Chapter 173 Psychic Boy
In the green-skinned base camp, Dakla looked at several green-skinned bosses in front of him, and was angrily lecturing. It destroyed its exquisite tactics against these bosses.

"Why are those tanks behind the boys!? What kind of tactic is it to put the boys in front of the tanks!?"

Da Kela looked at the green-skinned bosses and questioned them angrily.

Dakla's original tactic was to cooperate with tanks and tanks, but when the green-skinned bosses were really allowed to do it, they suddenly turned into green-skinned bosses rushing forward and running slowly behind the tanks.

"warBoss, we originally wanted to carry out your plan, but the boys didn't care about it once they fought, and the tanks driven by those farts were too slow because those farts were afraid of fighting."

A green-skinned boss looked at the angry Dakla, and told Dakla everything about the incident. In fact, Dakla was quite supportive of the boys.

This green-skinned boss thinks that the greenskins should fight like this. It doesn't understand why the boss uses human tactics. Isn't the greenskins' way of fighting bad?

"Reorganize the attack, tie all those cowardly grits with bombs, let them charge towards the shrimp's position, and send those psychic boys who are detained alone to the battlefield, let them use their psychic abilities to send the shrimps to the front line breakthrough."

After hearing what the green-skinned boss said, Da Kela angrily grabbed the green-skinned boss who was the most unpleasant in front of him and turned it into mushroom sauce with his power claws, and then said to the green-skinned boss.

"Yes warBoss, I'll go right away."

The green-skinned boss looked at his companion who had turned into mushroom sauce on the ground, quickly responded to Da Kela, and then quickly ran towards the boys not far away.

Returning to the human position, in order to deal with the armored power of the green skins, Wang Ming dispatched a mortal auxiliary army armor to the position. After they received a large number of armored vehicles from the Great Expedition era provided by Wang Ming, their combat effectiveness increased exponentially.

Wang Ming has confidence in this armor. Wang Ming believes that the human armor regiment that has undergone professional training and combat honing should be able to crush the scrap iron armored vehicles of the green skins.

Wang Ming is standing on the ground right now. He looked at the greenskins who were charging again in front of him, then turned his head to look at the dozens of Leman Russes and two Emperor Baneblades around him, and then looked at the front that was heading towards the ground. The rushing green leather armor.

"Whether it is quality or quantity, I have the advantage in this wave."

Wang Ming looked at those green-skinned crude armored vehicles, observed the strange gun barrels on their bodies, and thought to himself.

However, those green-skinned armored vehicles did not rush directly to the closest point of the human position, but stopped not far from the human position.

"Master Primarch, the orc's armored vehicle has stopped, is it allowed to attack?"

Just after those green leather vehicles stopped, the officer of the armored regiment asked Wang Ming, he wanted to take this opportunity to directly annihilate these green leather vehicles.

"Wait, aim the muzzle at them first, don't fire, and see what they want to do."

Wang Ming looked at the parked green leather vehicles and said to the officer.

Wang Ming looked at what the stopped green leather vehicles were doing. They stopped while charging, obviously to cause trouble.

Those parked green leather armored vehicles were considered to be very large, and should belong to a kind of personnel carrier. It was like an enlarged Leman Russ with a small turret that was scaled down.

After the green leather vehicles stopped, the doors were quickly opened, and the farts strapped with various grenades rushed out of the vehicles in an instant, and they rushed towards the human positions crazily the moment they got off the vehicles Come.

After the Grits got off, the greenskins holding the green leather staffs got out of the car one by one, and they also rushed towards the human position just like the Grits before.

"Fire! TM psionic kid!"

When Wang Ming saw those farts and those green skins with strange antennae, he immediately let the armor group open fire. Wang Ming knew very well how dangerous those green skins were. A humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb that can explode anywhere.

After receiving Wang Ming's order to fire, all the armored firepower on the position opened fire, and those green leather vehicles were instantly hit by various shells, and those green leather vehicles were instantly destroyed.

