Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 231 Ren Fengyun is turbulent, and the small courtyard is still peaceful

Chapter 231 Ren Fengyun is turbulent, and the small courtyard is still peaceful
The small courtyard is still the small courtyard of the past.

In front of the stone table, Zhang Li and the visiting people sat around relaxedly, all with expressions of regret on their faces.

Beside Zhu Hao, sat three Taoist priests in blue and gray Taoist robes.

Two build foundations with four floors, and one builds foundations with five floors.

Zuo Yue brought the tea in a hurry, and then left carefully.

Zuo Lin and Lu Shi stood far away, not daring to approach.

"Actually, we all know about Senior Sister Zuo Qiong, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to live in this small courtyard for so long."

The fifth-level Taoist who built the foundation next to Zhu Hao looked about fifty years old and had a short beard. He glanced at Zuo Yue and the others, and spoke softly.

"Hehe, Senior Brother He Yufeng is currently walking in the Internal Affairs Hall, and this matter can still be arranged." The fourth-level Taoist who established the foundation on the other side chuckled.

The faces of the two Taoists on the fourth floor of Foundation Establishment are both in their [-]s. It is obvious that they were not young when they broke through to Foundation Establishment. Even if their faces have changed due to the increase in longevity, they are still a bit old.

Zhu Hao, He Yufeng, Qu Liang, and Zhang Yunqing beside him, these four are the only ones left among those outer disciples who were close to Zhang Li back then.

For 300 years, if you don't break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm, you will have fallen.

Not many of those outer disciples were able to step into Foundation Establishment.

This is the world of practice. Every level of promotion is a screening process, and those who finally become Jindan Realm and Nascent Soul Realm are very few.

"Cultivation is difficult, that's about it. Back then, Senior Sister Zuo Qiong stepped into the inner sect before us, and she took good care of us." Zhu Hao shook his head and spoke in a low voice.

Speaking of what happened back then, several people sighed with emotion.

With the resources given by Zhang Li, they were able to move a little faster.

Similarly, Zuo Qiong also has a gift from Zhang Li, who can be promoted quickly, and then step into the inner door.

But the Dao is cruel, and among their group of more than ten people, they finally achieved the foundation establishment, and only five of them in this small courtyard.

"Senior Brother Zhang, don't worry, now Senior Brother Zhu Hao is in the Siping Hall, Senior Brother He Yufeng is in the Internal Affairs Hall, and Junior Brother Yuqing and I are also working in the Inspection Hall. When you come back, you are definitely not fighting alone." The appearance of a miserable old man.

They haven't seen each other for 300 years. They came to visit Zhang Li. Apart from friendship, they also meant to help Zhang Li gain a foothold in the sect.

Zhang Li hasn't been in Yunlanshan for 300 years, and it can be said that he has almost no connections.

It is impossible for such a foundation establishment to become the core of the sect.

But no matter what, it was still at the Foundation Establishment Realm, and being able to hold a group with them was at least a strength.

Back then it was Zhang Li who supported them, now it is their turn to support Zhang Li.

"Hey, back then we didn't know that senior brother took on so many difficult and dangerous things." Zhu Hao nodded with a complicated expression, "It was senior brother who took it all."

300 years ago, the truth has already been revealed. Most of the elites who were placed in the Yunlan Daozong by the foreign sect were killed, and those disciples who died in vain in Chiyang Peak were able to recover.

Zhang Li's identity was also brought up.

At that time, some people in the sect suggested that Zhang Li, who had made great contributions to the discovery, should be retrieved from the mortal world.

It's just that the Great Elder said that everyone has their own opportunities, since they have gone to the mortal world, they should stay in the mortal world.

At that time, most people thought that the Great Elder wanted to preserve the sect's negligence and the reputation of being taken advantage of by the foreign sect.

At that time, Taoist Yuge, the suzerain, also issued an imperial edict.

In 300 years, not many people still remember this incident.

