Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 227 Suppressing the Great Monarch Mohuan, Re-Chapter the World of Practice

Chapter 227 Suppressing Lord Mohuan and Returning to the World of Practice

Above the sky, a golden vortex slowly circulated.

This time they led the guarding of the Tianmo Temple, and they had a lot of disciples.

But this time, only a few pale-faced Taoists came to Yunlan Daozong.

Originally, Tianmo Temple and Yunlan Daozong did not deal with it. This time, Tianmo Temple took the lead in guarding the task. Their Taoist disciples went to the mortal world and they would simply die.

Although the task of guarding for 300 years is to die, but compared with being tortured and killed by the people of Tianmo Temple, it is not necessary to die naturally.

I don't know how few people came from Yunlan Dao Sect this time, even other Dao Sects basically didn't have many people.

When the gate of the two worlds opens, they will wait for the return of the guardian who guards the mortal world according to the usual practice.

Although it is empty almost every time.

In front of the gate of the two worlds, there are still a few figures standing still.

One of the Taoists, with a face of about forty, with a dignified aura, has at least six foundations, and there is a hint of expectation in his expression.

He was wearing the Yunlan Taoist robe.

The sixth floor of the foundation building, Yunlan Daozong's identity, is naturally the deacon of the sect who led the team to send the disciples to Fanchen to guard this time.

Next to this Yunlan Taoist deacon, is the elder Mingyu Taoist who opened the door of the two worlds.

He was the person responsible for opening the gate of the two worlds 300 years ago. This time, reopening the gate of the two worlds is also a task.

Looking at the reopened gate of the two worlds in front of him, Taoist Mingyu showed a trance look on his face.

He still remembered that 300 years ago, among the guardians sent away was Zhang Li, a guardian disciple of Yunlan Taoist Sect.

At that time, he handed over the guardian token of Chiming Daozong to Zhang Li.

Over the past 300 years, he has basically forgotten Zhang Li.

At this time, the door of the two worlds was opened, and he also communicated with the leader deacon of Yunlan Daozong who was responsible for sending the disciples.

The deacon of Yunlan Daozong named Zhu Hao said that Zhang Li was considered a genius in the outer sect of Yunlan Daozong back then, and he had a bright future.

It's a pity that something happened to Yunlan Daozong back then, so that Zhang Li didn't dare to stay in the sect, and chose to guard the mortal world.

Now 300 years have passed, those who threatened Zhang Li's life in the sect have been beheaded, and the events of that year have become clear.

Master Yun Teng, the grand elder of Yunlan Dao Sect, set the tone for the events of that year, and also mentioned Zhang Li's name.

According to what Elder Yun Teng said, Zhang Li has contributed to Yunlan Taoist Sect's eradication of demons and maintaining the stability of the sect.

Zhang Li's choice to guard the mortal world for the sect is also to contribute to the sect.

If Zhang Li comes back in the future, Grand Elder Yun Teng will personally meet Zhang Li and give him a reward.

Of course, when he said this, it was more than 200 years ago, and the Great Elder Yun Teng had not yet become the powerful Nascent Soul.

Today, the Great Elder Yun Teng and Yun Lan Taoist Sect probably don't have many people remember this matter.

"If senior brother Zhang Li stayed in the sect to practice, his achievements would definitely be higher than mine." Zhu Hao stood in front of the gate of the two worlds, with a look of emotion on his face.

It was Zhang Li who insisted on leaving at the beginning, but the juniors who were close to Zhang Li didn't understand.

It wasn't until the Great Elder Yun Teng took action to rectify the sect, killed many spies, and mentioned Zhang Li's events in the past, that no one understood what Zhang Li was worried about.

An elder of Jindan Realm, one of the peaks betrayed, such a powerful enemy, Zhang Li chose to leave, it is also reasonable.

"I hope little friend Zhang Li can come back alive..." Taoist Mingyu said softly.

Although the possibility of such a thing is very small.


On top of the southern city of Luojing.

