300 years have passed, and it has been a long time since goodbye.

Looking at Zhang Li in front of him, Zhu Hao felt extremely emotional.

At this time, Zhang Li's cultivation seems to be only three levels of foundation building.

This is already a miracle for a disciple who has been guarding the mortal world for 300 years with no spiritual energy.

This also shows how amazing Zhang Li is.

But what would have happened if Zhang Li hadn't left the practice world and Yunlan Mountain in these 300 years?

Since more than 200 years ago, the trade in the practice world has flourished, and Luyangzhou has developed the Northern Territory, and various resources have been circulated.

As the first sect in Luyangzhou, Yunlan Daozong already controls the resources, once they are circulated, they will continue to gather and replace more high-quality resources.

In addition, the Great Elder Yun Teng became the Nascent Soul Daoist, the sect flourished, the disciples in the sect had resources and opportunities, and the elites of the younger generations sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain.

It was Zhu Hao and his few outer disciples back then. Excluding the two who died in the middle, there were still a few who failed to step into the foundation establishment in the end, and many others were already in the middle stage of foundation establishment and were elites of the sect.

If Zhang Li stayed in Yunlan Daozong, it would definitely not be in the early stage of foundation establishment.

"Brother, it's good to be back." Zhu Hao nodded and spoke softly.

He didn't say much.

Zhang Li hadn't taken care of them when he was in the outer sect back then, providing them with the most primitive resources for their practice, and they would not have become the strong foundation builders they are now.

When Zhang Li returns, no matter what his cultivation level is, he is a senior brother.

In the future, they will naturally help Senior Brother Zhang Li practice with all his strength.

For them now, there is such confidence.

Zhang Li chuckled, and looked at Taoist Mingyu beside him.

He raised his hand and handed over a jade token.

"Senior Mingyu, return this thing."

At the gate of the two realms, Ming Yu gave Zhang Li the guardian token of the Chi Ming Dao Sect.

It is also by virtue of this token that Zhang Li can directly become the guardian uncle of Jingyuan Temple, saving a lot of trouble.

With Jingyuan audience and many disciples, it is extremely convenient for Zhang Li to collect resources and information.

Over the years, he practiced in Jingyuan Temple and cultivated many confidantes.

Looking back, the jade token given by Taoist Mingyu was quite useful.

Taoist Mingyu looked at the jade talisman token in Zhang Li's hand, smiled and shook his head and said, "Little friend, let's think about this thing."

"Is my Chiming Daozong's inheritance in the mortal world okay?"

From the perspective of the practice world, there are no resources in the mortal world. If it is not for the first-line inheritance, and guarding the sect to get trading opportunities, basically no one will participate in the task of guarding the mortal world.

At the beginning, Taoist Ming Yu gave Zhang Li a jade plaque, but it was just a favor.

But today Zhang Li was able to come back alive and become a practitioner of the third level of foundation building, which was a surprise to Mingyu.

In today's Lu Yangzhou, a cultivator with a third-level foundation is nothing.

But the three foundation building layers like Zhang Li are different.

He stepped into the Foundation Establishment in the mortal world where the aura was extremely lacking.

No matter what chance or talent, to be able to step into the third foundation building in the mortal world is a genius among geniuses.

Such a person, returning to the world of practice, will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

This kind of friendship is worth keeping.

Zhang Li looked at the jade card in his hand, a trace of nostalgia flashed across his face.

Indeed, this represents the thought of guarding the mortal world for 300 years.

He nodded and said, "Then I'll keep this thing."

He looked at Taoist Mingyu, his eyes turned to the distance, and fell on the practitioners of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

"The mortal world is still stable now, and the inheritance of Jingyuan Temple is still flourishing."

Pretty solid.

It will take time for Zhu Yunshan to fully control the mortal world.

As for the inheritance of Jingyuan Temple, most of them will leave the mortal world, lay a foundation first in Luowuzhou, and then slowly become a party.

They mainly work for Jingyuan Trading Company.

Hearing Zhang Li say that the common customs are stable and the inheritance is prosperous, Taoist Ming Yu smiled on his face.

He also looked at the demon cultivators aside and sighed softly.

When the people from Tianmo Palace go to the mortal world, they don't know what will happen.

In front of the gate of the two worlds, guarding disciples walked forward one by one.

"Take care of yourself."

"Haha, I, Chen Daolin, have practiced for 180 years, and it was wasted after all..."

"To go to the mortal world is to be relegated to the dust, that's all."

Just like 300 years ago, some people are generous, some are gloomy, and some are melancholy.

All kinds of life are just outside this door of light.

Of course, these people don't know that the mortal world of today is no longer the mortal world of the past.

"Are you the guardian disciple of the last 300 years?" A voice sounded behind Zhang Li.

