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Chapter 295 Vigilant Star Wars Bureau Development

"Fuck off!"

Wang Ming laughed and cursed and slapped Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng on the head. He didn't know whether he had used too much strength, or Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng deliberately comforted Wang Ming, who was clearly in the wrong mood. He was directly slapped down by Wang Ming's slap. on the ground.

"I'm just kidding, why are you using so much effort? I've read the textbooks you wrote. In this era, it should be the most suitable form of education. While believing in human gods, there is also a need for science. The desire for the truth is rare in this era, and I am willing to follow you to protect human civilization, and now..., Wang Ming, I, Zhou Heng, a soldier in the Federation era, formally pledge my allegiance to you."

Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng got up from the ground. He looked at Wang Ming, who was in a somewhat relaxed mood, and said seriously to Wang Ming that this was the first time he had truly pledged his allegiance to Wang Ming. With a kind of cynical and optimistic attitude, he looked at Wang Ming and saluted him as a military salute.

"I accept your allegiance, we are all swords of humanity..."

Wang Ming looked at Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng who got serious, and he was stunned for a while, and he also returned a military salute to Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng in a serious manner.

"There are too many damn demons..."

A woman stood on the spire of the hive capital. She looked at the battlefield below and said depressingly that she didn't think these demons were terrible. She didn't know how many demons she exiled during the siege of Terra. The current situation can only be regarded as an ordinary demon invasion of the world to her.

"Well~, they should come for those things, but they came too late, I have almost solved it, and the rest will be handed over to those Primarchs, um..., that Wang Ming, should see What about one side?"

The woman stretched her waist and stretched her body. She looked at the purple strip above the sky and walked towards the depths of the Hive City. Her mission has been completed, and the rest will be left to the sons of that man. Bar.


As soon as the woman walked into the steeple, she heard a deep roar. After hearing this sound, she drew out her power sword instantly. At the moment she pulled out her power sword, a Khorne demon suddenly emerged from the It rushed out from the corner, looked at the woman and let out a low growl, then raised the blade of hell and rushed towards the woman.

"It's been so many years, it's still the same, these damn things are still so brainless."

The woman looked at the demon rushing towards her in front of her, and she smiled and said to herself, a gap suddenly opened above her arm, and a monomolecular metal wire popped out of her arm, which was under the control of the woman. Under it, it quickly wrapped around the demon's body.

After the monomolecular metal wire entangled the demon, the demon's movements obviously stopped for a while, and the woman took advantage of the demon's stagnant time to slash the demon's neck with a sword, and the decomposition force field of the power sword cut open The shape of the devil in the real universe, cut off the devil's head in one fell swoop.

"These demons... how many did I kill back then?"

The woman looked at the corpse of the demon that was slowly disappearing on the ground. She kicked the demon's head away, and then continued to walk down the steeple. This demon's attack was just an episode, and she would not stop because of these things. own activities on the planet.

She was thinking about what else she could do for those Primarchs, and whether those insects after the Vigilante campaign started could be solved. She knew that Wang Ming imprisoned those nobles, and she wondered whether she should clean them up for Wang Ming. These insects.

In the Governor’s Mansion of Hyperia, in the area where the nobles were imprisoned, in a gorgeous and unusual room, a bloated nobleman was pacing the room repeatedly, and the same was true for the nobles in other rooms. They all listened to To the battle sounds in the hive capital, and the soul-stirring, inhuman roar of the demons.

Some nobles even felt that Vigilante was about to fall. They yelled loudly at the Primarch guards at the door that they wanted to leave here. They even wanted to enjoy it again before they died. No matter how many throne coins they gave these soldiers, As long as the soldiers can get them out.

The soldiers of the Primarch Guard didn't pay any attention to the brains of these insects that had already been occupied by fear. In the eyes of the soldiers, these guys were already crazy, and fear made them almost lose their usual intrigue intelligence.

