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Chapter 265 The Emperor's Early Works

Chapter 265 The Emperor's Early Works
"Yes, very familiar."

Just as Wang Ming was looking at the information and thinking, the voice of the emperor suddenly appeared in his ears.

"Hmm... so, this thing is your early work?"

Wang Ming heard the voice of the emperor, and asked him curiously. If the emperor felt familiar, then this thing must be related to him.

"Eh..., it's just a weapon. At that time, the Iron Man Rebellion had just ended, and the Federation needed a war weapon that could replace the Iron Man. Then, as a scientist at the time, I created these people, and by the way, laid the foundation for the Primarch after me. .”

The emperor said in Wang Ming's mind, he admitted very generously that these things are his creations, a humanoid weapon.

"You tell him the name Gaetani Nils when the time comes, he will know, he knows me, he is a good soldier."

The emperor said to Wang Ming that the man belonged to the early works of the emperor.

"Um... okay."

Wang Ming listened to the emperor's words, and the emperor's early works actually had to be resolved by himself.

"get ready."

In a gravity chamber of the "Sun Fortress", Wang Ming said to the traversers surrounded by static force field cages. The traversers nodded, and then aimed their weapons at the static cage.


Wang Ming let out a long breath, and he looked at the "clock of time" in his hand. This is a weapon that uses the rules of time and can stop partial time. When releasing people later, as long as Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng continues to move towards them Attack, Wang Ming will use this thing to make him calm down.

It really doesn’t work. Anyway, they are in the gravity room. When the time comes, they will directly lock on the target and turn on the gravity constraint. At [-] times the gravity of the earth, Wang Ming will not believe it. It is impossible for him to move freely.

"Let go!"

Wang Ming said to the traverser beside the static force field cage, and the traverser immediately closed a part of the static force field cage, the part of the head.

"What are you trying to do? Why don't you kill me?"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng turned his head to look at Wang Ming immediately after he got out of trouble. He asked Wang Ming loudly. In his opinion, since he was caught, he would definitely be executed.

"Gaetani Nils, do you know this name?"

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's restless head, resisting the urge to chop it off with a single knife, and patiently said to him.

"Dr. Niels? Is he still alive? He's hibernating too?"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng heard the name Gaetani Nils and asked Wang Ming suspiciously.

"He is still alive, and he is the current Emperor."

Wang Ming looked at the suspicious Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng and said to him.

"how can that be?!"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming in shock. His world view seemed to have collapsed. He really couldn't think of the young doctor and the human emperor together. The gap between the two was too great.

"come in."

Wang Ming looked at the shocked Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, who was immersed in the collapse of his world view, and picked up the communicator and said.


After Wang Ming gave the order, the door of the gravity room was opened, and several silent nuns walked into the gravity room. In the following conversation, Wang Ming needed the things they needed to isolate the subspace.


Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at the quiet nuns and asked Wang Ming. He felt the oppressive feeling around the soulless.

"Well, we need them to isolate the subspace for the next conversation."

Wang Ming nodded to Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, and then explained to him.

"Okay, Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, have you heard of the evil god?"

Wang Ming looked at Lieutenant Zhou Heng's bewildered golden eyes and asked him.

"The gods that the cultists believe in? I killed a lot in the colonial era. I heard from those scientists that those so-called evil gods are just some high-level psykers and subspace entities."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng naturally knew what the evil god meant, but what he said was completely different from what Wang Ming said. He was talking about powerful psykers with different shapes and those demons from the real universe who did not know when they would come, but Wang Ming said The one is the subspace evil god.

"You should know the reason why the human empire fell here, you have read the database of "Sun Fortress"."

Wang Ming said to Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng that he needs to let Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng know something, and then pull him into the team to protect human beings. He is a golden man with a legacy from the golden age, and he is also an early experiment of the emperor... cough cough cough , an experimental product of early Primarch modification technology.

"I know that one of the emperor's sons, the traitor Horus, rebelled. He is the most powerful warlord in the history of the empire, but the reasons for his rebellion are vague in the records of the database."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng listened to Wang Ming's words, he thought for a while, and then told the record about Horus in the database.

"The reason for his rebellion is precisely because of Chaos God."

Wang Ming nodded, and then told Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng about the reason for Horus's rebellion. He was not worried that Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng would be corrupted because he knew the Chaos God. The Golden Man's willpower and soul strength should not be that bad.

"Chaos God? What is that?"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng asked suspiciously. He had never heard of this thing. In his impression, those so-called gods were just subspace entities and alien psykers, and they could be killed as long as they had enough firepower.

"They are entities in the subspace, and each of them is extremely terrifying. They can easily destroy a galaxy, and they can move the stars of the universe. They cast their suffering on all living beings in the galaxy, and promote the suffering of all living beings. Their own strength, all human suffering comes from them."

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in front of him, and told him about the existence of the subspace evil god.

"How can this be..., wait..., it's really possible..., the return report of a lost subspace ship that year... So that's it, the subspace entity in the logbook is..."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng fell into deep thought after hearing Wang Ming's words. He looked at Wang Ming and muttered to himself.

"Let go of me... I understand."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng thought for a long time, then looked at Wang Ming, and said to him.


Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, he was still a little hesitant, this kid's lethality was too strong, the damage results of the previous ship had already come out, this kid blasted half of the interior of the "Sun Fortress" with one shot, and even This also affected the cruiser "Blade of the Empire" next to the "Fortress of the Sun".

