Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 230 Three years of time, re-chapter the small courtyard back then

Chapter 230 300 years of time, return to the small courtyard back then

Gao Muhe is a strong man in the later stage of Jindan, in charge of Chiyang Peak.

Among the Yunlan Dao Sect, Gao Muhe is also the Great Elder's confidant.

Of course, Gao Muhe knew something about the past of the Great Elder.

Among them is the matter that the great elder, in the name of Lin Xu, went to the mortal world to cultivate his Taoism, and then raised a tea tree.

At this time, the wooden branch Zhang Li held in his hand was the branch of the tea tree.

Moreover, there is a strong demonic aura on it.

It seems that it was the opportunity left by the Great Elder that protected Zhang Li from dying in the mortal world for 300 years and stepped into the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Since it is the great elder's opportunity, let's wait for the great elder to come back and make arrangements.

Gao Muhe, who was planning to bring Zhang Li back to Chiyang Peak, changed his mind.

"Since I'm back, I will have all the rewards that the sect should have."

"Cultivate well in the future. Although you have wasted 300 years, you may not have the opportunity to move forward."

After opening his mouth to encourage Zhang Li, Gao Muhe took out another small storage bag.

There are two pieces of jade slips in the storage bag, a stack of various talismans, several bottles of pills, a talisman pen, some blank talismans, and various grades of spirit stones worth thousands of dollars.

"I can be regarded as the master of Chiyang Peak, but I failed to protect you well back then." Gao Muhe looked at Zhang Li, "This is your compensation."

"Thank you, Master Uncle." Zhang Li did not refuse.

If Gao Muhe could have noticed Zhang Li's reminder, then Zhang Li would not have to go to the mundane world for 300 years.

The compensation he offered at this time was to make himself feel at ease.

This compensation is not much, but it can be obtained.

At least, if Zhang Li really came back from the mortal world where supplies were scarce, these things would be useful.

Zhang Li walked out of Gao Muhe's cabin, and Zhu Hao was already waiting there not far away.

"Senior brother, these little bastards are disrespectful to you, you can hit or kill as you please." Zhu Hao stretched out his fingers and pointed to the few disciples who bowed aside, not daring to look up.

Zhang Li turned his gaze to several people.

It was they who used words to provoke Zhang Li at that time, and asked Zhang Li to replace Zhu Hao and return.

"Master, we know we were wrong." The young man in the lead said hastily.

The others also admitted their mistakes in a low voice.

It is naturally impossible for Zhang Li to kill these guys.

Not only can't kill, but also give gifts.

He reached out and took out a few talismans from the storage bag that Gao Muhe had sent just now.

"What's wrong with you?" He handed the talisman to several people.

"Cultivate well, only your own practice is the foundation."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Zhu Hao, turned around and walked back to his cabin.

The disciples who got the talisman looked at each other.

In their view, what Zhang Li said just now was because he felt that his own strength was not enough after returning from this trip, and he felt humiliated in his heart because of the things he encountered.

In the world of mortals, Zhang Li's cultivation level is at least that of becoming a patriarch, but back in the world of cultivation, his cultivation level is far lower than that of Zhu Hao, his junior brother back then.

How can the heart be balanced?

Zhu Hao shook his head and glared at the disciples around him.

"Go back and practice hard, practice is the foundation."


Flying boats move forward, across mountains and rivers.

When the flying boat paused slightly, Zhang Li woke up from the tranquility and slowly got up.

After tidying up his clothes, he walked out of the cabin and onto the deck.

In the distance, the mountains soared into the clouds.

Fairy light lingers, aura radiates.

Above the rolling mountains and forests, there are layered buildings and palaces.


Yunlan Daozong.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar scene in front of him, Zhang Li's mind recalled the scene when he left.

Those people back then, except for Zhu Yunshan, were all gone.

That handsome or charming figure disappeared into this world.

Hand in hand with the world of mortals, only one person returns.

"I'm back." Zhang Li whispered softly.

There seemed to be a strange power quietly vibrating in him.

This amazing power made Gao Muhe not far away turn his head.

It's just that he didn't realize that there was anything really special about Zhang Li.

In front, dozens of streamers flew over.

"Xu Qiao, the deacon of the Foreign Affairs Hall of Yunlan Daozong, has met Elder Gao."

"It is said that Master Zhang Li, who took over the task of guarding back then, returned, and I came here to welcome him from the Foreign Affairs Hall."

A group of green-robed Taoists lined up in front, saluting the flying boat.

This is a welcome from the same sect who returned from the task of guarding the mortal world, and it is a necessary respect.

Zhang Li took a few steps forward and raised his hand in return.

Guided by the flying boat, greeted by the deacons of the Foreign Affairs Hall, the disciples of the Yunlan Dao Sect who met along the way all turned their heads in surprise.

"Returning from the mission of guarding the world, tsk tsk, what a fate." Someone looked at Zhang Li with a trace of disdain on his face.

"The 300-year guarding mission, I'm afraid this is a great opportunity." There was a sparkle in the eyes of someone, and he said in a low voice.

