned around and cut it out. across...

Zhang stood around, one after another phantom body shattered and reunited, and then stepped out.

In front of the phantom in the green robe, every strike can kill a phantom body.

But the phantom bodies seem to be endless, and each one is good at different sword skills.

In ten breaths, there are hundreds of sword techniques.

After a hundred breaths, a thousand swordsmanship.

A quarter of an hour, eight thousand swordsmanship.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.

How can anyone in the world understand all swordsmanship?
At this moment, Zhang Li was holding a fairy bead in each hand, his body shrouded in fairy light, and he walked forward step by step.

He has closed his eyes tightly, only controlling the phantom body with all his strength, showing a series of sword skills.

Mortal Sword.

Immortal sword.

Daomen's sword.

Body repair sword.

A sword inherited from ancient times.

The sword of future generations.


There is no sword light that is not bright.

There is no swordsmanship that is not intoxicating.

Mei Sheng stood where he was, feeling trembling all over.

For the first time, he saw that someone could run across the world with a sword in his hand, just like the sword cultivator back then.

This is the real sword repair.

Zhang Lishenzhou's phantom body is getting less and less.

The distance between him and the phantom is getting closer and closer.

When all the phantoms around him turned into nothingness, and only a long sword in his hand stabbed out, he had already faced the phantom in green robe.


The long sword transformed by the sword energy in Zhang Li's hand was cut into pieces, and the long sword in Xu Ying's hand touched Zhang Li's throat.

But this sword did not extend forward.

"Good swordsmanship, good swordsmanship..." An illusory voice sounded, and the phantom seemed to shatter like a beam of light and shadow.

The broken half of Zhang Li's sword was revealed behind the phantom.

The method of soul controlling the sword.

"One day, this junior will definitely hold his sword and ask senior Jiuxuan Sword Master for advice." Zhang Li bowed slightly and spoke softly.

Nine Profound Sword Master.

Back then, one person and one sword cut down the power of the fairy world.

Back then, one person and one sword blocked the existence of the passage between the evil domain and the practice world.

"You won." Mei Sheng whispered.

There was a trace of nostalgia on his face.

He didn't know whether he was sad or relieved when he saw that phantom was defeated.

Plum blossoms fall three times, in fact, he can only control the first two moves, and the last move is the imprint left in his body.

This is not his strength.

It is the power he looks up to, and it is also the power that imprisoned all his imagination.

Now, this power was broken by Zhang Li, allowing him to see a glimmer of his own future.

"Madman..." Ao Ju gasped, gritted his teeth and growled.

At that moment just now, the collision of that kind of force made him feel as if his heart would burst.

He has never been like this moment, eager to improve his cultivation, eager to step into the realm of a true king.

Only by becoming strong can we control our own future!
"Ao Jin, I will leave the Jiaolong family to you from now on." Ao Ju whispered softly, and there was a flame-like spiritual light in his eyes.

Ao Jin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily.

He can understand his father's thoughts.

The level of power and the intensity of the collision displayed by Zhang Li and that phantom shocked Ao Ju extremely.

It was as if a door had opened.

"I admit defeat." In the distance, Wuyunge, who was held by chains, shouted.

Even Mei Sheng's Plum Blossom Sword and that phantom couldn't stop Zhang Li, of course he knew himself.

If you can't beat it, you will admit defeat. Who said that the strong need backbone?
On Zhang Li's body, the turbulent sword intent and surging divine light slowly dissipated.

His loneliness and boringness also returned to calm.

This battle calmed his restless mind.

Nine Profound Sword Master, the existence that broke through the fairyland and guarded the evil realm.

This kind of strong man can let himself be restrained by taking a picture of his soul.

There are so many strong people in the world, and how wonderful the practice in the world is, but I have only taken a small step.

"Seniors, let's talk." Zhang Li looked at Mei Sheng and Wu Yunge and said.


Half a month later, Zhang Li left Muyun Prefecture, returned to the ordinary world, and returned to Jingyuan Temple.

In the Town Demon Tower.

Zhang Lishen's Zhou Jianguang was shining, and the fairy light on Zhu Yuanzhenjun in front of him was surging.

Xiao Qing'er on the side had a complicated complexion, her eyes were full of light.

In just 300 years, Zhang Li has been able to fight Zhenjun undefeated for a hundred rounds.

Back then, he couldn't even beat himself.

What a genius!

Zhang Li retracted his sword and stepped back.

