Chapter 194 Prophecy
The macro cannon at the gate of the hive capital began to turn, aimed at the wilderness in front of the position, and fired shells at the surging tide of magic.

Huge macro cannon shells smashed into the demon tide on the ground, and the demons in the demon tide were engulfed by the sun-like flames of the macro cannon shell explosion. These demons of Khorne were killed by the huge power of the macro cannon. Blown to pieces and banished back to the Warp.

Although the macro cannon above the gate of the hive capital is powerful, some demons still passed through the bombardment of the macro cannon and rushed towards the human position.

Above the human position, the traversers stood in front of the position, holding their bolt guns and firing at the charging demon. The bomb hit the demon's body, but did not cause much damage to it. Hot weapons were not effective against the Khorne demon. It doesn't have much effect. To deal with these demons, only melee weapons can effectively kill them.

The light of the laser rifle was flying in the air, constantly shooting at the demons. These soldiers completely forgot about the laser salvo that the political commissar said before because of the panic in the battle situation. They just kept pulling the trigger of the laser rifle and shooting those terrifying red demons.

"Laser salvo! These scattered shots have absolutely no effect on those monsters!"

The political commissar looked at the panicked soldiers on the ground. He raised his bolt pistol and shot at the demons, shouting at the soldiers while shooting.

Try to get the soldiers to fire the lasrifle salvo, let them fire the lasrifle, don't scatter fire.

Some soldiers heard the political commissar's voice and began to organize their comrades to shoot the same target together, but there were still some soldiers who didn't hear the political commissar's voice, and they still used their laser rifles to scatter the demons on their own.

The traversers looked at the demons who were getting closer and closer to the position, and all drew out their power swords in unison. When the traversers drew out their power swords, a violent pillar of fire suddenly appeared from behind the traversers and rushed towards Those demons.

In addition to close combat against demons, only flames can effectively kill them.

The traversers watched the pillars of fire rushing towards the demons, swallowing up a large number of demons in an instant. Some unlucky demons were directly exiled back to the subspace under the attack of these flames.

The traverser looked behind and saw a large number of battle nuns appearing on the position at some point. They were holding flamethrowers and pouring out the wrath of the God Emperor at the demons in front of the position.

"Thank you, sisters, for the Emperor!"

The leader of the traverser looked at a combat nun who was running to him and was attacking the demon with a flamethrower, and said to her.

"You don't need to thank your lord, you are the angels of the emperor, and it is a matter of glory for us to fight side by side with you."

After the battle nun heard what the traveler captain said, she turned her head and replied to the traveler squad leader. They are all the most devout believers in the state religion, and they think it is an incomparable honor to be with the angels of Emperor Astartes .

However, during the short time between the two of them talking, a vampire took advantage of this short time to rush to the front of the two of them. It raised its sharp blade and slashed at the Battle Sister head-on.


The traverser reacted in an instant. He used the power sword to hold the sharp blade in the demon's hand. The battle nun also pulled the trigger of the flamethrower at the demon in front of him the moment the traverser held the blade.

Scorching flames spewed out from the flamethrower, covering the entire demon in an instant. In this way, the demon was exiled back to the subspace by the scorching flames.

"Thank you, the great angel of the Emperor."

After expelling the demon, the fighting nun said gratefully to the traverser, if the traverser hadn't held up the demon's sharp blade just now, she would probably have been killed by the demon now.

"Don't thank me, sister, we are all fighting for the Emperor."

The traverser replied to the fighting nun, and then rushed towards the demons who had rushed to the front of the position. These demons were too fast, and they rushed to the front of the position quickly against the firepower of humans.

"Yes, my lord, we are all fighting for the God-Emperor..., for the God-Emperor!"

The fighting nun looked at the traverser who rushed towards the demon, and said to herself.

With the fighting nuns holding flamethrowers joining the battle, the traversers began to charge back against the demons. The power sword and flames kept exiling the demons. During the battle, the traversers also intentionally or unintentionally protected the fighting nuns around them. The reason is not only that the battle nuns can provide fire support, but also because the traversers don't want to see these girls who devoutly believe in the emperor die.

