Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 252 One person, one sword, vertical and horizontal!

Chapter 252 One person, one sword, vertical and horizontal!

Falling from the fairyland, after this side's practice in the world is not prosperous, there are few thunder methods in the world.

Even with the method of cloud and thunder, it is not a truly powerful existence.

At this time, this thunder is not Yunlei.

That is the authentic Daoist Heavenly Thunder!
Practicing in the world, who doesn't fear the way of heaven?
Who can resist the thunder of heaven?
The most important thing is that this kind of thunder is actually controlled by Zhang Li.

Zhang Li, although he is in charge of the Yunlan Dao Sect, everyone knows that he is just a little monk who has not yet reached the Golden Core Realm.

It took 300 years to gain the power to take over the Yunlan Daozong with the help of Lin Chaoyang. What Zhang Li likes to talk about is not his cultivation but his means.

However, Zhang Li's display of Lei Fa left everyone speechless for a moment.

The phantom of the palm above the sky is an existence that even the strong Nascent Soul Realm dare not face directly!
Such a powerful palm was directly shattered by a thunderbolt, what kind of thunder can do it?

"He, is he a great monk?" Someone murmured under the mountain.

If you are not a real monk, how can you be in charge of such a thunderbolt?

"If it's not a great cultivator, then he has the ancient treasure of the Dao of Lightning in his hand, or at least an ancient thunder talisman..." The speaker looked serious and lowered his voice, "The background of the Yunlan Dao Sect is unimaginable."


This may be the background of a top sect.

From the 360 ​​Golden Core Sword Cultivator, to Zhang Li's Sky Thunder Palm, these are all things that only top sects can produce.

The thunder of this palm instantly wiped out the inflated thoughts of countless Taoist forces.

Compared with Yunlan Daozong, my family is nothing.

"He is so strong..." Taoist Yuge looked pale and muttered to himself.

As the suzerain of Yunlan Dao Sect, Taoist Yuge knows the background of his own sect.

The 360 ​​Sword Cultivator is not what Yunlan Daozong can come up with.

At this time, the thunder method Zhang Li used was even less likely to be a method of the sect.

The only explanation is that Zhang Li really has such strength.

Maybe this is why Lin Chaoyang valued Zhang Li?
Slightly turning his head to look at Ming Luo not far away, Taoist Yuge's eyes revealed a gleam of light.

Could it be that Zhang Li was trained by Ming Luo to annex the Yunlan Dao Sect?

But in an instant, his heart sank again.

If this is the case, he and Yunlan Daozong are powerless to stop it.

At least he didn't have the ability to face that thunder.

I don't know if this thunder is the only one, or if it is really controlled, it is endless.

"The Taoism is authentic, good means." In the void, an old man in black robe appeared.

The old man's body was full of demon energy, and his body was full of shining magic light.

"Let me see how much Thunder you have."

The old man glanced at Ming Luo who was not far away, and then threw a gray-black wooden staff on Zhang Li's head.

Tens of thousands of black shadows flew out from the wooden staff, gathered into dragons, biting towards Zhang Li's body.

The scales of these demon dragons are distinct, and the qi and blood on their bodies are overwhelming, and their roars make the surrounding world turbulent, as if they are about to be torn to pieces.

Every magic dragon has the power to seriously injure the Nascent Soul Realm!
This wooden stick is definitely a treasure that is hard to find in the world, and it can stimulate such a magnificent power.

"The magic wand refined from the heart of Qilin wood is the most inclusive magic treasure." There was a trace of emotion in Ming Luo's voice.

Unicorn wood.

This is a treasure that many people have never heard of.

But since even Ming Luo is emotional, this magic wand must be extremely powerful, and the magic dragons it inspires must also be tyrannical.

Zhang Li looked up at the demonic dragons, his expression unchanged, and turned to look at the other side of the sky.

"Friends of Izumo Island, why hide?"

Izumo Island.

This sentence made everyone below stare wide-eyed.

The magic dragon didn't know how to resist it, but now it summoned the strong man from Yunzhou to appear, looking for death?
What is the basis of this chapter?
In the sky in the distance, streaks of golden aura vibrated.

A middle-aged figure wearing a white battle armor and holding a long sword appeared.

"This deity wants to fight Senior Mingluo, since you want to court death, I will give you a chance."

"Block Great Master Hao Ming's attack, I will make a move."

The middle-aged voice rang towards Zhang Li, but his eyes fell on Ming Luo who was in the distance.

In his eyes, there is only one enemy.

Ming Luo.

He came here to prevent Ming Luo from being killed.

All their arrangements are for life.

It's just that they didn't expect that before Ming Luo made a move, several of their arrangements had been broken by Zhang Li alone.

No one expected that a little Zhang Li could have such means.

Ming Luo's face was indifferent, and he shook his head regretfully.

"I really want to make a move..."

A surge of fighting spirit surged from Zhang Li's body.

The one who appeared at this time had already reached the Out of Aperture Realm.

That Demon Lord Haoming also came out of his body in half a step.

It is interesting to play against such two strong men at the same time.

Above his head, a long sword emerged.

The moment the sword appeared, the entire world was illuminated.

