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Chapter 249 Arriving in the Pamenio Galaxy

Chapter 249 Arriving in the Pamenio Galaxy
The fleet has entered the subspace, and around the fleet, two invisible forces are fighting, one force wants to push the fleet forward, and the other force wants to slow down the fleet, the two sides are fighting like this, everyone in the fleet Neither noticed.


Wang Xiaofa got up from his bed, looked at the life management artificial intelligence in front of him, Captain Chen Xi, and said hello.

"Good morning, Captain Wang Xiaofa."

Captain Chen Xi responded to Wang Xiaofa, basically there is no concept of time when sailing in the subspace, only the timer on the ship can stabilize the day and night change on the ship.

This is fine for Astartes, after all Astartes do not need much sleep, but for the soldiers and crew of the mortal auxiliary army, this is very important, long-term lack of normal sleep will make people The mental state is exhausted, and in the subspace, the sea of ​​souls, one must stay awake, otherwise those distorted existences in the soul will have an impact on those tired mortals.

Although there is a Geller force field, Wang Ming still ordered every mortal crew member and auxiliary army to sleep for eight hours in 24 hours to keep themselves sane.

Chaos' means of destructive power cannot be fully dealt with by human beings. Their mighty power can affect mortals at any time, so they have to be guarded against.

"How long will we be out of the subspace?"

Wang Xiaofa asked Captain Chen Xi while wearing the uniform of "Star Traveler". They have been sailing for a long time.

"The navigator expects that there will be about one more day. The navigator said that there are forces to help the fleet move forward, but the navigator only talked to Captain Wang Ming about the specific things."

Captain Chen Xi replied to Wang Xiaofa that the navigator had seen some things, and those things were helping the fleet reach Pamenio as soon as possible.

"The emperor? It should be his old man."

Listening to Captain Chen Xi's answer, Wang Xiaofa guessed in his heart that the mastermind behind the advance of the fleet should be the Emperor, and he heard that the Emperor had a clone on the Pamenio, a little girl , Wang Xiaofa was already looking forward to seeing the emperor's women's clothing.


The moment Wang Xiaofa had this idea, he suddenly felt his head was slapped. Wang Xiaofa immediately looked around, but there was nothing.

"Damn it, my lord, I was just thinking about it..."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the empty room, and immediately understood, it was obvious that the emperor who had been following the fleet had been fighting just now, as for it?I just think about it myself.

After being touched by the Emperor, Wang Xiaofa immediately grew back. He must take a good look at that girl.


one more time.

A consciousness of the emperor looked at Wang Xiaofa, and he smiled. It was indeed a good decision to pull these children from the "past" of the sea of ​​souls, at least they would not regard themselves as an inviolable god, He even teased him from time to time. Under the influence of these children, part of his humanity has now begun to stabilize.

"The empire is in danger, the human race is in crisis, and I, Yang Fan, pay homage to the emperor. I hope that the emperor will bless us to arrive safely. May the emperor bless the lives of the local people."

In a room in the "Fortress of the Sun" that was transformed into a church, Yang Fan and a group of traversers held three sticks of incense and worshiped an icon of the emperor, and then inserted the incense into the incense burner in front of the icon of the emperor among.

Wang Ming was watching them from behind them. Wang Ming didn't comment on this unique worship ceremony, but when these guys took out the yellow paper, Wang Ming couldn't hold back at all. What are you doing? ?The emperor is not dead yet!
"Clap clap clap!"

A burst of crisp applause resounded in the church, Wang Ming was also slapped, and Wang Ming vaguely heard the sentence "it is the fault of the son not teaching the father".

"My lord, you are so idle..."

Wang Ming felt that he was being touched, complained in his heart, and then put on his helmet.

The angle of view turns to Parmenio's. In the port city of Delos, soldiers wearing fully enclosed protective suits are constantly shuttling on various fronts. They are wearing fully enclosed force feedback power armor. It is also the credit of the industrial world group. A large amount of equipment was sent to various worlds of the empire under the work of the industrial world group day and night. Pameio in Ultramar also received these equipment.

