Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 287 The Disappearing Hive City Resident

Chapter 287 The Disappearing Hive City Resident

The Khorne demon army rushed towards Wang Ming, they ignored the golden flames burning on Wang Ming's body, and kept attacking Wang Ming, sharp claws, magic sword, and even teeth.

They roared and were completely burned by the golden flames on Wang Ming's body. They stepped forward without any fear. Even real death could not frighten these Khorne demon army. They served the blood god, the king of war and courage. God, they must not have any fear in the face of any enemy, only brave battles can win the eyes of the blood god.

"You're not afraid of death, are you?"

Wang Ming looked at the demons killed by the golden flame around him, he smiled, what he wanted was this effect, the more demons came, the happier Wang Ming was, the demons were like the fuel of the golden flame, the more they The karmic fire of many human beings burns more vigorously.

Wang Ming waved the long knife, and the golden flame covered the long knife, spreading outward with Wang Ming's swing, just like the knife energy in the novel, although it is not that sharp, but its ability to kill demons The force is also very large.

Under Wang Ming's golden flames, groups of demons were completely burnt to the essence of the subspace. They wailed and were burned to ashes one by one.

Just like the emperor was in the webway back then, the golden flames spread all over the passage, and the demons were burned by the golden flames one by one. Wang Ming stood alone in the passage, and no demon could pass through Wang Ming's defense line.

"God Emperor..."

A mortal auxiliary looked at the passage full of golden flames in front of him, and he knelt on the ground unconsciously. He seemed to see the legendary great god emperor, which was like the great power of the god emperor.

Not only this mortal, but all mortals on this front knelt on the ground, they praised the God Emperor and the Primarch loudly.

"Boss is like this, are you sure you haven't been taken away by the emperor?"

Ye Fan looked at Wang Ming, and asked Hu Jin, Wang Ming looked so much like the emperor, the golden flame was exactly the same as the emperor's psionic flame.

"No, right? When the emperor possessed the boss, the boss didn't know how to wear clothes. It shouldn't be the emperor."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming, thought about it seriously, and then said to Ye Fan with a serious face.

"Your uncle's..."

As a Primarch, the conversation between the two of them fell into Wang Ming's ears. His reputation has been completely ruined by the appearance of the emperor when he was possessed. What will happen when he is possessed by the emperor? Naked, what are these things.

What on earth is the emperor doing every time? Why does he always like to run naked?Could it be a special preference when he was awakened from ancient Terra?
However, Wang Ming didn't think too much about this issue. He quickly killed the demons. It seemed that there were not many opportunities to kill demons in large numbers.


Just as Wang Ming's killing sprang up, a huge roar suddenly reached Wang Ming's ears. Wang Ming looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a huge demon wielding his battle ax in the group of demons, Wang Ming rushed over. Judging by its appearance, it should be a not low-level Khorne monster.

"I want to die so much!"

Wang Ming looked at the big demon, he quickly killed a large group of demons around him, and then rushed towards the big demon of Khorne. The destructive power of a big demon is still very large. It cuts.


Wang Ming's long knife collided with the big demon's battle axe, and the golden flame burned the big demon's body along the battle axe, but the big demon was not burned, it was full of blood, and the blood seemed to burn Like a layer of shield, it protected its body.


The Great Demon of Khorne roared and pressed the battle ax towards Wang Ming, as if it had been blessed by Khorne, its power became so great that even Wang Ming, the Primarch, felt a little uncomfortable. contend.

"Your uncle, sure enough, Khorne has made a move."

Wang Ming looked at the Khorne demon in front of him, and grabbed the handle of the long knife with both hands and pressed towards the Khorne demon. He looked at the red blood on Khorne's body, and instantly understood what was going on with this guy.

This is obviously an arms race between Khorne and the Emperor. The paralyzed kobold of Khorne is definitely responding to his abilities.

Wang Ming increased the output of the golden flames, and the distant flames spread from his body, and the surrounding Khorne demons watching the battle were directly taken away.

The blood energy on Khorne's body quickly disappeared under the violent burning of the golden flame, and Khorne's body was not able to really attack Wang Ming, and his battle ax was always held tightly by Wang Ming. Unable to take a step closer to Wang Ming's body.


Wang Ming roared, and then pushed the long knife towards Khorne, the long knife cut into the battle axe, the power of the Primarch cut off the demon battle ax abruptly, the blade did not weaken at all, and moved towards The head of the Great Demon of Khorne was cut off.

The long knife cut into the mouth of the Great Demon of Khorne, and cut off the blood energy in an instant. Although the blood energy can block the burning of the golden flame, it can't block Wang Ming's physical attack at all. The combat power of a Primarch is very terrifying. of.

Wang Ming chopped off half of the head of the Great Demon of Khorne with a single blow, and the golden flame rushed into the body of the Great Demon from the wound in an instant, quickly burning its essence.

"Tell you that paraplegic kobold master, I am the emperor's son Wang Ming! I am the human warrior who killed you!"

Holding the burning headless body of the Khorne demon, Wang Ming shouted at the surrounding Khorne demons, the best way to deal with these damned chaos things is to use them.

"Only brave shopping can... Fuck me! Khorne!"

After thinking about it, Wang Ming suddenly realized something was wrong. A golden light came out of his eyes, and he instantly realized that he was actually affected by Khorne just now. How could this be possible? I used it to bewitch, logically speaking, this damn thing shouldn't be like this, shouldn't it try to hack himself to death, and then decorate his head on the brass throne?Why are you going to corrupt me all of a sudden?

"Your uncle's Khorne..."

Wang Ming shook his head, and he immediately used the golden flame to protect his soul. He didn't want to become a butcher's nail, he didn't want to become a monster who only knew how to kill.

