Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 245 Trading in the Immortal World, re-chapter Nanhuang

Chapter 245 Trading in the Immortal World, Returning to the Southern Wilderness

From the crack that the flying boat entered just now, Zhang Li sneaked in quietly.

He already understood that as long as the practitioners above the Nascent Soul in the fairy world didn't step out, the Hades outside wouldn't care about it at all.

The Netherworld has a good grasp of the situation in the fairy world. Although there are various treasures, many elixir and inheritance in the fairy world, their fairy spirit will be exhausted.

In the complete fairy world, the spirit energy of the spirit forms its own cycle, and there are countless practice worlds to carry it, so there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of the spirit energy.

Now that the fairy world has fallen and split into countless pieces, there can no longer be any fairy spirit circulation in this evil realm.

Without the support and support of the world of practice, if the immortal energy is exhausted, it will really be exhausted.

Therefore, those great powers in the fairy world collected the fairy spirit in advance, only maintaining the basic operation of the heavenly way in the fairy world.

There can still produce elixir and spiritual materials, fairy medicine and fairy materials, but there is not enough fairy energy to practice.

Those low-level practitioners had to trade with the Hades in exchange for cultivation resources.

As for the spirit stones in the hands of the Netherworld, according to Zhang Li's knowledge, they were the mineral veins on the ground of the fairyland that collapsed at the beginning.

There are actually quite a few places like this in the Evil Domain.

But who would have thought that the broken land, which was despised back then, and the fairy veins on it now would become treasures?

The elixir refined in the fairy world, and all kinds of artifacts can enhance the fighting power of the Mingling clan.

Such small-scale transactions between the two sides are acquiesced.

Zhang Li re-entered the Immortal Realm, and what he saw were all kinds of elixir scattered everywhere, rocks and big trees that could be used for refining weapons.

These treasures, which are priceless when taken out, are useless here.

So Immortal World is also happy to trade these things.

Who wouldn't want to grab a handful and exchange it for various cultivation materials?
Stretching out his hand to press on the body of a big tree hugging him, his face showed emotion.

The wood of this big tree is as tough as gold and iron.

There is also a strong surge of power.

Refining this wood into a magical weapon is at least the best quality. With a little thought, it is not difficult to refine it into a spiritual weapon.

Moreover, a large tree can be refined into dozens of magical weapons and spiritual weapons.

Turning around to look, such big trees stretch for hundreds of miles around.

If these big trees can be taken out, how much wealth can be exchanged for?
However, with so many big trees, how much storage space do you need?

Not far away, a voice sounded.

Zhang Li turned his head and saw a Pentecostal Taoist wearing a green robe looking at him with displeasure.

"The Chengyun forest in my Jade Dragon Temple, is it your little out-of-body soul who can spy on it?"

The Taoist shouted coldly, raised his hand and a flash of spiritual light turned into a snare, directly pressing down on Zhang Li.

Above this aura, there is a palpitating power, just looking at it will make you lose your mind.

This kind of power has surpassed the state of leaving the body.

God-like realm.

The power of the soul is everywhere, every move of the hand, every move is oppressed by the power of the soul.

Zhang Li narrowed his eyes, raised his hand, and a sword light shone.

After leaving the body, the strength of the combat power depends on the means of guarding.

What Zhang Li is not afraid of the most is to compete in the way of protecting the way.


With a shake of the long sword, it directly tore the falling light net into pieces.

The sword light didn't stop, like a shooting star passing through, a flash had already arrived in front of the Taoist.

"How courageous!" The Taoist let out a low cry, his face changed in shock, and the whisk in his hand twisted towards Zhang Li's sword light.

The sword light was clear and collided with the fly whisk, causing the surrounding space to vibrate.

In this mountain forest with a radius of hundreds of miles, clouds began to linger.


The power of Jianguang and Fuchen vibrated, and then disappeared.

The Taoist's face showed pain, he took a step back, and waved his hands again and again: "No more beatings, no more beatings, the loss is really unbearable."


Fighting skills naturally need to use the power of fairy spirits and one's own true energy.

Zhang Li's swordsmanship is not bad, it doesn't consume much, and he has all kinds of treasures to replenish his true essence.

In his dantian, there are dozens of celestial pearls kept at any time as things to supplement his true energy.

But for the Taoist in front of him, the depleted true energy could not be replenished.

Therefore, in the fairy world, if you can't win a move, you basically don't make any moves.

Zhang Li raised his hand, and Jian Guang returned to his hand.

"Tell me, what do you want to do under the governance of my Jade Dragon Temple?" The Taoist looked at Zhang Li with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Sword cultivators of your strength seem to be rarely seen in Zhaoyang Immortal Territory. Isn't the sword cultivator almost strangled by the Hades?"

