Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 193 Fighting to survive

Chapter 193 Fighting to survive
In the world of Tali, the gate of the hive capital of "Tari Como", on top of the human position, the local mobilization position in Tali.

A large number of laser salvos over the past few days have made the air on the battlefield very dry and hot. A mortal auxiliary sat in the trench holding his laser rifle. I wondered what I was doing here.

"I'm a soldier, I'm here to fight, but... why should I fight? What am I fighting for?"

Listening to the whispers in his ears, the mortal auxiliary army kept doubting the meaning of fighting here. He was so focused on thinking that he ignored the words of the political commissar around him.

"Yes, you have no responsibility to fight for others, look, how terrifying the enemy is..., they have sharp claws and devil-like appearance, you will die, if you continue to stay here and fight, you will definitely die .”

I don't know if it was the mortal auxiliaries thinking in their own minds, or the whispers in their ears, the mortal auxiliaries gradually put down their laser rifles and began to take off their power armor.

He didn't want to die for others, and he didn't want to fight anymore, because in this war, he would definitely be killed by those demon-like creatures.

He shouldn't have come here to fight in the first place. He was just a gang member in the nest, living a peaceful life of gang fights every day, but one day a group of three-meter-tall giants took him away from the nest and sent him a Equip him for battle.

"Soldier, what are you doing?"

The political commissar who kept comforting the soldiers in the trenches to stabilize their morale immediately noticed the abnormality of the soldiers.

The political commissar quickly came to the soldier and held down his hand that unbuttoned his helmet.

"I..., I don't want to fight anymore, I don't want to die for others, if I continue to fight, I will definitely die, I don't want to die! I don't want to die!!"

The soldier looked at the political commissar in front of him with a dazed expression, first told him in a daze that he didn't want to fight anymore, and then suddenly started yelling at the top of his lungs, repeating that he didn't want to die.

"You will not die, soldier, you will not die for others, you will not die, you are the currency of the Emperor, you must fight for the Emperor and yourself!"

The political commissar looked at the soldier who suddenly became a little crazy in front of him, and kept comforting him. The political commissar knew that the soldier had been affected and he had already started to go crazy.

"No no no, I'm not currency, I don't want to die! I don't want to die! You want me to die! You want me to die!"

The soldier didn't listen to the political commissar's words, he kept yelling at the political commissar crazily, his emotions became more and more agitated, he thought that the person in front of him

The man with the big brim hat just wants him to die.

The soldier didn't want to die, and his emotions became more and more agitated. Looking at the political commissar in front of him, he actually touched the laser rifle beside him. He didn't want to die, so the man in front of him who wanted to die had to die.

"What are you doing!?"

The political commissar noticed the soldier touching the gun, and immediately used his biologically modified arm to grab the soldier's hand touching the gun, preventing the soldier from moving.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

After the soldier was held down by the political commissar, he kept yelling. His yelling seemed contagious. All the soldiers in the trenches who heard his yelling began to have the same thoughts in their hearts. , I will definitely die if I stay here, I don't want to die.

At this moment, except for some soldiers with strong spirits, a large number of soldiers began to show symptoms of wavering thoughts, and deserters began to appear in the entire trench.

At this moment, the Terran mortal auxiliary army in the trenches behind them moved, and the specially organized supervisory team moved.

Holding non-lethal weapons such as capture nets, they rushed towards the soldiers who ran out of the trenches, and in groups of two, they used the capture nets to capture the deserters who were trying to escape.

The mortal auxiliaries caught these soldiers who kept shouting that they were going to die and handed them over to the punishment camp. The mortal auxiliaries of Terra origin were used to this kind of thing, and it happened every day.

"Has there been another desertion incident?"

On the position of the Mortal Auxiliary Army of Terra origin, a traverser looked at the supervising team in front of him catching deserters, and asked the head of the Mortal Auxiliary Army beside him.

"Yes, my lord. Recently, their morale has been very low, and deserters appear every day. These soldiers who lack training cannot understand the great mission that the Emperor has entrusted to them."

The head of the Mortal Auxiliary Legion said to the passers-by that chaos had too much influence on mortals. These conscripts who had not undergone training and war were easily affected by chaos, leading to a collapse in morale.


The traverser sighed. Those deserters whose minds were eroded by the evil power of chaos, even if they survived the subsequent war, they would still have to be dealt with, because their spirits had been affected by chaos, and they would definitely be a monster wherever they were placed. Terrible hidden danger.

The traverser looked at the trench ahead again, and then walked towards the trench. Astartes' ability to stabilize the army's morale on the battlefield is very powerful. After all, in the eyes of mortals, Astartes is the emperor's angel.


After the traverser walked into the mobilization trench, he watched the soldiers in the trench and shouted, making the soldiers focus on him.

"Master Angel."

The political commissar, who was still appeasing the soldiers, saw the traverser, and quickly walked up to the traverser, and saluted him with an eagle salute.

"Soldiers, I know you are all very confused. Why do you want to fight here? Isn't it good to do your own things in your own home? Why do you want to fight here? Do you all think so?"

The traverser nodded to the political commissar, and then continued to speak to the mortal auxiliary army.

"No ..."

After hearing what the traverser said, the surrounding mortal auxiliaries all replied to him, but their voices clearly carried a bit of agreement with the traverser's words.

"Don't hide it, soldiers, I know that's what you think in your heart, and I understand you."

After hearing the soldiers' answers, the traverser shook his head and said to them.

The traverser really understands them. After all, he was also conscripted by the emperor forcibly. Obviously he is just an ordinary person, but he was brought to this desperate universe by the emperor. The traverser understands the feeling of being forcibly conscripted.