In fact, Khorne itself is very smart. He just doesn't bother to use tricks. Only fighting and blood are the best praises. However, Khorne will confuse some people under special circumstances, such as the current situation, and Tai During the siege of the city, Dorne almost fell into Khorne.

"Huh..., fortunately, that paralyzed kobold of Khorne doesn't use tricks very much, and he probably didn't think of corrupting me like this, damn it..."

Wang Ming sorted out his mentality, and then continued to rush towards the Khorne demon army. He had to make Khorne pay some price, and each one of them began to use their spirit to bewitch, and things became more and more difficult.

At the same time, in the subspace, within the domain of Khorne, a kobold sitting on a brass throne looked at the blood-red wilderness in front of him, and those countless bloody warriors slightly held onto his side. He really shouldn't try to corrupt that guy, he even felt that what he just did was a humiliation to himself.

"I should kill him, I'll kill him, I'll kill him for good, and decorate my throne with his head, that man's son, that damn guy..."

Khorne let go of his long knife, he thought angrily, he shouldn't try to corrupt Wang Ming, corruption is really not something he wants to do, he should only want to hack him to death.

However, the demon primarch in my family is really a bit of a mess, and I have given it a lot of blessings. Why can't its combat power be improved much? When I fought with Wang Ming before, it was completely against someone who didn't have much combat experience. The Eternal was just beaten, logically speaking, Wang Ming should use his life to pile him up to death after killing him dozens of times.

But why, that guy was replaced one by one, the warrior who fought for thousands of years was actually replaced by an immortal, it is too embarrassing.

"Throw it there, let it kill Wang Ming, at least 88 times..."

Khorne looked at Angron, thought for a very short time, and then threw it on the warning star of the real world. It is impossible for him to enter the real universe, so use his own tool, although he is not familiar with this tool. Too satisfied, just an eternal slave, a gladiator without the ability to think for himself.

"Check, there are definitely demons."

In the bottom nest of the hive capital, a large number of traversers cleaned up the demons in various areas. It has been a week since Wang Ming blocked the passage to kill the demons. Wang Ming blocked the passage by himself. After killing demons for seven days and seven nights, most of the demons in the hive capital who dared to attack Wang Ming died at the hands of Wang Ming, but there should be some demons in the hive capital, and the traversers can only enter the hive capital in this way. Cleaned up everywhere.

After the traversers entered the Bottom Nest and the Lower Nest, they discovered one thing. There should be billions of human beings in these two areas of the hive capital, and there should be a lot of mutants and aliens.

But why, after the traverser entered the two layers of the hive city, he didn't even see the corpse of a living creature, but only saw bloody water all over the ground. Could it be that the billions of hive city residents all turned into these bloody waters? ?But that's not right. After billions of creatures died, there was more than that amount of blood. Where did those human beings go?

This is too weird, and these are the demon army of Khorne, not the demon army of Nurgle or Tzeentch, Slaanesh, they should not be left alive, the only explanation is that the residents of the hive capital all invested The Khorne army became the Khorne cultists. The previous Khorne demon army was providing cover for the billions of cultists, allowing them to evacuate the hive quietly.

But that's not right, there are billions of Khorne cultists, how could they just leave so quietly, it still doesn't make sense.

"So what the hell is going on here?"

In Zhongchao's temporary headquarters, Wang Ming looked at the regiment leaders in front of him and asked them, he really couldn't figure it out, where did the billions of Chaodu residents go?
"Billions of people..., seven days and seven nights, how could this all disappear?"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng was scratching his hair. He looked very haggard. The disappearance of billions of people and the estimated death of at least millions made him, a federal soldier, very depressed. Wang Ming also comforted him, but the effect was minimal. , The federal soldier even began to think that this was his negligence of duty, that he had failed to protect human civilization, and that he was too weak.


Wang Ming and the group leaders looked at the haggard Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng. This federal soldier still hasn't adapted to this era. In this dark age, human life is just a number. Joining a cult will have a great impact on the battle situation.

If those people are killed, the demons summoned by billions of deaths will enter the real universe, which can almost overwhelm most of the human defense lines on Vigilante, and if they join a cult, they will also be harmful to the imperial forces Even if those guys hold simple cold weapons, they are not a small force.

"Hey..., prepare some nuclear bombs..., if they really join the cult..., you know..."

Wang Ming lowered his head and thought. He stroked the long knife on the table in front of him, thought for a long time, and finally said to the group leaders in front of him.


Lieutenant Zhou Heng raised his head when he heard Wang Ming's words, and wanted to say something, but he remembered the consequences of being corrupted by evil gods, so he had no choice but to smash the titanium alloy command table angrily. The force directly smashed the table into pieces, various mechanical parts rolled on the ground, and sparks flew on the titanium alloy command table.

"Sorry, I……"

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng looked at Wang Ming, and he expressed his apology to Wang Ming. He really couldn't control his emotions just now, and the disappearance and death of those human beings affected him too much.

"It's okay, we can understand, no one feels better."

Wang Ming patted Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng on the back, and he said to Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng that the disappearance and death of those humans made everyone present uncomfortable. As the guardian of human beings, he did not protect so many imperial civilians. This makes them feel powerless and frustrated.

"Wang Ming, I apply to hunt down that "Star Capturer". Within three days, I will hand over its head to you."

After Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng heard Wang Ming's comfort, he stared at Wang Ming's golden eyes and said firmly to him.

"Go ahead. If you need any materials, go back to Sun Fortress to replenish them. I believe you can."

Wang Ming looked at the steadfast Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in front of him. This federal soldier needs to divert his attention, so that he can get rid of the self-blame for not protecting human beings well.


Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng nodded to Wang Ming, and then left the headquarters.


Wang Ming looked at the back of Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng, and sighed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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