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Chapter 224 Chasing the Chaos Fleet

Chapter 224 Chasing the Chaos Fleet
Just when the Astartes were fighting the demons, a silver figure who was hiding in the dark and no one noticed was holding a green cube, watching the Astartes fighting the demons with great interest.

"The owner of the herd will protect the herd, but the herd without an owner can be plundered at will."

That figure was a certain undead lord whose home was taken away by Traasin. After completing the transaction with Wang Ming, Traasin went back and thought about it. He found that there were still many people and things worthy of collection in this battle, so It's back again, mingling with the Vengeful Spirit looking for some collectibles worth collecting.

It has now found it. Through some information it found in the laboratory, it knows the origin of these wild "star travelers". The gene seeds of these people come from "star travelers". Traasin thought about Wang Ming The people around you can't collect it, so it will be the next best thing. Anyway, the gene seeds are the same, and they are also "star travelers". At worst, they can just repaint their power armor at that time.

"Hahaha, that battleship can add some personnel."

Traasin laughed, the green cube in its hand was shining with light, Traasin had already calculated that these Astartes attacking the bridge must have failed, they did not have sophisticated equipment and weapons, their The operation must fail, and it is better to be collected by Chaos Space Marines than to be killed by it.

A green light suddenly enveloped the battlefield, and the Astartes used were covered in it, even the demons were covered. After the green light enveloped everyone, it began to shrink instantly. When the green light disappeared, all the Astartes on the battlefield Both the Astartes and the daemon were gone.

The Chaos Space Marines in the distant corridor watched in shock as the Astartes disappeared after a flash of green light, completely unaware of what had happened.

"Is it a psionic spell?"

A Chaos Space Marine stared at the deserted ground in the distance, and asked the Chaos Psyker beside him. In its cognition, only psionic spells could do this.

"My lord, I didn't feel any psychic energy fluctuations. That is definitely not a psychic spell."

The Chaos Psyker shook his head. It hadn't felt any psionic fluctuations just now, and that green light was absolutely impossible to be a psionic spell.

"It's not a psionic spell, what the hell is that thing!?"

The Chaos Space Marine looked at the psyker in shock, that wasn't a psychic spell, so what was that thing?Unknown technology?It had been on the "Vengeant Spirit" for so many years, and it had no idea that there was such a thing on board.

Thinking of this, the Chaos Space Marine suddenly looked at Dreadnought, this ancient warrior should know more than they know.

"I don't know, and I've never seen anything like it."

Fearless noticed the gaze of the Chaos Space Marine, and it said to the Chaos Space Marine that even if it stayed on the "Spirit of Vengeance" for so long, it didn't know that there was such a thing on the "Spirit of Vengeance".


The Chaos Space Marine looked at Fearless, even this ancient warrior didn't know, and the green light wasn't a psionic light, so what exactly was that thing?
"Not bad, not bad, it's perfectly preserved, "Star Traveler Slays Subspace Creatures", um, that's the name, I'll give them another power armor another day, the more perfect the work, the better."

Traasin looked at the green cube in his hand with satisfaction. In the green cube, the battlefield just now had been frozen, and the battle between the Astartes and the demons was pressed to pause, and it was frozen at this moment forever.

"Okay, let's collect the rest as well, their actions will definitely fail, and I can "save" them."

Traasin is very satisfied with this collection. This is its first "Star Traveler" Astarte collection. Although it is not the original castings around Wang Ming, it is enough. In some small details, Tara Xin is not a person who pursues too much, as long as he has it, he is just a collector who protects history.

Green light flashed across the battlefields, and the Chaos Space Marines just looked at the "Star Travelers" who disappeared in the green light one by one, until they found that a Dreadnought beside them was also covered by the green light. Devoured, they completely panicked.

"Green light? Necromancer technology, damn it! Why are these aliens also in the tower?"

On the bridge, Abaddon listened to the sudden green light reported by the Chaos Space Marines, and he knew it was the technology of the Necrons.

"Let the tug ship pull the "Star Conqueror" up, and we will evacuate this galaxy immediately!"