The mortal auxiliaries on the position also opened fire, firing neat salvos of lasers, blasting the grits rushing towards the position.

The laser hit the grenade on the grits, and the grits were blown to pieces in an instant, and the psionic boys held up their staffs, and formed psionic shields around them, resisting the laser's attack. Rays.

Although those psychic boys resisted the laser rifle's fire, they responded with a light cannon attack. They could block the laser rifle, but they couldn't block the laser cannon's attack.

The Mortal Auxiliary Army has a lot of heavy weapons and equipment. Wang Ming has always given the Mortal Auxiliary Army the weapons and equipment they want. Kind of like grandma thinks you're hungry.

If it weren't for the configuration and supplies of the troops, Wang Ming even wanted to send a plasma to the hands of all the mortal auxiliary troops.

Just as the mortal auxiliaries used laser salvos to kill the grits with grenades strapped to them, the green-skinned psychics suddenly began to gather.

"Let's focus our firepower and attack those orcs with staffs."

Wang Ming quickly discovered the actions of these green-skinned psychic boys, and quickly concentrated the firepower of heavy weapons on them. Wang Ming knew the danger of these psychic boys.

Following the transmission of Wang Ming's order, the explosive bombs of the traversers and the heavy weapons of the mortal auxiliary army poured on the concentrated psychic boys.

Laser cannons, plasma, heavy bombers, and Leman Russ' main cannon all fired at those psychic boys.

Countless firepower instantly covered those psychic boys, and a huge explosion appeared on the battlefield.

"It doesn't feel right..."

Looking at the smoke caused by the explosion, Wang Ming felt uneasy for some reason.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed in the smoke, and Wang Ming knew the reason for his uneasiness the moment he saw that light. Those psychic boys were not killed by the firepower, or they were Their spells take shape before the fire hits them.

"Crack crack crack!!!"

A series of terrifying psychic lightnings rushed out of the smoke and quickly spread towards the human camp. At the moment when these lightnings appeared, everyone in the camp felt a very strange feeling of discomfort. Some mortals assisted Jun fell directly to the ground, took off his helmet and began to vomit.

Just now, Wang Ming and the travelers all felt a strange sense of nausea, as if something was whipping their nerves in their head. I don't know how many times the soul has made him resistant to this, he just feels slightly sick.


The psychic lightning quickly rushed to the human position, and Wang Ming didn't have any reaction time to make the auxiliary soldiers lie down or hide.

The moment the psychic lightning entered the formation, all the internal components of the electronic equipment were burned, and the Emperor Poison Blade at the front of the formation was the first to bear the brunt. The psychic lightning even directly melted its armor, instantly vaporizing the entire vehicle crew.

Psionic lightning flooded the trenches. The power armor of all mortal auxiliary troops and traversers stopped working under the action of psychic lightning. Some auxiliary troops were even directly evaporated into a ball of blood by the high temperature of psychic lightning. Red steam.

Wang Ming was also attacked, and the power feedback power armor instantly went on strike. Even Wang Ming's body was burned by the psionic lightning, but this was not too much damage to the Primarch.

Wang Ming immediately felt that his body was a lot heavier. The power armor without energy was almost the same as the plate armor in the middle ages. It was dead heavy.

But this is nothing to Wang Ming, the original body's physical fitness just makes him feel that the power armor has become a little heavier, and there are no other problems.

"damn it!"

Looking at the scene in the trenches, Wang Ming cursed angrily in his heart. In the trenches, the mortal auxiliaries were howling and dragging down the power armor. Their bodies had been burned due to the burning of the electronic components of the power armor.

Large and small scorch marks appeared on the uniforms worn by the auxiliary troops. Fortunately, these uniforms were flame-retardant, otherwise the auxiliary troops on the ground would probably all become "acquaintances".


At this moment, the green skins suddenly launched a charge, as if they knew that the human beings had no fighting power now, and they planned to attack the human positions.

"Clap clap clap!"

The only people on the ground who could fight relatively normally were the traversers. They took off their helmets and started firing at the green boys who were charging.

