News from Chiyue Tower.

Since Zhang Li became the acting master of Yunlan Daozong, the alliance between Chiyuelou and Daomen has been undisguised.

The inclination of various resources made those Taoist forces extremely happy.

If they had so many resources, their strength would definitely be more than what they are now.

Of course, among the Taoist sects, the real resource accumulation is still a few big sects.

Among them, the Duanyang Peak Caravan of Yunlan Taoist Sect has been directly authorized by Chiyue Tower, and all Taoist resources can be obtained.

In the eyes of outsiders, all this is because of the tyrannical strength of the great elder Yun Teng, who beheaded five Nascent Souls of the same level by one person, so that Chiyuelou completely surrendered.

No one thought that the owner of the Chiyue Tower fell to Yunlan Daozong because of Zhang Li, the acting suzerain.

Outsiders don't even know that Chiyue Tower is nothing compared to the power Zhang Li is currently in charge of.

Jingyuan Commercial Bank has recently opened up several continents. Ao Ju and the others are now rushing around in teleportation arrays every day to sell resources in various continents.

The teleportation formation on Luowuzhou is extremely lively now, with tens of thousands of business practitioners coming and going every day.

The teleportation of the large formation needs to consume spirit stones, and the consumed spirit stones can replenish the power of the large formation.

Unknowingly, the teleportation array became more and more stable.

In addition to the expansion of Jingyuan Commercial Bank, the caravans in Duanyang City have also quietly rotated several times on Luyangzhou's upper northern region.

Evil Realm, Immortal Realm, and other Continental Domains.

After walking down in one trip, all the practitioners of the caravan were baptized.

Until An Ran returned to Duanyang City, they were still a little confused about what they had done.

That's the evil domain!

That is fairyland!
Who would have thought that not only was his peak master powerful in the Evil Realm, but he had already cleared the barriers in the Immortal Realm.

Those powerful people who were waiting in the fairy world greeted their caravan politely.

The disciples didn't know what was being traded, they were only responsible for exchanging sealed wooden boxes one by one, and then left with the smiling faces of several out-of-body powers.

Traveling through the void sea, they turned out to be riding void beasts.

This left everyone at a loss.

Those are void beasts, every one of them can devour them, leaving no bones left.

But these void beasts insisted on not making a sound, and just let them order them.

The treasures brought back by several transactions in the Northern Territory have been sent to Zhang Li.

Some top pills in the Immortal Realm, some spiritual materials in the Evil Realm, and other spiritual materials and elixir in the other continents are also good things for Zhang Li.

He ordered people to send a few copies of those pills refined in the fairy world to Ming Luo and Zhenjun Zhu Yuan.

Both of them were happy to accept.

This time, the message from Chiyue Tower was ordered to be delivered by someone.

He ordered Luo to come to Luyangzhou in person.

"If the fairy world still exists, then the threat from the small fairy world to the practice world can be alleviated."

This is what Ming Luo said, and it is also what Zhang Li thinks.

Isn't it because the Little Immortal Realm lacks top-notch resources and spiritual energy that it wants to annex the world of practice.

Now that there are those top pills in the fairy world, Xiao Xianjie will definitely change his mind.

"Message, please the Great Elder, the Suzerain to leave the customs, and the rest of the Chiyue Building, come with me to meet Master Luo."

Zhang Li's expression was indifferent, and he spoke loudly.

He Yufeng didn't know Ming Luo's name, but he knew that it must be an unusual person who could make his senior brother treat him so seriously.

What's more, we still have to invite the Great Elder and Suzerain to leave the customs.

Half a day later, in the main hall, Taoist Yuge, who had been in seclusion for ten years, and Lin Chaoyang, who rarely appeared, arrived.

Taoist Yuge's aura is quite strong, and the aura of Jindan peak that cannot be concealed, and his gestures and gestures, are all auras that people can't look directly at.

On the contrary, Lin Chaoyang's aura has settled, and he has obviously returned to his original nature.

"Mingluo?" Taoist Yuge looked a bit ugly when he heard Zhang Li said that he was going to meet a strong man named Mingluo together.

He had retreated for ten years and failed to break through the Nascent Soul, and he was already a little anxious.

"I don't know what cultivation this senior Mingluo is, and what is his relationship with my Yunlan Daozong?" Looking at Zhang Li, Taoist Yuge looked a little gloomy.

Lin Chaoyang looked at Zhang Li with a smile on his face.

"Senior Ming Luo is a great cultivator on Luo Wuzhou. He came forward to prevent Yutaozhou from annexing Luyangzhou. I think the suzerain has forgotten this matter."

Zhang Li opened his mouth lightly.

His words made Taoist Yuge slightly taken aback.

Once a strong man came to Yutaozhou to suppress the Luyangzhou Shangzong, but for some reason they died down.