Zhang Li didn't know these things, nor did he know that this place was called Zhaoyang Xianyu.

For him, these are not important.

He stretched out his finger and pointed to the mountain forest with a radius of a hundred miles behind him.

"Are these trees sold or not?"

The Taoist was stunned.

These things are everywhere, if the sect doesn't want to create a cloud-like world, no one will take care of this tree.

"You..." There was a trace of doubt in the Taoist's eyes, "This tree can be seen everywhere, if you want to refine weapons, just find a few."

Zhang Li shook his head and looked at the Land of Hundred Miles: "I want all these trees."


There was a flash of light in the Taoist's eyes.

This is a big deal.

How can one have such wealth in an out-of-body state?
"Not to mention the Aperture Realm, even a fairy can't afford this Baili Chengyun forest—"

Before the Taoist finished speaking, Zhang Li had already raised his hand.

In his palm, a handful of chalcedony beads.

The jade-colored light illuminates the surrounding space.

There were at least ten chalcedony beads, and the aura emanating from them made the Taoist hold his breath.

His eyes tried to move away, but he couldn't.

The last time I saw so many chalcedony beads was the last time.

As a Taoist in the state of transforming gods, his mood fluctuated unexpectedly at this time.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality, frowned, and waved his hands: "Ten chalcedony beads just want to buy this Baili Chengyun Forest, if there is less, at least two more..."

"This is a reward for fellow daoists to clear up the relationship." Zhang Li raised his hand and threw all the chalcedony beads over.

He was not afraid that this Taoist would take the chalcedony beads and kill him.

Because of his combat power, he is not inferior to the opponent.

As for the subsequent transactions, he was not prepared to participate.

He will seldom come to this fairy world in the future, basically it will be the Chen family caravan.

Those low-level disciples came with a small amount of money, and they traded if they were willing to trade. If they didn't want to, the loss was not too big.

At this time, the Taoist holding the ten chalcedony beads was a little dazed.

From practicing to the present, it was the first time for him to directly touch the ten chalcedony beads.

In the past, such treasures were taken directly by the immortals, and rarely fell into the hands of practitioners under the immortals.

For practitioners in the fairy world, the cultivation resources must be controlled by the immortals and distributed according to the will of the immortals.

Ten chalcedony beads, not to mention him, even several Mahayana elders in the Jade Dragon Temple, not everyone can take them out.

"Ahem, um, what do you call fellow Taoists? I, poor Daoist Wu Sheng, am the Yulong Guan patrolling here, and this Chengyun forest is my main guard."


It was already a day later when Zhang Li left.

He accepted Taoist Wu Sheng's invitation to visit the place where he lived, and chatted with several Yulong Temple's out-of-body transformation gods.

Zhang Li was extravagant, and those few were embarrassed, so they could only give away the elixir and spirit wine they had refined.

Not to mention that Zhang Li didn't have pills and spirit wines of this level, even Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, Ming Luo and the others had never tasted them.

These pills and spirit wine, brought back to the practice world, can be worth millions of spirit stones.

In this fairy world, only a few chalcedony beads were exchanged.

When leaving, Zhang Li also took a hundred Chengyun trees with him.

Then he made an appointment with several deacons of the Yulong Temple who were stationed here, and they would arrange for someone to collect the Chengyun tree and other treasures.

Prices are settled with chalcedony beads.

This made several practitioners who had left their bodies to transform into gods very happy.

When sending Zhang Li away, he sent several treasures along the way.

Zhang Li left from the space crack and swaggered into Chicheng.

At this time, there were rumors about intercepting and killing Feizhou in Chicheng, but no one cared.

It's just a flying boat, and it doesn't come into the eyes of those great monks at all.

For the powerhouses of the Hades, such infiltrated low-level practitioners are just cannon fodder.

Zhang Li bought a shop and a small house in Chicheng, then left quietly and returned to Chen's house.

Chen Yutang came to see him, holding a box in his hand.

"Master Zhang, this is a recent transaction, a total of 300 million ghost stones."

The transactions of the Chen family caravan have always been settled with the lowest level of ghost stones, which is welcomed by all parties.

For them, low-level ghost stones are not valuable.

Zhang Li took the jade box, put it away, then raised his hand, and took out some pills and spiritual materials exchanged from the fairy world.

This is a low-level spiritual thing he traded in the fairy world, suitable for people like the Chen family.

When Chen Yutang got these treasures, his face showed excitement.

The ghost stone is just wealth, and now these are the treasures that can really allow them to practice and improve their cultivation.

"I have opened up a business route to Chicheng, and a secret passage into the forbidden area of ​​the fairy world. In the future, the caravan will arrange a caravan stationed in Chicheng, and conduct transactions every ten years."

