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Chapter 288 The Broken Titanium

Chapter 288 The Broken Titanium

While the battle situation on Vigilante was deteriorating, the battle situation on Omisplen was advancing all the way. Xiao Changqing led the No.13 regiment to kill the Tau defense line all the way, and almost regained their so-called home world. human empire.

In addition, the No.13 Regiment also fought the Necrons, which was part of the plan. The No.13 Regiment used the fleet's orbital bombing to successfully suppress the Necrons on this planet. The primary purpose of the stars is to suppress the Necrons.

"The main force of the Tau people has begun to retreat, and their leaders want to negotiate with us, leader, what should we do now?"

In the headquarters of the No.13 Regiment, Battel Briged, the commander of the No.13 Regiment's fourth company, asked Xiao Changqing. In the past few days, they had almost broken the morale of the Tau people.

There is no mercy for intelligent life. On the battlefield where the No.13 regiment walked, there is not a single living Tau person. The traversers will not show a little kindness to the aliens. For these aliens, the traversers do not feel much. If they were humans, they might still feel uncomfortable, but for aliens, they are not human at all.

"Negotiation? Why? Why do they think they have the capital to negotiate with us? With those dozens of battle suits that are almost out of ammunition now?"

Xiao Changqing, who was looking at the tactical map, had a mocking smile on his face when he heard what Battelle Briged said. Those Tau people really didn't understand the situation, and it was too naive to talk to the human empire. Negotiating with the empire But there are conditions. Are you capable of catching up with the empire in military ability or technology? If it weren't for the empire's inability to spare, you alien civilizations can still survive until now?


After Xiao Changqing said these words, everyone in the headquarters laughed. Whether it was the traversers or the officers of the mortal auxiliary army, they had fought against the Tau people and knew very well the current state of those Tau people. All kinds of weapons suffered heavy losses in the previous battles, and nearly half of the soldiers died. They are just fighting trapped beasts, and it is only a matter of time before these aliens disappear.

The empire has a set of countermeasures against aliens. Don’t think that the internal affairs of the human empire are messy and wars are everywhere. For those small and medium-sized alien civilizations that still exist in the galaxy, the galactic empire like the human empire is their extinction You must know that for humans, there are four evil gods, but for the aliens, the number of evil gods is more than four.

"Clean them up completely, and then we can focus on dealing with the Necrons, the days of these blue-skinned aliens are numbered."

Xiao Changqing looked around laughing battle brothers and mortal brothers, he waved his arm with a smile, all the laughter stopped instantly, all the traversers and mortal auxiliary army officers, they all put away their smiles, He looked at Xiao Changqing seriously, and listened to his combat orders.


After hearing the order, everyone replied loudly to Xiao Changqing that the annihilation plan for these aliens had been prepared long before departure, and now it is only necessary to implement the final stage of the task.

In the last gathering place of the Tau people, at a hidden defense point, a hidden hammerhead shark, Xia Si La Tuale, was gnawing on a bag of rations. As an excellent Fire Clan fighter, it It is necessary to maintain energy and physical strength to deal with those human attacks at any time.


Just when Chas la Tuale was about to take a bite of food, it suddenly heard a sound, those sounds were too familiar to it, it was the armored vehicle of the human army.

It recalled the scenes on the battlefield before, countless artillery fire, countless armored vehicles, and its own drones were instantly destroyed as soon as they took off, and those human weapons were completely different from those humans seen before. Similarly, their light weapons can even shoot through the battle suit with a single salvo, killing the pilot of the battle suit in an instant.

"Humans are here!"

Chas la Tuale quickly put down the food and connected it to the turret of the hammerhead shark suspension tank. It didn't want to be killed by humans, at least it didn't want to be killed without any resistance.

In the targeting system, a human Poison Blade tank is moving forward in the distance, and there are a large number of human armored vehicles advancing around it. This is a torrent of armor that humans cannot resist at all.