Zhu Hao's complexion changed, and he took a step forward, blocking Zhang Li's figure.

Zhang Li turned his head and saw an old man in black half-armour, his eyes were flushed with blood, and his body was surrounded by surging devilish energy.

With a cultivation base of half a step at the Golden Core Realm, coupled with a ferocious crescent moon blade behind him, the image of a strong man in the way of magic is no different.

"Why haven't the people from my Heavenly Demon Palace returned?"

The old man stared at Zhang Li and spoke in a deep voice.

Zhu Hao frowned, and said in a low voice: "Wu Tanzi, don't pester you unreasonably. The mission of guarding has always been like this. It's normal that no one from your Tianmo Temple has returned. Not everyone has the talent and opportunity like Brother Zhang."

He was telling the truth.

300 years of guarding the mission, there are very few practitioners who can return.

The magic repair man named Wu Tanzi showed a stern look on his face, glanced at Zhang Li, hummed, turned and left.

This is Chiming Daozong, it is impossible for him to do it.

Although Daoist Mingyu may not be strong in battle, he can resist for a while.

There are also Zhu Hao and the other leader practitioners of those sects, but they are not weak.

Watching Wu Tanzi leave, Zhang Li's face remained unchanged.

He knew that what Wu Tanzi was talking about was not the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Palace who guarded the mission for 300 years, but the demon cultivator who sneaked into the mortal world a while ago and wanted to steal the magic clock.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu Hao, fellow Daoist Zhang Li, come to my Chiming Daozong?" Watching the light gate in front of him slowly dissipate, Taoist Mingyu chuckled.

Zhu Hao looked at Zhang Li, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "It's a great joy for my senior brother to come back, we'd better go back to Yunlan Mountain first."

"Brother Mingyu, if you are free, you can come to my Yunlan Mountain, and I will definitely greet you."

The Temple of Heavenly Demon will never let it go.

Their people are always messing around.

Zhu Hao chose to leave at this time because of safety considerations.

Mingyu nodded: "Alright, my task of guarding the gate of the two realms is over. When I have time, I must go to Luyang Continent to have a look."

"It is said that the Northern Territory is now prosperous, so it would be nice to go there."

Hearing him mention the Northern Territory, Zhu Hao's face moved.

The uncrowned king of the Northern Territory, Zhang Li, the master of Xuezheng City, still has the same name as his senior brother.

It's just that the strong man that almost no one has seen is not only tyrannical in cultivation, but also rich in wealth.

One after another flying boats soared into the sky.

Standing on the deck of the flying boat, Zhang Li looked at the clouds in front of him, with a hint of emotion on his face.

This is the world of practice.

In the past 300 years, although I could come back at any time, I have never been here once.

Unknowingly, I really completed the task of guarding the world for 300 years.

In the mortal world, his own growth is unimaginable.

If he hadn't left Yunlan Mountain, what would have happened to him?
Will he be silenced by those slender traitors, or can he grow slowly by relying on his golden fingers?

But if he didn't pry the wind and rain in the world of mortals and immortals by himself, and trigger the explosion of resources, Lin Chaoyang might not be able to step into the Nascent Soul Realm, right?

In that case, whether Yunlan Daozong can survive or whether it will decline is two things.

Things in the world, really between a drink and a peck, are all God's will.

This is practice?
Shaking his head, he turned and walked into the cabin.

"Is this the Uncle Zhang Li that Master said?" A green-robed disciple whispered not far away.

He was young, with curiosity on his face.

"Master is nostalgic for the old days. Even if Senior Uncle Zhang Li is down and out now and his cultivation is low, Master still respects him. We must treat him with care."

The other disciple was obviously much calmer, and his voice was very orderly.

Zhang Li didn't care about other people's thoughts, and went straight into the cabin, raising a faint golden light to protect himself.

In front of him, a blue-gray long sword appeared.

This is his out-of-body primordial body.

Different from other people's illusory souls, Zhang Li's out-of-body souls are dignified entities.

His own Nascent Soul, soul power, and swordsmanship cultivation were condensed into one, suppressing the remnant soul power of Lord Mo Huan before it turned into this sword.

Moreover, this sword is still based on the three swords of Zhentian, Zhenhai and Zhenyue plus the Sword of Zhanshen.

Such a Yuanshen sword is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Not even the legendary treasure can compare to such a sword.

For the body of the primordial spirit, three treasures alone were used.

Swing the clock.


Suppressing Heaven Sword.

The three treasures serve as the foundation, making the body of the primordial spirit extremely powerful.

What's more, there is also the demon soul in the demon bell at the beginning, plus the suppression of the soul of a powerful demon like Lord Mo Huan.

After refining Lord Mo Huan and those demon souls, this sword of primordial spirit is so powerful that it may sweep the world.

The Sword of Primordial Spirit is now slowly refining the demon soul, and Zhang Li would not use it normally.

