Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 174 Chaos Fleet and "Star Conqueror"

Chapter 174 Chaos Fleet and "Star Conqueror"
Just when Wang Ming and the traversers were fighting with the green skins on Kessel 120, in the Tali galaxy, which is [-] and five light-years away from the Kessel galaxy, we have not seen Wang Xiaofa for a long time, and we have brought three regiments with us. The tower world settled down.

The military oil guys of the "Star Conqueror" have already begun to establish industrialization in this world.

When Wang Xiaofa first arrived in this world, there were only a few cultists acting as demons in the wilderness outside the hive capital. There was no need for Wang Xiaofa to take the traversers there. The local PDF had already tidied them up.

Sitting on the captain's seat, Wang Xiaofa was looking at the industrialization data on the data board with great interest. They had completed most of the industrialization, and the entire main continent had almost covered various factories.

"There are still plans to build some small factories. It is estimated that it will take a week. At that time, they will be able to join the boss in the predetermined galaxy."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the planetary industrialization data map on the data board, and thought in his heart that the industrialization of the tower world was very smooth without any obstacles, and the planetary governor was also very cooperative. It took only one month to complete the industrialization of the main continent. The industrialization of some small areas remained.

"Captain Wang Xiaofa, I'm sorry to disturb you. My radar has detected a fleet entering the Tali galaxy. There are a lot of opponents, and one of them is a "Queen of Glory" class battleship in the database."

Just as Wang Xiaofa was estimating when he could set off, the military artificial intelligence of the "Star Conqueror" suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Second Lieutenant Liang Yin, what's the situation, can you detect friends and foes in that fleet?"

Wang Xiaofa looked at the girl in the uniform of the Human Federation Army in front of him and asked her, but Wang Xiaofa regretted it after asking this question. He knew that he asked a stupid question. "There are only a few battleships left.

"Lock them all as enemy ships, don't fire and just lock them until you get definite information."

Wang Xiaofa watched the radar reconnaissance map given by Second Lieutenant Liang Yin, and saw the dense light spots on it, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in Wang Xiaofa's heart.

"Let the "Star Conqueror" leave the star port, enter the starry sky, and go to the surface of the satellite in the tower world to hide."

Wang Xiaofa thought about it again, and said to Second Lieutenant Liang Yin.

The satellite of the Taliworld has been tidally locked by the Taliworld, and it will always only face the Taliworld, which creates an excellent hiding environment for the "Star Conqueror". As long as the "Star Conquest" is hidden in On the back of the satellite, it is enough to run with the satellite, and the satellite will block all investigations of the "Star Conqueror".

Following Wang Xiaofa's order, the "Star Conqueror" slowly left the star port and flew towards the satellite "Nu Aisha" in the Taliworld.

"Send out the scout craft to contact the fleet as it passes by the fourth gaseous planet in the galaxy to confirm its identity."

After the "Star Conqueror" arrived at the back of the satellite, Wang Xiaofa issued another order to Lieutenant Liang Yin. The "Star Conqueror" is a battleship fully assisted by artificial intelligence. The abilities are much stronger.

Because of the complete assistance of artificial intelligence, all the functions of the "Star Conqueror" can be known by Wang Xiaofa, the captain, and all functions can be completed by artificial intelligence.

"Understood, Captain Wang Xiaofa, the unmanned reconnaissance boat has been dispatched and is heading towards the gaseous planet at sub-light speed. It is expected to contact the target fleet in two hours. All weapons have locked on the enemy fleet and are ready to fire at any time."

Lieutenant Liang Yin nodded to Wang Xiaofa, and quickly carried out Wang Xiaofa's order.

Two hours later, Wang Xiaofa was shocked when he looked at the Chaos fleet on the holographic projection screen. Those battleships had all kinds of chaos marks on them. Wang Xiaofa also recognized the "Queen of Glory" battleship. Patton's flagship, the Vengeful Spirit.

"Damn it, why did Abaddon come here? Second Lieutenant Liang Yin is ready to open fire immediately, trying to destroy their fleet directly before they approach us."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the chaotic octagon on the "Spirit of Vengeance", and hurriedly said to Second Lieutenant Liang Yin.

Wang Xiaofa didn't understand why Abaddon appeared here. According to the direction of the original plot, it shouldn't be here. The appearance of the traverser still changed the direction of the world.