So it was this Senior Ming Luo who came forward?
He turned his head to look at Lin Chaoyang in some confusion: "Grand Elder, is this really true?"

Lin Chaoyang nodded.

Taoist Yuge had a complex expression.

He always thought that he was already at the top of the world in terms of cultivation and power.

He sits in the Yunlan Dao Sect and has already regarded the sect as his own. He didn't expect that as long as the Great Elder said a word, he would have to retreat in despair.

He felt that Yunlan Daozong was the leader of the Luyangzhou Taoist sect, and he had already come into contact with the top secrets in the world, but he didn't expect that he didn't know fate.

Turns out, the Joker has always been himself.

Within half a month, news spread that the Taoist Yunlan Taoist sect was about to welcome the arrival of a top power, and all sects were quietly preparing to deal with it.

Of course, this news made the Hall of Demons feel like it was sitting on pins and needles.

Yunlan Daozong, who had already suppressed the Wanmo Temple and did not dare to raise his head, now has another strong man coming, is he plotting to destroy their Wanmo Temple?
For a moment, there was a gloomy cloud over the Demon Gate on Luyangzhou.


Yutuo Ridge.

This is the boundary line between Beiyu and the hinterland of Luyangzhou.

At this time, thousands of Taoist practitioners were waiting on Yutuo Ridge.

On a huge flying boat in front, Zhang Li, wearing a jade white Taoist robe, stood in front, with Taoist Yuge and Lin Chaoyang behind him.

This scene let countless Taoist practitioners know who is the real leader of the current Yunlan Taoist sect.

Zhang Li, who was originally the acting suzerain, turned out to be standing at the forefront, which shows that he is the person in charge of the Yunlan Taoist sect.

Although Taoist Yuge is the suzerain, he can only stand behind Zhang Li.

Even if the explanation given by Yunlan Daozong is that Taoist Yuge still has to practice in seclusion, and now he is not in charge of the sect's affairs, whoever sees it will understand.

As for Lin Chaoyang, the Great Elder, more people knew that he was hiding behind the scenes.

"I don't know who that senior Ming Luo is, who actually wants Lu Yangzhou to launch such a battle." In the distance, a young man in white robe standing behind an old man with blue beard whispered.

The youth's cultivation base is about the fourth or fifth level of Qi training, and he can be regarded as a hero among the younger generation, but for the people of Yunlan Dao Sect, his cultivation base is not enough.

"Do you think the strong in the world can really do whatever they want?" The green bearded Taoist turned his head with a calm expression on his face.

"In the past, didn't you envy the ancestor that I am a strong half-step golden core, and everyone respected me?"

The old man looked up at the flying boat ahead, and shook his head: "Look at today, can't I just stand here?"

It is still dozens of miles away from the flying boat of the Yunlan Taoist Sect, and it is already the edge of the forces of all parties in the Taoist sect.

There is no way, a half-step golden core is only qualified to stand here.

Any force in front of them has Jindan Realm.

The young man froze for a moment, and nodded slightly.

"That Zhang Li, who has been with the common people for 300 years, is so young, and his bearing—"

"Sect Master Zhang." The old man interrupted.

The appearance of Zhang Li standing in front of the bow shocked many younger generations.

It turns out that in this world, no one who is old enough will be able to control the general situation.

As long as you have the ability, you can also become the master of this Luyang Continent.


In the distance, a horn sounded.

A flying boat moves forward slowly.

The flying boat is not huge, but there are many divine lights intertwined on it, which looks simple and mysterious.

Everyone waited solemnly.

After a hundred breaths, the flying boat hovered in front of the flying boat of Yunlan Daozong.

On the quaint flying boat, Ming Luo was wearing a green robe and standing there with his hands behind his back.

"I have met Master Ming Luo." Zhang Li smiled and bowed.

Ming Luo nodded, moved his body, and flew to the bow of Yunlan Daozong's spaceship.

Lin Chaoyang raised his head, his eyes met Ming Luo's.

In an instant, he felt that his soul was being torn apart, he couldn't help being shocked, and quickly lowered his head.

"I have seen Senior Ming Luo."

No. 1 on Luyangzhou, the great elder of Yunlan Daozong, who beheaded five Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses by himself, even bowed his head.

This scene made everyone in the back gasp.

Taoist Yuge trembled all over, and hurriedly lowered his head: "I pay my respects to Senior Ming Luo."

"Meet Senior Ming Luo."

Below, all parties in the Taoist sect bowed their heads.

Ming Luo glanced over, looked at Zhang Li, and said with a chuckle, "Isn't it a bit big for you to welcome this deity?"

He looked up at the distant sky.

Zhang Li also turned his head.

Over there, there are one after another magic clouds rising.

"Are you going to lure out the devil over there in the name of the deity?"

Ming Luo grinned slightly, then stretched out his hand: "Old rules."

One shot, one fairy bead.

This is the old rule.