Zhang Li waved his hand, raised his hand to lift the teapot in front of him, the tea in it was clear, and poured it into the cups one by one.

"Taste the tea brought back from the mortal world."

Zhu Hao and the others glanced at each other and picked up the teacup.

For those of Yunlan Daozong who lived on Yunlan Mountain, there is no mortal tea that they can import.

For example, this tea is far inferior to the tea on Yunlan Mountain.

"The Foreign Affairs Hall said that I don't need to accept missions for at least ten years."

"I'm going to retreat in the sect first to stabilize my cultivation."

"As for other things, let's see."

Zhang Li picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and said lightly.

His words made the eyes of the four people holding the teacups move slightly.

At this moment, in Zhang Li's words, there was clearly the intention of rejection.

Zhu Hao pondered for a moment, put down the teacup, and took out a jade slip and a small jade box.

"Brother, these are some of my recent cultivation experience, and some savings that I can't afford."

The other three also took out their jade slips and jade boxes.

Zhang Li glanced over, not to mention the jade slip, the jade box contained 3000 to [-] spirit stones.

Not much.

Even if Yunlan Mountain is rich and prosperous now, foundation-building practitioners must be able to have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, but that is their wealth, and not all of them are willing to give it away to others.

Goodbye Zhang Li, just for the sake of friendship back then, this gift is really not low.

Zhang Li was not polite, he stretched out his hand to take the jade slips and the jade box, and then said with a smile: "I'll accept this gift, I brought some Gui Yunxue, I'll give you some too."

He waved a few small jade porcelain pots no bigger than a palm and landed on the stone table.

Mortal tea.

Also, what good things can there be in the mortal world?

Zhu Hao and the others sat in the small courtyard for a while, then got up to leave.

Zhang Li sent them out with a smile, then turned around.

The four people who walked out of the small courtyard turned around the mountain road and stopped.

"Brother Zhang, it's time to waste after all..." Qu Liang looked into the distance and whispered softly.

How bold and confident Zhang Li was back then.

Those disciples in the outer sect envy and respect Senior Brother Zhang.

But today's Senior Brother Zhang, his cultivation base is at the third level of foundation building, so he doesn't even need to think about his wealth.

And if you need connections, you have no connections, and you need combat power but no combat power.

Although it is better than those who fell from the same sect back then, it has been left far behind.

"Hey, mortal tea." Zhang Yunqing raised the tea pot in his hand and said softly, "This should be the only thing Brother Zhang can get out of it, right?"

The practice world emphasizes equality.

The gifts they gave were not as heavy as Zhang Li's in return, but isn't this pot of tea too cheap?
"Gui Yunxue, Gui Yunxue..." He Yufeng frowned and muttered a few words softly, with a strange look in his eyes, "I seem to have heard of this name before."


how is this possible.

How could the world of practice have heard of mortal tea.

Both Zhang Yunqing and Qu Liang were taken aback.

If this tea is well-known in the practice world, then it must be an unimaginable treasure!

A flash of surprise flashed across Zhu Hao's face, he clenched the tea leaves in his hands, and said in a low voice: "Brother Zhang can build a foundation in the mortal world, he is amazingly talented, and the things he sends may not be ordinary."

He looked at the three people around him and took a light breath: "We still have to respect senior brother as before. Without him, we would not be able to achieve what we are today."

The three nodded.

Indeed, Zhang Li was a genius among his peers back then, and he had some adventures in the mortal world.

"I remembered!" He Yufeng widened his eyes, looking at the tea pot in his hand, which seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

"150 years ago, the Great Elder who achieved the Nascent Soul Realm left the customs, and all parties came to congratulate him, including a lot of spiritual tea."

"I remember what the Great Elder said."

He Yufeng took a deep breath, and whispered softly: "Hongyunmei, Qingyushuang, there are thousands of spiritual teas in the world, after all, they can't compare with that cup of Osmanthus Yunxue..."

Gui Yunxue.

Hongyunmei, the first spirit tea on Yunlan Mountain.