Without squinting, Zhang Li followed the disciples of the Foreign Affairs Hall and walked quickly.

Zhang Li stopped before the tall jade door.

The four big characters of Yunlan Daozong are still shining with golden light.

A group of disciples from the Foreign Affairs Hall understood Zhang Li's feelings at this moment and did not urge him.

When Zhang Li stood in front of the mountain gate and remembered enough, he continued to move forward and entered the mountain gate.

For 300 years, Yunlan Daozong has not changed much, but it has prospered a lot after all.

There are more buildings along the way, and there are more disciples, and the cultivation base of the disciples is also stronger.

At least he sensed a lot of foundation-building realms casually.

In the past, all the deacons in the Foundation Establishment Realm didn't have time to wander around the mountain gate.

Gao Muhe led a group of rescue experts to leave, and Zhu Hao also went to resume the mission.

When Zhang Li went to the Foreign Affairs Hall, the person in charge had changed several times.

Simply tell about your 300-year experience, and then record it with jade slips, counting it as a retention, and the task is completed.

As long as you can come back alive, the rest doesn't matter.

Many deacons of the foreign affairs hall came to see Zhang Li, and two of them were in the outer sect at the same time as Zhang Li at the beginning, but they had never met.

Goodbye at this time, a lot of regret.

Regarding the settlement of Zhang Li's task rewards, the Zongmen used to have a custom.

But now that the Yunlan Dao Sect is prosperous, the previous reward of only a thousand spirit stones is really not worth it.

Several deacons discussed it, and then handed Zhang Li a jade plaque.

This jade card can be exchanged for a high-grade magic weapon, and various materials worth eight thousand spirit stones.

This adds up to more than 1 spirit stones.

It can be seen that the current Yunlan Daozong is really prosperous and rich.

After receiving the jade token, Zhang Li asked about the small courtyard where he lived in those years. Several deacons of the foreign affairs hall checked the roster of the disciples living in the door. Surprisingly, the small courtyard was still under Zhang Li's name.

"There is a colleague named Zuo Qiong who has been paying the living expenses in the courtyard."

Although the place where disciples live on Yunlan Mountain is cheap, they still need to pay a fee.

Especially after the layer-by-layer expansion, the small courtyard where Zhang Li used to live can be regarded as the core position of the mountain gate.

The aura there is much stronger than that at the mountain gate.

"Zuo Qiong..." Zhang Li whispered.

He had forgotten this name for a long time.

In Yunlan Mountain back then, because of a certain encounter, there were some scandals with Zuo Qiong.

It's just that 300 years have changed, and those insignificant things have long been forgotten.

"Junior Brother Zhang Li, you can directly become an inner sect disciple after you complete the task of guarding. You can go directly to the Inner Sect Zongwu Hall to get your identity token and robes."

"Complete the task of guarding, you don't need to take the task of Zongmen in the last ten years, you can repair it in Zongmen."

The speaking deacon of the foreign affairs hall handed back Zhang Li's identity jade badge, and spoke softly.

It is rare for guarding disciples who come back from the mortal world alive.

After receiving the jade token, Zhang Ligong cupped his hands and left the Foreign Affairs Hall.

Walking forward slowly, the scenery along the way remains the same, but the style of the disciples is much more energetic than 300 years ago.

Cultivation, energy and spirit are extremely vigorous.

Since the great elder of Yunlan Daozong broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm more than 200 years ago and became the first Nascent Soul Realm overhaul on Luyangzhou, the momentum of the entire Yunlan Daozong sect has become more and more different.

In the past 200 years, the sects have prospered, and many strong people have emerged. The elites of the Jindan state and the foundation establishment state are even more powerful than the Quartet sects.

Zhang Li walked forward slowly, no one around him knew him, and no one looked at him more.

When they arrived at the place where the outer sect disciples lived in the back mountain, several streamers of light flashed past the low clouds.

In the flowing light, there are Jindan Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm, and there is still a trace of smoke and evil spirit on his body, obviously returning from completing a mission outside the sect.

The streamer above the head flashed past, and flew towards the main hall on the top of the mountain.

The leader Jindanjing suddenly paused and turned to look in the direction of Zhang Li.

"Brother, what's the matter?" A black-robed Taoist whispered.

"I saw that person just now, it seems that I saw it 300 years ago..." the Jindan practitioner whispered, and then frowned, "Back then, it seemed that he was guarding the mortal world—"

Speaking of this, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the golden core practitioner: "It is said that the demon-suppressing tower that suppressed the earth fairy world in the mortal world has re-entered the practice world, and he may know about this."

Hearing the words of the Golden Core cultivator, the black-robed Taoist was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Is this what we are investigating?"

"Then we'll take him—"

The golden core practitioner waved his hand, turned around and flew away in the direction of the main hall of Yunlan Daozong.

"No hurry, report this matter to the suzerain and the elders first."

"The matter of the demon tower is a big matter, and the little guarding disciples are nothing, and they are not qualified to be involved in that matter."


