Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 246 The Battle Between Martial Dao and Immortal Dao

Chapter 246 The Battle Between Martial Dao and Immortal Dao
Although the Duanyang Peak Caravan has not left under Yunlan Daozong's rule in the past 20 years, it is already well-known.

Many people said that Taoist Zhu Hao, who was in charge of the caravan, was not only lucky, but also extremely capable.

In just 20 years, the Duanyang Peak Caravan became one of the few large caravans under Yunlan Daozong's rule, even the few caravans in the Zongmen Foreign Affairs Hall were inferior.

Originally, outsiders knew Duanyang Peak because the guardian hall was on Duanyang Peak.

The entire Yunlan Taoist sect knew about the Duanyang Palace trade between Zhenshoutang and Duanyangfeng, and Duanyangfeng became the laughing stock of all parties.

However, in just 20 years, Duanyang Peak has become the envy of all parties.

A large caravan with an asset of hundreds of millions of spirit stones, each time it passes, is supported by a caravan stretching for ten miles. The entire Yunlan Dao Sect has only Duanyangfeng's family.

The only one who can benefit from it is Chiyang Peak, which has always had a good relationship with Duanyang Peak.

Many caravan guards were hired from Chiyang Peak.

According to those disciples, Duanyang Peak's remuneration is too generous to imagine.

In the entire Luyangzhou, I am afraid that only Chiyuelou and Jingyuan Trading Company can compare.

Today's Duanyang Peak deacons Zhu Hao and He Yufeng are already the hottest junior elites of the Yunlan Taoist Sect.

As for the acting peak master of Duanyang Peak, Zhang Li, the deacon of the guarding hall, it is said that he has been retreating in Duanyun Palace and doesn't care about things at all.

That's a pity.

Many people wanted to see what Zhang Li's expression would be when he saw Duanyang Peak so prosperous when he left the customs.

Zhang Li looked at the ledger, the Duanyang Peak caravan cooperated with Chiyuelou, and the business was going well.

However, this small business is not enough compared to the big business of Jingyuan Commercial Bank.

In another jade slip account sent by Xu Zhaonian, Jingyuan Commercial Bank's various material reserves and operations recorded in it can no longer be converted with spirit stones.

There are hundreds of billions of goods in Lingshi settlement alone.

The replacement of various other resources is several times the value of spirit stones.

After simply flipping through these account books, Zhang Li put them aside without interest.

If he hadn't been to the Evil Realm, hadn't made a deal with the Immortal Realm, and hadn't set foot in those unowned continents, he would still care about these materials.

Now, he is more interested in Lingshi instead.

In the fairy world, there is no shortage of treasures, only spirit stones, fairy spirit stones.

"How is the deployment of the teleportation array?" Turning his head, Zhang Li looked at Shen Yuan.

From the beginning of the establishment of Duanyang City, the construction and deployment of the teleportation array was an important part.

Without the teleportation array, let alone crossing continents, it would take a year and a half to travel across Luyang Continent.

"The teleportation array has been set up, but it can't connect to the outer domain, it can only connect to the northern domain." Shen Yuan revealed a trace of regret on his face, and said softly.

For others, being able to hook up the teleportation array connecting the north and the south on Luyangzhou is already absolutely remarkable.

But Shen Yuan knew that the teleportation formations controlled by Zhang Li could connect all continents.

After following Zhang Li for so long, Shen Yuan's vision and heart are no longer comparable to ordinary practitioners.

He couldn't even look down on the teleportation array in the Northern Territory.

Sure enough, upon hearing Shen Yuan's words, Zhang Li frowned slightly.

If you can't connect to the teleportation arrays of other continents, you can't support opening the teleportation in the outer domain.

Then the problem of quietly opening the teleportation in the evil domain, or even setting up the teleportation point in the fairyland, which he imagined, cannot be solved.

But think about it, this is a luxury.

The transmission between continents requires a lot of cost.

Teleporting to the Evil Realm, teleporting to the Immortal Realm, I am afraid that even if you order Luo Qin to come, you will not be able to do it.

"No problem." Zhang Li waved his hand and took out a jade tablet.

"There are two transaction messages among them."

"One is a caravan going to the Ten Fang Continent. I have already hired a team of void beasts. After you form the caravan, you can directly take these void beasts to travel through the void sea."

Zhang Li's words made Shen Yuan open his mouth, with a dazed look on his face.

Void sea.

void beast.

Go to Ten Fang Continent.

is it possible?

If it were any other person, Shen Yuan would think that he was a fool if he said that.

He believed what Zhang Li said.

There is nothing in this world that Zhang Li cannot do.

"There is another place, which is connected to the evil domain."

"There is a faction over there that will trade from the fairy world, and then give you the treasures in the fairy world."

Zhang Li looked at Shen Yuan: "For this transaction, only you and someone you can trust can participate."

It is impossible for Zhang Li to do business all the time.

Shen Yuan, Zhang Chu, the people they cultivated by themselves are all trustworthy.

Evil domain.


Shen Yuan showed a wry smile on his face, nodded and said: "I have tried my best to guess, but unfortunately, I still dare not think about it..."

