Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 249 Against the battle, beheading 5 Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators

Lin Chaoyang is very strong.

To be able to suppress the Luyangzhou Taoist sect by one person, the combat power is naturally extremely tyrannical.

It's just that no matter how strong he is, he can at most be at the same level.

Facing the five Nascent Soul Realm directly, they have already formed an formation, and that is certain death.

Turning his head to look at Zhang Li beside him, Lin Chaoyang sighed slightly.

"Boy, I heard you're back. I was planning to meet you sometime, but I didn't expect to be here."

A fierce and mighty fighting spirit rose from his body, and a surging light of killing appeared in his eyes.

"If you can go back alive, I will accept you as a closed disciple."

With a long laugh, the spiritual light in Lin Chaoyang's hand gathered and turned into a blue sword light.

The sword light shone, and his figure flickered, and he was already ten thousand feet away.

The two Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators followed and stood in front of Lin Chaoyang.

Cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm, whether it is speed or strength, they are already at the top among mortals, unless they can go one step further, the primordial spirit will come out of the body, almost detached.


Lin Chaoyang let out a low shout, and stabbed out with the sword in his hand.

Endless sharp blades formed directly on the blade, and then condensed into a blue wind volume, blocking in front of a demonic nascent infant.

The wind is extremely fierce, and every blow seems to be able to cut open the world in front of it.

The Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator with a head full of magic patterns had a solemn expression, and a pale golden cauldron appeared in his hand.

Devil energy rose from the cauldron, intertwined continuously, turned into a snare, and then hit Fengjuan.

The wind volume collided with the magic net on the cauldron, and it exploded with a roar, and the sound shook the sky.

In a radius of ten thousand zhang, everything is shaking like water waves.

Lin Chaoyang thrust out such a sword, and his breath was slightly weaker.

He didn't stop, rolled the sword in his hand again, and rushed towards another Nascent Soul Daxiu.

"No wood."

As he whispered, pieces of green tea leaves emerged from the sword in his hand.

The tea leaves condensed into slices of sharp blades with a cold glow, which swirled out.

These sharp edges have no trajectory at all, but each piece can tear apart the space when shot out, with a shining streamer.

"call out--"

The shrill shriek frightens the soul, below the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm, the soul will inevitably be shaken by the sound, and the combat power cannot be gathered.

This is the coercion that the strong have on the weak when they make a move.

From spirit, momentum, strength, speed, all aspects of crushing.

Only a very small number of people can withstand all the pressure and make a move against the trend.

Faced with these methods, the demonic soul did not dare to neglect, raised a bronze war gun in his hand, and a stream of magic fire exploded on it, turning into thousands of streamers, colliding with the sharp blades.

This kind of battle scene, Jindan below the seventh floor is not even qualified to participate.

"After all, he is the leader of the Taoist sect. Great Elder Yun Teng is really capable." Not far away, a voice sounded.

A big man in a gray robe and a black magic armor walked forward slowly.

Nascent Soul Realm.

"Do you know why we can surround you here today?"

The big man glanced at Zhang Li, and then looked at Lin Chaoyang, who was fighting the gun-wielding Demon Cultivator.

Beside him, an old man with magic lines all over his face, two feet tall, and golden rings on his hands and feet showed a sneer on his face.

The two Nascent Souls went side by side.

The two raised their hands at the same time.

The black battle sword in the hand of the demon armor was lifted up, and with one step, a sword light streaked across thousands of feet.

The golden rings on the hands and feet of the tall old man flew out, turning into golden killer bees, and surrounded Lin Chaoyang.

"Without the help of your Yunlan Taoist Sect Master Yuge, how could we besiege and kill the leader of the Taoist sect today?"

The demon cultivator who controlled the demon armor looked indifferent, and his voice resounded for hundreds of miles.

Everyone in the world can hear his words.

Daoist Yuge, the suzerain of the Yunlan Dao Sect, betrayed the Great Elder, Daoist Yun Teng?
Such things, possible?

When the voice came out, looking at the Tianling line, all the practitioners of the Taoist sect were immediately suppressed.

If the Taoist sect really has such internal strife, what kind of fighting spirit can there be?
"Disrupt our army's morale?" Lin Chaoyang's expression remained unchanged, but his fighting spirit was boiling.

He didn't stop on his feet, and the sword light in his hand swayed.

"If I go back, the Taoist sect will be as stable as a rock."

"If I don't return, the Taoist sect will be torn apart."

"Why do you need to say more?"

Lin Chaoyang slashed one step at a time, forcing the two Nascent Souls in front of him back, turned around, and looked at the two Nascent Souls who were chasing up.

At this time, his chest was heaving and his body was full of fighting spirit, but it was obvious that his true energy was greatly consumed.

In a battle with the same level, it is still necessary to deal with two of them at the same time, and when fighting, you must be wary of other Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators of the same level behind you.

This kind of battle, if not for Lin Chaoyang's profound cultivation, would have collapsed long ago.

"Zhang Li, do you know what they mean by what they said today?"

Lin Chaoyang suddenly looked at Zhang Li and spoke loudly.