The automatic locking function of the helmet is no longer available, and the traversers can only rely on their own marksmanship. The traversers' marksmanship is not bad. After all, during the training time, Wang Ming completely supplied unlimited explosive bombs. Their marksmanship was also fed out under the mountains and seas of explosive shells.

Wang Ming rushed to the front of his power armor with no power on his body, quickly pulled out his bolt pistol, and started shooting at the charging greenskins.

Compared with the marksmanship of the traversers, Wang Ming's marksmanship is relatively poor. Wang Ming uses the golden giant sword the most, rather than various long-range weapons. His marksmanship can be said to be similar to that of a local PDF. Accurate, but only a little.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Wang Ming was constantly shooting at the green skins, but at this moment, a shell suddenly hit Wang Ming, and the shell exploded on Wang Ming's body, because the power armor's energy was gone, and the void shield and ion shield were gone. It stopped, and the protection of the fine gold armor prevented Wang Ming from receiving any damage at all.

"Damn greenskin!"

Wang Ming looked at the source of those shells. They were a few green-skinned tanks. For some reason, all the armored vehicles made by the green-skinned vehicles were very similar to Leman Russ. The same was true for these tanks. Like a Leman Russ rubbed out of rubbish.

Wang Ming looked at those green-skinned Leman Russes and rushed towards them quickly. The moment Wang Ming ran, he pulled out his power sword.

Running with the unpowered power armor, Wang Ming didn't feel any pressure. The power armor on the original body was just a force feedback power armor. The original body's own strength actually didn't need the power armor to assist.

In front of Wang Ming, dozens of green-skinned heads were standing in front of the green-skinned Leman Russ, holding their own big guns and shooting at Wang Ming crazily with the marksmanship they would never recognize.

The green-skinned marksmanship cannot be said to be very bad, it can only be said to be non-existent. Wang Ming even feels that the green-skinned marksmanship is purely religious shooting. Dozens of green-skinned marksmanship is about 20 meters away from Wang Ming. It didn't hit Wang Ming.

Wang Ming rushed in front of those green skins, grabbed the original body green skin by the neck and threw it towards the other green skin. The familiar scene happened again, the thrown green skin hit the other green skin, and instantly Because of the huge kinetic energy, it exploded, and the two green skins turned into mushroom sauce flying in the air.

Wang Ming looked at the remaining green skins and didn't move too much. He held the golden giant sword and quickly dealt with all of them. Wang Ming's speed was so fast that those green skins didn't even know what happened. , was chopped into pieces by the power sword.

After Wang Ming dealt with the green-skinned boys, he quickly rushed to the side of a green-skinned Leman Russ. He raised his power sword and chopped it down with a single blow. The green-skinned Leman Russ' armor was chopped like tofu. Opened, the feeling of splitting this armor is like using a power sword to cut through the air without any hindrance.

Wang Ming split the armor plate with three strikes, looked at the trembling farts inside Leman Russ, and pointed his bolt pistol at them with a smile.

"Clap clap clap!"

Wang Ming quickly pulled the trigger, and the bolt pistol completed a manual and full automatic operation, and the bolt instantly turned those shivering farts into mushroom sauce.

Wang Ming looked at the fart that had turned into mushroom sauce, and quickly ran towards another green-skinned Leman Russ. These green-skinned Leman Russes also noticed Wang Ming. Firepower shot at Wang Ming.

A large number of shells hit Wang Ming's body, which did no harm to Wang Ming. The protective ability of the fine gold armor was very good. Coupled with the powerful body of the original body itself, these firepower did not stop Wang Ming's progress at all.

Wang Ming quickly rushed to the green-skinned Leman Russ that was closest to him. Due to the shooting angle, the green-skinned Leman Russ could no longer attack Wang Ming.

In fact, it is quite strange, the Leman Russ of the green skins does not have secondary weapons such as heavy bombers, which makes them completely unable to attack as long as they are very close to them.

(End of this chapter)

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