Who dared to think that he could trade with the forces in the evil domain?

Who dares to think that it can directly trade with the fairy world?

"Evil domain, not as complicated and evil as imagined."

"The fairyland is not as beautiful as imagined." Zhang Li stood up, with a dignified expression on his face, and said in a low voice.

The more he sees through the essence of this world, the more Zhang Li feels that in the end of practice, everyone will turn into those ruthless immortals.

There is nothing wrong with what the immortals in the fairy world do.

Walking out of the main hall, Zhang Li quietly walked out of the City Lord's Mansion and came to the street.

Duanyang City has only been built for 20 years, and many places are still rough.

But on the whole, this city of practice has already seen a bit of weather.

The avenue is wide, with attics and shops full of inspiration.

There are also many places where immortal cultivators set up stalls to trade.

There are mortals in the city, and most of them are warriors with the power of blood on their bodies.

There are also many practitioners with spiritual energy surging on their bodies.

Most pedestrians look good.

This city is just being built, and the development of Nanhuang has only just begun, so there are a lot of business opportunities.

If it weren't for the order of the suzerain of the Yunlan Taoist sect, there would be no caravans and resources entering the Southern Wilderness within a hundred years, and more people would probably come to Duanyang City at this time.

"Let's go, let's go, there's another fight on the challenge platform in the city."

"It is said that it is still a confrontation between warriors and practitioners?"

"No, the fighters represented by the Qiao family have always wanted to overwhelm all practitioners in the city."

The sound of conversation came, and many pedestrians rushed forward.

Zhang Li's spiritual thoughts swept across, and with a movement of his body, he arrived in front of a restaurant with a few flashes.

At this time, the restaurant was already noisy.

He walked quickly to the second floor, and a waiter hurriedly stepped forward: "Guest officer, the second floor of Guanyun Tower is already full today, would you like to move to the first floor?"

Zhang Li looked up and saw that there were indeed many people sitting in the seats by the window on the second floor, but they were not yet full.

He frowned and was about to turn around and leave.

"Fellow Daoist, I have a seat here." At this moment, a voice sounded not far from the window.

A young man in a martial robe raised his hand and waved towards Zhang Li.

The other people on the second floor looked at each other and didn't care.

The guy hurried out of the way.

Zhang Li sat down, turned his head and saw a square just outside the window.

At this time, the two figures in the square had already fought against each other.

One is a young man in a martial robe with a long sword in his hand. He has a strong figure and is extremely fast. The sword in his hand has a streamer of light, and he keeps moving and thrusting.

The other is a Taoist with a short beard, holding a jade ruler in his hand, and muttering words in his mouth.

Every time it is swung, it can turn a ray of spiritual light into a frosty edge, covering the sword-wielding boy.

The two figures moved extremely fast, and there was a slight whistling wind between them.

The Taoist blessed himself with Fengyun spell to increase his speed.

As for that young man, he already has the cultivation level of a martial arts master, and when he raises his hands and feet, he has both strength and speed.

"Fellow Daoist, who of them will win?" Sitting opposite Zhang Li, the young man who invited him just now smiled and said softly.

Zhang Li already knew who the two parties fighting below were.

On the one hand is the son of the Qiao family who has inherited martial arts and has rapidly expanded in combat power.

The other party is the deacon of a sect that followed.

There was no enmity between the two parties, it was just because of a word from Qiao Zheng, the young master of the Qiao family.

The current head of the Qiao family is Qiao Anliang, the number one master of the Qiao family.

His son, Qiao Zheng, is said to be extremely talented in cultivation and is a disciple of Shen Yuan, the acting lord of Duanyang City.

After practicing for more than ten years, Qiao Zheng has already stepped into the foundation-building realm of martial arts, and he has even half-stepped into foundation-building in the cultivation of immortality.

This kind of talent is the elite among the elites in Yunlan Daozong.

The Qiao family is a diehard in Duanyang City, no one really wants to offend.

In today's battle, Qiao Zheng said that as long as he becomes a master of martial arts, he can be undefeated in all moves below the eighth level of Qi training.

The eighth level of Qi training is the late stage of Qi training.

The Grandmaster Realm is just equivalent to the third or fourth level of Qi training.

With such a gap like a gap, how could it be possible to be invincible?

That's why today's challenge came about.

After the young man in front of Zhang Li finished asking, he looked at Zhang Li with a slight smile on his face.

Zhang Li glanced over and saw through the identity of the young man in front of him.

Qiao Zheng.

The little guy who was in Chen Yuniang's arms back then.

In 20 years, this little guy has already been a martial artist in the foundation-building realm, a half-step foundation-building practitioner, this kind of talent is really amazing.

"Although the Martial Dao Grandmaster level has some combat power, it's not enough in front of the eighth level of Qi training." Zhang Li shook his head and spoke loudly.

His words made Qiao Zheng's expression darken.

"Not enough?" Qiao Zheng frowned and looked down.

At this time, the battle below had already lasted [-] rounds, with neither winner nor loser.

"Young Master Qiao, it seems that the majority of people are not optimistic about the ability of martial arts to defy the sky." Not far away, a voice sounded, with a bit of banter.