After thinking for a while, Abaddon gave the order to evacuate. Abaddon, the horror of the undead, yes, its ultimate goal has been achieved. The "Star Conqueror" has been obtained. Although it is only a hulk, Abaddon can do it. After returning to the Eye of Terror, find some dimensional blacksmiths to repair the "Star Conqueror" as much as possible. At least the structural strength of the "Star Conqueror" hull and the hardness of the shell are stronger than the "Vengeance Spirit". Mobility, and reinstalling some weapon arrays, it is definitely a more powerful ship than the "Spirit of Vengeance".

The Chaos Fleet received Abaddon's order, and the two tugboats directly used the towing hooks to pull the "Star Conqueror", and they followed the "Spirit of Vengeance" slowly towards Mandeville Point in the Tarry Galaxy. The Chaos Fleet The other Chaos war gangs also received orders from Abaddon. Although some Chaos war gangs expressed dissatisfaction with the war that had not received any goods, Abaddon was forced to evacuate and stay for the massacre of the No.20 First Legion.

The Chaos Fleet began to slowly move towards Mandeville Point, and the Chaos Fleet began to retreat gradually. Abaddon's original goal was to capture the "Star Conqueror". Attacking the Tower World was only for Abaddon to obtain the STC template of the No.20 First Legion, but Abaddon Barton really didn't expect that the matter would become so big.

Demon Primarch, Titan Legion, Necrons, things are gradually getting out of control, the sooner they evacuate, the better.

On the "Imperial Truth", Captain Jiang Tao has already monitored the changes of the Chaos Fleet, and he immediately reported the changes of the Chaos Fleet to Wang Ming, who was telling a group of Astartes about the history.

Wang Ming was telling a group of Astartes about the changes of the past 1 years. A group of Astartes were all stunned. When they heard that the Emperor had become a God-Emperor, they couldn't hold back at all. It was completely different from the empire they remembered. It was as if human beings had returned to that dark age. The truth of the empire no longer existed. At this moment, Wang Ming received a report from Captain Jiang Tao.

"Has the Chaos Fleet withdrew from the Tarry Galaxy? This is not good, I still want to keep Abaddon."

Wang Ming looked at the detection radar map sent to him by Captain Jiang Tao, and watched the light spot representing the Chaos Fleet slowly moving towards the Mandeville point. He felt dissatisfied and thought that the war in the tower world has almost subsided now. Wang Ming Ming just wanted to drive the "Imperial Truth" to rush in front of the "Spirit of Vengeance" and shoot it directly, but now the Chaos Fleet suddenly ran away.

"Captain Jiang Tao, can the Imperial Truth catch up to the Chaos Fleet?"

Wang Ming looked at Captain Jiang Tao's image on his personal terminal, thought for a while, and asked him, the Chaos Fleet must not be allowed to leave the Tali Galaxy so easily.

"Yes, Captain Wang Ming, the sublight speed of the "Imperial Truth" is faster than their fleet, and we can definitely catch up with them."

Lieutenant Jiang Tao heard Wang Ming's question, and after a simple calculation, he replied to Wang Ming that the speed of the "Imperial Truth" was faster than the ships of the Eldar, and it was easy to catch up with the Chaos fleet. .

"Notify the second regiment, let them go back to the star port to take the battleship, and go together to intercept the chaos fleet."

After Wang Ming gave the order to Captain Jiang Tao, he went directly to the ship connection port of the star port. He wanted to bring out a few warships. After all, the Chaos fleet left something behind, otherwise it would be a pity for the dead humans in the tower world.

Wang Ming arranged for these Astartes, asked Minerva to continue telling them the history of the empire, and then went to the star port.

Wang Ming stood on the port where the ships were drifting in the Star Port. He turned on the system and began to select warships. Space cracks appeared outside the Star Port, and four huge starships appeared from them. These warships belonged to the "Golden Age". The cruiser, its various configurations are the same as the "Starry Sky".

As the cruiser's artificial intelligence system automatically parked the battleship at the star port, the traversers of the second regiment finally arrived at the star port.


