Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 226 Three Years in a Hurry, One Voice of Fellow Daoists

Chapter 226 300 years in a hurry
Great Qin.

Town Magic Division.

The power of the five countries in the world has changed, and the Great Qin has long been unable to be regarded as the most powerful country in the world.

With Jingyuan Temple and Thunder Immortal Master in charge, Zhao Guo's strength is completely unmatched by any country in the world.

But Qin is actually not bad.

Ying Wuya is powerful in Mingwang State, and all kinds of resources are gradually tilted towards the mortal world.

Warriors of the Qin Kingdom can practice under the rule of Jingyue Temple in Mingwangzhou.

Especially the royal family of the Qin Kingdom, the imperial court, and countless disciples of the younger generation fought in the Ming Wangzhou.


Outside the town magic department, the sound of roaring sounded.

In front of a huge army formation, more than a dozen practitioners in black robes looked ugly.

The air above the army formation was densely covered with blood, and the blood became smoke, condensing into a column of smoke.

There seemed to be shadows of tigers and leopards flickering and galloping in the smoke column.

In front of the army formation, a hundred middle-aged generals in golden battle armor held long knives. At this time, the knives were shining like horses, rolling forward in layers.


With a long shout, the long knife mobilized the energy and blood to turn into a long dragon, and rushed towards the practitioners in black robes.

The leading cultivators looked ugly, watching the dragon of energy and blood rushing towards them, and raised their black staffs, long flags, bells and other magical instruments in their hands.




The sound of the magic weapon controlling the imperial envoy was connected with the angry shout.

Black shadows rose one after another, turned into phantoms, and then collided with the blood-colored dragon.

The blood-colored long dragon struggled and tore apart several shadows, and finally disappeared after rushing hundreds of meters away.

Before the army formation, the leading warrior looked solemn.

The practitioners who arrived were so strong that their army formation could no longer resist them.

If they fight recklessly, they will lose a lot of gold.

"The ants in the mundane world are already so strong."

The phantom was shattered, leaving only three phantoms. On the side of the cultivator, the leading old man in black robe and white beard also looked ugly.

When they came from Luyangzhou, they thought it would be easy to complete the task.

Fifteen disciples of the third level of foundation building and more than a dozen disciples of the Wanmo Temple who practiced Qi training on the seventh and eighth levels, brought treasures, bypassed the gate of the two worlds to the mortal world in advance, and came with important tasks.

"Hmph, since these ants want to die, they should be killed." A middle-aged man in a blue robe and black armor showed blood and murderous intent in his eyes.

"Senior Brother, use the Heavenly Magic Qin to turn these mortal ants into puppets." Another demon cultivator at the Foundation Establishment level also gritted his teeth and yelled.

The old man in front had a serious expression on his face, and frowned, "We can only control the Tianmoqin for a limited number of times, if that Zhang Li comes..."

Zhang Li.

When they came to the mortal world, they discovered that the changes in the mortal world were all related to a guarding disciple.

300 years ago, Fan Chen came to guard. Zhang Li, a disciple of Yunlan Taoist Sect, suppressed the Earth Immortal Realm, resisted attacks from foreign domains, and triggered changes in the entire Fan Chen.

The surviving disciples on Yuanmo Mountain changed their expressions towards Zhang Li and Jing Yuan.

The name of Immortal Master Thunder has shocked the mortal world for 300 years.

Jing Yuanguan, as well as Zhenmasi, are extremely powerful existences that cannot be offended.

For a group of practitioners from the Temple of All Demons who came to the mortal world, this must be an exaggeration.

In 300 years, even if the Thunder Immortal Master is still alive, it is impossible for him to be very strong.

At most two or three floors of foundation building.

On the contrary, the Zhenmagic Division of the Qin Kingdom is said to be able to enter the Earth Immortal Realm, and the increase in strength is worrying.

Sure enough, this time, Zhenmagic's combat power exceeded the imagination of the practitioners of the Temple of All Demons.

Even their foundation-building practitioners can resist.

Of course, they didn't come to Fanchen this time to be guarding disciples, their cultivation level is not comparable to those guarding disciples, and the treasures in their hands are not ordinary magic weapons like guarding disciples.

"It doesn't matter if the thunder fairy comes. When we put away the magic bell and replace it with the Tianmoqin, even if a half-step golden elixir comes from Yunlanshan, we can block it."

A young man holding a long black jade ruler had murderous intent in his eyes, and spoke loudly with arrogance.

His words made everyone nod.

Indeed, their mission would be complete if they had found the Swindler's Clock.

With such a treasure as the Swinging Demon Clock in hand, I am afraid that no one in the world can be an opponent.

Originally, they brought the magic clock back to Luyangzhou to deal with Yunlan Daozong.

"Okay." The leading old man pondered for a while and nodded.

With a wave of his palm, a five-foot-long black lyre appeared.

The body of the piano is black, the color of jade is transparent, and there are streaks of blood-colored spirit patterns intertwined.

The power revealed in these spirit patterns makes people dizzy.

The seven strings reveal colorful colors.


There was a sound on the lyre, and countless phantoms emerged in the void.