"What should I do? If I fire, I will definitely be discovered by humans in an instant. What should I do? What should I do?"

Chas La Touale looked at the human Baneblade super heavy tank, nervously thinking about the countermeasures in his heart. Its hammerhead shark suspension tank was equipped with a railgun, and it was not confident that it could kill humans in one blow. The Bane-type super-heavy tank, but if you do nothing, the gathering place in the direction of humans will definitely be attacked by humans.

"For the sake of the higher good!"

Chas la Tuale made up his mind, roared, then aimed at the Baneblade super-heavy tank, pressed the fire button of the rail gun, and he could only hope that the two pilots could quickly make the hammerhead shark The hover tank made a maneuver.

The railgun was activated, and the current pushed the ammunition towards the human Bane-type super-heavy tank. Its speed was extremely fast, and it hit the side armor of the Bane-type super-heavy tank in an instant.

The armor exploded, and metal fragments flew in the air. The crew members on the side near the hit side covered their ears in pain. The armor of the Shiv was not penetrated, and its thick armor protected its own. Crew members.

The turret of the Baneblade super-heavy tank began to rotate, but surprisingly, it was not operated by the gunner of the vehicle crew, it was operated by the machine soul itself. The moment just now made the machine soul very angry, and the armor was scraped it took.

"Keep going! The adults will help us out!"

The commander of Poison Blade looked at the command panel in front of him, and issued a counterattack order to the crew members. They were surrounded by traversers to cover them, and they would clean up all enemies for the armored troops of the Mortal Auxiliary Army.

Just as the commander said, when the poison blade was attacked, a group of traversers riding hovermotors jumped out of the armored group. They were the guards of the armored group, and their mission was to protect the armored group Provide cover and clear those anti-armor forces around.

Chas La Tuale succeeded with one shot, and then asked the drivers to drive the hammerhead shark suspension tank to leave the ambush position quickly, but just when they started the hammerhead shark suspension tank and were about to leave the ambush position, a group of The hoverbike suddenly rushed towards them.

Cavalry attacking tanks is not a very good tactic no matter what era it is, but what if the weapons of those cavalry are phase swords that can cut through all physical cosmic matter?

Battle Brzyged was riding a hoverbike. After getting close to the hammerhead shark suspension tank, he turned the hoverbike in one direction and jumped off it himself. He quickly avoided the hammerhead shark The firepower fired by the suspension tank quickly rushed towards the hammerhead shark suspension tank.

Battelle Briged jumped hard and jumped onto the roof of the hammerhead shark suspension tank. Battelle Briged landed steadily on the roof of the vehicle. He looked at the hammerhead shark suspension tank. The railgun raised the phase sword in his hand.

Ask, what would a Primaris Astartes wielding a phaser weapon jump onto an alien tank do?
Answer, of course it was dismantled with a phase sword.

Battel Briged held the phase sword and slashed at the connection between the railgun and the hammerhead shark suspension tank, cutting off its connection with the hammerhead shark suspension tank in an instant.

The railgun fell to the ground, and the two hanging weapons above the Hammerhead shark levitation tank were chopped into pieces by the passers-by who came later. The speed of the levitation motorcycle was too fast. This kind of hoverbike modified by the First Engineer Company is completely an aircraft that can fly close to the ground, and only the Astartes can operate this kind of speed thing.

The traversers surrounded the hammerhead shark suspension tank, and they began to quickly destroy the hammerhead shark suspension tank. Every time the phase sword pierced into the armor plate of the hammerhead shark suspension tank, the three Tau people among them would feel Great fear.

They can see those long knives with green light, cutting through the armor plate of the tank like cutting tofu, but they can't do anything. They know what is attacking them through the still existing sighting equipment, that is Human genetically modified soldiers, fearsome space fighters, these guys are the most powerful, most ruthless, cruel, and most terrifying guys in the human race.

Those who have experienced this war all know that what makes their home world is about to fall is those terrifying human Astartes and those armored clusters, they are the main force of human offensive force.