Zhang Li took out two Chengyun trees, and then took out a pot of spirit wine.

This level of Chengyun tree and spirit wine can also be exchanged for a lot of wealth in the Netherworld of the evil domain.

After arranging the deal with the Chen family, Zhang Li left again.

Stepping into the void, a white tiger is already waiting.

"All the void beasts you recruited for me are here?"

Zhang Li looked at the white tiger in front of him and asked.

The white tiger whimpered a few times, and in the distance, black tigers, flying leopards, and void beasts that could not be seen flew down.

Zhang Li's eyes swept across, and these void beasts were at least at the Jindan stage, and many of them were at the Nascent Soul stage.

There are a total of hundreds of them, gathered together, with a dignified and tyrannical aura.

"You all know the rules, right?"

Zhang Li didn't seem to feel the surge of power from these void beasts, so he spoke directly.

In the palm of his hand, a few Mingling beads moved.

"Employment for a hundred years, ten Mingling beads, one settlement per ten years."

"If you have any casualties, I will make up for the Ming Lingzhu."

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of Ming Lingzhu floated in front of him.

With so many ghost beads, all the void beasts bared their teeth.

But at the next moment, Zhang Li's spiritual light shone, and the sword intent soaring into the sky urged him to move.

A chill made all the void beasts tremble.

The way of the sword is sharp, as if it wants to cut directly into their hearts.

With Zhang Li's cultivation and fighting power, it doesn't take much effort to kill them.

Baihu grinned.

If it can grab it, doesn't it know how to grab it?

Zhang Li brought the calm Void Beast to the front of the light curtain he had passed through before.

He raised his hand, and a sword light slashed out.


A ten-foot crack appeared.

A group of void beasts rushed out quickly.

Zhang Li himself was at the end, slowly stepping out of the crack.

The moment he walked into the crack, he suddenly trembled.

He could feel a icy sword light slashing towards him.


He raised the long sword in his hand, twisted the edge of the sword, and collided with the sword light coming from him.

When the sword light touched, it stirred up streaks of frost.

He has seen this sword before.

At the beginning, in the sword in Mei Sheng's hand, he felt the image.

Nine Profound Sword Master.

"Sword Master..."

Zhang Li whispered, and an illusory figure appeared in front of him.

"I don't care what you do, but I will kill you if you lead the Netherworld clan into the practice world."

The voice was cold, and then the phantom in front of him dissipated.

Zhang Li was silent for a moment, stepped out and landed in the sea of ​​void.

He knew that it was just a phantom, the picture of Jiuxuan Sword Master.

If he couldn't catch the sword, he would be beheaded immediately, and his cultivation would become part of the power to seal the town.

If he blocks this sword, he is entitled to feel the image of Nine Profound Sword Master's soul.

Walking into the Sea of ​​Void, White Tiger is already waiting with more than a hundred Void Beasts.

Zhang Li identified the direction, and led the Void Beast to fly away.

Three months later, he finally landed on a continent with weak aura.

This is a continent that is not connected by a teleportation array, and the inheritance of practice is almost cut off.

There is not even a Jindan Realm.

Zhang Li walked around this continent, found many precious mineral deposits, and found many places where he could grow elixir.

After simply marking, he stepped into the void again.

After spending three years, he found a total of eight Void Continents, all of which have inheritance, but have declined.

There is also one with a good inheritance, and dozens of Nascent Soul Realm exist.

There are more treasures in this continent, and the inheritance of alchemy is also extremely prosperous.

It has been 20 years since Zhang Li returned to Nanhuang.

20 years.

Southern Wilderness has changed.

A big city with hundreds of miles, Duanyang City.

There are immortal cultivators and warriors in the city, as well as ordinary people, a total of 50.

The avenues extending in all directions are connected, and there are also big rivers.

In the southern wasteland, 8000 million mu of spiritual fields have been opened up.

There are also various mountain forests where elixir and spirit trees are planted.

Due to the lack of manpower, otherwise, it would not be difficult to turn the Southern Wasteland into a spiritual land.

For the families and small forces who followed, they basically spent the past 20 years paving roads and digging rivers.

The resources they get in their hands are all turned into their own cultivation resources.

But they are not stupid, they have already seen that Duanyang Peak is definitely strong.

Not to mention the big city, just opening up spiritual fields and planting spiritual grass and spiritual trees would consume unimaginable resources.

"Master Zhang, in the past 20 years, Jingyuan Commercial Bank has transported a total of [-] million spiritual stones of various resources."

When Zhang Li came to Duanyang City, Shen Yuan sent him a ledger.

"The Duanyang Peak caravan has also earned a lot of spirit stones in the past 20 years. It was divided into three times and sent a total of 2000 million spirit stones."

(End of this chapter)

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