Zhang Li straightened his waist, with a firm expression on his face.

He looked up in the direction of Jing Yuanguan.

Taking a deep breath, he shouted loudly: "Zhenjun, haven't you started yet?"


As his voice fell, and Jing Yuan looked in the direction, a series of spiritual lights rose.

On the Demon Suppressing Tower, there was a roar and vibration, and the golden beam of light went straight up to the sky.

The sky and the earth shook, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers began to turbulent, and the clouds gathered and dispersed.

The Town Demon Tower, which stood in the distance, rose slowly.

At this moment, the Demon Suppressing Tower that has suppressed the Demon Shepherd State for countless years flew into the sky.

Straight into the vortex above the sky.


Zhenjun Zhu Yuan left the mundane world with the Zhenyao Pagoda and went to the world of practice.

The tower body of the towering demon town is shrouded in golden light.

That kind of powerful force that suppresses a world reveals a powerful coercion that people can't look directly at.

Zhu Yuanzheng took the demon-suppressing tower into the practice world, and all the practitioners waiting in front of the gate of the two worlds were directly impacted by the mighty fairy light and fell to the ground.

"Who is that--"

"What kind of tower is this!"

"My God, what level of power is this!"

All the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Palace in black robes exclaimed.

Daoren Mingyu, who was originally standing in front of the gate of the two realms, stared wide-eyed at this moment.

"Suppressing Demon Pagoda!" As the person in charge of opening the gate of the two worlds, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan knew the names of some treasures in the mortal world.

At this time, isn't this ten thousand zhang golden pagoda the demon-suppressing pagoda that suppresses one part of the earth and fairy world?
The Demon Town Tower has returned to the practice world, so what about the Earth Immortal Realm and the powerful man sitting in the town?

"This is the world of practice..."

A voice resounded in the Demon Suppressing Tower, Zhu Yuanzhenjun, who was wearing a blue Taoist robe, appeared in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower, raised his hand, and put the Demon Suppressing Tower in his palm.

The Town Demon Tower turned into a small tower one foot high.

For countless years, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan has been guarding the Earth Immortal Realm, and it is not for nothing.

The Demon Town Tower is what he wanted.

Originally, he had no extravagant hopes, but Zhang Li gave him the fairy pearl.

Only with the Fairy Orb can he have the opportunity to take charge of the Demon Town Tower.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan took a look around, moved his body, and disappeared.

Zhang Li said that his sect had disappeared long ago, but he still wanted to check it out.

It was not until Zhu Yuanzheng left that everyone in front of the gate of the two worlds could raise their heads.

But that terrifying coercion still made everyone tremble.

"Then, what a terrifying person that is!"

"There are such strong people in the world!"

Everyone has fear in their eyes.

Taoist Mingyu's eyes fell on the Baizhang Gate in front of him, his expression changed.

He didn't speak.

But as the one who opened the gate of the two worlds, he knew one thing.

The Demon Suppressing Tower leaves the mortal world, and the fairy world on that side has no suppressive power!

It’s over.

The mortal world is probably over.

Mortal world.

When the Demon Suppressing Tower flew away, the whole world began to shake, and then an illusory shadow of the world emerged.

Shepherd State!
This is the Shepherd Demon State that was suppressed by the Demon Suppressing Tower.

When the Zhenyao Tower left, the Guardian Earth Immortal in the Muyao State, according to the agreement, fully mobilized the power of the Muyao State and began to attack the world.

Above the sky, the clouds surged.

Zhang Li stood where he was, with a calm expression on his face.

He could feel the fear of Heaven.

Although Fanchen Tiandao has grown a lot over the years, it is still far behind compared to the Muyao State at this time.

The emergence of the Shepherd Demon State became more and more obvious.

This world is the same as the Earth Immortal Realm several times before.To merge with the world of Xiniuzhou.

On the ground, countless human races began to cheer.

In their view, this is a sign that Xiniuzhou is getting stronger and stronger.