Some of these phantoms are tall demon cultivators, some are Taoists wearing Taoist robes, some are sword cultivators with swords, and some are monsters with strange bodies...

When the shadows filled the sky, the generals in front of the formation raised their hands, and the formation behind them retreated slowly into the Zhenmagus.

They are not afraid of death, but they cannot take the lives of their own soldiers to collide with invisible demons.


The sound of the golden bell resounded.

Layers of golden light rose above Zhenmagus.

Warriors, cultivators, one by one stood in the square in front of Zhenmagus.

"Everyone, don't worry, we have asked for help from Jingyuan Temple. The temple master has sent a message, and I, Patriarch Lei Ting of Jingyuan Temple, will come in person." A young man who was only about 20 years old and dressed in a jade-colored Taoist robe spoke loudly with a hint of arrogance on his face.

What he said made the other people around who were a little nervous look surprised.

Immortal Master Thunder.

In the past 300 years, there has been little news of the sale.

Will this strong man who has guarded the mortal world for 300 years really see him this time?


Outside Zhenmensi, there was the sound of a piano.

The sound of the piano changed everyone's expressions drastically.

The sound of the zither can break through the outer defenses of the Town Demon Division and directly attack everyone's inner defenses.

Thousands of ordinary warriors looked pale amidst the sound of the piano, and the light in their eyes seemed to be fading.

"Heavenly Magic Qin?"

"The Palace of Ten Thousand Demons brought this thing to the mortal world, is it deceiving no one in the mortal world?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

With the sound, all the phantoms between the sky and the earth vibrated and then turned into nothingness.

The pressure brought by the sound of the piano also dissipated.

A young Taoist wearing a blue Taoist robe with an indifferent face stood in the mid-air outside Zhenmasi, standing in the air.

"Zhao Mingshuo pays homage to the Patriarch." In front of Zhenmasi, the young man who had just spoken showed surprise on his face, and bowed towards the phantom in mid-air.

"Thunder Immortal Master!"

"It's the Thunder Patriarch of Jingyuan Temple!"

In front of Zhenmagus, everyone exclaimed.

More people stared at this figure, so as not to make themselves regretful.

You know, the last time this senior guard guarding the mortal world made a move was the last time.

The practitioners of Wanmo Temple looked at Zhang Li in front of them, and their expressions changed.

Being able to shatter the ghostly shadow of Tianmoqin with a single blow, this person's strength is probably stronger than they thought.

"Hmph, guarding the mortal world, guarding against self-stealing, colluding with the earth and fairy world, this is how the people of the Yunlan Dao Sect guard the mortal world." The leading cultivator of the Wanmo Temple held the strings in his hand and whispered.

The other practitioners of the Temple of All Demons also had demonic energy rising from their bodies, looking at Zhang Li.

Although Zhang Li didn't make a move at this time, and didn't show his combat strength, the strength he revealed had already shocked them.

"Are you here to swing the magic clock?" Zhang Li's voice sounded.

"So what—" the black-robed old man whispered.

As a strong foundation builder, he disdained to lie.

What's more, here and now, what's the need to lie?

"I'm guarding the mortal world. You don't want to report here, and you want to take away the treasures that suppressed Ming Wangzhou. Do you think this is a bit against the rules?" Zhang Li's voice was still indifferent.

"I am the guardian of the Temple of Demons this time—" one of the practitioners of the Temple of Demons shouted.

"Next time." Zhang Li folded his hands behind his back, his eyes shining brightly.

"The gate of the two worlds has not yet been opened."

The gate of the two worlds has not been opened, and the task of guarding has not been handed over.

At this time, the guarding disciple was still Zhang Li.

The practitioners of the Temple of All Demons froze.

"Hmph, it's useless to talk too much, kill him and take away the magic clock." A voice sounded.

This is what magic should look like.

Mo Dao, when did you get used to reasoning?
The strings in the hands of the leading old man vibrated, and the seven-colored aura turned into black magic light, condensed into a thousand long knives, and slashed towards Zhang Li's body.

That long knife, each handle is like a magic weapon, and the magic light that shines makes people palpitate.

"Tianmoqin, the magical treasure of Yuxiao Mozun in the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons back then, a good magic weapon." Zhang Li's voice sounded, and then he raised his hand to press it down.

A black magic light pressed down and hit those long knives directly.


All the magic light long knives were shattered.

With one blow, the long knife condensed by Tianmoqin couldn't reach Zhang Li's body.

What's even more frightening is that the method Zhang Li used just now is not considered authentic at all.

"Demon, the method of magic way, how is this possible..."

The leading old man in the Tianmo Temple stared wide-eyed and trembled all over.

The big man in black armor beside him shouted violently, flew up, and stabbed Zhang Li with a war spear in his hand.

As soon as the battle gun was shot, it turned into a ten-foot-long black tiger, and with a roar, it flew out.

Seeing the flying black tiger, Zhang Li waved his hand.

A black magic light spilled.

The black tiger's body shattered directly, turned into a spear again, and then shattered.

The body of the big man who rushed out was shocked, his eyes widened, and then trembling all over, he fell to the ground and his breath dissipated.

A Foundation Establishment Realm was killed with a wave of his hand.