"Turn on the power of the laser rifle to the maximum, otherwise our attack will have no effect on those traitors, Ron, pull up that laser cannon."

On one front, a non-commissioned officer was directing his team to deal with the attack of the Nurgle Demon Army, and the beam of the laser rifle never stopped. Laser beam and artillery fire have always been the main theme of the front line.

"Sergeant, when will the support arrive?"

Ron pushed a huge double-mounted laser cannon, and asked the sergeant while pushing, they have been fighting here for an unknown how long, and they can only wear fully enclosed power armor every day, and they can't even eat. It uses the life support system in the power armor to deliver various tasteless nutrient solutions.

"It's coming soon... Didn't the astropaths say that when they were notified earlier? The Lord Regent and Lord Protector are rushing towards Parmenio, and they will arrive soon."

The sergeant looked at Ron who was pushing the laser cannon, and patiently said to him, the battles these days have pushed everyone's nerves to the limit, those twisted and disgusting monsters are attacking the defense line all the time, and those traitors are hiding in the Those monsters are waiting for an opportunity, and may launch a fatal blow to the human position at any time.


While the two were talking, the fixed-point weapon array in the city suddenly opened fire, and a red laser beam shot out from the laser cannon array in the city, shooting towards the Nurgle demons attacking the city. The surrounding temperature was below this level. The moment has also been raised a lot.

The tactical eyepiece of the matching helmet of the force feedback power armor instantly reduces the photosensitive efficiency and becomes a sunglasses.

"Those damned guys are attacking again..."

The sergeant snarled, picked up his laser rifle and went to the front line. They must guard the city and protect the continent before the Primarch arrives.

The sergeant and En Luo walked to the front line. They and the soldiers watched the group of demons surging ahead, firmly pointed their weapons at them, and pulled the trigger in their hands.

At Mandeville Point in Parmenio, a fleet jumped out of the subspace. After the fleet came out of the subspace, it moved towards the world of Parmenio, the capital of the Parmenio galaxy. The huge star castle was destroyed. Surrounded by the fleet, it is like a moving planet.

"They arrived..., wait..., what is that? A star fortress? This size, is it a mountain formation? No, it doesn't have those imperial-style decorations on it. What is this? There is no such thing in intelligence!"

Typhus looked at the fleet, and just as he was about to order the fleet to attack to intercept the imperial fleet, he discovered the terrifying figure of the "Fortress of the Sun", and it immediately ordered the fleet to stop any action.

Just kidding, this kind of star castle, which is about the size of the Shanzhen, and those battleships it has never seen before, are not normal no matter how you think about it.

"Do not forget the command of our lord."

The twisted monster beside Typhons looked at it and reminded it.

"I know... don't need you to remind me, I will carry out the orders of the Lord."

Typhons looked at the fleet, feeling very entangled in his heart. If he really intercepted that fleet, his plague fleet would definitely be severely damaged, but if he didn't intercept that fleet, then the gift from his loving father Blessing will be far away from it, and it will not be able to get the eyes of the loving father.

"The fleet is divided into two groups. One group attracts firepower and prepares to transmit spells. I want to spread the blessing of my loving father to that star castle."

Typhus thought for a while, and finally made up his mind that he would suffer a huge loss, so he would snatch the warships of the empire to make up for the loss, and he was determined to win that huge star fortress.

The plague fleet quickly moved under the order of Typhons. The fleet was divided into two groups. One group of fleets drove towards the imperial fleet with full horsepower, while the other group of fleets began to slowly approach the imperial fleet, waiting Chance.

The teleportation spell was also quickly constructed, and the plague warriors were ready to be teleported, but they didn't know that the enemy they were about to face was not the size of the battle group of this era, but the size of the legion of the era of the Great Expedition.

"Captain Wang Ming, the plague fleet has been discovered, requesting combat authorization."