His voice also shook the mountains, and could be heard clearly for hundreds of miles.

The four Nascent Soul Realm demons turned their gazes to Zhang Li's direction.

"It's simple, let the elder feel that the way out is cut off, and it's just a desperate fight." Zhang Li's voice was unhurried and equally clear.

It made Lin Chaoyang feel that even if he ran for his life back today, he must be seriously injured. Taoist Yuge had already betrayed him, and he would never be given a chance to heal his injuries.

Facing five Nascent Soul Realm overhauls of the same level, if Lin Chaoyang wanted to escape with all his strength, he might not be able to leave, but he just wanted to get out of trouble with his whole body.

But there is no retreat, if you fight to the death, you will definitely die.

Zhang Li's words made Wangtian Ridge quiet for a while.

"Zhang Li, he's still alive..." Wu Jin's face flashed with excitement, and he stared straight ahead.

Daoist Fuming, who was coughing up blood, had a bright light in his eyes, and while he was running back quickly, he whispered, "This kid is really lucky..."

On Wangtian Ridge, the auras of several Taoists in the late stage of Golden Core Realm were turbulent.

"This Zhang Li is the one from Duanyang Peak, he has a clear mind."

"That's right, as long as the Great Elder can return, he is the Daoist Dinghai Shenzhen Needle. It doesn't matter whether he has any quarrel with the suzerain."

In mid-air, the collision of the two Nascent Soul Realm overhauls also paused slightly, and then turned around.

Standing on the mountain, the owner of the Chiyue Tower, wearing a bright yellow brocade robe, squinted his eyes.

"Zhang Li, this guy is very life-threatening, will he come here in person?"

"Jingyuan Commercial Bank also wants to fully intervene in the dispute in Lu Yangzhou?"

He knew Zhang Li's identity, but because of Zhang Li's request, he would not mention it to anyone.

Of course, he wished that no one else would know such a secret.

Isn't it because of the help of Jingyuan Commercial Firm that Chiyuelou can achieve today's glory.

"Hehe, no wonder you want to save Yun Teng." A faint voice sounded not far behind Zhang Li.

Lin Chaoyang's expression changed slightly, and he said coldly, "Wu Yangtu, you're here too."

Wu Yangtu, Mo Yuezhou Demon Dao Overhaul, Nascent Soul Third Level Realm.

His fighting strength is above Lin Chaoyang.

At the beginning, Lin Chaoyang was at a disadvantage in his hands, and then quietly retreated for decades.

The arrival of Wu Yangtu made Lin Chaoyang's heart sink.

With Wu Yangtu alone, he has no chance of winning, not to mention there are four other Nascent Souls here.

It seems that Mo Dao is really determined to keep him here this time.

Looking at Zhang Li, he sighed lightly.

This kid was able to return from the mundane world for 300 years, and his luck and chance were against the sky. Unfortunately, in the end, he still couldn't continue this luck.

"Brother Daoist Yu, you don't want Chiyuelou to get involved in the battle between Taoism and demons. Let's go today."

Lin Chaoyang looked into the distance, let out a long shout, and a blue-gray long knife emerged in his hand.

The fighting spirit on his body turned into a layer of blood-colored thin armor, and the blade pointed at Wu Yangtu: "Wu Yangtu, the last battle was not enough, let me fight with the old man today!"

Hearing his words, Wu Yangtu laughed, a pair of long black hooks appeared in his hands, and with a movement of his body, he flew down in front of Lin Chaoyang.

"I don't have time to fight to the death with you old bone, today we—"

Before Wu Yangtu finished speaking, he was suddenly taken aback.

Because in front of him, beside Lin Chaoyang, at some time, Zhang Li stood with a long sword in his hand.

"The Great Elder said that he wants to fight with you, so you will fight with him." Zhang Li pointed at Wu Yangtu with his long sword, and then turned his gaze to the other four Nascent Soul Realm.

"You guys, do you know what to do?"

The scene in front of them stunned everyone.

Lin Chaoyang held a knife in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

The expression of Wu Yangtu with double hooks in his hands changed even more, and his body was full of devilish energy.

In addition, the surrounding four Demon Dao Nascent Soul Daxiu had a serious look on their faces.

From the beginning to the end, they did not see when Zhang Li appeared beside Lin Chaoyang.

"Haha, I was wrong." Lin Chaoyang smiled, raised the knife in his hand, and rushed towards Wu Yangtu.

The four Nascent Soul Realm Demon Cultivators looked at each other, raised their hands, and tapped a beam of light.

Although this streamer is an understatement, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

If Zhang Li didn't have the strength above the fifth level of Jindan, he would die under this stream of light.

Of course, if Zhang Li could barely block the streamer, then he was not qualified to resist the four Nascent Souls.

The streamer came quickly, Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, and the long sword in his hand trembled.


Around him, eight phantoms appeared.

Ba Dao Huantong held the sword in his hand, and with just one swipe, he chopped off those streamers.

Then, four phantom bodies flew out and rushed towards the four Nascent Soul Realm Daxiu, and the other four flew down outside the battlefield where Lin Chaoyang and Wu Yangtu were fighting, the swords in their hands glowing coldly.

