Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 264 Sublight Speed ​​Projectile

Chapter 264 Sublight Speed ​​Projectile

Wang Ming walked in the corridor with the primarch guards. They were walking towards the accident location. Wang Ming had already received the message that a relic from the golden age was on board, and the first company of the second regiment had already engaged it.

"Colonel Radulovich, what is that thing? Why is there no information about him in the database?"

While walking, Wang Ming used his personal terminal to ask Colonel Radulovich. There is no record of that humanoid weapon in the database. On the way here, Wang Ming almost read all the weapon information of "Fortress of the Sun". , but he didn't find any records about that man at all.

"Insufficient permissions... to access file..."

Colonel Radulovich replied to Wang Ming, his tone was no longer as human as before, and turned into an extremely procedural answer.


When Wang Ming heard Colonel Radulovich's answer, he stopped in surprise. His authority was not enough to access the man's file. You must know that his current identity is the captain of the Federal Navy's "Sun" class Star Fort. Ah, based on the military rank of the Federation, Wang Ming is at least a general, in command of a whole Starfield Fleet, but he doesn't have the authority to view that man's file.

"Xu Zheng, take the brothers to the computer room, analyze the database, and find this man's file, damn it... Why do you buy one get one free in this system mall?"

Wang Ming thought for a while, and then contacted the First Engineer Company. Wang Ming sent the man's photo to Xu Zheng. This picture was taken by Ye Fan's tactical eyepiece before his death. Wang Ming needs these engineering brothers. Go analyze the information in the Sun Fortress database to learn the identity of that man.

"Okay boss, let's go now."

After receiving Wang Ming's order, Xu Zheng immediately put down the "Sun Fortress" maintenance work, and took his brothers to the computer room.

"Huh..., it's almost here, pay attention to his strong combat power, he may be a golden man, according to his ability to fight a company of primordial Astartes, his strength is estimated to be no less than that of the Imperial Army, maybe..., forget it , shouldn’t reach the level of the Primarch, let’s go.”

After contacting the brothers of the No. [-] Engineer Company, Wang Ming and the Primarch guards continued to move towards the destination. For some unknown reason, after the traverser company exchanged fire with him, all functions in that area were disabled. It was completely stopped, no matter whether it was teleportation or the activation of Combat Iron Man, it could not be used, and Wang Ming and the others could only walk over.

"Boss, the door cannot be opened."

Wang Ming and the traversers arrived at that area. Wang Lei walked to the control panel of the gate and tried to open the gate, but the control panel of the gate was offline for unknown reasons and could not be used at all.

"I come."

After Wang Ming heard Wang Lei's words, he walked to the gate. He stretched out his palm and placed it on the gate. The power of the Primarch was revealed. Wang Ming's finger protected by the fine gold armor was buckled into the metal gate. With Wang Ming's strength, the hydraulically sealed door was pulled open abruptly by Wang Ming.

During this process, the cracking sounds of the fixed equipment inside the gate kept coming and going, and the sparks of metal friction also jumped out from the door frame of the gate.

"Let's go, let's..."

Wang Ming opened the door and was about to bring the traversers into it, but at this moment, a bloody smell that almost turned into his body suddenly filled his nostrils.

"Here we come? Gene Primarch, there are in the database, the god son of the emperor, a good genetically enhanced creation, the man named the emperor is a great man, his empire truth is very good, it's a pity."

Just when Wang Ming was slightly startled by the smell of blood, a male voice suddenly came from in front of him, and Wang Ming immediately looked forward.

Inside the gate, a company of traversers fell to the ground. They didn't die, but their hands and feet were cut off. They lay on the ground, talking nonsense towards a man standing between them. Kindly" greeting.

Wang Ming looked at the man in front of him. He was standing in the pool of blood of the traversers, but his body was not stained with blood. His whole body was covered with a strange armor, very similar to the nanometer in those sci-fi movies. Armor, he held a very technological long knife in his hand, it should be a power weapon, and a disintegration force field was flashing on it.

