Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 247 Do you dare to come to the battle of the demonic way?

Chapter 247 Do you dare to come to the battle of the demonic way?
Whether it is martial arts practice or immortal practice, it needs sharpening.

Zhang Li has already found the evil domain that is most suitable for practicing martial arts, so naturally he will not let such a good place be wasted.

Whether it is the Earth Immortal Realm or the Evil Realm, both are suitable for martial arts practice.

And the most suitable place for immortal practice is the fairy world.

Although there is very little fairy energy there, and treasures such as spirit stones and fairy stones have been collected, there are all kinds of elixir, various cultivation resources, and the cultivation environment is incomparable outside.

According to Zhang Li's request, Shen Yuan and the others will arrange more people to join the void caravan, and then enter the fairyland and evil realm to hone their skills.

Of course, all those who participated in it wanted to become Zhang Li's direct descendants, the descendants who would never betray.

Zhang Li can't do the business of marrying clothes for others.

In fact, whether it is the Earth Immortal Realm or Luo Wuzhou, and then to the Evil Realm and Immortal Realm, Zhang Li controls the power at the top level from the beginning to the end.

Only he can turn the lowest-level spirit stones and ghost stones into the most precious fairy pearls and ghost pearls.

Controlling the most core resources is his real confidence.

Whether it is Zhu Yuanzhenjun or Ming Luo, they all want Zhang Li to practice with the Fire Lingzhu and Xianlingzhu in his hand.

These kinds of treasures, I am afraid that only the immortals in the fairy world can have some of them now.

After arranging the matter in the southern wilderness, Zhang Li spent [-] spirit stones to activate the teleportation array and quietly came to the northern region.

One teleportation is worth [-] spirit stones. This teleportation array is really not something ordinary people can play with.

Of course, to Zhang Li, this was nothing.

In Xuezheng City, Ao Jin happily came to see Zhang Li.

Today's Beiyu is already the main stronghold of Jingyuan Commercial Bank in Luyangzhou.

The entire Northern Territory is also under the rule of Xue Zhengcheng.

"Where is Zhenjun Zhu Yuan?"

Seeing how healthy Ao Jin is now, Zhang Li asked.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan came to Luyang Continent, which made everyone in Luyang Continent the most nervous.

However, it has been more than 20 years in Lu Yangzhou, and Zhu Yuanzhen has never had any intention of appearing in front of the world, which makes all parties a little more stable.

"Zhenjun Zhu Yuan has been living in seclusion in Xuetang Mountain. He said that it was his sect back then." Ao Jin said in a low voice.

Zhu Yuanzhenjun's sect has long been destroyed, and part of the inheritance is the current Yunlan Taoist sect.

In the world, there are very few sects that have been passed down for tens of millions of years.

No matter whether it is foreign enemies or internal difficulties, the sect may be destroyed because of a fuse.

For most powerhouses, as long as the sect inheritance is not destroyed, it can be continued in another form.

Therefore, many sects in the world are devouring and merging with each other. As long as it is a truly powerful inheritance, there is no saying that it will definitely be cut off.

When Zhang Li came to Xuetang Mountain, he saw that Zhu Yuanzhen was like an old farmer who opened up a forest and planted many spiritual herbs.

A small hut with some chickens and ducks in the courtyard.

Planting spiritual herbs, raising chickens and ducks, and opening up a world outside the Northern Territory requires enough spare money for such leisure activities.

This pheasant probably consumed more spiritual stones than a third-level qi practitioner.

Sure enough, I can play.

Standing in front of the hut, Zhang Li watched the fish swimming in the creek ahead, and Zhu Yuanzhen Jun was catching fish there with a dip net.

"Fishing is too troublesome, so it's still easy to catch like this." Zhenjun Zhu Yuan grinned, and turned to look at Zhang Li.

"Why, you're not busy making money anymore?"

Even Zhenjun Zhu Yuan was shocked by how many resources Zhang Li's firm controlled.

That's what he envied.

Not only him, but Ming Luo also expressed emotion that doing business still depends on Zhang Li.

"True Monarch, I wonder how much you know about the Evil Realm and the Immortal Realm?"

Zhang Li stood by the stream, looking at Zhenjun Zhu Yuan.

Hearing his words, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan frowned.

"Evil domain, that is the opposite of the world of practice." There was a glint of inspiration in Zhu Yuan's eyes.

"You know, the power of heaven and earth is actually a transformation, not a complete annihilation."

"When the power of the fairy ends, it is the beginning of the dissipation of the spirit of the underworld."

"At the beginning, the Mingling family was suppressed in the evil domain, and it continued to decline as the fairy world became stronger."

"But later, when the fairy world declined, the Hades became stronger and stronger."

Zhang Li knew what happened next.

Jiuxuan Sword Master broke through the fairy world with a single sword, causing the fairy world to fall into the evil realm.

After that, he used his own power to suppress the evil domain so that it could not corrode the world of practice.

"But it's useless."

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan shook his head.

"The balance has been broken, and the aura has dissipated, which will naturally lead to a sharp increase in the aura."