His figure also turned into nothingness, holding the long sword, and stepped forward.

At this moment, countless exclamations sounded above the sky.

Those strong men who came to besiege Mingluo all discovered Zhang Li's identity.


"Sword of Primordial Spirit!"

"Essence transforms into a sword, a strong swordsman!"

Everyone backed away in panic.

They have never seen a strong man with the soul as the sword, but they have seen allusions from various classics.

The primordial spirit is a sword, invincible in the state of exit.

If the primordial spirit is condensed, it can be cut with a single sword in the state of transforming gods.

Sword repair, invincible at the same level.

"Sword dao primordial spirit, amazing!" Hao Ming Mozun, who was holding a long staff, shouted, and swung the wooden staff again.

The magic dragon in front has not yet arrived, but the ten thousand magic swords behind have condensed.

It's just that no matter how strong the magic methods are, they can't stop the sword in the hand of a primordial sword cultivator.

The phantom of Zhang Li's figure pierced out with a sword, and the Myriad Dao Demon Dragon collapsed directly.

The entire sky seemed to burst directly, every inch of the sky and the earth turned into cracks, and the bodies of those dragons turned into nothingness.

The countless long swords in the rear collided with the sword of Yuanshen, and after a shock, they also disappeared into nothingness.

Those long swords condensed with demonic energy are simply ridiculous tricks compared with the real sword of primordial spirit.

The expression of the demon king holding the long staff changed, he gritted his teeth and threw out the wooden staff in his hand.

The wooden stick turned into a huge black unicorn with a hundred feet, roaring and crashing towards the long sword.

The strong man in white armor from Izumo Island who was holding a long sword let out a low shout, and cut off the sword in his hand.

At this moment, the two top powerhouses shot at the same time.

One way and one magic.

Jian Guang condensed into a fire dragon, and rolled down towards Zhang Li behind the Qilin.

The cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger. The fire dragon flies down, and the fire cloud it arouses dyes the surrounding thousands of miles of heaven and earth into golden red.

Down below, everyone's bodies trembled, and they couldn't resist the blazing heat.

Even those overhauls of the Golden Core Realm were sweating profusely.

Such means are beyond their imagination.

"Is this the battle between the great monks?" Daoist Yuge was completely confused.

His cultivation has reached the peak of Jindan, but at this moment he can't even raise his head.

Beside him, Lin Chaoyang looked dignified, with a trace of firmness in his eyes.

He is already at the peak on Luyang Continent.

For so many years, he felt that he had nowhere to go.

Now, this battle that he couldn't even participate in made him realize clearly.

There is still a long way to go in my own way.

"Myriad supernatural powers are no match for a single sword. If you play these tricks in front of a sword repairer, you are asking for trouble." Ming Luo looked at Zhang Li raising his hand and drawing out the sword, with a hint of emotion on his face.

He may not have seen Zhang Li for a long time, but he did not expect that Zhang Li's current cultivation base and combat power had reached such a level.

Take the sword as the way, and the sword is invincible.

Zhang Li brought him many surprises.

"One sword breaks the law." Zhang Li whispered in his mouth, the sword in his hand aroused the edge, and the man walked with the sword, and his figure went straight to the sky.

The sword light was as bright as a shooting star, and it broke through the black unicorn body with one blow, and then collided with the sword light fire dragon.

The fire dragon roared, but it shattered inch by inch before the long sword, turning into golden flames.

One sword, breaking the law.

If you are sharp in the world, you can cut through all kinds of spells.

At this moment, the 360 ​​Golden Core Sword Cultivators who formed the sword array all looked shocked.

It turns out that this is the real way of the sword.

The way of swordsmanship that I have cultivated will eventually become the number one power in this world.


Slashing the long dragon with his sword, Zhang Li's sword kept on stabbing at the white armored middle-aged man holding the sword.

A green awn glowed from the edge of the sword, and the streamer caused piercing screams.

The endless wind is drawn, and the sky and the earth change color before this sword.

The expression of the middle-aged man holding the long sword changed, and finally turned his head and left.

Don't dare to face it!

He has a sword in his hand, and his cultivation level is not much worse than Zhang Li's, but he is not a swordsman.

He didn't have the will to move forward in the way of the sword, so he didn't dare to face Zhang Li's sword directly.

"Empty cultivation, no fighting intention, useless." Zhang Li stood with his sword in his hands, his expression indifferent.

A great monk who had left the Aperture Realm was reprimanded by Zhang Li as a waste.

With such an air of standing proudly holding a sword, no one below dared to look up.

This is the real big monk!
The Hao Ming Demon Venerable who wanted to fight again had a solemn expression, clenched his wooden staff tightly in his hand, gritted his teeth, and stared at Zhang Li.

At this moment, he was afraid.

Zhang Li turned his head and looked at him.

"Flee." Haoming Mozun let out a low cry, regardless of those Nascent Soul Realm scattered everywhere, and those who turned around and fled.

Zhang Li didn't bother with him either, and turned his gaze to the scattered Nascent Soul Realms ahead.

"Zhou Tian Sword Formation." He said lightly.

