Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 248 Nascent Soul Battle, Goodbye Lin Chaoyang

Chapter 248 Nascent Soul Battle, Goodbye Lin Chaoyang

Dare to come?
Zhang Li smiled and said nothing.

If he didn't dare, why did he come to look at Tianling?

Turning his head to look at the mountain top in the distance, there are clouds and mists, and spiritual light flashes.

Great Elder Yun Teng is there, right?

Seeing Zhang Li's expression, Taoist Fuming and Wu Jin looked at each other.

Is this guy really going to die?

Elder Fu Ming pondered for a while, and took a deep breath: "Today's battle is a battle for my guarding hall to restore my reputation. Let go of life and death."

"If I die in battle, Wu Jin will take over as Hall Master."

After finishing speaking, he looked forward and said in a deep voice: "You all go to prepare. After half an hour, you will attack the front line of the Palace of Demons."


The guarding hall has consumed a lot of resources of the sect over the years, but it has not shown much effect.

Except for the disciples who become guarding earth immortals to have stronger insight and have some deterrence against the infiltrating magic cultivators, other aspects of combat power are a mess.

In fact, a hall that has only been established for 20 years is unlikely to have a strong combat power, let alone the hall master Fuming Daoist's cultivation is only at the early stage of Jindan.

Such a hall is incomparable with Siping Hall and other powerful halls.

Zhang Li was walking on the mountain road, looking at the guarding hall disciples who quickly gathered behind him, he shook his head slightly.

Although the Pantheon below does not seem to be moving, it is obvious that they are very concerned about the protection of the battle equipment.

Various means of investigation and interception have been deployed.

With these disciples on the mountain at this time, it is impossible to rush over.


In the distance, a stream of golden light hits down.

It was a supernatural power struck by a strong man in the Golden Core Realm.

As this magical power fell, the magic lights of the heavens and earth below rose one after another.

Immediately, magic light and spiritual light intertwined, roaring and exploding, dyeing the world golden red.

There was a tremor among the mountains.

This is the top-notch battle between the Dao Demon and the Dao Demon in Luyangzhou. Without the Gold Core Realm, they don't even have the qualifications to lead the fight.

"Let's go." Taoist Fuming whispered, wearing a black hooded robe, and walked quickly.

Behind him, Wu Jin and others followed, followed closely by guarding hall disciples with solemn expressions.

Zhang Li's figure fell behind Wu Jin, neither fast nor slow.

They quietly crossed the battle line and ran on a trail.

Concealing the power of immortality and true energy on his body, he only runs with physical power, and the robe on his body covers all power fluctuations.

Ahead, a number of strong disciples of the guarding hall lead the way.

Zhang Li can see that they all have the foundation of martial arts practice.

Over the years, martial arts has quietly become popular in Daomen.



Two low shouts sounded, and the disciple who was running in front flew up, slashing down with the long knife in his hand.

The clean knife light was stained with blood.

The two guarding disciples of the Demon Sect fell in a pool of blood.

"call out--"

In the distance, a black magic light shot into the sky, and then exploded into a black lotus flower.

Demonic means of communication.

The black lotus and the intertwined spiritual light and magic light on the distant mountains are resplendent.

This is already exposed.

Taoist Fu Ming had an ugly expression on his face, and turned his head to look behind him.

Behind him were three hundred guarding hall disciples, all of whom looked dignified.

"Since it has been exposed, then attack."

Taoist Fuming also simply raised his hand and whispered: "The first team will follow me, and the others will follow Vice Hall Master Wu Jin."

He glanced at Zhang Li, and then said, "You are also with Vice Hall Master Wu Jin."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Fuming flew up, his body aura soared into the sky, and he clenched a green jade bamboo staff tightly in his hand, swaying out a series of spiritual patterns, turning into countless bamboo leaves.

With a scream, these bamboo leaves cut through the sky and flew forward.

The team of guarding hall disciples rushed forward along with Taoist Fu Ming.

"Let's go!" Wu Jin yelled, his breath still restrained, and he walked forward quickly.

Zhang Li moved unhurriedly, following behind Taoist Wu Jin.

More than a hundred disciples kept silent and walked forward with their heads down.


Not far away, Taoist Fuming and his team had already fought against the demon practitioners.

The roar resounded.

Magic light and aura intertwine.

In the distance, between the sky, there are golden lights bursting.

Several sword lights shone.

"It was a few Jindan elders who made the move in order to contain the masters of the Wanmo Temple." Wu Jin took a deep breath and turned to look at Zhang Li.

"This battle can only be won but not lost."

"If I die in battle, Zhang Li, the deacon of this team, will command you."

After speaking, Wu Jin moved forward much faster.

"Kill." A low shout sounded in front of him, and a stream of devilish energy turned into a rope and exploded towards Wu Jin's head.

A gray wooden sword in Wu Jin's hand drew out a streak of blue-gray streamer, knocking the magic light away.


With a low shout, without hesitation, he led everyone behind him to rush forward.

A streak of magic light lit up in front of him.