Zhang Li walked along the mountain road, crossed several hills, and stopped in front of a small courtyard.

This small courtyard is somewhat mottled on the outside.

From Zhang Li's point of view, he is very kind.

Back then, he lived in this small courtyard for three years.

When he walked to the half-closed courtyard door, he hesitated a little.

Zuo Qiong lives here?

What does an old man who has not seen for 300 years look like now?
Gently pushing the door open, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl in the courtyard trembled all over and hurried forward.

"who are you?"

"Who let you in?"

"Get out!"

While talking, she was about to reach out to push Zhang Li out of the small courtyard.

Hearing the girl's voice, two figures rushed out from the side room of the small courtyard.

A female handyman in a gray robe, and a Taoist monk in green robes who are outer disciples, both of them are in their early forties, with panic on their faces.

"You are not allowed to trespass on the place where the disciples of the Yunlan Dao Sect's outer sect live. You have broken the rules."

The green-robed Taoist stared at Zhang Li and clenched his fists.

The handyman nun was a little afraid, and stood behind, protecting the girl beside her.

Zhang Li glanced over the three people in front of him, with doubts in his eyes.

The cultivation bases of the three people in front of them are so thin that they have almost no cultivation bases, and they can only be regarded as beginners in Qi training.

With this level of cultivation, are you qualified to live here?

"Why are you here?"

"Where is Zuo Qiong?"

Zhang Li's indifferent words made the expressions of the handyman and the outer disciples change drastically.

The girl took a step back, her face pale.

Zhang Li frowned.

There is no Zuo Qiong in the courtyard.

Not even a breath above the fifth level of Qi training was sensed.

Zhang Li was displeased by the expressions of the three people in front of him.

He let out a low snort, a trace of coercion emanating from his body.

The three figures trembled all over and fell to the ground.

"Tell me why you are here."

There was already a trace of spiritual power in these words, which made the three of them look dull.

"I and we are arranged by my aunt to live here..."

The Taoist in the green robe of the outer gate whispered blankly.

They are descendants of the Zuoqiong family.

Back then when Zuo Qiong lived here, he couldn't make further progress after half a step of foundation building. Even if he extended his life for decades, he still couldn't break through the foundation building.

There is no hope of practicing, Zuo Qiong recruited the younger generation of the family, firstly to give away some resources in his hands, and secondly, to let them station in this courtyard.

"My great-grandmother said when she was sitting down, let us keep the news of her death secret until the owner of the yard returns."

"She said, otherwise, this yard will be given to someone else..."

"Over the years, we've lived here for a long time, and we can't bear to part with the yard anymore, so we never left."

The trembling words revealed helplessness.

Zuo Qiong's cultivation was unable to do anything and then fell. The younger generation's cultivation qualifications are poor, and they don't even have the qualifications to become an official outer disciple.

There are four members of this family, only one eldest son has a little bit of qualifications, and he does some low-level chores in the outer door.

If it weren't for the resources left by Zuo Qiong, they wouldn't be able to survive here at all.

Standing where he was, Zhang Li pondered slightly.

Looking around, it is indeed well-organized.

"Get up."

He whispered.

Zuo Qiong helped him to keep the yard, and finally did not wait for his return.

Back then, it was just a Friendship that wasn't really Friendship, but it was wasted and missed after all.

"I'll pay homage to Zuo Qiong."

In the end, Zhang Li did not drive the family away.

After all, this family lived the longest in this small courtyard.

Zuo Lin, Lu Shi, their daughter Zuo Yue, and the young man who hurried back, Zuo Leng.

In their family, only Zuo Leng has reached the first level of Qi training, and he is still a beginner.

According to what Zuo Lin said, in order to allow Zuo Leng's cultivation to step into the first level of Qi training, they almost exhausted their resources.

Zhang Li's wing room is still there, cleaned up.

The fish pond in the small courtyard is no longer what it used to be, but it is still peaceful and peaceful.

Let Zuo Lin take his identity jade card to report to the Foreign Affairs Hall, and the four members of the Zuo family will be regarded as his followers and disciples in the future.

Zhang Li is in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and is qualified to recruit followers and servants.

Zuo Lin took the jade tablet in surprise, and Lu Shi behind him wiped away tears happily.

They have been stationed here all these years, but they are actually terrified, like thieves every day, for fear of being driven down the mountain.

It is still light to drive down the mountain. If this kind of behavior is severely punished, I am afraid they will all lose their skin.

Now that Zhang Li admits their existence, they can live here aboveboard.

"Zuoyue, hurry up and boil water for the master to make tea."

"Zuo Leng, you resign from those tasks, and concentrate on being the master's follower from now on."

The four members of the Zuo family had a kind of sudden enlightenment as if the clouds opened to see the sun and the moon.

Looking at the fish pond in front of him, Zhang Li was in a daze for a while.

It seems that 300 years of mortal guarding is just a dream.

Now, the dream is awake.


A streamer rune flew down in front of him.

Reaching out to take it, a smile appeared on his face.

Zhu Hao is going to bring those former outer disciples to visit.

(End of this chapter)

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