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Chapter 223 Shocked Chaos Fearless

Chapter 223 Shocked Chaos Fearless

The order was quickly issued and passed to the ears of the "Star Travelers". The "Star Travelers" immediately and spontaneously divided into companies of 100 people, and began to go to various attack points to prepare for the attack.

When a company was going to the attack point, it just happened to collide with that Chaos Space Marine unit, and the two sides immediately started a fierce fight. Bombs flew in the corridor of the ship, and the "Star Travelers" did not How much power armor, most people also wear Ogryn's bulletproof make up.

There was a problem with this fight. The "Star Trekkers" had no defensive capabilities. Although their weapons were now replaced with bolt guns, their defensive capabilities were still inferior to the well-equipped Chaos Space Marines.

"Clap clap clap!"

The bombs flew in the air, and the "Star Travelers" were hit by the bombs one by one. However, relying on the strong vitality of the "Star Travelers", they continued to fight against the Chaos Space Warriors with the bombs on their shoulders. The "Star Travelers" They have a slight advantage, and the number advantage of a hundred "Star Travelers" cannot be ignored.

The explosive bombs were shot from the hands of the troops on both sides, and then left a beautiful and sacred straight flight trail in the air, hitting the personnel on both sides. The power armor of the Chaos Space Marines has a certain defensive ability, but it can't stand the "star crossing" The magical operation of the "authors" only at the beginning.

To deal with an enemy with extremely tenacious vitality like the Astartes, the head is always the best choice, directly destroying the brain, even the Primarch can be killed directly.

"Company commander! Company commander! Hurry up and cover us. I'll take my brothers to try to get close to them for melee combat."

An Astartes avoided the explosive bombs coming towards him, and ran to his company commander with difficulty, he said to his company commander.

If the two sides continue to fight like this, they will definitely miss the chance of fighting. The other companies have already completed their tactical deployment, and only they are still fighting with the Chaos Space Marines.

"it is good."

The company commander nodded, took out a smoke bomb, and then the company commander quickly pulled the tab, and threw the smoke bomb into the corridor. In an instant, a burst of smoke quickly spread in the corridor, covering the Chaos Space Marines. our sight.

Taking advantage of this time, dozens of teammates of that Astartes quickly started to act, and dozens of grenades were timed to pass through the smoke and hit the Chaos Space Marines.

These grenades completed an instant explosion the moment they hit the ground, and the shock waves and fragments of dozens of explosions caused those Chaos Space Marines to eat three solid Chaos Space Marines who were relatively close to the grenades, and were even directly killed by dozens of them. The explosion of a grenade tore it to pieces.


Seeing the flames of the explosion, the Astartes faintly flashed from the end of the smoke, and immediately yelled, and then rushed into the smoke immediately, the opportunity they needed has come, and now it is the can opener for close combat time.

Astartes rushed out of the smoke, and he immediately found a Chaos Can, which was a little dazed by the grenade explosion, and Astartes quickly rushed to the Chaos Can.


The sound of the monomolecular bayonet piercing into the flesh sounded, Astartes stared at the Chaos Space Marine who was looking at him in surprise, and showed a cruel smile, the monomolecular bayonet pierced into the relatively fragile neck of the Chaos Space Marine , the blade has pierced into its trachea.

Before the Chaos Space Marine could react, the Astartes quickly used the monomolecular bayonet to cut off its head.

The sharpness of the monomolecular bayonet can even pierce some weak parts of the power armor, such as the neck that is not completely covered by the power armor. The Astartes took advantage of this and killed the Chaos Space Marine.

The Chaos Space Marine was killed, and the other Chaos Space Marines also noticed the Astartes, and in the pain of being blasted by the grenade, they raised their bolters and tried to kill the Astartes.

As the Astartes burst out of the smoke and killed Chaos Space Marine No. As soon as they were on the Astartes, they quickly put the bolter's rear sight on the heads of the Chaos Space Marines.

"Clap clap clap!!"

