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Chapter 154 "Noble Army"

Chapter 154 "Noble Army"

In the empire, usually there will be an animal among the nobles of each world. The scientific name of that animal is an insect, and it is a small imperial animal with aristocratic status. Their appearance usually causes the fighting troops to be cut off suddenly Supplies, the fleeing imperial citizens died in batches due to the closing of the Hive City gate.

Usually this kind of imperial animal would live very well because of its aristocratic status, but there are also some special circumstances such as now.

"My lord Primarch, it is the planetary general, Aroldor Gordon."

After hearing Wang Ming's question, Jehue Gordon looked at a nobleman in front of Wang Ming with a businesslike look and said.

"Are you the Planetary General?"

Wang Ming followed Jehue Gordon's line of sight, and saw a nobleman looking at him in horror.

The aristocrat had a standard aristocratic appearance, which basically satisfied Wang Ming's stereotype of the empire. The overweight body made the luxurious fur coat on his body like the fur growing on his body. The fat on his face sticks to his neck as if his neck has disappeared.

"Master Primarch, I am Aroldo Gordon, the planetary general. I don't know what happened to the loss of those planetary defense forces. I was on another island at the time, and James Gordon was in charge of defending the main continent. official."

Aroldo Gordon looked at Wang Ming extremely nervously, and with a trembling voice, he shifted the responsibility for losing his head to his brother, the Consul of the Planetary People's Livelihood, James Gordon.

People's Livelihood Consul, this position is a unique position on Kosser Star [-]. It is responsible for managing everything about the development of various cities, which is equivalent to the mayor of Gutera, and the Minsheng Consul is the leader who manages these mayors.

"Who is James Gordon?"

Wang Ming glanced at Aroldo Gordon who was almost fainted from fright, and then scanned the nobles in front of him with his sharp eyes.

"Yes... it is me, my lord Primarch."

James Gordon looked at Wang Ming and said tremblingly.

"My lord, my lord, I did give the order at the time, but the person responsible for carrying it out was..."

James Gordon also wants to throw the blame on others like Aroldo Gordon.

"Shut up, this matter is the responsibility of the two of you, and you still want to shirk responsibility, to whom? Those dead soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force?"

But just when he was trying to throw the blame away, Wang Ming's voice cut off his words directly. Wang Ming looked angrily at the two nobles in front of him, and said to them.

"My lord, I have no such intention!"

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the two said hurriedly.

"Yes, you didn't mean that, but someone must be responsible for this matter, right?"

Wang Ming looked at the terrified two people in front of him and said, the anger in his tone could no longer be suppressed. The death of more than 30 people and the loss of more than 1 PDFs can be completely avoided. More than 30 people only need to At that time, the supplies of the defense forces were sufficient, and there were more than 1 soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force, so it was obviously unnecessary to defend the meaningless ornamental greenhouse garden.


Wang Ming looked at the two imperial aristocratic specialty small animals in front of him, let out a long breath, and suddenly laughed, but Wang Ming's smile made the two imperial insects feel incomparably terrified.

"The good news is that now we can deal with these sources of damage."

Wang Ming smiled and put a document on the table, and pushed it to the two imperial nobles in front of him.

"Your duties have been removed, and your crimes will be judged. You must be responsible for those who died, understand?"

Wang Ming smiled and said to them, Wang Ming's words undoubtedly sent them a death notice directly, their own death notice.

"My lord! We have no choice but to do this! You can't treat us like this! Our loyalty to the God Emperor..."

After hearing Wang Ming's sentence to them, the two hurriedly prepared to explain, but their words were still interrupted by Wang Ming.

"He..., guard!"

Wang Ming originally planned to call Jose, but Wang Ming suddenly remembered that Jose was still preparing to take over the personnel on the "Imperial Truth", and he hadn't arrived yet, so he could only call the guards.

Following Wang Ming's order, several guards quickly rushed into the governor's office.

"Tie these two insects down."

Wang Ming looked at the two insects in front of him and said to the guard.