Four phantom bodies, suppressing the turmoil of the world.

This scene made Wu Yangtu, who was fighting Lin Chaoyang, tremble all over.

How to fight in such a situation?
The four Nascent Soul Realm outside were even more frightened at this time.

Four phantom attacks, the sword light is not magnificent, but it can make them unable to deal with it.

Every flash of sword light could tear through their defenses.

This kind of sword light is basically the combat power of the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Is he in the Nascent Soul Realm?"

The Nascent Soul Daxiu who controlled the magic armor panted and spoke in a low voice.

His demon armor was suppressed by the sword light, and every ray of sword light could cut a light mark on his demon armor.

He could feel that his magic armor was about to fail.

What a terrible thing this is!

"Yuanying?" The Mo Dao Yuanyingjing, who was holding a long spear and couldn't lift his head stabbed by the sword light, looked pale.

"Have you ever seen this Nascent Soul who uses the power of phantom to suppress us and can't look up?"

Even if it is the sixth, seventh, or even eighth level of Yuanying, it is impossible to have such means.

In the same Nascent Soul Realm, maybe the combat power of each level will increase, but it is not to the point where one person can overwhelm four Nascent Souls and cannot raise their heads.

What's more, there are only four phantom bodies!

This level of combat power is unimaginable!
The knife in Lin Chaoyang's hand shone brightly, disregarding his own defense, and the aroused wind whizzed and turned into a long dragon.

His voice was full of arrogance, and he shouted violently, causing the mountains and rivers to tremble.

On Wangtian Ridge in the distance, everyone looked nervously at the lights of swords.

From their induction, they only knew that it was four or five Nascent Soul Realm besieging and killing Elder Yun Teng.

At this time, the great elder was running the knife in his hand with all his strength to let everyone know that he was still alive.

But everyone knows that the Great Elder cannot live long before the five Nascent Soul Realm.

"Lord Yu, why don't you submit to my Wanmo Temple." A voice came from the top of the mountain.

Chi Yuezhu's complexion was gloomy, but he didn't speak.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the sword light ahead.

When the sword light goes out, it is the time when the Taoist sect retreats.


The bright knife light became more and more magnificent.

Lin Chaoyang slashed down with a [-]-foot sword light, holding the knife with a long smile: "Wu Yangtu, is this what you are capable of?"

The sword slashed again, and several out-of-tune clanging sounds came out.

Obviously, Lin Chaoyang's saber light was even brighter.

"Wu Yangtu, can you do it?"

Lin Chaoyang's voice became more insane.

In the distance, the people on the mountains are a little strange.

Shouldn't it be the great elder of his own family who couldn't bear it at this time? Why is the strong man of the demon way silent?

"Lin Chaoyang, if you have the ability, you can fight alone with me!" Wu Yangtu roared, his double hooks revealed a gloomy golden light.

The roar made people even more confused.

Many Golden Core Realm experts would have already sent out their divine senses to investigate the situation on the battlefield if they were not afraid that their spiritual senses would be damaged.

At this time, the battle situation should be five demon cultivators besieging and killing Lin Chaoyang, but why did it become Wu Yangtu's desperate roar?

This is not right...


The knife light collided with the golden light.

At this moment, Zhang Li, who was standing still, suddenly opened his eyes.

The speed of the four phantom bodies entangled with the four Nascent Soul Realms was extremely fast in an instant.

The sword light is solid!


The sound of piercing the sky was covered by the sound of the roaring long knife slashing.

The sword light was dim, and it did not cause a shock in the space of heaven and earth.

But the instant scars on the bodies of the four Nascent Soul Daxiu made them back away in panic.

This sword can't stop it!

"Sword repair!"

"Sword Dao achieves Nascent Soul, this person is at least the ninth level of Nascent Soul!"

The four Nascent Souls retreated in panic.

Wu Yangtu, who was surrounded by the battlefield, also lost his fighting spirit.

But he can't go.

All directions are occupied, and Lin Chaoyang's saber light is even more relentless in pursuit.

"Lin Chaoyang, do you want to live forever?"

Wu Yangtu roared wildly.

At this moment, Wang Tianling was in a state of confusion.

Why did Wu Yangtu roar like this?

its not right……

"Haha, this old man will kill you today!" Lin Chaoyang's voice lacked the elegance and gentleness that Daoist major cultivation should have.

In this voice, there is a carefree killing.

The sword light directly changed from one hundred feet to two hundred feet, and the magnificent blue sword light directly cut through the void.


With one blow, Wu Yangtu's body was shattered inch by inch.

Not far away, outside the bodies of the four Demonic Dao Nascent Souls at this time, the layered sword lights have converged to the extreme.


A body shattered.

A beam of Nascent Soul light flew out, but was twisted by the sword light and turned into nothingness.

Lin Chaoyang laughed loudly, and swung the long knife to create a skyline.


At this time, the bodies and the Nascent Soul of the five Nascent Soul Realm Demon Cultivators have been destroyed. (end of this chapter)

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