Standing beside the man was a group of fighting iron men. They were all out of the control of the "Sun Fortress" system, and by the look of them, they should be controlled by the man.

"You still have some rule technology, which I didn't expect. Infinite resurrection, this should be the application of some kind of time rule."

As the man walked towards Wang Ming, he said to Wang Ming that he didn't have any feeling after the war at all, and his tone was as relaxed as if he was chatting with a stranger.

"Second Lieutenant, stop your movements, you should be able to read my information."

Wang Ming looked at the man walking towards him in front of him, and he saw the name tag on the man, which should be a second lieutenant of the Human Federation.

"Oh? Of course, the Primarch, the Son of God, the Lord of the No.20 First Legion of the Empire, the Protector of the Human Empire, hahaha, the Protector, the Middle Ages? Well, there is also the captain of the Federation Fleet, the rank of major general , Unfortunately, this is just a false identity."

When Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng heard Wang Ming's words, he stopped, looked at Wang Ming with great interest, and read out all the information about Wang Ming in the "Sun Fortress" as if he had recited it.

"The best way to make believers of gods lose their faith is to put the heads of gods in front of them. This is what I learned from those barbaric aliens during the colonization of the galaxy. I didn't expect that it would be used on humans one day .”

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming, raised the power weapon in his hand, and pointed it at Wang Ming's head. He said to Wang Ming, his meaning was very straightforward.


After Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng said these words to Wang Ming, his figure disappeared in place in an instant, a speed that even Astartes couldn't keep up with.

But for Wang Ming, the Primarch, he can keep up with Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's speed, but for Wang Ming, Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng is only a little faster.

Wang Ming quickly drew out the long knife, and collided with Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's power long knife. The phase force field collided with the decomposition force field, and the phase knife cut through the power knife almost without hindrance, and then moved towards Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's. Head rushed.

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at the blade in front of him, and the battle processor in his brain immediately took over his body. The thrusters behind the nano-armor were operating at full power, almost dodging Wang Ming's knife to his head to the limit, but even In this way, Wang Ming's blade still cut off an arm of Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, Wang Ming's speed was too fast.

"What is this thing? I've never seen…"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng landed on the ground not far in front of Wang Ming. He looked at the phase sword in Wang Ming's hand. He had never seen this kind of weapon before. After analyzing it, the intelligence brain in his brain could not analyze it. To find out what kind of technology it is, after comparing it with the technological products of the Federation, we can only roughly analyze that its working principle should have some relationship with the dimension.

"Is it a new technology again? It seems that humans in this era still have some enterprising spirit."

Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at the phase knife in Wang Ming's hand, and said to Wang Ming.

"Aggression? Don't be kidding, just the guys from the Mechanicus, maybe there are still in the era of the Great Crusade, but in this era..."

Listening to Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's words, Wang Ming complained in his heart that phase knives are the technology of necromancers, not human beings.

At this moment, Lieutenant Zhou Heng's severed arm suddenly quickly disintegrated on the ground, turned into a mass of gas and flew back to his body, and then quickly reassembled into a intact arm.

"Nano technology?"

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's intact arm. He had seen this kind of technology before. In terms of the automatic repair function of the Federation ships, those gases were nano-robots.

"Actually, you shouldn't be fighting us. Human beings are already on the verge of danger. As a federal soldier, you should protect human beings instead of fighting the current guardians of human beings."

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in front of him, and still wanted to persuade him, a golden man of the Human Federation, he still wanted to keep it, the genetic enhancement technology and subspace resistance in him were not small reward.

"The human empire is already a corrupt regime, full of blind faith and personality worship, technology has become a miracle in the eyes of those people, they even believe in machines, my God, all kinds of religious fanaticism have produced countless suffering , I must save mankind, only technology can save mankind.”

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng listened to Wang Ming's words, but he did not put down the weapon in his hand. He spoke to Wang Ming, and the power knife in his hand quickly turned into a gun full of technological sense.