The soldiers didn't care about the nobles, but when a nobleman wanted to forcefully rush out of the room, the soldiers finally made a move. After several threats and warnings were ineffective, the energy in the hands of the soldiers of the Primarch's Guards opened fire. The plasma projectile nearly vaporized the nobleman's upper body.

Seeing this scene, the other nobles who were still protesting against the captivity shut their mouths. They looked at the corpse without the upper body in disbelief. Imperial nobles fired.

"Everyone, if this happens again, you have seen the end. Don't try to use your status as nobles to suppress us. This small punishment of imprisonment is compared to the things you did to disappoint the God Emperor at the beginning of the Vigilance Star campaign. Behavior, Lord Primarch is already very kind to you."

Jose walked in the corridor outside the room, and he said to the nobles in those rooms, although the doors of these rooms were closed, Jose knew that those nobles who were afraid of death were always paying attention to the trouble outside the door, they They even made preparations to cry and beg collectively when the Primarch arrived.

But it was impossible for Wang Ming to come, but Jose came. This officer who has the closest relationship with Wang Ming among mortals, he has always been absolutely loyal to Wang Ming, and Wang Ming also gave this officer who is extremely loyal to him. There are many things for mortals, the power to command the Primarch's Guards, and an imperial title of nobility, as well as some genetic repair operations.

Wang Ming has always been very kind to loyal fighters. Even if he is a support member of the mortal auxiliary army of "Star Traveler", he can enjoy gene repair surgery in the medical area of ​​each battleship.

"My lord, can you ask His Highness for us, when can we go out?"

Just as Jose was walking in the corridor, a young nobleman suddenly asked Jose. He came before Jose under the watchful eyes of two soldiers. He kept his posture very low. He is a smart man. He will not be like his relatives. He has read a lot about the Primarch and legends about the Legion era before. He knows that after the Primarch arrived on Vigilus, the entire Vigilante became the Primarch possessions of the body.

No matter how powerful and powerful they are canonized nobles, it is impossible to compete with a demigod. Unfortunately, those fat-headed guys in the family have forgotten the power of the Primarch and the era of the Primarch. So far away from them that they also thought they could play a little politics with the Primarch and let the Primarch be defeated by them in their own hands.

But they have forgotten, why do demigods use the same rules as mortals?Wang Ming didn't care about them at all, and directly took over the control of the entire Vigilante.

"His Highness is leading the angels to fight against heresy. Please rest assured, nobles of the empire, the war on Vigilus will end. You just need to wait patiently. Your Highness is doing this for the sake of your safety."

Jose looked at the nobleman in front of him. He knew that this smart person was at least much smarter than his relatives. Jose patiently replied to him that he would still talk to people who could communicate normally. But for those nobles who don't know the so-called, Jose will not be like this. Some people have to let him know the pain before they can speak well.

"Protect us? Can this be considered protection?"

The young nobleman looked at Jose, and he swallowed. After hearing Jose's words, he suddenly remembered the unlucky guy who was hit by the energy rifle and lost his entire upper body. If this can be regarded as protection...

"Okay, we will naturally notify you when we have news, please be patient and bear with us for a while."

Jose had better say something to this group of nobles, and then left here. He still has a lot of things to do. He is almost responsible for most of the transfers of the mortal auxiliary army. As a commander, he is very qualified .

But what no one noticed was that in a nobleman's room, on his gorgeous wall, was hanging a blanket full of various extremely profane symbols, which was the nobleman's collection. , the nobleman likes this blanket very much, every time he does something stupid, he always takes out this blanket, he feels that looking at this blanket can make him more comfortable, in the room, that nobleman is talking with several The maid is having fun.

He has already collapsed a bit in the various explosions and demon roars in the hive city, and he is now doing his own final carnival. He is laughing and having fun while filling himself with his own collection of Quatis wine, but The guy didn't notice at all that a humanoid entity slowly emerged from the blanket.