The war in the tower world is raging, and in the subspace far away from the tower world, a huge ship is driving rapidly in the subspace, heading towards the tower world.

"Imperial Truth", in Wang Ming's office, Wang Mingzheng and the traversers looked at the Spirit Race Prophet in front of them, and kept asking her questions.

"Ms. Elise, we need a prophecy now, can you do it?"

Wang Ming looked at the spiritual prophet and asked her.

Wang Ming now needs to know some future trends, and not only that, Wang Ming and the traversers also want to see what the prophecies in the Warhammer universe are like.

"I..., you can give it a try."

Elise looked at a group of three-meter-tall humans who were watching her. Originally, she wanted to say that she couldn't predict it, but after she looked at Wang Ming, she finally changed her mind.

"Then please start, we need a more accurate prediction."

Wang Ming looked at Elise and said to her with a smile.

After hearing Wang Ming's words, Alice nodded to Wang Ming, and then began to cast psychic spells to predict the future.

But at the moment when Alice was about to use her psychic power, the psychic suppressor on her neck was activated, and a violent electric current spread from her neck to her whole body in an instant.


Feeling the pain stimulated by the electric current on her body, Alice fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Ah this... sorry sorry."

Wang Ming looked at Alice lying on the ground, and said to her in embarrassment. While talking, Wang Ming untied the psionic suppressor around her neck.

Wang Ming and the traversers really forgot that she still has a psychic suppressor on her body.

"Monkey, you definitely did it on purpose..."

Elise stood up slowly from the ground with Wang Ming's support. She looked at Wang Ming who helped her up, and thought angrily in her heart that Elise felt that this was definitely intentional by these humans.

"Now start over."

Wang Ming helped Alice up, and then said to her in embarrassment.

Alice looked at Wang Ming in front of her, forcibly suppressed her anger, nodded to Wang Ming, and then cast the psionic spell again.

The light of psychic energy flickered in Elise's eyes, Wang Ming and the traversers all looked at Elise curiously, wanting to see how the prophecy process was going.

"I... saw the world burn in flames, people howled in hell, giants devoured by red demons in despair..., huge machines fell on the world, and you will die fighting a Primarch In the movie, one of your brothers will meet you, but he has already lost his shape because he embraced himself."

It was estimated that after half an hour, the psychic light in Alice's eyes slowly disappeared. She looked at Wang Ming, and told Wang Ming the prophecy she saw.

"The world is the tower, the demon appeared in the tower world, the giant refers to the Astartes, the Astartes will die in the battle with the demons, and the huge machine..., is it a titan? And I will die In the battle with a Primarch, which Primarch? Angron? There is a brother who will meet himself, and the one who embraces himself is not human, is it the man..."

Wang Ming listened to Elise's prophecy, and began to think in his heart. The most annoying thing about these prophecies is that they usually speak in a cloud of fog. It is obviously an accurate prophecy, but it needs to be pondered. to know its meaning.

"But where did the Titans come from in the tower world? Chaos Titans?"

Wang Ming can still understand other prophecies. After all, they are all happening in the tower world. The star news sent by Wang Xiaofa also reported some situations in the tower world. The situation is probably similar to what Elise said.

Only the huge machine fell and he died in the battle with the original body. Wang Ming didn't know it. There are no titans in the tower world. A forge world light years away has the potential to have titans.

But this has nothing to do with the tower world. In the case of Schrödinger, the star message of the Great Rift, the probability of the foundry world supporting the tower world is very small.

And Wang Ming himself, Elise predicted that he would be killed in the battle with a Primarch, Wang Ming was not panic about being killed, he was just curious which demon Primarch would return to the Tower World .

And the last sentence of Elise's prophecy, hug yourself, brother who is not human, this reminded Wang Ming of a person, the man who blocked the gate of Lorgar for ten thousand years, "King of Ravens" Corax.

