Chapter 232 The Lord of One Peak

Jiuxuan Mountain.

Chiyue Tower.

Today's Jiuxuanshan Trading Square City has almost become a city.

Five criss-crossing avenues intersect, located in Fangshi on the hillside of Jiuxuan Mountain, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

The daily trading volume of this square market has reached a terrifying tens of millions of spirit stones.

Cultivation is the process of consuming the spirits of heaven and earth to improve one's own cultivation and perception.

Whether it is spiritual stones, spiritual materials or medicines, they are all food for cultivation, just like eating and drinking for ordinary people.

No one can live without eating or drinking.

This is not the first time Zuo Leng has come to this city.

But it was his first time to Chiyue Tower.

In the past, he didn't even have the thought of going upstairs.

How can an outer disciple who is not stable on the first floor of Qi training and doesn't even have five spirit stones in his pocket be qualified to enter the Chiyue Tower?

It is said that there are very few elixir materials below ten spirit stones in Chiyue Tower.

Since the owner of the Chiyue Tower became the Nascent Soul Realm and formed an alliance with the Daomen, the Chiyue Tower in Jiuxuan Mountain has been expanded three times.

Today's Chiyue Tower is [-] feet high, with a total of six floors and a huge palace connected by three high pavilions.

The red body of the building reveals the aura of gold threads, as if cast in gold, which looks extremely noble.

These three towers can be exchanged for a spiritual weapon.

Zuo Leng stood in front of the nine stone steps, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then walked towards Chiyue Tower.

Go to the top of the stone steps, a wide platform.

A row of male and female servants in standard blue robes stood in front of the huge five-foot-high gate, waiting with smiles on their faces.

"Is this young master here to buy supplies at Chiyue Tower?" A young man slightly older than Zuo Leng stepped forward with a calm and easy-going expression.

The young man's true energy of cultivation is evident, obviously he is in the Qi training state, the true energy is much richer than Zuoleng, he is probably at the second level of Qi training.

The young man raised his hand to signal Zuo Leng to follow him into the spacious hall, and he could see the hall full of splendor and endless spiritual light.

In this hall, treasures of various levels of cultivation in the entire Luyang Continent are gathered.

Zuo Leng stood there, distracted for a moment.

The young man who led Zuo Leng into the hall was not in a hurry, and waited quietly with a smile on his face.

It took a while for Zuo Leng to come back to his senses, seeing the expression of the young man in front of him, his face flushed suddenly.

"Brother Daoist, my master wants to buy a Purple Cloud Pill." Zuo Leng carefully handed over the spirit stone and identity jade token in his hand.

Ziyun Pill is not a precious medicine, it is just a medicine used to stabilize the mind and calm the restless energy and blood in the meridians during the three-level practice of Qi training.

On Yunlan Mountain, elixirs like Ziyun Pill range from five to eight spirit stones depending on their quality.

Hearing Zuo Leng's words, the young man nodded, took the identity jade token and spirit stone, raised his hand and said: "My lord, wait a moment, I'll go and buy the elixir for you."

Ordinarily, you don’t need an identity jade card to buy supplies, but there will be a record of the spirit stones spent to buy supplies in Chiyue Tower, and you can get preferential treatment in Chiyue Tower after you spend as much as you want.

Of course, if you want to get preferential treatment, at least you have to spend tens of thousands of spirit stones.

Holding the jade card that Zuo Leng handed over, the young man felt that Zuo Leng's master might not be someone who could spend tens of thousands of spirit stones.

But for those who are in the late stage of Qi training and whose net worth is tens of thousands, there is no need to accept a servant who is new to Qi training.

Some of the Yunlan Daozong are low-level disciples from the outer sect who serve and order.

"One purple cloud pill." Walking to a row of long jade tables, the young man handed over the spirit stone and the identity jade badge.

"It's gone?" The female cultivator who received the jade token and spirit stone by the long table looked up.

The young man smiled wryly and nodded.

The female cultivator turned her head to look at Zuo Leng who was waiting not far away, and said with a smile: "It seems that I came to Chiyue Tower to see and see, but I can't get out the spirit stone."

Chiyue Tower doesn't say that there are such people every day, at least there can be several in three to five days.

For the servants in the building, Zuo Leng who doesn't wander around and asks questions is good enough, and it's annoying to wait around and buy nothing in the end.

"One high-quality purple cloud pill, eight spiritual stones." The female cultivator found the elixir from the stage behind her, then changed the spiritual stones, and finally pressed the identity jade card on the long table in front of her.

A faint aura appeared on the jade tablet.

This made the nun stunned.

The young man before the long case was also taken aback.

"As a distinguished guest, for the [-]% off mark." The female cultivator picked up the identity card suspiciously, frowning slightly.

Shouldn't there be special receptionists for distinguished guests with a [-]% discount when they come to Chiyue Tower?

"Give me the ID card." A voice sounded beside the long case.

The female cultivator trembled all over, turned her head and said in a low voice: "Young master."

The young owner of Chiyue Tower is not the big shopkeeper on Yunlan Mountain.

Although these two identities are the same person.

The daughter of the owner of Chiyue Tower, Yu Ci.