As his words fell, the 360 ​​sword cultivators below spread out at the same time, and the long sword in his hand turned into Zhou Tianjian light.

The sword light shone, enveloping those Nascent Soul Realms who had no intention of fighting.

Originally, it was impossible for the 360 ​​Golden Elixir to leave the Nascent Soul Realm.

But at this time, these Nascent Soul Realms have no intention of fighting, so how dare they get entangled with the sword array.

But the more you don't want to be entangled, the more you can't resist, but a collision has already damaged the two strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm.

This kind of battle scene dazzled the Taoist practitioners below.

They couldn't participate in the big monk battle before, and they didn't dare to participate in it. Now they can see the mystery of this big battle.

Zhang Li glanced over, and suddenly said: "All Taoist practitioners rely on their own sects to surround and kill the incoming enemies."

Surround the enemy?

The enemies coming are all in the Nascent Soul Realm...

Below, everyone was stunned.

But in the next moment, Lin Chaoyang had already let out a long laugh, unsheathed the long knife in his hand, and flew away directly into the sky.

"If you can't kill a scene like this today, wouldn't you come back disappointed?"

Lin Chaoyang's voice was full of heroism.

Taoist Yuge's expression changed, he gritted his teeth, looked at a demon cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm, moved his body, and smashed down a jade ruler in his hand.

His cultivation has not yet reached the Nascent Soul Realm, but if he didn't even dare to make a move in today's scene, he might not even have a chance to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm in the future.


Below, an old man with white beard yelled and rushed forward.

Behind him, practitioners from his own sect followed closely behind without hesitation.

Someone moved, and people from other sects no longer hesitated, and flew up one after another.

For a time, thousands of cultivation bases were at the peak of Foundation Establishment, and the Taoist powerhouses of Jindan Realm rushed to the sky, blocking those scattered Nascent Soul Realm.

If in the past, these ants who were nothing more than building foundations and golden cores were in front of them, they could be wiped out with a wave of their hands.

But today is different.

Today, Luyang Continent obviously has a strong man in charge, whoever dares to delay for a moment will surely die.

Those Nascent Soul Realm overhauls who used to be aloof can only run away in panic at this time.

At this time, the scene actually formed a situation where Jin Dan besieged Yuan Ying, and Yuan Ying fled in defeat.

Zhang Li's eyes swept across the field, and he flew down with a sword.

A black-robed demon cultivator who was just about to strike and kill several Jindan realms in front of him was cut to pieces with a single sword.

The magnificence revealed by this sword light made those demon cultivators at the Nascent Soul Realm who were determined to resist dare not stay in the slightest, and could only avoid and run.

After making this sword, Zhang Li didn't make another move, but flew back to the flying boat and turned his head to look into the distance.

"You kid has a really big appetite, and you actually want to use Yuanying to kill you out of your body."

Ming Luo looked at Zhang Li with a look of emotion on his face.

Zhang Li shook his head and said, "It's not rash to have Zhenjun Zhu Yuan in charge."

"What's more, Senior Ao Ju's cultivation is only one step away from reaching the Aperture Realm."

Get out of your body.

The two out-of-body powerhouses who escaped just now were clearly surrounded.

Ao Ju led dozens of Nascent Soul Realm from Jingyuan Trading Company, formed a battle formation, surrounded and killed layer by layer.

On the other side, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, holding a golden pagoda in his hand, waited indifferently.

He would get the Fairy Orb once he made a move, so he was naturally willing to do this business.


In the distance, the roaring sound resounded, and the sword light and thunder light, as well as the dao demon's light were shining brightly, causing the heaven and earth to tremble.

On the battlefield here, everyone was slightly taken aback.

"That's right, those two out-of-body powers escaped in the direction..." Someone looked confused and whispered.

"Yunlan Daozong still has a backhand." A Jindan eighth-level practitioner who had just forced back the Nascent Soul Moxiu in front of him turned his head with a complicated expression.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of strength Yunlan Daozong has.

Zhang Li stood on the flying boat, looking in all directions.

He could feel the changes in the power of heaven and earth at this moment.

With the death of the elder enshrined in the Wanmo Temple, the Wanmo Temple collapsed as a whole, and the Taoism on Luyang Continent reached its peak.

Isn't the Taoist sect the Yunlan Taoist sect?

At this time, as the suzerain of Yunlan Dao Sect, didn't he become the real master of Luyang Continent?

Layers of thunder light shone through, and the sky and the earth shone brightly.

Above the sky, a golden dragon shadow traversed.

The way of heaven manifests.

At this moment, the mundane way of heaven finally merged with Lu Yangzhou's way of heaven with the help of Zhang Li.

Ming Luo raised his head with emotion on his face.

"You boy, you have really become..."

The mundane way of heaven, instead of practicing the way of heaven in the world.

The avenues merge and become.

Layers of golden light shone on Zhang Li's body.

The cultivation base he originally showed was uncontrollable.

There are three layers of Jindan.

There are four layers of Jindan.

There are five layers of Jindan.


Jindan, the ninth floor!
The surging power is still gathering, rushing towards the peak of Jindan.

Above the sky, thunderclouds are densely covered.

Nascent Soul Tribulation!
(End of this chapter)

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