No one can resist their attacks, and he has been targeted, so he can only wait to die.

"For the sake of the best way!!"

Chas la Tuale looked at the green long knife close in front of him, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. As a fire warrior, it couldn't be killed by humans without any resistance.

Chas La Tuale picked up the pistol and opened the hatch of the hammerhead shark, half of his body was exposed, ready to make a final fight with those humans.

But things didn't go as it expected. It had just jumped out of the tank, and a long knife instantly chopped off its head. The head of Chas La Tuyale was flying in the air, and Battle Brigad was indifferent. Looking at the head flying in the air, he smiled indifferently, a Tau person actually wants to compete with the primordial Astartes, what do you think?
The remaining two hammerhead shark drivers were also caught by the traversers who cut open the armor plate. The traversers laughed when they saw them struggling in their hands, but the traversers would not torture the aliens. , They quickly gave them a good time. They didn't even use weapons for this kind of alien. After two explosions, the two headless corpses were thrown on the ground.

"Company commander... are you sure you don't have this subject in the college entrance examination in your hometown?"

A traverser looked at Battle Briged, and he asked curiously to his company commander, how did he feel that his company commander was so familiar with riding, shooting, hacking and killing.

"Nothing, it's so possible, don't listen to what is said on the Internet."

Bartel Briged heard the question from the traveler, he smiled, and then replied to the traveler.

"Uh, I don't think it's believable..."

The traverser looked at his company commander, and he looked at Battelle Briged with suspicion, and he still didn't believe what Battelle Briged said.

"Chief, we have already started attacking the alien's defense line. Everything is going well so far. Those aliens are not our opponents at all."

In the battle command vehicle on the front line, a mortal auxiliary officer stood in front of Xiao Changqing, saluted him, and reported the current situation to Xiao Changqing.

"Well... this is the alien's last struggle."

Xiao Changqing looked at the mortal auxiliary army officer in front of him, and returned a military salute to him. This is one of the characteristics of the No.13 regiment. They are a regiment that is very close to the traditional army. Compared with other regiments, they are more military. The Astartes and the mortal auxiliary army have equal identities in battle, and they can put forward opinions according to their own ideas. As long as the feasibility is reviewed by the staff group, it can be implemented, and no traverser will question the idea of ​​​​the mortal auxiliary army. , they do not have the arrogance of the Adeptus Astartes.

The battle situation on the battlefield was as expected before, a large number of armor clusters successfully collided with all the remaining armor forces of the Tau people, and the actual attacking force had already rushed into the Tau people from the other side The line of defense of these aliens was smashed all the way.

Alien corpses were scattered all over the land, and the great armored vehicles of the empire crushed those corpses. The armored soldiers of the Mortal Auxiliary Army looked at all this indifferently, and they had no sympathy for the aliens.

The flag of the Supreme Good was crushed by the crawlers of the Poison Blade, and the pride of the Tau Empire, those powerful battle suits, were also quickly dealt with by the traversers, and the pilots were pulled out of the battle suits one by one. In the eyes of hatred, the traversers also gave them a happy feeling.

"What about the remaining Tau? Kill, or?"

In the command vehicle, Battel Briged asked Xiao Changqing, the battle with the Tau people was over, and under the armored cluster and assault force, those Tau people did not last long at all.

There are still many Tau people alive at present, and these fellow transmigrators don’t want to kill them directly. It’s not that they have any scruples. It’s just that killing these Tau people like this always feels a bit disturbing. The enemy's alien shape, but it's still a bit out of touch for civilians.

"It's simple, give them the Tau weapons, throw them into battle with the Necron, and if they survive, send them back to the Tau Empire, using our warp engines, of course. "

Xiao Changqing thought for a while, and then said to Battle Briged.

"Captain, you are a devil..."

Battar Briged listened to Xiao Changqing's plan to deal with the Tau people, and said to Xiao Changqing speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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