Yu Ci held the identity jade badge, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

She has not seen Zhang Li for more than 100 years.

But Zhang Li told her that one day he would come to Yunlan Mountain, so when her father asked where she wanted to go, she chose Yunlan Mountain without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, after a hundred years, it finally arrived.

In fact, Yu Ci has been thinking about what it would be like if he really had the courage to leave the Northern Territory and Chiyue Tower with Xu Zhaonian.

After Chiyuelou's father became Yuanying Daxiu, it was indeed very famous in Luyangzhou, and there were businesses in all the big and small sect gates.

But the business of this mere continent is not enough compared to the fact that Xu Zhaonian is in charge of Jingyuan Commercial Bank, and the business roads are all over the practice world.

Now, even if my father wanted to see Xu Zhaonian, he had to make an appointment in advance.

After all, there is no shortage of Nascent Soul Realm in Jingyuan Commercial Bank. Xu Zhaonian is a high-ranking and powerful man with endless wealth. He is no longer the second shopkeeper who was relegated to Yunlan Mountain.

"Are you sent by Senior Brother Zhang?" Yu Ci looked at Zuo Leng holding the jade plaque and asked softly.

Zuo Leng nodded nervously.

Although Yu Ci didn't have the slightest coercion on her body, her clothes, demeanor, and the attitude of the people around her all showed that she was not an ordinary person.

"This is your Purple Cloud Pill, and this is the jade slip I gave to Senior Brother Zhang." Yu Ci took out a jade slip, and then handed over a jade bottle.

"Excuse me little brother, you take this elixir."

Zuo Leng was still dazed until he was escorted out of Chiyue Tower by young servants.

The cold wind outside whipped him up a little bit.

"Brother Zuo, come to Chiyue Tower often in the future, and look for Zhao Yuyang anytime." The young man patted his chest and said loudly.

Just now the young landlord hand-picked, if this person comes in the future, he will be received by Zhao Yuyang, and then directly see the young landlord.

Zhao Yuyang has also been in Chiyue Tower for 20 years. This is the first time I have seen such missions, and I have never heard of them before.

What kind of character can make the young landlord treat him like this?
"Okay, okay." Clenching the pill jade bottle in his hand, Zuo Leng walked down the stone steps.

He looked down at the jade bottle.

"Jade Spirit Pill."

A bottle of ten Jade Spirit Pills, each of which can increase the concentration of aura in the body and purify the true essence.

A Jade Spirit Pill and Thirteen Spirit Stones.

Zuo Leng's father, Zuo Lin, spent a lot of money to buy the Jade Spirit Pill.

Now, such a bottle of ten pills is just in his hands.

Is this the benefit of having a backer?
Taking a deep breath, Zuo Leng put the jade bottle in his hand into his pocket, and walked back quickly.


In the small courtyard, Zhang Li took Yu Ci's jade slips, but did not ask for Ziyun Pill and the retrieved jade slips.

He didn't take the bottle of Jade Spirit Pill that Zuo Leng gave him, and waved his hand to put it away.

The jade slips that Yu Ci handed over to Zhang Li recorded all kinds of recent events and news on Luyang Continent, including the secrets behind them and the connections with some forces.

The return of the Town Demon Tower has indeed broken the original situation of all parties in Luyangzhou.

Xuezheng City and Jingyuan Commercial Bank mainly control the northern region of Luyangzhou, and pay little attention to the entanglements between the sects in the hinterland of Luyangzhou.

It was also the first time for Zhang Li to see the power balance between the Demon Sect and the Dao Sect.

Behind the Tianmo Temple is not only the first enshrined Nascent Soul Realm, but also hidden masters, so that Yunlan Daozong and Chiyuelou can join forces.

With the support of the strong in Izumo, Yutaozhou has been encroaching on Luyangzhou's territory, which has forced the two sides of Taoism to have both disputes and alliances.

"Yunlan Daozong re-opened the guarding hall because it was planning to use the immortal sealing talisman in its hand to seal the guarding earth immortal."

"This batch of Immortal Sealing Talismans has been continuously traded from Jingyuan Trading Company for more than 200 years."

Sure enough, it was exactly as I thought, using the immortal sealing talisman accumulated over the years to stabilize the general situation.

It's just that these fairy sealing talismans can only seal the practitioners who have reached the Golden Core Realm, and their combat power is not tyrannical.

After adding the imperial seal, they can only be confined to one place, and the real strong will not participate in such tasks.

"The Temple of Heavenly Demon has already contacted Mo Yuezhou Demon Cultivator, and may start to attack Luyangzhou Daomen on a large scale."

"Most of Yunlan Daozong's energy is involved in the Temple of Heavenly Demon."

Among the jade slips, there is a special message.

Mo Yuezhou.

Zhang Li knows this area.

The caravan of Jingyuan Trading Co., Ltd. had been to one side of the Demon Dao Continent, but the losses were not small, so they had to withdraw in the end.

Even if Ao Ju led the team, he didn't take advantage of it.

If it was supported by Mo Yuezhou's Demon Cultivator, it would be normal for the Heavenly Demon Palace to overwhelm the Yunlan Taoist Sect.

