Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 153 The Governor's Palace

Chapter 153 The Governor's Palace

"Ah this..."

Hu Jin looked at the green leather power weapon on the ground, thinking about the current level of technology of the green leather on the island.

"Let's start counterattacking when the boss comes. If we continue to defend like this, they will probably understand all of our technology."

Hu Jin looked at the green-skinned power weapons on the ground, thought for a while and said, green skins, whatever your level of technology, they can quickly reach the same level of technology as you.

The combat gene of this cosmic vegetable is carved into the DNA. As a weapon of war, once the green skin develops, the destruction it will cause is very terrifying.

"Okay, let's just leave it at that for the time being. I'll try to send a team to the green-skinned tribe to have a look. Maybe I can find out that the big machine tyrant hacked him to death and killed the green-skinned technology directly."

Ye Fan nodded, and suddenly thought of a way to send a tactical team of traversers to the local green-skinned tribe to try to see if he could behead his big machine fighter. If he couldn't determine the location of the green-skinned man, he would directly send a death blow also.

"Okay, that's it, you pick ten people to form a tactical team, and then go to the arsenal to get ten sets of Terminator power armor."

Hu Jin said to Ye Fan that if he is going to execute the tactical team, he must get a few Terminator Power Armors. Terminator Power Armors are not common among traversers. Terminator generally don't wear terminators.

Because the traversers feel that the Terminator is too slow, and the traversers generally like to pass at a high speed all the way, and the Terminator power armor is really not in line with their fighting style.

"Okay, I'll be ready right now."

After Ye Fan heard Hu Jin's words, he nodded and replied to him, then went to the battlefield to transfer personnel.

"John, there are a lot of green skins on this island."

Sitting on the transport plane, Wang Ming watched the green sea surging under the city wall through the observation window, and said to the mortal pilot disapprovingly.

"Yes, Lord Primarch, it's a bit much..."

The mortal pilot also glanced at the green-skinned wave on the ground, he swallowed nervously, and said to Wang Ming very reluctantly.

The pilot was already frightened by the mountains and seas of green skins on the ground. This was the war he saw the most green skins in his life. He is a veteran of the Star Militia Army. He also fought green skins, but he had never seen so many green skin.

"My lord Primarch, we will land in the Governor's Palace in a moment."

The pilot glanced at the ground for the last time and said to Wang Ming.


While Wang Ming was chatting with the mortal pilot, a shell flew out of the ground and hit the tail of the transport plane.

That shell passed through the armor in an instant, and an explosion occurred at the tail of the transport plane, and thick black smoke burst out from the tail of the transport plane immediately.

"My lord Primarch! We've been hit!"

The pilot yelled in shock, the transport plane was hit, and now the greenskins have empty weapons, even though they are just anti-aircraft guns.

"Don't panic John, try to stabilize the transport plane, and try to make a forced landing on the edge of the city wall?"

Wang Ming said to the pilot very calmly that he was not worried about the crash of the transport plane. Even if the transport plane crashed, he would still be able to protect the lives of mortal pilots in the explosion of the transport plane crash.

"Okay, Lord Primarch, it's all right, I will try to land."

After hearing Wang Ming's calm words, the pilot also calmed down. He operated the transport plane and began to approach the city.

The skills of an experienced pilot were shown by John. The fuselage of the transport plane gradually stabilized. John used his superb flying skills to avoid the following anti-aircraft shells, and then the transport plane flew towards the city smoothly.

To be honest, the accuracy of the green skins has always been a mystery. Some of them can hit very accurately, and sometimes they just hit randomly.

A transport plane emitting black smoke slowly landed on the square of the Governor's Mansion. As soon as the transport plane landed, a local PDF rushed to the front of the transport plane, using a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire at the gap in the tail emitting black smoke.

"Lord Primarch, I did it."

John took off his flying helmet and took a big breath of fresh air. He put all his energy into the operation just now.

"Yes, you did, John, you are a very good pilot."

Wang Ming untied the safety rope and stood up. He patted the pilot on the shoulder to express his comfort, and then got off the transport plane.