Like the previous few times, Xiniuzhou will get a large piece of land, and there will be many masters.

But this time, in the eyes of Zhang Li and Zhu Yunshan who looked nervous beside him, it was different.

This time the way of heaven is in conflict.

Can not but contradict.

This time, the power of heaven and earth is too strong, completely overpowering the ordinary way of heaven.

This mundane world, which has just grown slowly, does not have the strength to collide with the world of the Muyao State.


Shepherd Yao State began to manifest.

The thick heavenly power began to roll.

The mortal way of heaven has signs of collapse.

If this is just the beginning, when the Ming Wangzhou tremors emerged on the other side, the aura in the entire world began to surge.

The two sides of the earth and the fairy world reappeared, and the mortal world returned to the spirit world!
It is no longer the mortal world, but the spiritual world, a world with richer aura than the world of practice.

The spiritual flow is flowing, as if the Tianhe River is pouring into Xiniuzhou.

All the creatures cheered and were excited.

This is the promotion of heaven and earth, this is the recovery of spiritual energy, and this is the beginning of the road of cultivation.

But at this time, the Heavenly Dao of Xiniuzhou, the mortal Heavenly Dao, the extremely weak Heavenly Dao, were about to be shattered by the impact.

There was a gleam of light in Zhang Li's eyes.

He sensed that Heaven was asking him for help.

He stretched out his hand, and streams of golden light converged.

The power of merit.

The merit turned into a big golden seal with the four characters "Yongzhen Tiandi" on it.

This golden seal can become something that carries the way of heaven.

As long as the mortal world is willing, Zhang Li can take him away, leave this mortal world, and go to the world of practice.

At this moment, Tiandao hesitated for a moment, and then directly turned into a golden dragon, rushing into the golden seal.

If you don't leave, you can only be swallowed by the two great immortal worlds.

When the golden dragon rushed into the golden seal, Zhang Li showed joy, took a deep breath, turned his head and said, "Brother Zhu, it's your turn."

Zhu Yunshan took a step forward, and countless thunder lights rose around him.

Countless Fengxian Talismans turned into golden raindrops and flew towards the surrounding world.

Pieces of spiritual stones shattered, turning his figure into a golden statue of a mighty god.

Seal the heaven and the earth, re-establish the order, and replace the heavenly way with the divine way!

This is Zhang Li's plan.

Take away the way of heaven and leave this place without a master.

Zhu Yunshan suppressed the world with the Immortal Sealing Talisman and the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, and then used spiritual energy to attack and guide it to establish the rules of the Shinto.

As long as the order is rebuilt, this world will be under the leadership of Zhu Yunshan.

Lord of heaven and earth.

This is Zhang Li's gift to Zhu Yunshan when he left Fang Fanchen.

Of course, this world will also become the foundation of Zhang Li.

Zhu Yunshan couldn't leave this world because of the imperial conferment of heaven and earth. In the future, this world with abundant aura will become the exclusive place for Zhang Li to cultivate his power.

Everything started to advance as they imagined.

Between the heaven and the earth, one after another, the imperial immortals appeared.

Zhu Yunshan showed a smile on his face, rubbed his hands together and said, "I really didn't expect that this would be—"

Before he finished speaking, a loud noise came from the direction of the northern wasteland.

Between heaven and earth, a crack seemed to tear apart the sky.

"That is--"

"Heavenly Dao Invasion!"

One side of heaven took advantage of this time to invade Xiniuzhou!
Zhu Yunshan's expression was extremely serious.

At this time, it is the weakest time for this Fang Tiandao.

Zhang Li narrowed his eyes and stepped out.

He looked at the northern position, with a calm expression, and said lightly: "Great Lord Mohuan, since you are here, you must see him."

Lord Mohuan!

Back then, the powerful figure who guarded the bottom of Zhenmagic Division and pulled away the demon soul from the Demon Swinging Clock.

This one, who once confronted Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, was suppressed under the glacier of the Northern Territory.