Qingyushuang, one of the most famous spiritual teas in Luyangzhou.

There are tens of thousands of spiritual teas in the world, but they are not as good as this cup of osmanthus osmanthus.

The small pot of tea in his hand is such a treasure?

"Hehe, I knew it was impossible for Brother Zhang to fall into the dust." Zhu Hao laughed, put away the tea leaves, and strode forward.

He Yufeng also smiled and carefully put away the tea pot.

In the internal affairs hall, he has more opportunities to contact the middle and upper levels of the sect, so he can hear such secret things.

Qu Liang and Zhang Yunqing, who were one level behind in cultivation, didn't know these things.

People, news, that's why they want to form a group.

In the distance, the golden bell in the direction of the Yunlan Mountain Hall rang.

This is the bell to summon the elders to discuss their affairs.

"Let's go, I guess there's something else to do in the inspection hall." Qu Liang smiled and put away the tea pot, changed his clothes, and left quickly with Zhang Yunqing.

In the small courtyard, Zhang Li walked slowly into the wing room.

The familiar wing room has a hint of strangeness.

A faint mask of spiritual light rose, and the energy and blood on his body surged.

The sword of Yuanshen hovered around his body, moving slowly.

A small golden seal is also suspended beside him.

Zhang Li, who was sitting cross-legged, had a golden light in his eyes.

At this time, he has no shortage of treasures.

Not to mention the magic weapon above the spirit weapon, there are dozens of lower-level top-grade and top-grade spirit weapons with him.

Jingyuan Trading Company dominates the transactions between the practice world and the mortal world and the earth fairy world, and can be said to be the most wealthy trading firm in the world.

In terms of wealth and resources, no one can compare to the owner of Jingyuan Trading Company.

"No wonder Zhenjun Zhu Yuan said that there is actually not much difference in strength between the real monarchs."

Zhang Li whispered to feel his strength.

Zhu Yuan Zhenjun once said at the beginning that the difference in cultivation level between Zhenjun and Zhenjun has little effect on combat power, and in the end it is up to the method and treasure of protecting the way.

Only then did Zhang Li have an intuitive feeling.

Like him now.

The Nascent Soul came out of the body and combined with several heavy treasures to form the Sword of the Primordial Spirit. If this sword can be fully driven, its combat power will naturally be overwhelming.

But if he wanted to completely refine the remnant soul of Lord Mo Huan, and fully control this sword, he would need to increase his cultivation level by ten times, and it would take hundreds of thousands of years to accomplish it.

There are also those true monarchs who have just entered and exited the body. If their physical bodies are not stable enough, their combat power is not much stronger than that of the Nascent Soul, but they have more unpredictable means of exiting the Nascent Soul.

"However, after leaving the body, the Nascent Soul turns into the Primordial Spirit outside the body, and the strength of the physical body is also stable. If you step into the same level, it will be one body and two bodies. With one person's strength, you can fight several times the enemy."

"With the treasure of protecting the way, even ten times as many enemies can block it."

There is a world of difference between the combat power at the early stage, the mid-to-late stage of the exit, and even the peak of the exit that fully controls the power of the primordial spirit.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the sword of Yuanshen and the small golden seal that revolved around his body.

The mundane and heavenly ways in the golden seal need to be carefully hidden and released when the time is right.

If not for one mistake, it would be trivial for this mortal world to be swallowed up by the heavenly way, and you will suffer together if you are implicated, and you will be hated by the world, then you will have no hope of practicing in this life.

In order to bring the mortal world back to the world of practice, Zhang Li has paid a lot.

Not to mention all kinds of materials to help Zhu Yunshan control the mortal world, just condensing his soul into this small seal to support the way of heaven is a huge waste.

Of course, as long as this kind of dedication is successful, the rewards will be unimaginable.

The mortal way of heaven grew quietly, and eventually became the way of heaven in Luyangzhou, and then slowly grew into the way of heaven in the entire three hundred continents of the practice world.