"When the power of the Mingling race reaches a certain level, it will swallow up all the practice worlds."

Looking at Zhang Li, Zhu Yuanzhenjun lowered his voice: "Then, this is the beginning of a new calamity."

Quantity robbery.

It is the beginning and end of reincarnation in the world.

Zhang Li knew that when the underworld clan became the masters of the heaven and earth, the power of the heaven and earth would change at that time, and the spirit of the fairy would be on the other side, becoming another kind of spirit of the underworld.

But the price of this process is that almost all fairy inheritance will be cut off.

As for a cultivator like him who is not bad at cultivation, he will naturally fall with the death of the world.

This is the interlacing and changing of the two paths of practice, and there is no reason to speak of it.

"Actually, I don't know how long the Nine Profound Sword Master can suppress. From the fact that there are more and more void seas, we can see that there is not much time in the world of practice." Zhu Yuanzhenjun showed a trace of regret on his face.

It's not just him who knows.

The strong in the world know it.

That's why there are so many strong people who intercept the aura of the spirit world and then reunite in the little fairy world.

"I don't know what the current situation is in the Little Immortal Realm, but there are real top experts." Zhang Li said.

Only at their level of cultivation can they understand that only the top powerhouses can support the overall situation.

Back then, Xiniuzhou would have been annexed long ago if Zhenjun Zhu Yuan hadn't been in charge.

One person can suppress a world.

Nine Profound Sword Master is like this, one person, one sword guarantees that the world will not be destroyed.

"Little Immortal Realm..." Zhenjun Zhu Yuan pondered for a moment and shook his head.

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Li: "You won't move your mind to the Little Immortal Realm, will you?"

Seeing Zhang Li's expression, Zhu Yuanzhenjun's expression moved slightly: "Your boy has always been so bold, but if you want to do business with them, you must be able to produce something they value."

"The Little Immortal Realm has gathered all the treasures of the entire cultivation world, what do you think they need? Except for the dissipation of the spirit energy—"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Li took out a jade bottle from his hand.

Zhu Yuanzheng was taken aback for a moment, reached out to take the jade bottle, and frowned.

"This refining method is actually like the ancient times..."

Sensing the elixir in the jade bottle with his divine sense, his face showed a trace of surprise: "The elixir used to stabilize the soul and body in the Nascent Soul Realm, which continent can refine this kind of elixir?"

Today, there are hundreds of continents in the practice world, and it seems that no one can have such powerful alchemists.

The expression on his face slowly changed from relaxed to dignified, and he looked at Zhang Li: "Little Immortal Realm? Have you already contacted them?"

Zhang Li shook his head: "I'm planning to trade treasures of this level to the Little Immortal Realm."

Use this treasure to trade?

Where did this treasure come from?

There are a lot more?

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan showed surprise on his face.

"Can Zhenjun guess where my elixir came from?"


Guess, but dare not say.

Seeing Zhenjun Zhu Yuan's complexion, Zhang Li said softly, "Immortal Realm."


This is such a strange yet familiar name.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan was stunned for a long time before he held the jade bottle and said in a low voice, "How did you do it?"

Zhang Li didn't hide anything, and told in a low voice how he entered the Evil Realm from the Void Sea through the Void Crack, and then entered the Immortal Realm.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan's expression changed, he nodded and shook his head.

After a long time, he just whispered: "You know how difficult these opportunities are?"


It is indeed difficult.

Whether it is a crack in the void or establishing a force in the evil domain.

Including being able to trade in the fairy world.

You have to have something handy.

Zhang Li can take out the Ming Lingzhu, which is a treasure that outsiders can't take out at all.

There are also chalcedony beads, and other treasures, which are not available to ordinary out-of-body powerhouses.

Looking down at the jade bottle in his hand, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan's eyes flickered.

"You came to look for me, not just in the Little Immortal Realm, but in the Immortal Realm."

Just the Little Immortal World, there is no need to tell about the Immortal World.

For people like Zhu Yuanzhenjun, once they know the way to the fairy world, they definitely want to go.

This is clearly an exchange condition that Zhang Li offered.

Zhang Li nodded.

He came to look for Zhenjun Zhu Yuan because of the small fairy world, and also for the fairy world.

If Zhenjun Zhu Yuan could personally enter the fairy world, he would be able to find far more information than he could find himself.

Moreover, if Zhenjun Zhu Yuan could enter and leave the fairy world freely, then there would be more regulations on how to deal with the affairs of the fairy world in the future.

"Okay, wait until I finish refining the Demon Suppressing Pagoda." Instead of refusing, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan showed a firm expression on his face.

For a strong man like him, it was an unimaginable opportunity to go to the fairy world.

"Where's Ming Luo?" Zhenjun Zhu Yuan looked at Zhang Li.

Zhang Li chuckled.

Ming Luo and Zhu Yuanzhen Jun are both the objects of his invitation.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to Ming Luo." Zhu Yuanzhenjun understood Zhang Li's thoughts and nodded.

He and Mingluo are contemporaries with similar moods, so naturally what they are looking for is similar.