On the square outside the transport plane, the governor of Kosser [-] was already waiting in the square, and he had already received the news of Wang Ming's arrival.

"The great Lord Protector of the Empire, the holy Primarch, and the governor of Koser [-], Jahue Gordon. On behalf of the Gordon family and the world of Kosr [-], I welcome the arrival of the descendants of the great God Emperor." .”

The planetary governor saw Wang Ming who got off the transport plane, he hurriedly walked up to Wang Ming, and said respectfully to Wang Ming.

"Are you the planetary governor?"

Wang Ming looked at the young man in front of him and asked suspiciously, because this young man was a bit too young for the planetary governor.

This young man was not even as old as Wang Ming before time travel, he only looked like a teenager, Wang Ming looked at this young man, the fluff around his mouth proved this.

"Yes, my lord. The former planetary governor is my father. He went to the front line to command the battle situation two months ago and was killed by those savage beasts. I took over his post after my father died in battle."

The young governor looked at Wang Ming and said calmly, but Wang Ming could still hear the trembling in the child's voice.

"This child was ordered in danger."

Looking at this young planetary governor, Wang Ming thought in his heart that a young nobleman would inherit the high position after his father died.

"I see, my child, please tell me about the current situation on Kosser [-]."

Wang Ming looked at the child in front of him, patted his head, and said softly, Wang Ming understands this child's nervousness, since he just arrived in front of Wang Ming, Wang Ming has seen the sweat beads formed by the tense sweat on his forehead , There is still a blizzard in a world of ice and snow, this child is actually sweating, there is no other possibility except being too nervous.

"Hold..., I'm sorry, my lord, I have to tell the truth in front of the God Emperor's son of God."

Jehue Gordon lowered his head and whispered to Wang Ming. His voice was as small as the sound of a mosquito flying, but Wang Ming could still hear it very clearly.

"It's okay, kid, let's talk."

Wang Ming looked at the appearance and state of the child in front of him, and said in a gentle tone.

"I don't know the current situation of Kosser [-]. The work of the planetary governor is basically managed by my uncles. They didn't let me participate in any management affairs at all. I am just a superficial planetary governor."

Jehue Gordon whispered to Wang Ming that after his father died, the young man was appointed to take over the position of planetary governor, but he did not get the power of planetary governor at all, and his good uncles directly regarded him as a mascot .

"It's been emptied, and I can help you deal with it, but if those "uncles" really do things, then there is no need to deal with it."

Listening to Jehue Gordon's narration, Wang Ming thought in his heart that this kid is obviously being emptied of power, maybe he can help him, but if those "uncles" are really in charge, then it is unnecessary and useful That's it.

"Moreover, they deliberately cut off the supplies of the troops loyal to their father and let three cities fall."

Jejue Gordon went on, listing the crimes of these uncles.

"Sure enough, it's a boring power struggle."

Wang Ming listened to the young man in front of him talking about his uncle's crimes, and sighed helplessly in his heart. It really was these power struggles. It is estimated that the death of the previous planetary governor was not that simple, and those insects were definitely doing things.

Wang Ming can ignore the power struggle, but Wang Ming has to take care of things beyond human life. The three cities, according to the city size of Koser 30, are more than [-] lives.

Those people died after all. Of course, this needs to be done after confirming the situation. If more than 30 people died because of unnecessary power struggles, then those imperial insects must die.

"Okay boy, I know all about it, and I will deal with them after confirming the situation."

Wang Ming looked at the young man in front of him and said with a smile.

"Thank you, my lord, please allow me to take you to the Governor's Palace."

After the young man heard Wang Ming's words, he said excitedly to Wang Ming. He thought in his heart that with the support of a son of the Emperor God, he would definitely be able to regain his father's power, and he would definitely be able to serve those 30 people. Discuss with father's pro-army.

Under the leadership of the young governor, Wang Ming entered the governor's mansion and was about to go to the office of the governor's mansion. Although most of the materials during the war were not here, he still had to come. After all, he needed a map of the governor's mansion to make arrangements. The industrialization of the world in the future.