Dozens of "Star Travelers", the bolt guns in their hands kept firing, the bombs hit the head of the Chaos Space Marine, and the helmet was pierced by the bomb's killing part, killing a large number of Chaos Space Marine in an instant.

The remaining Chaos Space Marines were also overwhelmed by the follow-up Astartes in this wave of attacks. The company commander looked at the corpses all over the ground. Those corpses included "Star Travelers", but most of them were It belongs to the Chaos Space Marines.

After the battle, the "Star Traveler" company began to quickly clean up the battlefield. Power armor, bolt guns, grenades, combat knives, and everything that was usable was given to them by the "Star Traveler". It was taken.

The company commander looked at the corpses of his brothers on the ground, and his heart was filled with sadness. His combat brothers died, and they died just before the attack.

"Don't just stand still, no matter how long it takes, they won't be able to come back to life. You might as well take up your weapon and take Abaddon's dog's head to avenge them."

The Astartes who took the lead and rushed into the smoke first walked to the company commander. He looked at the dejected company commander, stuffed a newly captured bolt gun into his arms, and then smiled He said half-jokingly, he didn't want to see himself, a big and thick company commander, depressed like a little girl, and they wanted to rush into the bridge to take Abaddon's head.

"Well, quickly clean up the weapons and equipment, and we will immediately enter the offensive position."

Hearing what Astartes said, the company commander turned his head and nodded to Astartes, and then began to loudly order the surrounding "star travelers" to move faster, they must quickly enter the attacking position.

"Head, head, I'm "Xu Mingjun", the second company has entered the offensive position, please confirm the start time of the operation."

After clearing the battlefield, these "star traversers" arrived at the attacking position with the weapons and equipment they had just obtained. The company commander looked at the combat brothers who were ready, took out a communicator, and headed over there "Wang Xiaofa" confirmed the start time of the operation.

"You are the last company to arrive at the attack point. Now that you have arrived at the attack point, the operation begins now."

"Wang Xiaofa" over there listened to the second company commander's report and thought in his heart that the last company was finally deployed and the offensive could begin.

Following the order of "Wang Xiaofa", all the "Star Traverser" companies started to attack, and the grenades opened the way, and the Astartes followed the instant-explosive grenades thrown one by one, approaching the bridge step by step , Those Chaos Space Marines who tried to stop the "Star Traveler" along the way were torn to pieces by a large number of grenades and explosive bombs.

Of course, the attack of the "Star Traveler" was definitely not smooth sailing. Abaddon's main force deployed on the bridge finally appeared, and one by one Chaos Psykers appeared in the corridor. They watched the "Star Traveler" slowly approaching ahead. "You guys, the ominous light of psychic energy exuded from all over the body, as the Chaos psyker appeared, there was also a group of mortal servants, they were tied together, and they were looking in horror at the psyker who was about to cast the demon summoning spell .

In addition to these Chaos Psykers, some Chaos Dreadnoughts were also activated. Those veterans of the Black Legion who were seriously injured in the Eternal War and entered the Dreadnought finally regained consciousness, but their awakening came at a price. When the fearless veteran of Leviathan woke up, he exploded with qi, killing dozens of mortal servants who assisted in the awakening.

The psykers looked at the "Star Trekkers" in front of them and began to chant the profane demon summoning spell. As the mortal servants who were sacrificed became crazy, the demon summoning ceremony also began.


A mortal servant began to twist its body crazily along with the blasphemous spell. It struggled crazily and roared crazily. As it struggled, its bound palm was twisted and fractured from the shackles. , its palm was twisted into a ball of broken bones by its own power, but this also made it break free.

It didn't run away the moment it broke free, but rushed towards the "Star Travelers" in the corridor ahead while roaring crazily. Blood oozes from its facial features while running, but its The expression showed a strange excitement.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull seat!"

It yelled crazy words, and finally rushed to the "star traveler" not far away.


A precise bomb hit the crazy sacrifice, and the terrifying power of the bomb instantly left the poor guy with a blood mist floating in the air. This is the only consequence of a mortal's body touching the bomb. , all organic tissues were directly vaporized by the terrifying power of the bomb.