However, Yunlan Daozong is not without backup.

At least it has already been doing the secret contact with the practitioners of Izumo Island.

Izumo Island can also be regarded as a Taoist inheritance.

After reading all the information in the jade slips, Zhang Li showed deep thought.

Before this time, if the cultivation base is just an ordinary little monk, the current situation in Luyangzhou is the time to make contributions.

All kinds of resources are abundant, and meritorious service can be earned, which is really a good opportunity.

But in the eyes of a strong man like him, Lu Yangzhou is currently suffering from internal and external troubles, and there may be a crisis of inheritance and destruction at any time.

You can only see clearly if you are in its place.



A bell rang from the Zongmen Hall in the distance.

A stream of light gathered and went away.

Half a day later, news came about the re-opening of the guardian hall of Yunlan Daozong.

All of a sudden, Yuan Yunlan Mountain was full of emotions.

Many disciples, deacons, and even elders who have reached the bottleneck have the intention of joining the guardian hall.

"Junior brother Zhang Li, the suzerain is calling."

Outside Zhangli's small courtyard, there was a voice.

A middle-aged man in a blue-gray robe spoke loudly with a heroic look on his face.

Zuo Yue and the others in the small courtyard suddenly panicked.

Zhang Li tidied up his clothes, walked to the door, cupped his hands and said, "Senior Brother, thank you for sending me a message."

Those who can serve as a messenger for the suzerain are not the disciples of the suzerain or their cronies, but the direct descendants of the direct line.

"Pimpedao ancient tea, walk in the internal affairs hall." The middle-aged Taoist returned the gift to Zhang Li, looked him over, and said indifferently: "The elders and suzerain are waiting, don't delay."

He waved a zhang long flying shuttle and landed, and then the dust in his hand turned into a flash of light towards Zhang Liluo.

Zhang Li didn't refuse, let the two wrap his body and land on the flying shuttle, and then the two of them drove the flying shuttle towards the main hall of Yunlan Daozong.

Ancient Ming Taoist has already reached the eighth level of foundation building, and his strength is not weak.

"This time the sect reopens the guardian hall, and the suzerain hopes that you can join."

"You have 300 years of credit for guarding the mortal world, and the word guarding is more interpretable."

Taoist Ancient Ming stood on the shuttle and spoke softly.

This must be the meaning of the sect elders and suzerain.

A disciple with guarding experience took the initiative to participate in the selection of the guarding hall, which is an encouragement to all disciples and a good publicity.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Li came to the main hall of the Zongmen.

This is his second time here.

For the first time, he was carried in.

"Guardian disciple Zhang Li has an audience." A voice sounded, and the door of the main hall was opened.

Resplendent and resplendent, surrounded by fairy spirit, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, the inspiration suddenly appeared.

None of these.

The main hall is made of bluestone, tall and spacious, with rows of large wooden chairs placed on both sides, and a dignified practitioner sits on them.

These are all the elders and deacons of Yunlan Daozong.

At least the ninth floor of the foundation building is eligible to sit in this hall.

The positions of Jin Dan in the early stage are all close to the gate.

There are at least 200 people in the hall, half of them are Jindan.

This is the foundation of Yunlan Daozong.

Zhang Li walked forward slowly, the pressure on his body getting heavier and heavier.

Walking ten feet forward, he stood in the main hall, looking up at the high platform ahead.

Sitting upright on the stage was a thin Taoist priest in a green robe and a purple crown, with a gleam of golden light in his eyes.

The Taoist gaze fell on Zhang Li, and said lightly: "When you return from guarding the mortal world for 300 years, Zhang Li, you can also be regarded as a hero of my Yunlan Taoist Sect."

"Now that Yunlan Daozong reopens the guardian hall, what do you think?"


I'm not really asking for your thoughts, but asking you to take the initiative to apply to join the guarding hall.

"The disciple's cultivation base is low, but he does have experience in guarding one side." Zhang Li cupped his hands and looked up.

In him, there was actually a trace of self-confidence that shouldn't be possessed by a third-level foundation-building practitioner.

This is only for those who have been in the top position for a long time.

That's right, Zhang Lizai is the guarding disciple in the mortal world, and he has been aloof for 300 years.

In the world of mortals, the third level of foundation building is already the ancestor.

"The disciple is willing to share the guarding experience, but the disciple does not want to seal the immortal talisman."

Zhang Li looked up at the suzerain Taoist Yuge, with a calm expression on his face.

"Disciples now want connections without connections, resources without resources, and combat power without combat power. They cannot bear the responsibility of guarding."

Is this a rejection?

Everyone in the hall frowned.

A Taoist with a white beard turned his head to look at Taoist Guming standing at the entrance of the main hall.

Didn't explain?
A gloomy look flashed across Gu Ming Taoist's face.

This chapter seems to be out of line.

"But the disciple is willing to contribute to the sect and become a member of the guardian hall."

At this moment, Zhang Li's voice sounded again.

"Disciple is willing to stay at Duanyang Peak."

Duanyang Peak!
Duanyang Peak was directly banned because of the rebellion back then!
In the hall, there was silence.

(End of this chapter)

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