"Is it him? He will meet me, why? To see his new brother? Or is there another reason?"

Wang Ming looked at Elise in front of him, thinking about who was the brother he met in her last sentence.

After the prophecy ended, Elise was put on the psychic suppressor again. This was to prevent her from doing things in "Imperial Truth". After all, the Eldar are a group of people who do not play cards according to common sense.

"There is a high probability that it is the Crow King, but why do you want to see me?"

After the traverser took Elise away, Wang Ming sat on the office chair and thought about it. The demon primarch killed himself. Wang Ming didn't have much thought. Anyway, it wasn't the first time he was killed by a demon. Well, Wang Ming was getting used to being beheaded by Angron before, and corrupted after being captured by Fulgrim and Magnus.

What Wang Ming is thinking now is, why did the Crow King go to the tower? Is it because he wanted to meet him, or because the demon Primarch who killed him was Lorgar?
"It can't be Lorgar. Although I have relatively little combat experience, I still have some fighting power. Lorgar can't kill me."

After Wang Ming saw this possibility, he immediately denied it. Wang Ming knew that although he had little combat experience, it was impossible for Lorgar to kill him. there.

"That should be another reason. Corax wants to see his new brother."

Wang Ming thought about it again, and still felt that this was the most likely. The Crow King wanted to see his new brother.

"It should be like this, Captain Jiang Tao, how long will it take for us to reach the Tali galaxy."

After Wang Ming figured it out, he called Captain Jiang Tao and asked him how long it would take for the "Imperial Truth" to reach the Tali Galaxy.

"Captain Wang Ming, we still need to sail for about three days. The navigator observed that the route in the subspace is very stable, even a little bit abnormal."

Captain Jiang Tao heard Wang Ming's call, and his holographic projection instantly appeared in front of Wang Ming, reporting to Wang Minghui.

"Stable and abnormal? Someone should be pushing us..."

Upon hearing Captain Jiang Tao's report, Wang Ming nodded and said to him.

Wang Ming is not surprised that the route of the "Imperial Truth" is stable. After all, all five of them may push the "Imperial Truth". Push them away.

"Three days, soon, I just hope that the battle situation in the tower world will not be too bad."

Looking at Captain Jiang Tao, Wang Ming thought to himself, whether the three-day world is long or short, but in this short period of time, many changes may occur in the battle situation.

Just as the "Imperial Truth" was sailing towards the Tali World, the battle on the Tali World had reached its most intense stage.

On the position of the "Taricomo" hive capital, the traversers held power swords, and the corpses of demons around them had covered the ground, but the battle was not relieved by the banishment of the demons.

In front of the traversers, a five-meter-tall Khorne demon is leading a group of vampires rushing towards the position. The traversers have already persuaded the combat nuns to return to the trenches of the position. The traversers are very clear about the current situation. The battle of Khorne is no longer suitable for mortals.

"For the Emperor!"

The traversers looked at the Khorne demon, roared at the same time, and then rushed towards the Khorne demon. The traversers knew that the Khorne demon must be exiled, otherwise it would definitely lead the demons to break through and charge. Into the nest.

"Laser salvo!"

On the ground, the political commissar looked at the traversers rushing towards the Great Demon, and yelled at the soldiers around him, telling them to fire at the Great Demon of Khorne.

When the soldiers heard the order from the political commissar, they immediately aimed their laser rifles at the Khorne demon, and pulled the trigger neatly. Not only the mobilization positions, but also the Terran mortal auxiliaries fired at the Khorne demon, and the battle nuns also fired at the Khorne demon. Using explosive bombs to attack Khorne Daemon.

The attacks of these hot weapons did not cause much damage to the Great Demon of Khorne, they could only irritate the Great Demon of Khorne.


The Great Demon of Khorne roared and rushed towards the traversers in front of him. He would use the blood and heads of these false emperor's lackeys to honor the Blood God.

(End of this chapter)

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