Raising his hand, a large golden seal appeared in his palm.

In the golden seal, there is a dragon flying around.

Looking at this wandering dragon, Zhang Li smiled lightly.

This is the way of heaven conceived and nurtured by the mundane world for countless years.

This Heavenly Dao has its own consciousness and the Dao induction of the mortal world.

"There is no master in the world of practice, you know what I want to do." Looking at You Long in front of him, Zhang Li whispered softly.

Use the mortal way of heaven to practice the way of heaven in the world.

That's what he wants to do now.

However, the power of heaven in the practice world is too strong, and the power of mortal heaven is weak, and it is not at the same level at all.

If the mortal world is released directly, it will be swallowed immediately.

So now Zhang Li needs to warm up the mortal world and heaven, and then send it to a place he can control.

Find a place that can be controlled, slowly nourish the way of heaven, and finally let it have the ability to devour the way of heaven in the practice world.


The swimming dragon in the golden seal trembled lightly.

Zhang Li put away the golden seal and the sword of the primordial spirit, and the energy and blood in his body circulated, feeling his own strength.

Out of body.

The real king is powerful.

At this time, he was already a standard out-of-body overhaul.

It's just that he is different from others, his Yuanshen and Yuanying are condensed into a sword weapon to suppress the demon soul, not inside the body but outside the body.

His soul power turned into a golden seal, and the sea of ​​consciousness was empty.

In this way, his cultivation is seen by outsiders as a practitioner with a three-level foundation.

Even if the real king is in front of him, he can't see through it.

However, his physical body is the martial arts golden body that condenses the power of the Dharma, and it is extremely stable. Just relying on the power of the physical body, he can also fight against the strong Nascent Soul without losing.

"It seems that when we return to Yunlan Mountain, we still need to spend more time to cultivate."

Just stepping into the state of leaving the body, it is a big project to unite the physical body with the primordial spirit.

In addition, how to deduce the following martial arts skills and how to improve the power of the soul.

The more advanced his cultivation is, the more Zhang Li feels that the cultivation in this world is far and long.


There was a loud noise outside the flying boat.

With a movement of his body, he put away the light curtain in front of him and stepped out.

The flying boat was frozen in mid-air, and Zhu Hao stood at the bow with a dignified expression.

Not far away, layers of black magic clouds surged, blocking the way forward.

"Brother, you are from the Temple of Heavenly Demon."

Zhu Hao took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Li: "I can resist for a while, you and all the disciples leave in the flying boat first."

"I have sent a message to the sect, and Yunlanshan will respond."

Zhu Hao wants to block the demon cultivator who is intercepting and killing him alone.

On the bow, although the other disciples looked pale, they still whispered, saying that they would advance and retreat with their master.

Zhu Hao waved his hand, and with a movement of his body, he had already rushed forward.

"Wu Tanzi, since you dare to besiege and kill my flying boat of Yunlan Taoist Sect, then come out and fight."

His voice was high-pitched, and a bronze magic subduing pestle in his hand revealed an aura of ten feet.

A good low-grade spirit weapon.

Over the years, Lu Yangzhou's weapon refining has indeed flourished, and Yunlan Daozong has made a fortune. Even a disciple in the middle stage of foundation establishment can handle a spiritual weapon.

The golden light on the Subduing Demon Pestle turned into a ten-foot-long sharp edge, and it slashed towards the Demon Cloud.

The flying boat at the rear shook, and taking advantage of Zhu Hao's opportunity, it quietly flew away from the side.

If you don't leave at this time, you will live up to Zhu Hao's wishes.


In the clouds behind him, there was the sound of roaring and exploding.

"Zhu Hao, hand that guy over to me, and let you go today."

"Zhu Hao, think it over, you can't do ten tricks in my hands."

There was arrogance in Wu Tanzi's voice.

A half-step golden elixir has the capital of arrogance.

Zhu Hao didn't answer, but the aura of the Subduing Demon Pestle was even stronger.

On the flying boat that had fled dozens of miles away, the faces of all the disciples were heavy.

My own master can't stop a devil with a half-step golden core.


They turned slightly to look at Zhang Li at the bow.

Master is going to take his own life for this one's life.

"Master, you..." a disciple said, but another student grabbed his shirt with his hand, and his words were interrupted.

"Master has orders. Escort Uncle Master back to Yunlan Mountain." A green-robed disciple shouted lowly, his body surged with real energy, and his aura flickered, urging the flying boat to move forward faster.

The others looked unhappy, but they didn't make a sound.

"Let's go first." At this moment, Zhang Li finally spoke.

He looked at the aura of the subduing magic pestle that had been suppressed by the magic cloud in the distance.

With a movement of his body, he flew back and rushed back.

"The chapter stands here." (End of this chapter)

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