Zhu Yuanzhen Jun slowly withdrew his hand with emotion on his face.

"It's really rare to take a picture of the Nine Profound Sword Master's soul. The opportunity of your trip this time has really gained a lot."

Zhang Li fought against Nine Profound Sword Master Xu Ying, and his understanding of his own strength and cultivation path is far from that of outsiders.

With this tempering, he won't need to comprehend the Dao again for at least a thousand years.

"Above the Nascent Soul is the Out-Of-Aperture Realm. Out-Of-Aperture means that the soul leaves the body and drives the Nascent Soul to fly thousands of miles and cross the void."

"After leaving the body, the soul is solidified and transformed into an incarnation outside the body, which is the realm of the primordial spirit."

"Above the primordial spirit is the great achievement of the immortal way, which is the Mahayana realm, which is the prerequisite for ascending to the immortal world. As long as you pass through the heavenly thunder calamity, you can become a ascending immortal."

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan looked at Zhang Li: "I am half-step Yuanshen Realm, Ming Luo Nai is Yuanshen Realm, but I haven't passed through the Thunder Tribulation."

"Everyone above the Nascent Soul is called the True Monarch, and there is a difference of tens of thousands of miles between the True Monarch and the True Monarch."

The same true monarch, there is such a gap between the levels of cultivation.

Both Zhang Li and Xiao Qing'er were shocked.

It turns out that the practice world still has such a broad realm.

"Hehe, in fact, the realm is the realm, and the combat power is the combat power." Zhu Yuanzheng showed a smile on his face, "Whether it's out of body or primordial spirit, there is not much difference in the level of combat power."

"It's the Mahayana Realm and the Immortal Realm, that is, the power gap at certain levels. In a real fight, the winner or loser is unknown."

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan showed a fighting spirit, and looked forward with his hands behind his back: "Ming Luo alone can suppress the passage of the Little Immortal Realm, it is because of the immortals, so what, the combat power is not strong."

These words made Xiao Qing'er feel passionate.

In practice in the world, Nascent Soul is already what she looks up to.

I didn't expect that there are so many levels above the Nascent Soul, the Realm Realm that I never dared to imagine.

Although Zhang Li's heart was also surging, Ming's soul was much more stable.

It is said that there is not much difference in combat power in the Realm of the True Monarch, but in fact it is a world of difference.

For example, Zhu Yuanzhenjun in front of him, he is the peak out of body, he can control the magic weapon with the power of the soul, and shoot from thousands of miles away.

And in the Yuanshen Realm, if you control a treasure, the combat power you display will be even more heaven-shattering and unstoppable.

Zhu Yuanzheng said that there was not much difference in combat power, but he was talking about those who only cultivated realms and did not cultivate combat power.

There were many practitioners like this in ancient times, but nowadays, how can there be such great power?

These people are already dead.

Yuanying, out of body, Yuanshen, Mahayana, above the real king, there are immortals.

The way of practice is far and long.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan didn't tell Zhang Li these things before, because he was afraid of disturbing his Dao heart.

At this time, seeing that his soul is stable, he has been sharpened by fighting against the phantom of the soul of the Nine Profound Sword Master, and he has been able to calmly accept the realm of worldly practice.

After a testimonial with Zhenjun Zhu Yuan in the Demon Town Pagoda, Zhang Li returned to his small courtyard.

"Uncle Master, someone from the practice world has quietly come to the mortal world." Zhuo Yun came to see Zhang Li with a serious expression on his face.

It is not to open the gate of the two worlds, but to come quietly.

The ones who came were from the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

Originally, the Tianmo Temple was in charge of guarding this time, so there was no need to send someone in advance.

But they are not interested in controlling the mortal world, but want to get benefits.

Dozens of practitioners from the Heavenly Demon Palace came to Fanchen, and after staying for a while at Yuanmo Mountain, they went to Qin Guozhen Demon Division.

Zhenmosi, there is a treasure of suppressing magic.

Swing the clock.

These messages made Jing Yuanguan feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Even if there are strong men in Jingyuan Temple today, it is the Temple of Heavenly Demon after all.

He is a master in the upper realm, a giant in the magic way.

"Jingyuan Temple has arranged for several priests to intercept it, but how to deal with it, I hope my master and uncle will express it." Zhuo Yun raised his head and looked at Zhang Li.

To block or not to block?

Can it be stopped?

Zhang Li narrowed his eyes and slowly got up.

"Let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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