"Yes, Captain Wang Xiaofa, all weapons are ready and are being calibrated."

Second Lieutenant Liang Yin's reaction was quick, and the moment Wang Xiaofa gave the order, he began to prepare for the attack. A few seconds later, the macro artillery array and light spears on the "Star Conqueror" opened fire.

As the flagship of the Human Federation Fleet, the "Star Conqueror" has absolutely no problem in attacking in this galaxy. The shells of the macrocannon fly towards the Chaos Fleet at sub-light speed, and the speed of the light spear is even faster. The powerful energy beam rushed toward Chaos at a speed close to the speed of light.

The moment the "Star Conqueror" fired, the back of the satellite "Nu Aisha" was instantly illuminated by light. The full fire of the "Star Conqueror" was very terrifying, and her design was given at the beginning. enough firepower to destroy a fleet.

Moreover, most of the current warships of the human empire, in the eyes of the artificial intelligence Lieutenant Liang Yin of the "Star Conqueror", are just a bunch of large sampans that can fly in space, even inferior to civilian ships in the era of the Human Federation.

The perspective turned to Abaddon, on the bridge of the "Spirit of Vengeance", Abaddon was looking at the two-headed strange bird in front of him with joy. It received a message from Tzeentch a few days ago. The flagship of the Primarch of the Empire, placed under the command of a Captain Astartes.

This is an opportunity to capture the warship, the flagship of the Primarch, and the fabled Golden Age warship.

Abaddon is very excited, because according to Carlos' prophecy, it will get this battleship, a battleship of the Primarch, which is a huge temptation for Abaddon, and this is a legendary Golden Age ship. The battleship, captured this battleship, its strength will be improved to a higher level.

Abaddon was very happy, because of Carlos' prophecy, it dared to bring its own fleet to the Tali galaxy, hoping to seize the warship through a gang fight.

"Drip Drip!!!"

Just when Abaddon was fantasizing about capturing the battleship himself, and then using it to kill the Primarch, suddenly the alarm sounded loudly in the "Spirit of Vengeance", and Abaddon turned a deaf ear to the alarm sound, because he knew that it was also Carlos part of the prophecy.

Abaddon knew that he would lose a lot of ships this time, but it was very worthwhile to exchange so many ships for a Primarch flagship. You must know that it was still counting on using this battleship to find the Primarch.

I don't know if it was intentional, but Tzeentch didn't tell Abaddon that Wang Ming was the "Eternal Life". He seemed to be deliberately asking Abaddon to find Wang Ming. Ross and Abaddon act together, and they are bound to snatch the "Star Conqueror".

The light spears were the first to come into contact with the Chaos Fleet, and a dozen Chaos warships were hit by the light spears in an instant and turned into cosmic dust. The void shields of those battleships did not stop the light spears for even a second, and the void shields were instantly overloaded. The battleship casualties were also in Abaddon's plan.

The main purpose of this fleet is to provide cover for the "Spirit of Vengeance". As long as the fleet can cover the "Spirit of Vengeance" and get close to the "Star Conqueror", then Carlos can use teleportation to let the Chaos cans complete the gang At that time, a large number of canned chaos will appear in various positions in the "Star Conqueror", catching the travelers by surprise.

Abaddon even prepared chaotic waste codes. This is the best waste codes it got from the black machine oil guy at some cost. Abaddon believes that as long as these chaotic waste codes enter the system of the "Star Conqueror" , it will instantly paralyze the entire battleship.

After the light spear attack, the macro artillery shells finally arrived, but the macro artillery shells did not achieve the same results as the previous light spears. After the light spear attack, the Chaos Fleet immediately adjusted its formation quickly. This round of macro artillery The salvo hit only one Chaos Fleet frigate.

Speaking of which, this "Cobra" class frigate was also really unlucky. Originally, with its agility, it could have completely dodged the macro artillery shells, but for some reason, the warship was hit instantly just as it maneuvered. The engine's plume had barely risen before it was hit.

"Move forward, and we must secure this Primarch's flagship."

Abaddon looked at the dozens of sunken warships in the fleet on the command panel, and said to the captains of each warship in a low voice.

Although in the prophecy of one of Carlos's heads, it will get this battleship, but Abaddon does not fully believe Carlos' prophecy, because its other head also gave Abaddon a prophecy, which predicts that Abaddon will surely fail , and the "Spirit of Vengeance" will be sunk by the "Star Conqueror".