"Yes... here, and this area, you can try to carry out a fire strike. Combat in the hive is really troublesome. Large-scale high-power weapons cannot be used inside the hive at all."

In the headquarters, Wang Ming, who has already returned to the headquarters, is constantly directing the war. He looks at the holographic projection sand table in the hive capital, and directs the various troops to attack through the information from the frontline troops.

A large number of demons in the hive are being exiled by the mortal auxiliary army and the traversers. Through observation during the battle, the traversers found that after the death of those mortals or cultists, not all demons appeared on their bodies, usually Only a few corpses can summon a demon, and there are not many demons that can be summoned through a single corpse. Of course, this number is placed above the overall number.

Jose is also by Wang Ming's side now, and he is also watching the battle situation. A large number of mortal auxiliary troops, traversers, and Astartes troops are rapidly marching in the hive capital under Wang Ming's command. In fact, the traversers It doesn't need much command, Wang Ming's command is just to use the original body's almost natural tactical observation ability to come up with some tactics that are beneficial to the development of the battle situation.

"Zhou Heng, you take the second regiment to the Blade Cave Nest Capital, and try to deal with those gene stealers. Damn guys, they actually passed through the isolation zone!"

Wang Ming looked at a flickering data board beside him, and after spending a nanosecond reading it and arranging the candidates to deal with in his mind, he said to Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng who was watching the battle beside him.


Second Lieutenant Zhou Heng replied to Wang Ming that he had completely placed himself in the position of Wang Ming's subordinate. After paying a military salute to Wang Ming, he headed to the airport.

"Titanium... is it a problem..., is it? Sure enough, it was brought out by veterans to let the alien fight the alien, hehehe, that's how it should be."

Wang Ming looked at the information from the Thirteenth Regiment, and he smiled. After these guys smashed the Tau people, they threw all the Tau people, male or female, onto the battlefield. They were given all of their remaining weapons, and promised that if they fought the Necrons, the humans would send their children back to the Tau Empire.

Wang Ming looked at the equipment application of the Thirteenth Regiment. He looked at the application for the one-way spaceship and sighed. Xiao Changqing hadn't traveled here for a long time. How could this kid be so kind to aliens?

But when Wang Ming looked at the spaceship, which must be a subspace spaceship without Geller's force field, Wang Ming was stunned. He really didn't expect that the real King of Hades was actually Xiao Changqing, who just said he was kind...

"Well... Approved, I will send it together next time when I resupply."

Wang Ming looked at the supply list of the Thirteenth Regiment, and after clicking Approve, he continued to deal with various affairs. Now Wang Ming is really doing what a Primarch should do. He is directing the troops to fight. At the same time, while receiving messages from various battlefields, they are still processing the supply lists of various troops.

But fortunately, the information processing ability of the Primarch is comparable to that of a computer. Wang Ming can handle it relatively easily now. If you can't manage your own legion well, then it's still a Primarch.

The battlefields on the Vigilante and in the Vigilante galaxy are constantly deteriorating. There are more and more space necrons on Omispyron, and the various battlefields on the Vigilante ground are still getting worse and worse under the full intervention of the traversers. It's getting messy.

The orcs have completely waaagh up in the Great North Continent. The White Scars and the traverser troops have been completely dragged down by the seemingly endless orcs, and the gene stealers in the blade cave hive are also heading towards the isolation zone of the empire. Infiltrating, Abaddon's fleet has also been testing the defenses of the Imperial fleet recently, trying to throw the Black Legion's Chaos Cans on Vigilus.

When Wang Ming saw the "Star Conqueror" that his father almost didn't know, he was the first and two big. He really didn't think about how this thing was repaired by Abaddon. Does the engine oil guy have this ability?
There is also something that makes Wang Ming very upset, that is, the oil guys are still constantly arguing with the traversers who go to communicate with them because of their territory. In short, they feel that the technical information of STC No, they want a real STC set.

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