"These things are very complicated to explain. You shouldn't fight us. Put down your weapons. I will explain these things to you. Believe me, I understand your feelings. I don't like this ignorant era either."

Wang Ming looked at the firearm in Lieutenant Zhou Heng's hand, and looked at the shape and size of the thing. It should be an anti-material weapon, but Wang Ming didn't know what kind of weapon it was. If technology conjectures, it shouldn't be a battleship, right?


Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng did not answer Wang Ming, he quickly raised the firearm and fired at Wang Ming. The mass projectile in the firearm shot at Wang Ming at a speed of 50.00% of the speed of light. No matter how fast Wang Ming was, it was impossible to get over 90.00% speed of light.

Wang Ming was hit by a mass projectile, and the huge kinetic energy projectile hit Wang Ming's body in an instant, and then penetrated every cabin in the ship, and finally it smashed through the good shell of the "Sun Fortress" and turned into a The streamer flew into the void of the universe.

"The so-called gods will also die under human technology, and technology is the only truth."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at a passage leading directly into space in front of him. It was the compartments that were forcibly knocked out by mass projectiles. Wang Ming's body was also directly vaporized by the energy generated by the huge kinetic energy.

Above the hole, a group of nano-robots are quickly repairing the damage to the ship. They were activated instantly when they detected the damage to the ship.

"Your uncle, you can't speak well, but you have to do this, my boat!"

Just when Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng thought that Wang Ming was dead, and was about to kill the Primarch guards who were eating melons, a voice suddenly appeared behind him, it was Wang Ming's voice.

"Impossible, that is an attack at sub-light speed, it is impossible for any creature to survive!"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng turned his head quickly after hearing this voice. He was extremely shocked. The Primarch was still alive. How could this be possible? No creature can withstand a sublight speed projectile.

Before he could react, a big hand grabbed his head, and then Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng disconnected, his neck was directly broken by Wang Ming, although the nanorobots in his body kept trying to repair his neck. body, but helplessly, Wang Ming has been choking his neck, and the nano-robots cannot repair it at all.

"Every day, there are crazy people, either religious fanatics, or sleepy, who don't listen to people at all, what the hell, you have to go to Aix, who made it every day These things."

Wang Ming carried Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng who had lost control of his body, took out a static force field cage from the system mall, and stuffed Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng into it cursingly.

Wang Ming was very depressed, what happened to him every day, no one listened to his good words, he had to fight, this guy was obviously a federal bewildered man, he couldn't listen to a word.

"Watch him, I'll change into power armor."

Wang Ming said to the Primarch guards, and then went to change the power armor. After most of them died, the power armor on him would be destroyed. This is also a point of depression for Wang Ming. He needs to find a way to solve this problem.

"Have you found his information?"

In the computer room of the "Sun Fortress", Wang Ming looked at the traversers of the No. [-] Engineer Company who were busy among them, and asked them. He was eager to know the identity of Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng. The weapons and equipment equipped on him were completely complete. Not what a normal federal soldier should have, he is completely a personal nuclear weapon.

"I found out that these materials are all in the core area of ​​the database, and they are quite troublesome to decode."

Xu Zheng saw Wang Ming entering the computer room, and immediately handed him the data board in his hand.

"The human federal AI rebellion late stage experimental weapon plan, due to the public panic caused by the AI ​​rebellion, the use of AI was completely banned, and the loyal AI was also sealed. Human beings are used as a template, and nano-fusion technology is implanted in its body to strengthen the human body. It is equipped with the most advanced individual combat equipment of the Federation, and the human body is perfectly integrated with technological creations experimentally. In the next stage, human beings will have the information processing ability of AI and the ability to master the power of subspace, as well as a body powerful enough to survive in the universe and eternal life..."

"Scientists in the golden age are really a group of lunatics, a perfect creature, a perfect human being, immortal, powerful psychic power, AI-level information processing ability, extremely powerful body, etc..., why do these add up so familiarly? "

After Wang Ming finished reading these materials, he suddenly felt that the content on them seemed a little familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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