The other sacrifices that failed to break free were still tormenting. After struggling for a while, they found that they could not break free, and then directly hit their heads on the ground. The blood of the sacrifices covered the entire ground, and then These sacrifices all stood up and began to attack their companions. Because their hands were bound, they began to attack each other with their teeth. The sound of flesh and blood being bitten filled the entire corridor.

Chaos Spirit looked at the sacrifices in front of him coldly, and continued to chant the profane spell. As the sacrifices killed each other, a cloud of blood appeared around the sacrifices, and the smell of blood almost filled the entire corridor. flooded.

The sacrifices frantically killed each other, until at last there was only one living sacrifice standing on top of a large number of corpses. The Chaos Psyker looked at the last sacrifice with satisfaction. The sacrifice for the summoning ceremony had been selected , and then just wait for the demon to be summoned to the real universe.

The blood-red mist slowly enveloped the last sacrifice, and with the sound of flesh being torn from the blood mist, a huge figure slowly walked out of the blood mist, it didn't even look at the spirit With a glance, the able man rushed directly to the "Star Travelers" ahead.


The "Star Travelers" also saw the demon rushing towards them. The company commander standing at the front of the line shouted, and then raised his bolt gun and fired at the demon. The other combat brothers also followed the company commander. The demons attacked.

This situation of demons being summoned appeared on the attack routes of all companies. This was all planned by Abaddon, and even the bloody lunatic "Slayer" Tra Surik could have imagined it How could Abaddon, the warlord of chaos, not have thought of the offensive route?

"The lackey of the false emperor..."

A Leviathan Dreadnought and a group of Chaos Space Marines stood not far behind the demon. The Leviathan Dreadnought looked at the "Star Travelers" who were fighting the demon, and a disdainful voice came from the speaker. It He just woke up and didn't know how the "Star Traveler" got here, he thought it was the Empire's interstellar soldiers who jumped to help the "Spirit of Vengeance".

"Uh... my lord, these guys are actually our recruits, and for some reason they launched a rebellion against us."

A Chaos Space Marine heard the fearless and disdainful words, and explained the origins of the "Star Travelers" to the ancient traitor in embarrassment.

"This kind of joke, even those quick recruits during the great rebellion would not believe it."

Fearless was obviously silent for a moment, and then replied to the Chaos Space Marine in a joking tone, thinking that this little guy was joking with him.

"It is true, my lord."

At this moment, another Chaos Space Marine spoke again to Fearless, as if confirming the words of that Chaos Space Marine.

Fearless was silent again, and the two Chaos Space Marines both confirmed the recruit's rebellion. What happened to them during these years of sleeping?It is obvious that I am a traitor on my side, why did the recruits rebel?What are these things?

"This era is too crazy. We are obviously traitors. Why do traitors appear among the traitors? They betrayed Chaos. Are they going to fall into the arms of the false emperor? How is this possible?"

Fearless has been completely shocked, even judging from its experience of participating in the great rebellion, this situation is also extremely shocking, traitors appear among traitors, what is this all about?

"Brothers! Go! Trash that demon, we'll treat it to a grenade!"

"Wang Xiaofa" looked at the demon in front of him. Holding a combat dagger, he yelled at the combat brothers beside him, and then rushed directly towards the demon.

"Wang Xiaofa" ran in front of the demon. Using the superhuman speed of Astartes, he directly stabbed the combat dagger into the demon's chest. The surrounding combat brothers also saw the movement of "Wang Xiaofa", and quickly surrounded the demon. Go, the superiority in numbers was manifested at this moment, the Astartes followed "Wang Xiaofa" and swarmed up, pressing the demon under him forcefully, and the demon was also struggling constantly, but it is a pity that the power of one demon is not as strong as that of a demon. A hundred Astartes.

The combat knives kept stabbing the demons, and the Astartes kept cutting the demon's body. They used all the melee weapons they could use on their bodies. Like demons, they were desperate to kill the monster and move on to the bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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