One after another foundation-building figures stepped into the air, and the weapons in their hands triggered the magic light, rushing towards the group of practitioners.

Not far away, Taoist Fuming and the others are leading more demon cultivators.


Ten miles away, a streamer of light lit up on a battle tool, and then turned into a ball of light with a radius of about Zhang, smashing towards the top of Wangtian Ridge.

The power condensed by this ball of light has already surpassed a full-strength strike of a third-level Golden Core.

The key is that it is all issued by the battle equipment, and the ones who control the battle equipment are just a group of foundation building and Qi training.

This is why Taoist Fu Ming and the others want to destroy the battle equipment.


A cyan sharp blade slashed towards Wu Jin, but Wu Jin blocked it, retreating backwards.

His face was pale, and he shouted in a low voice: "It's a half-step Golden Core Realm!"

The disciples running behind him were all shocked.

Blocked here by a half-step Golden Core Realm, how could they rush to the battle equipment position in front?

"Deacon Zhang, you are here to hold back this half-step golden elixir." A golden iron ball the size of a fist was in Wu Jin's hand, and his eyes shone brightly.

"I'm going to blow up that battle tool."

The iron bead in his hand is a treasure of refining equipment, refined with thunder and fire treasures, it can arouse thunder and fire.

The bead exploded, and a thousand zhang radius was covered with flames.

Zhang Li turned to look at Wu Jin.

With Wu Jin's cultivation and combat strength, not to mention whether he can rush to that position, even if he can rush there and trigger the iron ball to explode, he will die.


Not far away, the originally shining aura has been suppressed.

Obviously, Taoist Fuming and his team can't hold out for long.

"I'll do it." Zhang Li raised his hand, and the iron ball in Wu Jin's hand fell into his palm.

Zhang Li unsheathed a long sword in his hand, held the iron ball in one hand, and walked forward quickly.

Wu Jin froze for a moment, then looked down at his empty palm.

Just now, the Huoyunlei in his hand was taken away by Zhang Li?

"You, be careful..." Seeing Zhang Li's figure, Wu Jin let out a low cry.

He looked up to see the half-step Golden Core Moxiu making another move, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Follow me!"

The wooden sword in his hand vibrated and turned into pieces of golden clouds, and then rushed towards the demon cultivator who was half-step golden core.

The disciples of the guarding hall of the contract followed suit and shot with all their strength, attracting a series of phantoms to attack.

Zhang Li held the sword in his hand and walked forward quickly.

He doesn't have much reliance on Daomen, and there is no bottom line that must be helped by Daomen in this battle between Daomen and demons.

But now that his body has supported Tiandao to such an extent on Duanyang Peak, he needs to gain more power in Yunlan Daozong.

There is no point in dormant any longer.

"call out--"

A blue and black arrow shot towards Zhang Li's head.

He raised the sword in his hand, raised it lightly, and chopped the arrow back directly.

The archery black-robed Moxiu shook his body and looked down at the arrow on his chest.


Three demon cultivators rushed out, a black fire snake, a golden-gray chain, and a string of golden-red fire pillars smashed towards Zhang Li.

With a twist of Zhang Li's long sword, the fire snake shattered.

With a slash of the sword, the golden-gray chains shattered.

He didn't stop walking, he walked forward three zhang, stepped out, and kicked the golden red fire pillar into pieces.

The sword in his hand made a faint scream, and with a forward thrust, an illusory crack was pierced into the world in front of him.

The crack turned into three, piercing through the bodies of the three demon cultivators in the early stage of foundation establishment.

This sword, the sword energy in it is so strong that the scattered demon cultivators around are trembling.

The biggest difference between the magic way and the Taoism is that the magic way seeks good fortune and avoids evil, and it is all for self-interest.

When encountering a strong enemy, it is impossible for Moxiu to unite against the enemy.

At this time, Zhang Li Yijian showed great strength, and the other demon cultivators scattered.

Zhang Li walked forward with his sword in his hand, until three miles away, a middle-aged man in gray armor flew down, and then a spear in his hand fell towards him.

The sharp edge protruding from the spear triggered a stream of black light, and the whistling sound was ear-piercing.

That streamer turned into a black cheetah and rushed towards Zhang Li.

The three-foot-tall cheetah bared its teeth and exuded a ferocious air.

This is the combination of technique and one's own combat skills, coupled with the cultivation base of five or more levels of foundation building, superimposed combat power, and the means are extremely extraordinary.

There was a gleam of golden light in Zhang Li's eyes, and he raised his hand and stabbed out with a sword.

His sword light spun and condensed into a long blue dragon.

The body of the long dragon is transparent and illusory, but the scales and armor are distinct.

With a roar of Jianguang Changlong, it smashed the cheetah into pieces, and then rushed towards the spear-wielding Moxiu.

"Good sword repair!"

Moxiu let out a low cry, and stabbed out with the spear in his hand.


The spearhead of the war spear was blocked by the long dragon's raised claws, and the green dragon raised its long tail and slapped it hard.

Moxiu's body trembled, and he rolled over, dodging the blow to the head from the long tail, but he couldn't avoid the shoulder.