Only later, he escaped with a secret method.

Now it seems that Lord Mohuan has been waiting.

Wait for Zhenjun Zhu Yuan to leave, and wait for the power of heaven and earth to change.

"Hehe, a little junior can actually have such a great ability."

"This deity has been watching you torment for the past 300 years."

In the void, a voice sounded.

An old man in a black robe approached slowly with a golden magic ball in his hand.

Lord Mohuan.

Zhang Li once saw the appearance of Lord Mohuan in the memory fragments of the magic clock.

Lord Mo Huan's eyes fell on Zhang Li, and there was a fierceness in his eyes.

He looked at the golden bell hanging on Zhang Li's waist, and the golden seal in his hand, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Swinging the Demon Clock, the mortal world, hehe, even if Zhu Yuan leaves, he won't leave all of this to me."

Lord Mo Huan started to plan the way of heaven in the mortal world countless years ago, and planned to swing the magic clock.

But in the end, not only did he not get it, but he was suppressed instead.

Now, these two things that he regards as nothing in his hands are all controlled by Zhang Li.

How can this not make him angry?
He raised his hand, and the golden magic ball in his palm was thrown directly.


Endless demon souls rushed out.

Use the demon soul to demonize the entire world!

Zhu Yunshan's complexion changed drastically.

If the world is demonized, even he will be demonized.

At this time, he has been implicated with the world.

Moreover, he has no better way to deal with this demon soul, he can only mobilize Tianlei to encircle and kill it.

But at this critical moment when heaven and earth merged, he was powerless to mobilize Tianlei.

"I come."

Zhang Li's voice sounded.

Looking at the raging demon soul in front of him, and the Lord Demon Huan who has been hiding for countless years, Zhang Li's body surged with fierce sword intent.

"It's up to you?" Elder Mo Huan let out a long laugh, looking at Zhang Li, "You kid who doesn't even have the state of leaving the body, what do you use to fight this honor?"

"Not yet out of the body, but an ant."

Zhang Li nodded and said softly: "Okay."

"Then I'll go in and out of the body first."

First in and out.

Above his head, streaks of sword light emerged.


Town day.



The four long swords merged into one in an instant, and then condensed into an illusory figure.

Take the sword as your body!

The golden bell flew out and turned into a golden crown.

A figure flew out of Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness, and then merged with the body wearing the golden crown.

Yuan Ying out of body!

One step out of the body!
The figure controlled by Nascent Soul opened his eyes, and the sword intent emanating from his body seemed to directly split the world.

"You, your Nascent Soul is—"

Senior Mo Huan widened his eyes and exclaimed.

"Taking the sword as the soul and the sword as the bone, isn't that what you have always said, the way of the sword fairy?" Zhang Li's face was indifferent, and his breath slowly fell.

Zhang Li's Nascent Soul is a sword!

He has always practiced swordsmanship.

The sword is the soul, and the sword is the soul.

Finally turned into a sword fairy.

Zhang Li's illusory out-of-body Nascent Soul incarnation directly condenses into a long sword.


The long sword was cut out, and the light of the sword cut open the heavens and the earth, and tore up Lord Mo Huan and those demon souls.

All the magic energy was collected into the long sword, and then turned into faint magic patterns densely covered on the sword body.

"My lord, one day I will make you submit and become the spirit of my sword."

Looking at the calm and breezy world, Zhang Li whispered.

He didn't stay any longer, and with a movement, he rushed to the sky.

In the distance, another figure also appeared, behind him, rushed into the vortex above his head together.

"Take care." Zhu Yunshan whispered, and his figure slowly dissipated.

In the future, he will be in charge of the entire mortal world.

In front of the gate of the two worlds, two figures appeared.

"Brother Zhang Li!"

Standing in front of the door, Zhu Hao exclaimed, his face full of surprise.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you in 300 years, and now you are a senior brother." Zhang Li looked at Zhu Hao and said with a chuckle.

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(End of this chapter)

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