"Warmaster, you will finally get the "Conquest of the Stars". Your legion will be sent to the battleship by me. They will quickly capture this battleship and use it to complete the feat of beheading the Primarch."

Carlos stood beside Abaddon, chattering his prophecy towards it, it predicted that Abaddon would successfully capture the "Star Conqueror" and then use this battleship to kill Wang Ming.

"Warmaster, your attempt to capture the "Star Conqueror" will fail, and your fleet will be wiped out by the "Star Conqueror" and turned into dust in the universe."

Just as one of Carlos's heads was uttering his own prophecy, his other head uttered a completely opposite prophecy.

Abaddon listened to the prophecies uttered by Carlos' two heads, and felt that this Tzeentch monster was too annoying. Although it was just a guess, Abaddon felt that the one who said that he could get the head of the "Star Conqueror" was talking about it. To be honest, after all, he has already brought the fleet here, and he has also laid out a plan. Abaddon believes that this plan to snatch the ship will be successful.

Abaddon's chaotic fleet gradually speeded up and flew towards the tower world. Abaddon knew the location of the "Star Conqueror", which was also what Carlos told it. The "Star Conqueror" was hidden behind the "Nu Aisha" .

The Chaos Fleet is in action, and the "Conquest of the Stars" is also in action. The "Conquest of the Stars" directly left the back of "Nu Aisha" and rushed towards the Chaos Fleet.

Instead of passively waiting for the Chaos Fleet to rush forward, it is better to take the initiative to directly leave these Chaos in the Tali Galaxy, and maybe there will be an unexpected harvest of killing Abaddon.

The "Star Conqueror" rushed towards the Chaos Fleet, and fired at the Chaos Fleet while driving. The Chaos Fleet did the same. The energy beam hit the target precisely.

On the tower world, an oil guy who is building a factory in the wilderness is looking at the dots of light flashing in the starry sky, thinking about what happened in space.

In the "Spirit of Vengeance", Abaddon and Carlos looked at the "Star Conqueror" that had already appeared in their field of vision, and instantly knew that the opportunity had come.

Carlos beside Abaddon disappeared in an instant. After Carlos disappeared, a thin layer of ice formed on the ground it was standing on. Abaddon didn't care about Carlos' disappearance. It knew that Carlos was going to cast its spell.

"What's that? A double-headed eagle? An imperial sky eagle?"

In the "Conquest of the Stars", Wang Xiaofa looked at the "double-headed eagle" on the outer tower of the "Spirit of Vengeance" on the holographic projection screen, wondering why there was an imperial sky eagle on the Chaos Battleship?
"Second Lieutenant Liang Yin, adjust the optical components to zoom in on that double-headed eagle."

Wang Xiaofa was thinking about why there was an imperial sky eagle on the "Spirit of Vengeance", and immediately asked Second Lieutenant Liang Yin to adjust the optical components to enlarge the double-headed eagle so that he could see the double-headed eagle clearly.

"Good Captain Wang Xiaofa."

Second Lieutenant Liang Yin responded to Wang Xiao, and then pointed a ship's external camera at the double-headed eagle.

"Damn it! Carlos the Weaver of Life!?"

As the double-headed eagle on the holographic projection screen was enlarged, Wang Xiaofa finally saw clearly a so-called double-headed eagle, which is the truth of the empire, that terrible Tzeentch, Carlos the "Fate Weaver".

Carlos was standing on top of a high tower structure, holding his staff, and the purple spiritual lightning around him was constantly flickering, and his two twisted bird heads were staring at the front, like a card Ross can see Wang Xiaofa inside through the shell of the "Star Conqueror".

"From a distance, it looks like the Imperial Skyhawk, but from a close look, it's Tzeentch the Great Demon... Let me just say, how could the Imperial Skyhawk appear on the Chaos Battleship."

Looking at Carlos on the holographic projection screen, Wang Xiaofa thought in his heart that the appearance of Carlos made Wang Xiaofa probably know why Abaddon appeared in the Tali galaxy, it must be Tzeentch's plan.

"Concentrate your weapons and attack that monster with all your strength!"

Wang Xiaofa looked at Carlos, and ordered to Lieutenant Liang Yin that this Tzeentch must be dealt with first, otherwise no one would know what it could do.

(End of this chapter)

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