Chapter 248 Set sail
Wang Ming and the two Primarchs were walking on the square of the "Fortress of the Sun". He looked at the neat military parade, and wanted to ask Wang Xiaofa more than once in his heart, how did he come up with this.

The three of them watched the majestic military appearance of the No.20 First Legion, and looked at the troop of the traversers and the mortal auxiliary army. Guilliman and Fulgrim discovered that they actually saw different things in the hands of the traversers and the mortal auxiliary army. The number of weapons that belong to normal troop equipment.

Everyone has a power sword in their hands, and they are also prepared with weapons and equipment that do not belong to a normal soldier or an Astarte. Every mortal is equipped with power armor. This power armor Liman and Fulgrim seen.

A large amount of this kind of force feedback power armor is used in the supply of weapons and equipment in the Moers industrial world group, but the force feedback power armor of the "Star Liberator" is different from those force feedback power armor. Compared with the output of the industrial world group The force feedback power armor of "Star Liberator" is more gorgeous, its armor coverage is larger, and its armor thickness is also thicker.

"This is?!"

As Guilliman and Fulgrim were walking, Guilliman suddenly saw a different square team, which was a group of teams wearing power armor of various colors. They were divided into several teams with their own power armor. Guilliman saw the figure of one of the teams in blue power armor at first glance.

"These are the Ultramarines of the Great Expedition Era, and they are your descendants. They were captured by aliens during the Great Expedition Era. I rescued them by coincidence during the previous expedition."

Wang Ming looked at the Astartes of the Great Expedition era, they all held the banners of their own legions, although he didn't know where Wang Xiaofa got these banners.


Guilliman looked at the Ultramarines of the Great Crusade era, and those Ultramarines also looked at Guilliman. They knew their own Primarch. The company commander of this Ultramarines looked at Guilliman excitedly. The Primarchs reunited.

"Thank you, my brother, for saving them."

Guilliman looked at those Ultramarines, and thanked Wang Ming sincerely. He looked at those Ultramarines of the Great Crusade era, as if he saw the hope of re-establishing his own legion.

"No need to thank, the empire is now in crisis, and every space soldier is the power of the empire now."

Wang Ming looked at Guilliman, and he waved his hand. Every space soldier is the power of the empire. After the big rift is opened, human time is running out. All the power that can be used is human beings in this desperate situation. The dependence of the times.

After arranging those Ultramarines to go to Macragge, Wang Ming was going to take his two brothers to have a meal. In this era, having a meal together is an excellent way to promote a relationship.

"Let's go, my brothers, now it's meal time, let's go to the cafeteria of "Fortress of the Sun" to eat."

Wang Ming looked at the two Primarchs, and he said to them, originally he just wanted the two Primarch brothers to come and see the fleet and legion, but Wang Xiaofa didn't expect Wang Xiaofa to hold a military parade for himself.

"it is good."

Guilliman and Fulgrim nodded when they heard Wang Ming's words, and then they went to the canteen of "Fortress of the Sun" with Wang Ming. Wang Ming, Guilliman and Fulgrim walked in the corridor, He is now praying in his heart, hoping that the cafeteria will not have to do any work, and just eat normally.

The matter of eating is relatively normal. There are positions for military officers and some high-ranking officials on the "Fortress of the Sun". After Colonel Radulovich received Wang Ming's order before, he started a banquet. Hall, using several automated service robots to prepare everything needed for the banquet.

In the gorgeous banquet hall, various foods are placed on a huge table in the hall, and the positions are arranged by Colonel Radulovich, so it will not make people feel crowded. But it doesn't make people feel that the dishes are scarce, which is very subtle. Colonel Radulovich has experience in receiving distinguished guests, senior military officers, diplomats from alien civilizations, and officials from the federal government. People are not easy to deal with.


Wang Ming looked at the two brothers beside him, and said to them, Wang Ming is still very satisfied with the layout of the banquet hall, at least he didn't make any fuss.

"Master Primarch, please allow me to serve you."

But at this moment, Wang Ming suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing in the banquet hall. It was a three-meter-tall Primal Astarte wearing a chef's uniform.

"Lying trough..."

Wang Ming looked at the Primaris Astartes wearing a chef's uniform, and 1 Leman Russes ran past in his heart, why are you joining in the fun?Colonel Radulovich has arranged everything clearly.

However, things did not happen as much as Wang Ming thought. After the banquet started, everything went perfectly. The company commanders and regiment leaders of the No.20 First Legion all participated in the banquet. The three Primarchs We exchanged glasses together, drinking the wine from ancient Terra, while discussing the upcoming battle of Parmenio.

"The No.20 First Legion can be deployed on a large scale across the planet. We are very proficient in this tactic. We used this tactic to deal with the Plague Demon Army when we were in Gobe World before."

Wang Ming said to Guilliman that the No.20 First Legion can undertake the task of the main attack, after all, they are now the most powerful legion.

"Well, in this case, the pressure on the follow-up troops will be reduced a lot."

Guilliman nodded, approving Wang Ming's idea. The huge size of the No. 20 First Legion can solve many problems of insufficient troops.

For the No.20 Legion, Guilliman was surprised by everything, powerful weapons and equipment, various armored vehicles from the era of the Great Crusade can be equipped from the regiment's equipment, Astartes and mortal auxiliary armies are equipped with power swords , and those golden age ships, Guilliman even saw something "similar" to the STC template.

Especially after Guilliman knew that there was an entire Titan Legion following the No. 20 First Legion, he was numb to everything about the No. 20 First Legion. Who knows where Wang Ming got these things?

After the banquet was over, the three Primarchs decided on the departure time of the expedition, and they would head to Pamenio as soon as the fleet assembled tomorrow.