Although they don't understand what the old rules are, Lin Chaoyang and Taoist Yuge still understand that this time there is a strong demon coming.

Zhang Li shook his head and looked forward: "Master Luo is a guest, so I can't let you make a move today."

He took a step forward, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

He has been in charge of Yunlan Daozong for ten years.

Now, the way of heaven he cultivated can already cover Yunlan Mountain.

What he has to do now is to take down the entire Luyang Continent and let the Heavenly Dao directly become the foundation of Lu Yang Continent.

In this way, he can use the power of heaven to improve his cultivation faster.

"To welcome Senior Ming Luo to my Luyang Continent today is a great event for me on Lu Yang Continent. I don't know if you are here to welcome Senior Ming Luo?"

There was a hint of indifference in Zhang Li's voice, and the mighty voice resounded through the mountains.

magic door.

Someone with a magic door is coming!
When these powerful Taoist sects gather, there are people from the demon sect, what audacity!

Everyone turned their heads and looked around.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Ming Luo can be regarded as our old friend, today we will welcome Fellow Daoist Ming Luo well."

In the distance, a voice sounded, and then a series of magic lights and auras shone.

Not just the magic gate, but also the Taoist gate.

To be precise, it is the strong man of Izumo Island.

A streak of magic light soared into the sky, turning into a snare covering the sky.

In the magic light, twelve beams of light rose up, forming a large formation.

Every ray of light is at least a Nascent Soul Realm!

At least thirty Nascent Souls overhauled and covered the sky.

When the big formation and the snare were raised, those practitioners from all sides of the Taoist sect trembled directly, unable to stabilize their souls.

This is the coercion and deterrence from the soul and body.

Without the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Realm, in front of such strong people, they don't even have the qualifications to stand up.

On the flying boat of the Yunlan Taoist Sect, Lin Chaoyang looked solemn.

There was a hint of panic in Taoist Yuge's expression.

I knew I would never come here today.

Below, those cultivators all looked at this scene with pale faces.

Today's situation is clearly doomed!
"Moyue Continent's Demon Sect Futian Snare, Izumo Continent's Liuyun Sword Formation and Yutao Continent's Bailing Formation." Zhang Li was tall and straight, walking forward step by step, whispering in his mouth.

"He, how can he still act?"

Below, someone gritted their teeth and whispered.

Zhang Li has never been known for his cultivation, why can he act now?
"Hey, this kid is not simple." In the distance, a Moxiu wearing a black robe and a golden crown looked up at Zhang Li.

Zhang Li's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand and pointed to the place where the stream of light was shining: "Wanhua Fumo Sword Formation."

As his words fell, streaks of spiritual light shone on the flying boat.

Zhang Chu.

Shen Yuan.

Behind the two, Duanyang Peak disciples with long swords rushed out.

Among the disciples of Yunlan Taoist Sect, there were also some people holding long swords who flew up.


Everyone is a golden core.

The 360 ​​Jindan realms shot together, and the sword light condensed and directly turned into a thousand-foot long sword.

The sword light shone, tearing those snares apart, and then collided with the streamer rising from a distance.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Yunlan Daozong actually hides such a tyrannical method!

360 bit sword repair.

It's still a sword cultivator at the Golden Core Realm!

How many Jindan realms are there in total on Luyang Continent?

How many sword cultivators are there in total on Luyangzhou?

The methods of the thirty Nascent Soul Realm Dao Demon powerhouses were on the verge of falling before a sword that soared to the sky.

Fight Nascent Soul with Jindan!

Such scenes made all the practitioners watching the battle look solemn.

Those younger practitioners were full of surprise and envy.

The weak beat the strong.

Isn't that what they want?

Above the sky, an imaginary big hand pressed down.

That palm covered the sky and the sun, with a radius of ten thousand zhang.

"Peak Nascent Soul!"

Lin Chaoyang gritted his teeth and stared at the palm.

The power emanating from the palm is really torrential and magnificent to the extreme.

Turning his head slightly, Lin Chaoyang looked at Ming Luo beside him.

At this time, Ming Luo didn't even have the slightest intention to make a move.

Didn't Zhang Li call him Master?Why didn't he make a move?

The huge palm pressed down on Zhang Li's head, and everyone exclaimed.

Zhang Li kept his gaze unchanged, and slowly raised his palm.

"Ray comes."


The thunder that pierced the sky and the earth suddenly appeared, as if directly tearing the sky and the earth apart.

That ray of thunder tore apart the scattered magic light, and then rushed towards the huge palm above his head.

The thunder light collided with the palm, and the palm trembled and shattered.

"The Taoism is authentic, the Heavenly Dao Thunder Law."

Zhang Li put his hands behind his back, looked into the distance, and said lightly: "How about the taste of Taoist Heavenly Thunder?"

Daomen Tianlei!

Everyone stood there in a daze, staring at the thunder that slowly dissipated above their heads. (end of this chapter)

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