The shape of the building of the Governor's Mansion is similar to a huge pyramid structure, but the material used is a special white metal. According to Jejue Gordon, it seems to be a special metal with strong thermal insulation ability. It belongs to a special product of the Kosler [-] star, on the Kosler [-] star.

It is indeed like what Jehue Gordon said, Wang Ming took off his helmet after entering the Governor's Mansion, and he could clearly feel the temperature change. It is obvious that the temperature is indeed much higher than the outside, and even It's a bit hot, you have to know how big the space is, and there is no heating, and the outdoor is still around minus 45 degrees, which has proved the special nature of this metal.

"We need to get some of this metal and send it to the First Engineer Company, and let them try to see if they can get something out of it."

Wang Ming looked at the metal wall, touched the metal wall and thought in his heart that this special metal must be used by Xu Zheng. Apart from infrastructure, they just like this strange and special material.

"God-emperor, it's actually a Primarch, the God's Son of the Emperor."

As Wang Ming walked into the Governor's Mansion under the leadership of Jejue Gordon, many staff members in the Governor's Mansion saw Wang Ming's majestic figure. It is very difficult (Wang Ming is about five meters tall in Xinjia).

The mortals were shocked that the descendants of the gods, emperors and gods, who only existed in legends, actually walked on the world again. The first time they saw Wang Ming, they were filled with the sense of affinity with Wang Ming. , Qiqi performed the Sky Eagle Salute to Wang Ming, and the mortals who were closer to Wang Ming knelt down and worshiped Wang Ming.

"This..., Emperor, did you give me your characteristics? This scene is so familiar."

Looking at the movements of the mortals around, Wang Ming suddenly thought of the scene of the emperor walking in the mortal world. Wherever the emperor went, dazzling golden light flickered around him, and a soft feeling filled everyone who watched. In the hearts of mortals who love the emperor.

In fact, it can’t be blamed that some people in the Great Expedition era believed in the emperor as a god. To be honest, if Wang Ming saw that scene before time travel, he would probably be able to kneel down on the spot, and then directly throw away his 28-year view of materialism.

That kind of scene has too much impact on mortals. If anyone says that it is not a god, that person is definitely a lunatic or mentally handicapped. There is also a special possibility, that is, an extreme materialist.

"Stand up, don't kneel!"

Wang Ming looked helplessly at the mortals around him, then raised his voice and said loudly, trying to make these mortals stand up.

"God Emperor!"

When the staff heard Wang Ming's words, they all stood up slowly, talking in low voices while standing up.

"Hey, Jehue Gordon, let's go, why are you kneeling?"

Wang Ming sighed, then looked at Jehue Gordon, ready to let him lead him to the governor's office, but when Wang Ming saw him, he found that he also knelt down.

"What the hell, who was in charge of the front two months ago? It's a piece of shit. It's not even comparable to the second regiment's trade-in for kills. It's just filling the line with human lives, and it's still Unnecessary filling lines!"

In the governor's office, Wang Ming took a picture of the documents on the table, looked angrily at the nobles from Kosser [-] star in front of him, and asked in an extremely angry tone.

At this moment, Hu Jin, who was directing the battle on the ground, suddenly sneezed.

"What's wrong with you? Sneezing like this? Forty degrees below zero is not too cold for an Astartes wearing power armor."

Ye Fan looked at Hu Jin who suddenly sneezed and asked curiously, Astarte sneezed, the only one.

"I don't know, but I feel like we're being discussed."

Hu Jin scratched his nose strangely, and said very strangely.

Go back to the governor's office.

Listening to the angry voice of the Primarch, several nobles dared not speak at all, and no one wanted to take this responsibility.

"Jejue Gordon, tell me, who is in charge of the front line for the past two months."

Seeing that the few nobles in front of him were silent, Wang Ming asked Jehue Gordon, no one dared to take responsibility, right?

You must know that the insect commanding the battle gave all the PDFs of more than [-] to the green skin. This kind of insect must die, and it doesn't matter if it has no command ability.

(End of this chapter)

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