"You don't know what your enemy is, do you? You just know that fighting yourself is a monster."

The traverser continued to talk to the soldiers. He understood that these soldiers, including the regular mortal auxiliary soldiers of Terra origin, did not know what Chaos was, and only thought that they were fighting alien monsters.

"My lord, aren't they just monsters?"

After hearing what the traverser said, a soldier stood up and asked the traverser.

These soldiers living in the lower nest know that Astartes is the angel of the emperor, but they don't have an intuitive impression of it. They just talk to the traversers with the attitude of facing the nobles of the empire.

"They are monsters, but they are not those aliens. You may think that this war has nothing to do with you. Even if the war fails, you can still hide in the nest, live in the dark like a mouse, and avoid these Monsters, when these monsters get what they want and leave, they can live again."

The traverser looked at the soldier and said to him.

"Is not it?"

After hearing what the traverser said, the soldiers thought in their minds that they were used to living in the nest, and thought that the war had nothing to do with them, as long as they hid in their hiding places, avoided these monsters, and waited until they left.

The subtle changes in the soldiers' expressions were captured by the traversers, and the traversers naturally knew what they were thinking, just like what the traversers said before, that's what they thought.

"Your thinking is too naive. There is only one thing these monsters need, and that is human life. No matter where you hide, they will find you. Your relatives and friends, including you, will be killed by them after the defeat of the war."

The traverser looked at the soldier, looked at that immature face, and said again.


The soldier wanted to say something after hearing what the traverser said, but after thinking about the battles of the past few days, he also agreed with the traverser's statement that the only thing these monsters want is human life.

They are like a group of demons devouring human souls, and those who are not afraid of death will rush to the human position to kill human beings.

After hearing what the traverser said, the soldiers also began to think about it. Although they couldn't be sure that what the traverser said was true, it is estimated that based on the situation on the battlefield in the past few days, there should be a high probability that it is true.

"Do you still feel that the war has nothing to do with you?"

Looking at the thinking expressions of the soldiers, the traverser knew that more than half of his goal had been achieved, so he took this time to ask the soldiers.

After hearing the words of the traverser, the soldiers subconsciously shook their heads and agreed with the traverser's statement that this war is closely related to their lives.

"I will fight with you. I will not let you get hurt before those monsters step over my body. Correspondingly, you must use all your strength to kill those monsters. Only by killing them can you survive! Fight! Soldiers, the God Emperor will not protect the weak!!"

The traverser looked at the soldiers around him, knew that his goal had been achieved, and then began to appease the soldiers' morale.

"My lord, I understand."

It was the same soldier, he looked like he was only in his teens, he replied to the time traveler after hearing what the time traveler said.

After the soldier answered, he picked up his laser rifle and pointed to the wilderness in front of the trench. He was no longer confused as before, and he wanted to fight for his own survival.

After listening to the words of the traverser, the soldiers, like the previous soldiers, aimed their lasers at the wilderness ahead, ready to deal with the demons that might appear at any time.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, in order to survive and fight those monsters, only one of them can survive.


The traveler looked at the reinvigorated soldiers and thought sadly that the traveler had lied to them.

These soldiers fought for their own survival, but the fact is that even if they survived this war, they could not escape the fate of death. They had already shown their timidity towards Chaos before, and they had already been defeated by Chaos. influence.

Looking at the soldiers who were working hard to survive, the traveler suddenly remembered that he saw a sentence before crossing. To destroy a magic army, two armies are usually needed. One army destroys the magic army, and one army destroys the other. Destroy the army of the magic army.

"It seems that there is no other way? The boss sent all those people affected by chaos to the alien world to make troubles. It seems that these people can also..."

The traveler suddenly thought of the way Wang Ming treated the Chaos cultists before. It seems that this can be done, but now Wang Ming is not in this world, and there is no one-way spaceship to use after the war.

There are many battlefields with traversers in the tower world, but the number of traversers is limited. In the face of such a terrifying number of demon tides, only one company of traversers can be deployed in each hive.

Moreover, these one hundred traversers are also responsible for the multi-faceted defense of each hive city, so that now on the tower battlefield, there are only a few traversers defending many defensive positions, and a large number of main combat forces are mortal auxiliary troops.

In order to deal with this problem, Wang Xiaofa had previously planned to transfer the population of some small hive cities to those large hive cities, but this plan has a serious problem. Now all the hive cities are filled with demons, chaotic space fighters and cultists. Safe transfer of population is simply not realistic.

In desperation, they can only use a large number of mortal auxiliary troops to defend the various hives. It is absolutely impossible for the traversers to give up the population of these small hives. They are all human beings and citizens of the empire. It is impossible for the traversers to give up. them.

After the traversers calmed down the soldiers, several traversers who came to support also arrived at the position. They stood on the position together with the soldiers, ready to deal with the demons who might attack.

"Get ready! Here they come! For the Emperor!"

As time passed, the demons soon began to attack the human position. The traverser looked at the red demons galloping on the wilderness in front of the position, shouted at the soldiers, and then opened fire at the evil tide up.

The battle in the tower world is very strange. Because of the fortified nest capital, humans and chaos are now fighting back and forth. After humans eliminate all the attacking demons, those chaotic space fighters and cultists will call again A group of demons continued to attack the Hive Capital.

The battles in the past few days have been like this. Chaos seems to want to use the demons to consume the ammunition and soldiers of the empire, and then launch a decisive attack when the empire runs out of ammunition and food.

But what the Chaos side didn't know was that the Empire had support. In the distant Koser galaxy, Wang Ming looked at the industrialized Kosser [-] star and was ready to set off for the Tali world with the traversers.

(End of this chapter)

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