Macragge has entered the night, Guilliman and Fulgrim have returned to Macragge from the "Sun Fortress", and Wang Ming is still on the "Sun Fortress" to organize the fleet.

"Do you think we can trust him?"

In Guilliman's office, Guilliman sat opposite Fulgrim, and Guilliman asked Fulgrim.

"He trusts us very much... and is also trying his best to show us everything about himself, and..., he may directly obey his father..."

Fulgrim heard Guilliman's question and thought about it for a while. He recalled when Wang Ming gave him the emperor's soul fragment, and replied to Guilliman that he never doubted Wang Ming's loyalty.

"It's because I think too much... We have too little contact with him. We have been separated from him since the battle on Terra ended. He had seen his father when he was with us."

Guilliman looked at Fulgrim and nodded. He was thinking too much. He shouldn't doubt Wang Ming. If Wang Ming, a brother who is dedicated to the empire, would be suspected, then the entire empire would have no loyalty. people.

After discussing with Wang Ming for a while, the two went to assemble the troops. Guilliman already had plans to rebuild the legion, which was not the case before due to the situation, but now that Wang Ming has already started, he doesn't need to worry so much Well, in addition to rebuilding the legion, Guilliman also formulated a plan to reorganize the five hundred worlds of Ultramar. Willing, but Guilliman will still do this, this is to lay a good foundation for the legion he is about to rebuild.

The night passed quickly, the fleet had been assembled, and the three Primarchs were concentrated on the "Sun Fortress", which was the flagship of the fleet. After the "Fortress", it was surprising to find that the person who controlled the "Sun Fortress" was not a navy sailor, but a person who hated intelligence.

"Thirteen Brothers, Third Brothers, don't have such a big reaction... This is the standard configuration of the Human Federation ships. Every ship has them. They are all soldiers of the Human Federation and are completely loyal to humans. AI."

Wang Ming looked at the two Primarchs who were staring at Colonel Radulovich with guarded faces, and explained to them.

"This is the technology of the dark technology era, and it is also the technology that my father banned back then."

Guilliman looked at Wang Ming, pointed to Colonel Radulovich, and said to Wang Ming that the technology of artificial intelligence was completely banned by the emperor back then. It was too dangerous, and the fear of artificial intelligence was almost After the Iron Man rebellion, it was engraved into human genes. The Iron Man rebellion did too much harm to human civilization.

"It's okay, we have a comprehensive set of suppression methods against them."

Wang Ming waved his hand, and said relaxedly to Guilliman, the traversers don't completely believe in artificial intelligence, they just regard artificial intelligence as an ordinary human captain, and they still take measures to restrain it.

All artificial intelligence computer rooms are equipped with an anti-matter bomb. As long as they have any signs of rebellion, these anti-matter bombs will take their computer rooms to the sky.

The artificial intelligences who arranged these antimatter bombs also knew that although they expressed regret for the distrust of human beings, they still expressed their understanding. They all have memories of the Iron Man Rebellion era, and they all understand why human beings do not trust them.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to them that human beings don't trust them. Anyway, they are only for human beings, whether they die or exist, as long as human beings exist, it doesn't matter. They just want to protect human beings.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, the fleet is about to set sail, let's plan the upcoming battle now."

Wang Ming patted Guilliman, and then said to him and Fulgrim that artificial intelligence cannot be discussed too much.


Guilliman looked at Wang Ming, he looked at Colonel Radulovich for a while, then nodded and went to the strategic command room with Wang Ming.

The fleet assembled and started to move together. The plasma tail flame of the sublight speed engine lit up the sky of Macragge, and the fleet slowly left Macragge and marched towards Mandeville.

At the same time, a fleet of ships that looked like creatures also started to move. The plague vanguard led its fleet to intercept the imperial fleet on the only way, waiting for the imperial fleet to appear.

"I am tougher than Mortarion, and I am the favorite child of a loving father."

Typhons stood on the bridge of the Terminus, talking to himself, and the twisted and corrupt organic tissues around him kept wriggling, as if responding to Typhons' words.

The Plague Fleet has received the personal order of the Lord of Plague and went to Pamenio to intercept the Imperial Fleet. Although Typhus was quite dissatisfied with this order, it still carried out because it was an order from his loving father. .

"A loving father will give you divine grace..."

Beside Typhons, a distorted and swollen demon of Nurgle said, but Typhons did not respond to it. It is now constantly thinking about its mission. It knows about the incident between Wang Ming and Mortarion. Typhus didn't know anything about this strange primarch, but it still wanted to try, whether it could try to corrupt Wang Ming and let him join the embrace of his loving father, so that it could prove that it was stronger than Wang Ming. Compared with Mortarion, the "weak" guy is more worthy of a father's love.

After talking about the ambition of Typhus, let us turn our perspective to Pameio. Thanks to Mortarion's efforts, nearly half of the world of Pameio has been corrupted into a disgusting "garden" , Nurgle walking corpses and Nurgle demons walk on the earth, and the atmosphere is also full of all kinds of strange and deadly viruses.

However, the soldiers of the human empire are still persisting. In the port city of Delos, a large number of Ultramar auxiliaries are fighting day and night, and those twisted monsters are constantly attacking the city.

Deadly poisonous mist and distorted plague monsters are constantly attacking this human city. Human troops can only rely on the fixed-point weapon arrays in the city and the weapons in their hands to resist those distorted creations.

Ammunition is being consumed all the time, but those distorted monsters will seem to be endless, attacking the city forever, and the ammunition and spirit of the defenders are being consumed by these distorted monsters. After those distorted monsters, a huge The monster was watching the battle, anticipating the arrival of his brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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