At that time, Zhang Li, who is involved in the glory of Tiandao, will become the spokesperson of Tiandao.

It was only when this bold and arrogant plan gained so much that Zhang Li bet on his future in cultivation.

Even Zhenjun Zhu Yuan was shocked by Zhang Li's plan and chose to help, but he didn't go deep into it.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan left the mortal world and brought the Zhenyao Pagoda into the world of practice, which is already the greatest support for Zhang Li.

In the quiet room, Zhang Li sorted out his cultivation base and deduced his future cultivation path.

The whole world before him seemed unreal.

The sword of Yuanshen fell in the palm, and it was extremely heavy.

His physical strength is still powerless to control the Sword of Primordial Spirit.

The fact that he can control it easily is because of his accomplishment in martial arts.

Most of the out-of-body state major repairs will be closed after promotion, and only act with the out-of-body Nascent Soul.

In the small courtyard, Zuo Leng sent a jade slip to Zhang Li.

"Uncle Master, this is the news that all parties have recently passed to the Foreign Affairs Hall."

Zhang Li, who is used to keeping all the news in his hands, even if he is retreating in the small courtyard, he still pays attention to the situation of Lu Yangzhou.

After receiving the jade slip, Zhang Li scanned it with his spiritual sense.

Zhang Li, who returned to Yunlan Mountain, quietly retreated, and the situation on Luyangzhou began to turmoil.

The first enshrined from the Temple of Heavenly Demon made an attack and wiped out the two Taoist sects.

The Great Elder of Yunlan Dao Sect fought against this Demon Dao Daxiu, winning and losing.

Dao and demons have stopped fighting now, but the storm is about to come, and the next big battle may be a catastrophe.

The Zhenyao Tower disappeared to the North Territory, and it is not known whether it was an envoy or returned by itself.

This kind of treasure will inevitably attract strong players from other continents to compete for it.

Yunlan Daozong, Chiyuelou and Tianmo Temple all put pressure on Jingyuan Trading Company to block the news, but no one knows whether Jingyuan Trading Company will agree.

For Jingyuan Trading Company, whose business path connects the entire practice world, the news of the competition for the treasure can be sold for a lot of money.

What's more, starting a war is the firm's favorite.

War fortune is the big fortune.

Moreover, even if Jingyuan Commercial Bank blocked the news, the people from Yutaozhou and Izumozhou scattered on Luyangzhou would not block the news.

With the support of the strong Izumo Continent, the practitioners of Yutao Continent almost occupied Luyang Continent. Although they were stopped by Ming Luo in the end, they still occupied a lot of areas in Luyang Continent.

It is impossible for them not to be tempted by such a treasure as the Town Demon Tower.

The entire Yunlan Dao Sect took action to mobilize resources with other parties in the Dao Sect Alliance to deal with all possibilities.

Yunlan Mountain was also extremely busy, no matter whether it was the disciples of the inspection hall or the masters of the Siping hall, they hardly stayed on the mountain.

The low-level disciples were also thrown out and stationed everywhere.

The area around Zhangli courtyard was much empty.

"There are gossips at the outer door that Yunlan Daozong may reopen the guardian hall." Zuo Leng said in a low voice.

Guarding the hall is not the disciple who guards the mortal world, but the disciple who sits in one side and holds real power.

Just like going to the Northern Territory to open up new land.

To establish a sect and establish a sect without departing from the Yunlan Taoist sect is to guard the hall.

"This news is possible." Zhang Li whispered, and a mid-grade spirit stone and jade token appeared in his hand.

"Go to Chiyue Tower to buy a Ziyun Pill, and use my ID card."

Chiyuelou naturally recognized this identity card.

The person who now sits in Chiyue Tower on Yunlan Mountain is the daughter of the owner of Chiyue Tower.

Yu Ci.

That Yu Ci who wanted to sell himself to Zhang Li back then in the Northern Territory.

(End of this chapter)

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