They were about to dock into the "Fortress of the Sun" to replenish some fuel, when suddenly a projectile with a mass accelerated to 50.00% of the speed of light flew over, and the "Blade of the Empire" was directly hit on its propeller, and the entire ship was hit on the spot. It deviated, and if it weren't for the desperate work of the attitude engines on it, maybe the whole ship would be lying on the board together.

"I don't have much energy flow in my body anymore. The previous shot has consumed 90.00% of my energy storage. Besides, don't you have a "time clock" in your hand? This disgusting thing that controls time, I Can't handle it."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming who was full of hesitation, and understood his thoughts. He had indeed caused huge damage to their ships before, and he understood Wang Ming's thoughts.

"Let him go."

After Wang Ming heard what Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng said, he thought about it for a while, then he clenched the "clock of time" in his hand and said to the traveler.


The traverser nodded, holding a bolt gun in one hand, aimed at Lieutenant Zhou Heng's head, and slowly closed all the static force field cages.

"Don't worry, I'm a federal soldier, and I keep my word."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng walked out of the static force field cage, walked up to Wang Ming, and said to him with a smile.

"Better so."

Wang Ming looked at the Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng who was smiling towards him. The more he looked at his face, the more abnormal he felt. His face was so perfect that it seemed to be artificially manufactured, which even gave Wang Ming a sense of unreality.

"Nano fusion technology, it seems unreal and normal."

Just when Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's face and came up with this idea, the voice of the Emperor suddenly appeared in his head, and he explained to Wang Ming why Wang Ming felt that Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's face was strange. A sense of unreality.

"So, Lord Emperor, how many black technologies have you installed on him? This kid almost reimbursed me for a cruiser."

Listening to the voice of the emperor, Wang Ming took this opportunity to ask the emperor how much black technology he had installed on Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng. The cruiser didn't open the shield, but the 50.00% sublight speed projectile alone is enough to pose a threat to the ship.

"Uh..., those things on him were all the highest individual weapon technology in the Federation at that time, but there were no regular weapons. Considering the reason for the rebellion at that time, there were no safe regular weapons. The individual soldiers you imagined against ships, It’s also possible, but it won’t work against battleships with shields, you can only bully some ships without void shields.”

The emperor replied to Wang Ming, recalling the manufacturing process in the laboratory back then, while explaining to Wang Ming, those insane weapons on Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's body.

"You used to play real flowers when you were old. You are like an unscrupulous scientist in those sci-fi movies."

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in front of him, complaining about the image of the Frankenstein of the Emperor in his heart.

"It's okay, I still had a conscience back then, and I was rated as one of the top ten conscientious scientists in the local star field. Apart from dissecting aliens every day, I was doing research on weapons and human genetic enhancement."

Hearing Wang Ming's complaints, the emperor refuted Wang Ming. He was a very kind scientist at that time. When his colleagues were frantically doing human genetic enhancement, only he knew how to do it step by step. In addition to doing basic human enhancement experiments every day, it is just to dissect the "cute and cute" alien, so kind.


Wang Ming listened to what the emperor said, he was indeed a kind scientist in that era, at least he did not frantically modify the human gene family like those colleagues who regard technology as the only truth.

"By the way, Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, look, I'll do the math with you now, you killed one of our mortal auxiliary troops, destroyed my star fort, and blew up the engine of one of my cruisers, look , how should you compensate?"

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in front of him, and asked him, this guy did so many things without paying any price, it is absolutely impossible according to Wang Ming's character.

"You..., what do you want? Gaetani Niles still owes me five thousand federal credits!"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming with an unfriendly expression. He had a vague premonition that he would be used as a tool.

"It's nothing, you have to do things for me. It just so happens that we have a war to fight in the near future. As a soldier of the Human Federation, do you want to fight for mankind?"

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in front of him, and directly ignored the fact that the Emperor still owed him money.

"Of course, of course, as the guardian of human beings, of course I will participate in this war."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming who was smiling, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, he seemed to realize something.

"Okay, you are welcome to join the Human Empire and become the guardian of mankind in this desperate era. Well, there are five thousand federal credits owed by my father. I will exchange them for five thousand throne coins."

Wang Ming smiled and patted Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, then gave the traverser next to the static force field cage a wink, and as the static force field cage was reopened, Wang Ming directly grabbed Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng's head , stuffed him back into the static force field.

"Boss, why did you stuff him back again?"

Wang Lei looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng who was still smiling in the static force field cage. He didn't know what happened, and asked Wang Ming. He didn't understand. He obviously had a good talk, why did Wang Ming put Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng back again? .

"Just to be on the safe side, this kid is too dangerous. Release him when we get to Aix. Also, let Wang Xiaofa go and see the dead mortal auxiliary, check his identity and place of origin, and see if he has any If there is no family, find a peddler to give the pension to his family."

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in the force field cage, said something to Wang Lei, and then walked out of the gravity room.

"Brother Thirteen, Brother Third, my matter is settled, we can set sail."

When Wang Ming walked out of the gravity room, he saw the two Primarchs who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Wang Ming, who is he?"

Guilliman looked at Wang Ming and asked him. Guilliman was still very curious about Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, after all, he was a living "golden man".

"It's nothing, a golden man, just an experimental product of my father in the golden age. Some of the technologies on him have already been applied to us."

Wang Ming took out a document, handed it to Guilliman, and then told Guilliman and Fulgrim what the Emperor had said to him.

(End of this chapter)

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