Wang Ming was discussing the battle with Guilliman and Fulgrim on the bridge, when suddenly Colonel Radulovich appeared beside Wang Ming, and he reported the situation he had monitored to Wang Ming.

"Sure enough, it's here, allowing the use of weapons, unlocking the authority of weapons, and destroying them all. Also, inform everyone that the first level of combat preparation, the enemy may send a jump gang."

Wang Ming heard the report from Colonel Radulovich, and replied to him, the matter was indeed the same as the original timeline, and the plague fleet really came to intercept it.

"Since you're here, you don't have to go, Typhons..., the scum of the world, I didn't kill Mortarion before, so it should be good to kill him."

Looking at his two brothers, Wang Ming thought in his heart that he was going to destroy the Plague Fleet directly here, and also kill Typhus.

"Come on, my brothers, let's watch a firework."

Wang Ming looked at the two Primarchs with a smile, and half-jokingly said to them.

Although Wang Ming said it was easy, the battle would definitely not be so easy. The formation of the fleet began to change, and all weapon arrays were directed at the plague fleet. The first round of attack was ready.

"First strike, open fire."

Sitting on the command seat, Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection screen in front of him, and said flatly, in Wang Ming's perception, one round of attack should not be able to resolve the battle, and preparations for the second round of attack are ready. Once the opening round is over, the second round of strikes will begin directly, trying to destroy all the plague fleets, including the Queen of Glory class battleship.

Following Wang Ming's order, all the weapon arrays of the entire fleet opened fire, and the light of the light spear illuminated the dark cosmic background, and the huge macro cannon shells like a Titan flew towards the plague fleet at sub-light speed. , Various torpedoes and missiles were also launched, flying towards the target they locked.

The light of the explosion flashed in those plague fleets in an instant, the twisted living ships were vaporized by the high temperature, and the monsters carried on them were also vaporized, and the fleet that attracted firepower was completely destroyed in an instant.

"how can that be!?"

The fleet of Typhons had already approached the imperial fleet, and it was about to use spells to teleport the plague fighters, when it saw the fleet it was trying to attract firepower instantly wiped out. This was beyond Typhons' expectations, and it now It has begun to regret that half of its fleet has been reimbursed just like that, and it must get those imperial warships as a supplement to its lost fleet.

"let's start."

Typhus cast a psychic spell, and twisted green light surrounded him, and the tentacles on the twisted and disgusting deck danced on top of his spell, disgusting.

It decided to personally lead the team to the Imperial Fleet to capture that star fortress. It has already planned that as long as it boards that star fortress, it will immediately cast a psychic spell, release a virus that can corrupt the machinery, and directly corrupt a large area. area, and let them slowly corrupt the entire Starcastle.

"The war has begun. All regiments are ready to fight, bring auxiliary troops, and each company brings a regiment of mortal auxiliary troops. The tragedy of the "Star Conqueror" can no longer be repeated."

Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin commanded the various companies and asked them to take the mortal auxiliaries to various areas. They had learned the lessons from the previous "Star Conqueror" and had a complete defense plan against the enemy's teleportation and jumping gang.

The companies of each regiment are divided into battle groups. Each battle group is composed of a traverser company and a mortal auxiliary army reinforcement group (4000 people). They will go to various areas of the "Sun Fortress", Carry out patrol and defense, as long as the enemy teleports onto the ship, they can respond immediately and notify other battle groups.

Except for the "Solar Fortress", all other ships have done this, but most of the ships defending troops are only mortal auxiliary troops, but this is enough, after all, there are combat iron men and the ship's internal defense system , as long as there are no high-level psykers, there is generally no big problem.

"It's here... come on, I want to prove to my loving father that I am the one who deserves his blessing the most. Mortarion, that "weak" guy, doesn't deserve his blessing at all!"

Typhons and a group of plague fighters suddenly appeared in a hall of the "Fortress of the Sun". Looking at the technological environment in front of him, Typhons proudly thought that it would take over the Star Fort , to corrupt Wang Ming, the Primarch, in order to get more attention and love from his loving father.

(End of this chapter)

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