Hu Jin walked in front of Wang Ming. He had received the order from Captain Jiang Tao to pursue the Chaos Fleet on a battleship.

"Well, the operation of these warships requires less than a few people, just leave it to artificial intelligence."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin and nodded, and then said to him, these warships are equipped with artificial intelligence, and the ship operating equipment of these artificial intelligences has been fully opened, and the traversers of the second regiment only need to give them orders That's it.

"I understand, this puts the brothers on board."

Hu Jin listened to Wang Ming's words, and naturally understood that the operating systems of these ships were taken over by artificial intelligence just like the "Star Conqueror", and all they needed to do was give orders.

Following Hu Jin's order, the traversers of the second regiment were divided into 250 people on each battleship, and quickly entered the ship. Each battleship had a company commander as the captain, who was responsible for the control and command of the ship. Of course, Wang Ming assigned some mortal crew members from the "Imperial Truth". After all, some problems on the ship still require these experienced sailors.

After Wang Ming arranged everything, he returned to the "Imperial Truth". Following the order to leave the port, five huge ships slowly left the star port, entered the sub-light speed propulsion mode, and started chasing the Chaos Fleet.

"Warmaster, the auspicious instrument has discovered that the imperial fleet is pursuing us, and their speed is faster than ours."

On the bridge of the "Spirit of Vengeance", a mortal crew member operating the auspicious looked at the augury in horror, and said to Abaddon that it had never seen such a fast ship before, even the Eldar None of the ships are that fast.

"Let the fleet separate out a few cruisers to stall for time. After entering Mandeville Point, start the subspace engine instantly."

Abaddon listened to the words of the mortal crew, and calmly gave orders. It knew that its own Chaos fleet would definitely not be able to compete with the Imperial fleet, but it still had a fresh memory of the terrifying firepower of the "Star Conqueror".

Dozens of warships in the Chaos Fleet responded to the orders of the Warmaster, and some Chaos ships began to leave the fleet, but they did not stop the Imperial Fleet. In order to escape, after all, everyone knew that the main target of the Imperial Fleet must be the "Spirit of Vengeance". Following Abaddon would most likely be wiped out by the Imperial Fleet, and there might be a way to survive by running alone.

At this moment, the formation of the Chaos Fleet began to be chaotic. The Chaos Fleet was originally assembled by Abaddon with various interests.

Abaddon looked at the various fleeing Chaos ships, and didn't say anything. Abaddon was not worried at all that he would be caught up by the imperial fleet. Causes the Vengeful Spirit to be damaged by the emergency warp jump, but this can also cause some damage to the Imperial fleet.

Subspace transitions that do not take place at the Mandeville point will cause disasters to the ships that undergo subspace transitions and the world of this galaxy. The impact of the gravitational fluctuations of the star creates the risk of falling onto the planet.

"Captain Wang Ming, I have detected 57 Chaos warships approaching us, is it allowed to attack within this distance?"

On the bridge of the "Imperial Truth", Captain Jiang Tao's holographic projection appeared in front of Wang Ming. He called up a holographic projection screen, which was the ship's radar detection map. Slowly approaching the fleet.

"The attack is allowed. These warships were released by Abaddon to delay the time. We will destroy them directly. We must quickly catch up with Abaddon."

Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection screen, and said to Captain Jiang Tao, Captain Jiang Tao nodded, and began to contact the artificial intelligence of the other four ships, and the four ships launched an attack together, preparing for a wave of chaos that came to stop them. Fleet destroyed.

The weapon arrays of the five ships began to rotate, and the light spears accurately locked the Chaos Fleet through the radar. The interstellar torpedo also left the torpedo cabin, entered the void, and quickly flew towards the Chaos Fleet through the positioning of the radar.

The artificial intelligence of these "golden age" warships is very familiar with this kind of ultra-long-range combat in the galaxy. After calculating the location of the light spears, the light spears also fired. The light spears of the five giant ships fired together, like a tower. It's like a new star has appeared in the galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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