Several guards looked at the two nobles and hesitated. Although the order was given to the Primarch, the Emperor's God's Son, those two were nobles. Besides, if we talk about their status, the guards belonged to these Private soldiers of nobles, let them be tied to their masters now.

"What are you thinking, hurry up and tie it up, this is the order of the Primarch!"

Seeing the hesitation of the guards, Jejue Gordon shouted to the guards.

The guard was instantly sobered by Jejue Gordon's cry, yes, this was the order of the Primarch, and the sober guard quickly controlled the two of them, and they were still alive when they were dragged out of the office. shirking each other's responsibilities.

"The rest, it's okay..."

Looking at the remaining nobles in the room, Wang Ming slowly took off his own bolter, put it on the table, and cleared his throat.

"You all did a good job..."

Wang Ming's words made all the remaining nobles relax. Lord Primarch praised us. We did a good job. At least we don't have to be dragged out like those two.

"But..., can you explain how you piled up all the supplies in the warehouse without being transported to the front line when the air transportation was unimpeded?"

Wang Ming tapped the bolter on the table with his finger, looked at the nobleman in front of him and said with a smile.

"My lord, our air transportation will be blocked by green skins. You saw it when you came. It really wasn't our intention."

After the few remaining nobles heard Wang Ming's words, their hearts relaxed just now, like riding a roller coaster, and they became crazily tense again.

"Hmm..., and then? Are the supplies out of the way? What do the soldiers on the front line use to fight those beasts? Do they have ration sticks?"

Wang Ming listened to the nobles' excuses before him, and asked them, Wang Ming knew that this was pure nonsense, the accuracy of the green skins was not very high at all, as long as the transport plane increased its speed, the green skins' anti-aircraft guns would not be able to hit them at all.

"The supplies of the Planetary Defense Force in nearly three cities have been stopped for more than a month, and they are already fighting with the green skins!"

Wang Ming put a document on the table, and then pushed it to the nobles in front of him.

"Of course, you don't have to be afraid. What you have done is nothing compared to the previous two. At least you have not caused too much loss of personnel."

Wang Ming tapped the table with his fingers and smiled. He said to the nervous nobles in a flat tone, although the supplies of those planetary defense forces were withheld, but the combat effectiveness of those soldiers was extremely strong. They used limited ammunition and bayonets forcefully. , Blocking those green skins from the thousands of lights in the city, they are real human warriors.


After hearing Wang Ming's words, the surrounding nobles collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, I have made arrangements for you. Your posts have been dismissed. I have also formed a noble army for you. You will become the first batch of star soldiers on the [-]th star of Kesier and become a glorious Emperor currency."

Wang Ming smiled, and took out another document and handed it to the nobles. These documents were sorted out by Captain Jiang Tao within a few hours. After sorting out, Captain Jiang Tao transmitted these documents to Wang Ming's terminal, and Wang Ming then used the printer of the Governor's Mansion to print it out, everything was arranged in advance.

"My lord..., is this a bit abrupt? We are all imperial nobles and have not received professional training. I am afraid that we can complete the task of the emperor's currency."

A nobleman took the document and read it. After reading it, he said to Wang Ming that he hoped to evade it on the grounds that they lacked professional training.

"Don't worry about this. Have you ever heard that the best training is actual combat?"

Wang Ming looked playfully at the nobles in front of him who had changed from nervous to terrified, and said in a flat tone.

Wang Ming's tone was flat, but the psychological impact on these nobles was higher than the previous anger.

"You are responsible for the defense of this city."

Wang Ming handed them a photo of the city. It was a small city with a population of only about [-]. The number of green skins attacking it was not too many, only about [-].

"I believe that you will not refuse to become the emperor's currency?"

Wang Ming said to the nobles, Wang Ming has already planned it, and this city is almost enough for these nobles to practice their hands. Although there is still a possibility of being breached by the green skins, the evacuation route for the common people has been prepared. Ready to escape, the 120th Regiment of the "Star Liberators" as the supervisor team will take over the battlefield, and after quickly dealing with the fleeing nobles, they will then take over the battle with the greenskins.