Zhang Li returned to Xuezheng City from Xuetang Mountain, and Ao Jin came to tell him that the conflict between the Dao Demons on Luyangzhou had intensified.

"Yun Teng Taoist, the great elder of the Yunlan Dao Sect, and the owner of the Chiyue Tower joined forces to fight the Wanmo Palace at Wangtian Ridge."

"However, Mo Yuezhou behind the Wanmo Palace has a Nascent Soul Daxiu."

Wanmo Temple colluded with Mo Yuezhou's demon cultivator to fight against Yunlan Daozong and Chiyuelou.

This war is probably also planned by the Temple of Demons.

There was a hint of contemplation on Zhang Li's face.

He understood why Zhu Yuanzheng was going to seek his life.

Because he didn't want to participate in the disputes on Luyangzhou.

To him, the forces on Luyang Continent had little to do with his sect back then, and it was meaningless for him to come out ahead.

Better stay away.

"Brother Zhang, do you want to arrange for experts from Jingyuan Trading Company to come?" Ao Jin looked at Zhang Li and asked in a low voice.

Today's Jingyuan Commercial Bank has the capital to say this.

In the Yuanying Realm, there are more than ten enshrined in Jingyuan Commercial Firm.

"I'll go and have a look." Zhang Li waved his hand.


Wang Tianling.

This place has always been the most intense battle between Yunlan Daozong and Wanmo Temple.

For so many years, many powerful people from the Temple of Demons have infiltrated here.

In order to deal with it, Yunlan Daozong reopened the guardian hall.

Most of the disciples in the guarding hall are here now.

When Zhang Li arrived, the battle had already started here.

The interlacing of spiritual light and magic light caused the power of heaven and earth to vibrate.

Zhang Li's body is on Duanyang Peak, and the power of the heavenly way has completely enveloped Duanyang Peak.

This is a good beginning.

As long as he goes one step further, he will be able to embezzle the great luck of Yunlan Daozong.

Zhang Li knew that this might be one of the reasons why Yunlan Taoist Sect was in decline.

Although the world of practice has no spirit, it will also follow the direction that is most beneficial to oneself.

If the mundane Heavenly Dao on Duanyang Peak wants to annex the Heavenly Dao of the practice world, the Heavenly Dao will naturally resist.

Its resistance is not that spiritual, but it will follow its most favorable choice.

For example, attracting the Palace of Demons to attack Yunlan Daozong.


In front of Zhang Li, someone shouted, and several figures rushed out, blocking his way.

This place is where the two sides are fighting, and any outsiders who come will be intercepted.

Zhang Li raised his hand, revealing a jade tablet in his palm.

"Duanyang Peak..."

The leading disciple of the Yunlan Dao Sect showed astonishment on his face.

Duanyang Peak now has a very special position in Yunlan Taoist Sect.

Duanyang Peak disciples will not come here to fight, but they can gather resources and gather wealth for the sect.

This is more important than fighting.

There is a conclusion in the Yunlan Dao Sect that a disciple of Duanyang Peak is worth several times that of other peaks of the same level.

Who told someone to be rich?
"Duanyang Peak's acting master, Zhang Li." The leading disciple saw Zhang Li's identity from the jade plaque, and let out a low voice.

Zhang Li, the master of Duanyang Peak, is very controversial among the sects.

Some people say that he is a cowardly villain, while others say that he is a strong man with extraordinary wisdom.

In any case, this person lives in seclusion in Duanyang Peak, regardless of the big and small things in Duanyang Peak, but can be stable and gather wealth, which is also his skill.

"I'm here to look at Tianling to help." Zhang Li nodded, and said loudly, "I'm also a guarding disciple."

Guardian Hall.

Zhang Li is really the deacon of the guardian hall.

It's just that his deacon is almost forgotten by outsiders.

Several guarding disciples looked at each other and led Zhang Li up to Wangtian Ridge.

In front of this mountain, there are densely packed demon camps, at least a million demon cultivators gathered.

On the other side is the Taoist army, which is also stretching.

"Deacon Zhang Li? You come here..." When he saw Zhang Li, the guardian of the hall, Taoist Fu Ming showed a trace of bewilderment on his face.

"Naturally, I came here to contribute to the sect and guard the hall." Zhang Li looked solemn.

Taoist Fuming and Wu Jin, the deputy hall master at the side, looked at each other.

They have not returned to Duanyang Peak for ten years, but they are aware of the changes in Duanyang Peak.

Zhu Hao and others are now worth more than the guardian hall.

Even if Zhang Li, the acting peak master, doesn't care about things, he can have no worries in Duanyang Peak.

Are you really here to contribute to the sect?

"Well, today we are going to guard the hall to destroy the siege tools of the Demon Dao. Since Deacon Zhang Li is willing to contribute to the sect, you should come too."

Wu Jin looked at Zhang Li and said in a deep voice, "However, if he died in front of the battle, at most his name would be written on the Zongmen Tianbei."

"Do you dare to come?"

(End of this chapter)

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