Qiao Zheng turned his head and narrowed his eyes.

"He Jinchang, if you have the guts, fight with me."

He Jinchang.

This name made everyone on the second floor startled for a moment, and then quickly lowered their heads.

If Qiao Zheng is the number one junior elite in Duanyang City Martial Arts, then He Jinchang is the number one elite in Immortal Dao.

It took He Jinchang only 20 years to cultivate from the third level of Qi training to the fifth level of foundation building.

Zhang Li raised his eyes and saw that the young man in a green robe with an indifferent face exuded a trace of aura.

He Jinchang turned his eyes to Zhang Li, glanced at him, and then looked at Qiao Zheng: "If I win you, I won't win with martial arts. If I lose, I will lose my reputation."

He shook his head, waved his hands and said: "In this Duanyang City, you are the disciple of the city lord, why should I fight this battle with you?"

It's not that I'm afraid of you, it's because of your background.

He Jinchang's words made Qiao Zheng's face turn cold, and he said in a low voice, "I can sign a life-and-death contract, winning or losing life and death has nothing to do with others."

Life and death contract.

There was silence on the second floor.

Many people lowered their heads.

After all, you are young, and you can't stand the aggressive generals.

Sure enough, when Qiao Zheng said he was willing to sign a life-and-death contract, He Jinchang smiled.

"Young Master Qiao, you really want to fight with me..." He Jinchang's smile faded, his eyes were icy cold: "Then I will help you."


In the square below, the two fighting figures separated.

The sword-wielding young man covered his chest with his palm, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

The Taoist on the opposite side held a few talismans between his fingertips, and his body was intertwined with auras.

Just now, the Taoist entangled the young man with a talisman, and then used a jade ruler to guide a spell to defeat him.

At this time, the two had not surpassed a hundred moves in their fight.

Qiao Zheng looked down, raised his eyes to look at Zhang Li, then snorted coldly, and flew down.

He threw out a pale golden talisman from his hand, and the talisman ignited spontaneously and turned into a curtain of light.

Qiao Zheng raised his hand to press his fingerprints on the light curtain, then landed on the square, raised his head and shouted: "He Jinchang, come to fight!"

He Jinchang on the second floor laughed loudly, stepped out, and was in mid-air, directly leading the light curtain in front of him, and pointed it out.

Sign a life and death contract.

"Young Master Qiao and He Jinchang fought against each other. I'm afraid this battle will be extremely exciting."

"Hey, this Young Master Qiao is also a ruthless person when fighting against the third level or above."

"The life and death contract has been signed, this battle is hard to say."

There was a murmur on the second floor.

Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, and his eyes turned downward.

He Jinchang's face was indifferent, and he held a clear long sword in his hand.

However, his long sword is not a sword of sword repair, but densely covered with clouds, which is obviously a sword of drawing magic.


Qiao Zheng unsheathed the long sword in his hand, stepped straight up, and rushed towards He Jinchang.

Sword repair.

Qiao Zheng is not only a martial arts practitioner, but also a swordsman.

The light of the sword was cold, causing a strong wind, with a shrill scream.

His speed was extremely fast, and only an afterimage was seen.

He Jinchang, who was in mid-air, swung his sword horizontally, and a dark flame shot out in front of him.

The flames turned into a ten-foot pool of fire, protecting him in it.


A long sword directly chopped the sea of ​​fire, and then pointed at He Jinchang's neck.

Without hesitation, He Jinchang turned into a cloud and was torn apart by the sword.

But his figure appeared ten feet away, intact.

Qiao Zheng also held the long sword in his hand, and flew to the other side.

"it is good--"

Outside the square, there were thunderous cheers.

In this moment of confrontation, the strength displayed in an instant is ten times and a hundred times stronger than the two just now.

"Kill." Without hesitation, Qiao Zheng thrust out the sword again.

The cold light from the sword's edge turned into sword energy and shot ten feet straight.

Sword Qi!

This is the power of the sword that can directly sweep the foundation.

He Jinchang looked dignified, raised his hand, and the three golden talismans in front of him turned into flowing light, interlaced and changing, blocking the sword energy.

On the second floor, Zhang Li smiled lightly and shook his head slightly.

He moved and disappeared in the same place.


The staggered long swords below and the clashing sound of the talismans became one piece.

Qiao Zheng raised his hand, Jian Guang withdrew it, and turned his gaze to the direction of the second floor.

"Stop beating, let's go." He waved his hand with a trace of disappointment on his face.

He Jinchang also stopped, and said dejectedly: "Aren't we still unable to get into the eyes of the peak master?"

Qiao Zheng shook his head, put away the long sword, and muttered: "If you see that a strong man like my master dare not face him directly in front of the Peak Lord, you will know that we are nothing in front of him."


At this moment, a golden light flew down.

Message runes.

Qiao Zheng stretched out his hand to take it, his face froze.

"The caravan traveled through the void sea, practicing with the team..."

"Me too." He Jinchang looked up.

"Is it, you value us, or does it mean that our cultivation still needs to be honed?"

(End of this chapter)

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