Wang Ming has already planned a one-stop service for them. If they survive and wipe out all the green skins, then congratulations to them. They will officially become the Astral Army and will go to the stars to fight for humans and the emperor.

"All right, everyone, please."

Wang Ming stood up. To be honest, the chair that Jeju Gordon temporarily prepared for Wang Ming was really uncomfortable.

Under Wang Ming's words, those nobles slowly walked out of the governor's office. After a while, someone will lead them to the barracks, and together with the efficient conscripts selected from the prison, they will form the "Noble Army" and head to the battlefield together.

"Song Dynasty, Song Dynasty, I am Xu Ming, we are right in front of you, we have found the base camp of the green skins."

In a valley, five traversers wearing Terminator power armors were slowly advancing towards the green-skin tribe in front of them. Their Terminator power armors were all equipped with invisibility devices.

This kind of special combat equipment is also one of the many tactical equipment equipped by the traverser. Wang Ming can be said to have given all the equipment for the traverser. Of course, except for the powerful fighting iron man, that thing is extremely Once a problem occurs, it is very difficult to control.

"Understood, Xu Ming, we are following up, the Terminator power armor is too troublesome to assassinate, as long as the green leather head is pushed hard, it will become mushroom sauce."

Song Chao gently placed a green-skinned headless corpse on the ground, and then spoke to Xu Ming through the communicator.

"I knew that you should be allowed to wear tactical armor, and is your gene seed mixed with crow? Boss' gene seed is not pure."

Listening to Song Chao's words, Xu Ming joked.

"Maybe? My gene seed might be custom-made by the emperor."

Song Chao said to Xu Ming with a smile, and he was also joking.

"Stop nagging, we're almost there, hurry up and send the coordinates up, then remove the invisibility and do a big job, and finally get blown back by the direct hit of death."

Just when the two were joking with each other, Ye Fan's voice suddenly appeared in the communication channel. He was the commander of this operation.

"Okay, company commander, the coordinates have been uploaded."

After Xu Ming heard Ye Fan's words, he quickly uploaded the coordinates, and then lifted the invisibility.

With the removal of invisibility, five Astartes wearing iron cavalry and holding thunder hammers appeared in front of the greenskin tribe.

"Brothers! For the Emperor! For the Primarch! waaaagh!!!"

The five traversers roared and rushed towards the green-skin tribe.

Xu Ming took the lead, and with the hammer of thunder, he beat a green skin in front of him who was wondering how these shrimp bosses appeared into mushroom sauce. After Xu Ming killed the No.1 green skin, other green skins also noticed the traversers .

All kinds of bullets and artillery shells flew towards the traversers, but all the firepower was blocked by the defensive force field of the cavalry-type Terminator. The traversers looked at the green leather firepower points automatically locked by the helmet, raised the bolter and quickly shot Dropped them one by one.

The Terminator Power Armor is very terrifying. Although in some works, its defensiveness is basically Schrödinger's state, but the reality is that it is very difficult to deal with a Terminator without another Terminator.

Five terminators fought and killed special kills in the green skin tribe. The various firepower of the green skins could not break through its defensive force field, but the green skins still had a way to deal with the traversers. After discovering that the conventional firepower could not hurt the traversers Finally, the chubby self-destructing jumps were released by the green skins one by one.

They used their big mouths full of fangs to bite the green-skinned melta bombs and rushed towards the traversers quickly, but most of the self-explosive jumps were not close to the traversers, and they were directly hit by a blast bomb. It exploded.

Even so, it can't stand the large number. This green-skinned tribe has been able to produce a large number of hot melts. I don't know the technology they have obtained from them. Some lucky self-explosive jumps successfully rushed to the side of the traversers, and they detonated instantly. The melta bombs were fired, and the green skins let out excited roars as the explosion lights of the melta bombs lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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