The long tail slashed down like a sword light, cutting off his shoulders directly.

Moxiu let out a cry of pain, held the broken arm, and flew away.

Zhang Li didn't care about him, and walked forward with his sword in his hand, while the dragon circled around him.

At this time, the sound of roaring in the distance rang together.

On Wangtian Ridge, two magnificent phantoms began to collide.

Zhang Li recognized that one of them was the owner of Chiyuelou who he had seen once.

The other one is probably enshrined in the Nascent Soul Realm of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons.

If the owner of the Chiyue Tower had a choice, he would not be too involved with the Dao Sect. It is really a combination of the Demon Dao and the Outer Domain. If he does not make a move, the entire Luyang Continent will eventually be occupied.

At that time, his Chiyue Tower may also be destroyed.


Ahead, there was a roar from the battlefield, and golden balls of light flew out.

That is the Julingyun magic tower most commonly used by the magic way.

This kind of light ball gathered by spirit stone or magic energy infusion is not small.

The key is that manipulators don't need to be strong, as long as they have a foundation-building stage.

This is an excellent weapon of war with a small body.

Jingyuan Trading Company also sold such war equipment.

At this time, Zhang Li had already arrived outside the battlefield, and the rows of demon cultivators in front of him blocked the way.

He raised the long sword in his hand, and streaks of blue sword energy shone.

No one could stop his pace, they were all picked up by the sword light.

Flying to the front of a black five-story magic tower, Zhang Li threw the Huoyunlei out of his hand without hesitation.


Thousands of feet in radius, instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder and fire.

The black towers that had been lit up were subsequently exploded.

In an instant, Dao Dao's magic lights soared into the sky.

"Zhang Li, he actually has such courage..." Wu Jin, who was covered in blood, looked at the thunder light and whispered in his mouth.

At this time, only half of the disciples left behind him.

On the other side, Taoist Fuming, who was already blind and whose white hair was stained with blood, raised his head and shouted: "Withdraw—"

Behind him, more than a dozen guarding disciples supported each other, turned around and left.

Above the mountains in the distance, one after another figures rushed out, charging down towards the Demon Dao Camp.

The battlefield was destroyed, although it was only one of them, but such a scene immediately weakened the Mo Dao's momentum. If you don't make a move at this time, when will you wait?

The position of the magic weapon was destroyed, and the battle on the entire battlefield broke out again.

Zhang Li held his sword and looked ahead with a calm expression.

"court death."

A voice sounded.

A pale-faced black-robed Taoist holding a pale bone staff appeared in front of Zhang Li, and the mighty devilish energy on his body directly suppressed the thousand-zhang thunder sea.

The flames soaring into the sky were also instantly extinguished.

Such a huge aura is probably only in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Fellow Daoist Wuhai, is it possible that you are going to have trouble with a junior?" A voice sounded behind Zhang Li.

Zhang Li was familiar with this voice.

He turned his head and saw Lin Chaoyang holding a sword in his hand, smiling and nodding at him.

"I haven't seen you in 300 years. I never expected to see you here." Lin Chaoyang sighed softly with a hint of emotion on his face.

Lin Chaoyang, Lin Xu.

Or, the grand elder of Yunlan Daozong, real Yunteng.

"Great Elder." Zhang Li nodded and said with a light smile, "Brother Lin, I brought a lot of Gui Yunxue back."

Brother Lin made Lin Chaoyang laugh at this sound.

"Haha, when this battle is over, I will definitely taste Gui Yunxue."

After Lin Chaoyang's words fell, a green wooden long sword in his hand had already stabbed directly at the demonic Nascent Soul in front of him.

On the edge of the sword, streamers of light turned into breezes, and then condensed into wind rolls.

When the sword comes out, the law follows.

"Transformation." The demon cultivator on the opposite side shouted, and the bone staff in his hand turned into a ten-foot bone warrior.

The bone warrior held a large axe in his hand, and he would chop it up when he raised it.


All the wind rolls were smashed to pieces by this long axe.


Moxiu drank again, and the bone warrior turned into Baidao's figure and rushed towards Lin Chaoyang.

Lin Chaoyang waved the wooden sword in his hand, triggering a series of spirit patterns, blocking those bone warriors.

The demon cultivator turned his head to look at Zhang Li, sneered, and swayed a magic talisman.

The talisman turned into a black war bear and ran towards Zhang Li.

"Lin Chaoyang, if you're here today, don't leave." Moxiu looked at Lin Chaoyang, with his arms open, gray devilish energy surged in his hands.

A cloud of gray moonlight swayed.

Mo Yuezhou's method.

This Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator is from Mo Yuezhou.

"Do you know how much we paid for besieging and killing you?"

Mo Xiu let out a long laugh, and all the gray moonlight exploded.

The sky and the earth are covered with ash.

A large formation emerged.

Four figures flew down, each occupying one side.

"The five Nascent Souls really think highly of me, Lin Chaoyang."

Lin Chaoyang's face darkened, and he let out a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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