"You, you are not Zhang Li!"

"You have been taken away by the magic in the magic clock!"

Among the practitioners in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, some people whispered.

Be taken away!
That would explain everything.

How could there be guarding disciples who have guarded for 300 years in the world?
It turned out to be taken away.

"Duoshe?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Another figure appeared in the void.

Qingpao, jade crown.

Below, everyone was stunned.

Who is this figure, not Zhang Li?

But who is that other figure?

"Zhao Mingshuo pays homage to the Patriarch." In front of Zhenmasi, the young man who spoke before bowed again.

It's not surprising, anyway, it's normal for the patriarch to appear in any way and in any way.

The practitioners of the Temple of Heavenly Demon had blank and terrified faces on their faces.

Two figures.

One way of cultivating demons, one way of cultivating Taoism?

What kind of method is this?
"How is this going?"

"How can he cultivate both Dao and Demon?"

Someone whispered.

But at this moment, the old man in the lead was trembling all over.

The Heavenly Demon Qin in his hand actually emitted a look of fear.

He stared at the two standing figures with both eyes, and his voice trembled: "You, have you refined the Demon Swinging Clock?"

Refining the Demon Clock!
How can it be!

How can anyone in the world refine a powerful treasure that can suppress a side of the fairy world?
This is the most precious treasure that even the Tianmo Temple dared to collect with the help of the Tianmo Qin.

Zhang Li looked at Moxiu in front of him, with a trace of emotion on his face.

In the 300 years that passed by suddenly, the foundation building environment in front of him had become ants.

Back then, I couldn't find a way to build a foundation...

"Since you are here, let's go to Mingwang Prefecture."

Zhang Li waved his hand.

A cyan streamer turned into chains, locking the bodies of all the practitioners of the Temple of Demons.

Then he raised his hand, and that day the magic piano fell into the hands of the incarnation of the instrument spirit beside him.

As soon as the Tianmoqin entered Qi Ling's hands, it vibrated continuously and turned into seven long swords.

For magic-level treasures, transforming into shape is the most basic operation.

Below, those practitioners of the Temple of Heavenly Demon who were locked in their bodies were already dumbfounded.

Who is this Thunder Immortal Master?

Practitioners from the Temple of Heavenly Demon were sent to Mingwang State.

Zhang Li stood at the bottom of the town magic division, looking forward.

There, there is a huge bronze bell with golden light interlaced on it.

The Demon Swinging Bell, which relies on devouring magic to increase its strength, has increased its strength by at least ten times compared to its original strength over the years.

The magic cultivator of Wanmo State was swallowed up by the Demon Swinging Clock.

"Will you come with me?" Zhang Li looked at the big clock and whispered softly.

Although he has already controlled this demon treasure with the incarnation of a weapon spirit, he still hopes that this is the choice of the demon bell.

If these treasures are not truly obedient, it is impossible to fully exert their power.

The swinging magic clock vibrated and made a soft tremor.

The incarnation of Qi Ling around Zhang Li dissipated, and then merged with the golden bell.

The golden bell rang and slowly changed, turning into a small pale golden bell.

Zhang Li stretched out his hand to hold the little bell in his hand, with a slight smile on his face.

He hung the bell around his waist, and then stepped into Mingwang State.

In Mingwang Prefecture, there are Ying Wuya, Dongfang Jing and others.

After three months in Mingwang Prefecture, Zhang Li met all the guarding earth immortals.

It is naturally impossible for Ying Wuya to challenge Zhang Li anymore.

Even though he is already the Guardian Earth Immortal of the Nascent Soul Realm, he knows that Zhang Li can completely suppress him now.

After Ming Wangzhou, Zhang Li entered Wanmo State again, quietly hunted and killed thousands of demon powerhouses, gathered demon energy and demon souls, and left Earth Immortal Realm.

He returned to Luojing and went straight to Nancheng.

On the top of the city, Zhu Yunshan and Zhang Li sat opposite each other.

"Aren't the Heavenly Thunder Talismans about the same?"

"Is the fairy sealing talisman enough?"

"Where's the spirit stone?"

Zhu Yunshan kept asking, with a nervous expression on his face.

Zhang Li in front of him looked calm.

"A total of 18 pieces of heavenly thunder talismans."

"One hundred thousand Immortal Sealing Talismans."

"Spiritual stones, 100 billion pieces have been prepared."

Looking at Zhu Yunshan, Zhang Li said softly, "Is it enough?"

Zhu Yunshan grinned.


Above the sky, a golden vortex appeared.

Zhang Li and Zhu Yunshan raised their heads, with expressions of emotion on their faces.

The gate of the two realms opens.

300 years ago, the two of them stepped into the mortal world through the gate of these two worlds.

Now, you can go back.

Of the two of them, only one can go back.

It was impossible for Zhu Yunshan, who had turned into a guarding earth immortal, to leave.

Zhang Li stood up, his eyes fell on Zhu Yunshan, and he raised his hand slightly.

"Friend Daoist, take care."

Zhu Yunshan stood up slowly and cupped his hands towards Zhang Li.

"Friend Daoist, take care."

(End of this chapter)

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